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Blackpill There is a fucking subreddit about shoplifting, but r/incels is the one which got banned



Nov 8, 2017
I found r/shoplifting, a sub about literally comitting crime and sharing tips and pics of stolen goods.

Meanwhile the sub which got banned was r/Incels just LOL. Ugly males are considered worse than actual criminals and thieves.
There's also a rapekink sub. Basically ppl who actually want to get raped.

There's also a watch ppl die sub. There were a few ppl brigading incels sub that were frequents of these other degenerate subs btw.

The hypocrisy is truly unreal.
It's a useful subreddit
I found r/shoplifting, a sub about literally comitting crime and sharing tips and pics of stolen goods.

Meanwhile the sub which got banned was r/Incels just LOL. Ugly males are considered worse than actual criminals and thieves.

Do you think you are ugly Zyros?
Hating women is a huge crime to reddit
Brutal. They should just exterminate us using concentration camps at this point.
MGTOW is not banned.

Being associated with ugly virgin males is the crime.
If that’s the case FA would be banned
r/watchpeopledie exists
You can sell a dirty underwear, a literal biohazard. But you can't talk about not being able to get laid because that's so toxic.
Because they support blacks and degenerate behavior in general.
Yep, never understood that honestly

People can literally commit a crime and post the aftermath, or the rewards they reaped from said crime, and that's perfectly fine. However, virgins bitching about their loneliness, and in some cases going into morbid detail on what they want to do because of it IN A VIRTUAL SETTING is wrong. Just lol.
There's also a rapekink sub. Basically ppl who actually want to get raped.

There's also a watch ppl die sub. There were a few ppl brigading incels sub that were frequents of these other degenerate subs btw.

The hypocrisy is truly unreal.

the watch people die forum is pretty legit tho it a nice time killer
Well being an ugly male is the worst crime imaginable, its much worse than shoplifting. Being sub8 is as bad as murder.
I'm still fuming that r/incels is gone.

50K subs, we would have over 200k now given how fast we were growing and the attention incels were finally getting.

Fucking plebbit cucks had a clear agenda to stop us blackpilling everyone.
Hating women is the ultimate crime of crimes.
Because we are genetic dead ends that expose the truth. Duh. If it was legal we would all be killed or in concentration camps for being deemed inferior to the rest and having the nerve to fuck up the normie's bluepilled copes. Fuck this world a meteor or nuke needs to settle the score. Society and nature wants us as good little goy slaves or dead.
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There is also r/watchpeopledie from accidents to murders, there was one post of a child being murdered by cartels and all the death lovers there are being moral hypocrisy just because muh muh child
Lol, are you surprised?
We have said this many times before.
Criminals are more desired by society than incels, we are the lowest of the low.
No because FA has a very loose concept of what a FA is, including girls who complain about being FA because Chad not giving them attention.
They will wipe you in heartbeat from there if you say anything even remotely true about women(they are picky, etc).
Why do you guys care if its banned anyways?
this forum and layout looks way better.
Plus the customizable avis and such, its better.. reddit is always censoring shit though which is retarded.
Its strange how far left 95% of the mainstream subs are
There's also a rapekink sub. Basically ppl who actually want to get raped.

There's also a watch ppl die sub. There were a few ppl brigading incels sub that were frequents of these other degenerate subs btw.

The hypocrisy is truly unreal.
We should invade that one and prove how it's only acceptable when it's chad.
Because apparently, calling women whores > actual crimes.
Lots of SJW and subs and subs run by anarchocommunists regularly call for violence and cheer it on when it happens. There are subs where "tankies" unironically justify gulags and sometimes even genocides that happened under communist regimes. This has been brought to the attention of reddit admins who happily ignore it. Just a usual case of double standards and the rules not applying to SJWs.

I remember one comment I saw last year that said "James Damore needs to get a bullet to the head" that got hundreds of upvotes. One reply said they were against the notion....because, in their words, a death by gunshot "wouldn't be painful enough". Also upvoted. For those unaware, James Damore was the Google employee who made an internal memo about why he was opposed to gender quotas. Redditors unironically think this is a crime worthy of a painful death.

I agree with @MysteryMan though. Ultimately we're better off having our own website where we have far more control and self-determination. Also it's waaay easier to moderate. Back on /r/incels I had to ban 20-50 brigaders per day and azavii banned more than 100 a day. Redditors don't brigade this place on the level they did on /r/incels because it's too inconvenient for them. Of course it does come with the challenge of dealing with lookism trolls but they're in much smaller numbers than numales.
r/watchpeopledie exists

I really dont get how a fucked up sub like that is allowed, but /r/incels isnt because some edgy retard posters.

I hope you burn alive racistcel

JFL at wasting your time argueing with SFcels, they blame us for everything, hypocritical retards.
Lots of SJW and subs and subs run by anarchocommunists regularly call for violence and cheer it on when it happens. There are subs where "tankies" unironically justify gulags and sometimes even genocides that happened under communist regimes. This has been brought to the attention of reddit admins who happily ignore it. Just a usual case of double standards and the rules not applying to SJWs.

I remember one comment I saw last year that said "James Damore needs to get a bullet to the head" that got hundreds of upvotes. One reply said they were against the notion....because, in their words, a death by gunshot "wouldn't be painful enough". Also upvoted. For those unaware, James Damore was the Google employee who made an internal memo about why he was opposed to gender quotas. Redditors unironically think this is a crime worthy of a painful death.

I agree with @MysteryMan though. Ultimately we're better off having our own website where we have far more control and self-determination. Also it's waaay easier to moderate. Back on /r/incels I had to ban 20-50 brigaders per day and azavii banned more than 100 a day. Redditors don't brigade this place on the level they did on /r/incels because it's too inconvenient for them. Of course it does come with the challenge of dealing with lookism trolls but they're in much smaller numbers than numales.

The bold part makes me rage a lot. Its only because he was unattractive. All the shit he was deal was because of being an unattractive male. If he was Chad nothing would happen.
The bold part makes me rage a lot. Its only because he was unattractive.

Oh yeah, SJWs were openly calling him ugly.

I honestly think st blackops2cel mogs him. Dude has a SUPER long midface. It might even be as long as mine. If he's not incel then he's betabux for a woman that's cheating on him with a guy with literally half his midface length for sure. Even I hate looking at his face but that's probably because it reminds me of mine.
We we were banned for speaking against femoid degeneracy which is a grave sin according to blue pilled cucks
It's because the redditmins are all feminists. It's like how pre-emptive banning is against reddit rules but TwoX is allowed to do it because one of their moderators is a reddit admin.

Reddit is filled to the brim with hypocrisy and bias.

Aaron swartz wouldn't have wanted this
Go to r/shoplifting and type "caught" into the search bar for lifefuel
Incels are the most persecuted group on the internet
reddit is the most evil moronic site on the internet filled with normie scum someone needs to find a way into their databases and delete all the records
Incels aren’t even considered human to them. Criminals and thieves get put in prison and get a fair trial, while everything is rigged against incels
How is that allowed? What an absolute joke

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