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RageFuel There are too many humans on this planet



Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?
Nov 15, 2017
If there were fewer humans on earth we wouldn't have so much problems and maybe even get better along. But the worst is that instead of the intelligent and wise people making kids, the people who breed like rabbids are the most stupid and idiotic ones.
We need to nuke world and rebuilt it
with sharia laws
We should nuke some turd world country
Let’s start with Sweden and California.
Earth's overpopulation is propped up by shit like the green revolution, just wait for that to fail and watch Africa burn from the safety of your bedroom
I have fantasies of every country disappearing except one in the pacific.

That would be best for earth and solve the over population issue.
> le overpopulation :soy::soy:
Go cannibal
If there were fewer humans on earth we wouldn't have so much problems and maybe even get better along. But the worst is that instead of the intelligent and wise people making kids, the people who breed like rabbids are the most stupid and idiotic ones.
Actually good looking people on average are more intelligent
Earth's overpopulation is propped up by shit like the green revolution, just wait for that to fail and watch Africa burn from the safety of your bedroom
Soon you'll see Africa from your bedroom window with the rate they are bringing in these rapefugees.
Too many subhumans.
Soon you'll see Africa from your bedroom window with the rate they are bringing in these rapefugees.
that too
nothing like the government adding a culturally alien disproportionately male group of people to your population and thinking nothing is going to happen because we're all human
Cause and effect reversion. The world is fucked up because people don't manage themselves properly. Overpopulation is just ONE symptom.
Go cannibal

Actually good looking people on average are more intelligent
Probably just fulfill their genetic potential better tbh and has to do with class correlation as well.
Go cannibal

Actually good looking people on average are more intelligent

LMAO this has to be the most Jewish statistic ever cited.

Attractive people are imbeciles. Everyone knows this.
LMAO this has to be the most Jewish statistic ever cited.

Attractive people are imbeciles. Everyone knows this.
LMAO this has to be the most Jewish statistic ever cited.

Attractive people are imbeciles. Everyone knows this.
2 things jews are generally fugly as hell, and attractiveness has nothing to do with intelligence
2 things jews are generally fugly as hell,

Jews want the population of attractive normies to believe they're intelligent despite not actually being intelligent so that they're complacent while their money is being siphoned away into Jewish banks.

and attractiveness has nothing to do with intelligence

It's hard for me to take statements like this seriously when I've literally never come across an attractive person (IRL, on television, or online) that isn't a total dumbass.
If there were fewer humans on earth we wouldn't have so much problems and maybe even get better along. But the worst is that instead of the intelligent and wise people making kids, the people who breed like rabbids are the most stupid and idiotic ones.

Exactly. Why do you think high IQ Japanese/North East Asians and White Europeans are having 1.6 children on average yet low IQ third worlders (Blacks, mixed Hispanics, Curries, Middle Easterners and North Africans) have like 4-6 kids they can't even feed or properly fend for?
We should nuke some turd world country continent
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Install laws limiting the breeding of people under a earning rate. People who can't afford to have kids should not have kids.

As for Africa, just limit the amount of kids allowed or face the AK-47 firing squad.
We should be able to farm femoids and use artificial wombs to create perfect dna offspring.
Install laws limiting the breeding of people under a earning rate. People who can't afford to have kids should not have kids.

All laws in the west encourage literally the exact opposite; governments steal high-IQ peoples' money and use it to subsidize Chad's baby mommas and their low-IQ offspring in every way imaginable. This money is also used to incentivize Chad to pump, dump, & leave every woman he can get his hands on (all women).

It's important to note that Chads are extremely low-IQ (this sometimes gets lost on these forums because of unconscious Chad worship). The children Chads are producing with these single moms are basically retards.
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I have fantasies of every country disappearing except one in the pacific.

That would be best for earth and solve the over population issue.

It's an epidemic that no one seems to want to do anything about. Instead, everyone just wants more children, more marriages, more homes...

The whole world needs to abolish pre-marital sex and make it illegal to give birth to a child if you are unwed. They also need to do what China did with the one-child-only policy. Of course that'll likely never happen and we'll just continue to overrun the Earth with our shit. I only see this world getting worse from here on out.
Half the world lives on like a few dollars a day and don't really produce anything so we could probably exterminate half the world population and not lose too much tbh tbh
You'd think with billions of people on this Earth that we would fine one person willing to fuck us
Life is funny like that though.
You'd think with billions of people on this Earth that we would fine one person willing to fuck us
Life is funny like that though.
More people also means more competition...
Earth's overpopulation is propped up by shit like the green revolution, just wait for that to fail and watch Africa burn from the safety of your bedroom
Install laws limiting the breeding of people under a earning rate. People who can't afford to have kids should not have kids.

As for Africa, just limit the amount of kids allowed or face the AK-47 firing squad.
Half the world lives on like a few dollars a day and don't really produce anything so we could probably exterminate half the world population and not lose too much tbh tbh
If there were fewer humans on earth we wouldn't have so much problems and maybe even get better along. But the worst is that instead of the intelligent and wise people making kids, the people who breed like rabbids are the most stupid and idiotic ones.
Retard, overpopulation is a myth
It's Jews that are the problem
There's lots of free space tbh, look at Greenland and northern Canada. I think we have the tech to build sustainable living during winter in those areas.

Isn't the birth rate actually going down now in North America? Because foids are sleeping around and traditional family is disappearing so you have lots of single mothers or foids not having kids at all or sleeping around into their 40's and their eggs can't be fertilized anymore.

I know Japan the birth rate is apparently really bad.

Overpopulation is gonna destroy the human race soon enough, thank god...
It wont, at least for now. The entire world can fit inside Texas with the population density of the Netherlands
Basically womens sexual freedom (No slut shaming) is foids only wanting the top 10% or less of guys to fertilize their eggs so you're left with a large influx of guys who are left alone / creating incels and ya declining birth rate now.
its not the space, its the lack of resources. Earth is ALREADY in major overshoot
Resources for what? Food is renewable, there is plenty of water, most energy is going solar, wind and hydro... What's the problem?
Food and nonrenewable resources, also watch Stephen Hawking's theory on overpopulation & Energy consumption for a better explanation
He was a globalist skitzo imo. Always trying to make people scared.

I'm not worried at all. The future is "safe" nothing "catastrophic" will happen. Humans will find a way through it.
Retard, overpopulation is a myth
It's Jews that are the problem
low IQ, overpopulation is a problem. The world has a finite amount of land where people can live on, our population is growing each year. Meanwhile the climate change will make more and more land unlivable for humans...
The world has a finite amount of land where people can live on
The entire world can fit inside Texas with the population density of the Netherlands
our population is growing each year. Meanwhile the climate change will make more and more land unlivable for humans...
Populations regulate themselves, if the world was truly overpopulated then the population would be decreasing.

It will naturally decrease in a few hundred years and then increase again, it's a cycle.
It took 150000 years to reach the first billion,now it takes only 12 for the next billion,eco terrorists why aren't you doing anything about it
It took 150000 years to reach the first billion,now it takes only 12 for the next billion,eco terrorists why aren't you doing anything about it
Im curious when our resources will run dry, will be a fun time for sure if that happens.
Too many subhumans.
This tbh.

We need more blonde and blue-eyed young foids to serve us as sexual slaves instead of them.

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