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Serious [Theory] A hypothesis on why most incels are ethnics



Julias dracul romanov the 2 eyed abyss
May 20, 2019
Beauty has and always will be down to the beholder.

Reason I say this is cause whenyou grow up your mind starts to see what it likes from what society and parents tell it you doesn't come out of the womb thinking x person is beatifull.

In Caucasian populatlations ante faces are preferred standard of beauty meanwhile in East Asian ones it tend to be v shape feminine faces.

proof for western faces http://www.mauricemommaerts.eu/files/PDF/634977779913771600.pdf

while eastern beauty standard perfer lighter skin and v shaped faces


Ideals of Facial Beauty Amongst the Chinese Population: Results from a Large National Survey

Know Dont get me wrong their can be a commonality within what is attractive certain unique traits but the ultimately what is seen as average and what is beautiful is down to the system in power (sometimes it even transfers to other systems hence why jbw tends to some what work good example african women being pressureized to conform to white standards.)


Know on it's own it doesn't prove any thing like active cases of self hatred itself it does show poor self esteem for black women and men in a white majority country they explicitly chose the white dolls and the feautres of it why ? cause the system itself pressured them.


Adding on to this we can see that even when the featureless were met just being black skinned meaned people viewed them as less successful adding to the view that the white standard affects even non whites.

They also measured that the features that the African american women were looking for were met by the European ideal cause they were pressured to do so as we see from the self hate part.


So if beauty is subjective and we are molded by what we grow up around and the system in power implicitly imposes their own beauty onto other cultures like Africa and China.

Africa and China Especially are more likely to be incels within a white dominated system and sometimes the white system even leaches out onto other systems making the jbw phenom-onion possible.

So if your less likely to be incel in a country with your beauty system being more preferring your traits.

I reason then their fore it is impossible truly impossible for a white person to be incel in a white country or any where they literally are born with the world's keys handed to them.

Their system and their ways implicitly affect all others leading to white worship.

This I reason is why jbw works coping storm fags think its cause their more beautiful no its cause your system is at the top had the sasaniads been at the top middle eastern beauty would be seen as ideal.

Know coping fags will cite studies of children implicitly moving towards good looking people.

2 Things are not recorded however atleast not in the abstract, the race of the person itself and does their parents white worship 2 implicit biases which need to be addressed.When linked to the study itself it says generic average men and babies tend to move intrinsically towards father like figures the more masculine a face is the more baby would move towards them similarly for a feminine 1 so this does not prove beauty is objective rather that certain feautres give of the effect that you can protect me beauty and masculinity are not the same thing.

VAst majority of incels are ethnics because of the beauty system at the fucking top concurrently less incels are found in places where your traits are desired.

This is why only ethnics can be incels even a 4 out of 10 white will slay more just cause they have the upper edge in this system they constructed It's brutal tbqh.

So to cure inceldom and the jbw we need to actually build back pride again and to isolate from the white standard
Clfifs: If it ain't white, it ain't right
Wrong and a low iq idea beauty is very subjective as evidenced from 3 studies above.
Sorry, just a joke. Tbh didn't read
didn't read but its cuz ethnics r seen as subhuman

It's all about the Phi mask regardless of race.
white features have been seen as beatiful in asia before whites even got there u retard :dafuckfeels:
Ethnics are ugly
Symmetry is the converging line between what makes a face universally attractive but imperfections can also be beautiful
Regardless of imperfections the nearer your face to the Phi mask the more attractive it is. It's Beauty by Math.
Regardless of imperfections the nearer your face to the Phi mask the more attractive it is. It's Beauty by Math.

YES but in this context when i mean subjective i don't mean symmetry i mean it in facial features their different between cultures
This whole thread:
Beauty has and always will be down to the beholder.
Beauty was, is and will be objective and measurable. It has been proven many, many times that our perception of beauty is mostly genetically hardwired. I stopped reading past that point.
YES but in this context when i mean subjective i don't mean symmetry i mean it in facial features their different between cultures
So are you saying to end ethnic inceldom the eurocentric standard of beauty must be abolished? :waitwhat:
So are you saying to end ethnic inceldom the eurocentric standard of beauty must be abolished? :waitwhat:

Yes that ends part of it you get the issue of hypergamy but 1 step at a time and i don't wanna go the muslim option of fucking doing abominable shit
There were studies about newborn babies from various races tending to find white/Caucasian faces more attractive on average, I didn't read them in-depth though.
Yes that ends part of it you get the issue of hypergamy but 1 step at a time and i don't wanna go the muslim option of fucking doing abominable shit
:feelswhat: :feelswhat: :feelswhat:

:feelskek: good luck with that
There were studies about newborn babies from various races tending to find white/Caucasian faces more attractive on average, I didn't read them in-depth though.

Could not read them stuck in abstract.

They never mentioned race.

When using attractive faces they were using scientific attractiveness not psl attractiveness psl measures white feuatres mainly they measured symmetry.

The babies were already pre aware before the test itself

4 counter critisms

That study is cope msot incels are ethnic cause of the arguments presented here
Lol at Caucasoid in this picture.

Heavily cherry picked they picked a good looking one to distunigsh skulls

and what about eyes

No link to any study any academic anything just pol and meme center and tumblr and even when i got to an actual page an anthropologist said race is a social construct
Whites have the biggest smv both because they have thin symmetrical facial features and because they are the dominant group
Whites have the biggest smv both because they have thin symmetrical facial features and because they are the dominant group

Incorrect we have no evidence to point to that but the 2nd point true that is an observable reality that they are the most dominant parasite today
High IQ. im not white tbh
pretty sure most people here are white
pretty sure most people here are white

Disagree their mainly fakecels every single face reveal has turned out to be fakecels
People do know that huwhites are also ethnic, don't they?

I can't tell if "ethnics" is used ironically or if we're operating on the same level as SJWs here.
Don't matter if you're black or white, if you ain't got a good face & are Autistic ain't no bitch wants yo dick.
Disagree their mainly fakecels every single face reveal has turned out to be fakecels
thats because people who are willing to reveal their faces are supreme autists. Most truecels are not autistic enough to reveal their face
Stopped reading at the first sentence.

Asians are incel in the west because other races of men have higher values in the traits that women desire. If a race of 7 foot gigachads infiltrated your country right now, all the women would flock to them and the native men would stand no chance. It’s not a matter of beauty being in the eye of the beholder.


if any race of men is going to find an abo foid attractive, it’s gonna be abo men. There certainly is a slight in-group bias (only slight for women, tribal loyalty is a male trait).. That’s just down to genetic similarity and the fact that they are the same subspecies that have evolved together.. but that force is not strong enough to override attraction to a superior subspecies. Same goes for Asians, curries, etc. they do just fine in their home countries where they are on a level playing field with other men (curry chads who would otherwise be incels/normies in the west are worshipped in India just as much as white chad are worshipped in the US because male SMV is relative to the competition), but the second they come to countries where other subspecies are present there are new variables at play that aren’t present in their home countries. The sexual market dynamic between different races is similar to that of fighting success between the sexes. Yes there are strong girls that can beat up some guys, but even the strongest girl is no match for even the average man. Fighting sports are segregated and sexual markets should be too.

this is one reason why competing subspecies can never coexist indefinitely. There simply is such a thing as superior and inferior when it comes to sexual selection. No two humans are equal.

I imagine the SMV differences look something like this

C7907D5E EA11 4F53 873E BCDE3549D6ED

yellow = asians
Black = nogs
Green = whites
Purple = total of all men
Pink line = sexual selection cutoff.. men to the left of the line are considered sexual non-entities, men to the right are chads/chadlites.
Last edited:
A lot of the time I see ugly ass ethnics with not so bad looking ethnic women if they have immigrated for the first time and still have ties to their community. I have never seen say, a FOB Asian girl or Indian girl with a guy not from her own culture. It's only the kids that get fucked over because a Western-born ethnic female can easily integrate and will obviously try to fuck the most attractive guys, who happen to be usually white. Ethnic men born outside of their countries, however, cannot easily integrate or outbreed because they have features that are considered unattractive like short height, small frame, hair growing in the wrong places, etc. If I was a Western born ethnic I would have tried to learn my native language and reclaim my culture in order, then moneymaxx and go back to my homeland. I know I'll get shit for this from Indian guys that want a blonde white GF but I am not trying to be mean, I would legit do that if I was in the same situation as you guys. Hell, I am white but slavic so I often feel alienated by Western culture and Westerners in general.
long post =/= high IQ post
View attachment 177068
It's all about the Phi mask regardless of race.
Don't think so. People developed locally and differently, there would be some variable in what is attractive, however that variable is down to a narrow set if features, e.g. square jaw vs V sharp jaw
A lot of the time I see ugly ass ethnics with not so bad looking ethnic women if they have immigrated for the first time and still have ties to their community. I have never seen say, a FOB Asian girl or Indian girl with a guy not from her own culture. It's only the kids that get fucked over because a Western-born ethnic female can easily integrate and will obviously try to fuck the most attractive guys, who happen to be usually white. Ethnic men born outside of their countries, however, cannot easily integrate or outbreed because they have features that are considered unattractive like short height, small frame, hair growing in the wrong places, etc. If I was a Western born ethnic I would have tried to learn my native language and reclaim my culture in order, then moneymaxx and go back to my homeland. I know I'll get shit for this from Indian guys that want a blonde white GF but I am not trying to be mean, I would legit do that if I was in the same situation as you guys. Hell, I am white but slavic so I often feel alienated by Western culture and Westerners in general.
yea ethnics who want white women are beyond retarded tbh, especially if they are rice or curry
Whites are so objectively superior looking, they have been intuitively thought of as Gods in almost every savage land they stepped foot on, from Peru to Hawaiit.
These studies are garbage, the doll test is bullshit. Just because it’s called a “study” doesn’t mean it’s the truth. Just like most things, what you find attractive is based primarily on your genetics. This is why people tend to be more attracted to people genetically similar to themselves.

But sexual selection for features that white people have exist in every race. Men want small, weak, feminine looking women, and women want tall, large masculine men who are physically distinct from women, and everyone prefers lighter skin color. Light skin was sexually selected before “society” even existed, it is not a result of the west imposing beauty standards. White people have these features more than other races.

Sexual selection is not “beauty”. It is not like a carefully designed painting or musical symphony. Sexual selection is just what you are programmed to be sexually attracted to.

White people will always have the monopoly on being the most attractive, its just how people are genetically programmed. This has been proved so many times but “social scientists” and “activists” always claim that society hates non whites and brainwashes people to believe that whites are the most desirable, but they never have any evidence other than some worthless “doll test” or complaining about shampoo ads.
hey I am a tiny white man and ugly to boot but I do think ethnic people are the better as whites tend to be more judgemental and down right disrespectful to all people in general and white foids think they are superior for some reason, I would rather have ethnic friends than whites anyday.
Whites are so objectively superior looking, they have been intuitively thought of as Gods in almost every savage land they stepped foot on, from Peru to Hawaiit.

Gigacope on every fucking level coping storm fags need to provide citations.
Stopped reading there.

Okay i should have claified terms your right beauty is objective however only 2 things are objective.

ratio's and symmetry that is the scientific classification of beauty the psl 1 is autistic and made up very much so
Don't matter if you're black or white, if you ain't got a good face & are Autistic ain't no bitch wants yo dick.

True but if i was white i would have a easier time overall
Stopped reading at the first sentence.

Asians are incel in the west because other races of men have higher values in the traits that women desire. If a race of 7 foot gigachads infiltrated your country right now, all the women would flock to them and the native men would stand no chance. It’s not a matter of beauty being in the eye of the beholder.


if any race of men is going to find an abo foid attractive, it’s gonna be abo men. There certainly is a slight in-group bias (only slight for women, tribal loyalty is a male trait).. That’s just down to genetic similarity and the fact that they are the same subspecies that have evolved together.. but that force is not strong enough to override attraction to a superior subspecies. Same goes for Asians, curries, etc. they do just fine in their home countries where they are on a level playing field with other men (curry chads who would otherwise be incels/normies in the west are worshipped in India just as much as white chad are worshipped in the US because male SMV is relative to the competition), but the second they come to countries where other subspecies are present there are new variables at play that aren’t present in their home countries. The sexual market dynamic between different races is similar to that of fighting success between the sexes. Yes there are strong girls that can beat up some guys, but even the strongest girl is no match for even the average man. Fighting sports are segregated and sexual markets should be too.

this is one reason why competing subspecies can never coexist indefinitely. There simply is such a thing as superior and inferior when it comes to sexual selection. No two humans are equal.

I imagine the SMV differences look something like this

View attachment 177134

yellow = asians
Black = nogs
Green = whites
Purple = total of all men
Pink line = sexual selection cutoff.. men to the left of the line are considered sexual non-entities, men to the right are chads/chadlites.

<<Asians are incel in the west because other races of men have higher values in the traits that women desire. If a race of 7 foot gigachads infiltrated your country right now, all the women would flock to them and the native men would stand no chance. It’s not a matter of beauty being in the eye of the beholder.<<

Okay i will provide solid arguments agaist these retarded arguments.

1st things first scientifically the only beauty which can scientifically be defined is ratio's and harmony not traits their is a subtle difference a bunch of studies have been done similarly all races regardless of race overall preferred Ratio's and harmony over all their was never any preference for 1 race over another again indicating that the only type of beauty 1 draw objectively is symmetry and harmony which is not feautres persay.



2nd with the height thing it helps but height can mainly be influenced by diet over all

Findings were those who drank cow milk from young to puberty puberty had an increase of roughly 1.6 cm increase that's just 1 factor as well.

However i also make as a counter argument that being taller is not inherently a good thing but can be bad depending on other factors but also that ethnics tend to be shorter cause of malnutrition within these pooerer countries


We can also see that western diets while they correlate with height gains they tend to also increase likelihood of cvd diseases leading me to think again height obsession is a silly fad made by society or at the very least this 6 foot or death trend know 1 can make an argument maybe a foid wants their man a tiny bit taller but this 6 foot or death trend is generally the dumbest trend yet.


if any race of men is going to find an abo foid attractive, it’s gonna be abo men. There certainly is a slight in-group bias (only slight for women, tribal loyalty is a male trait).<<

We tend to prefer what we grow around with not what you consider our own what is beautiful is heavily molded down for the individual know traits help i ain't denying that but in a vacuum if you were to remove the traits and put a black and asian women next to each other and make them both grow up with similar attitudes with religion they would be more likely to be attracted to 1 another we are attracted to people with the same attitudes that we have

Also no intrinsic sense of loyalty was found in either men or women it was more about what the children were exposed to in youth.

<<That’s just down to genetic similarity and the fact that they are the same subspecies that have evolved together.. but that force is not strong enough to override attraction to a superior subspecies.>>

Again what your stating cannot be inferred intrinsically from the data just that we like what we grew up around hence why jbw can even work cause of cum skin influence their is no evidence of superiority and i will need a citation for that.

Also another problem is you seem to look at genetics as determinites for what people desire however 2 problems a the epigenetic problem even if what you were saying is true that some sub species were superior. Epigenetics would mean we could influence it and change it by a lot slowly over generations that is problem 1 and that's to assume your correct.

Why should we neccarily keep to a natural standard if it biologically does no one favors that is like saying we should eat humans cause that is what we used to do in nature which is a text book naturalistic fallacy.

Problem 2 natural selection looks gene diversity so inter mixing of all races actually is a benefit so their is no superior or inferior trait what is either or is down to the environment and that's to assume i accept your premise.

The only way 1 could arrive at superior and inferior sub racies is to assume a great chain of being a retarded religious concept.

>>Same goes for Asians, curries, etc. they do just fine in their home countries where they are on a level playing field with other men (curry chads who would otherwise be incels/normies in the west are worshipped in India just as much as white chad are worshipped in the US because male SMV is relative to the competition) <<

Curry chads mogs you and your ancestry to utter shits of perugia or Czechoslovakia. Same with the average normie and shit but the kiked white standard which is subjective 1 at that is shilled onto other cultures like india. Very compareable to what the alt fags accuse jews of doing they do to others.

Also your agreeing with my hypothesis a little bit curries will do fine in a system which appreciates their features that little bit more even if it is eurocentric and india is 1 such example however we both know the truth that this system is not intrinsic but has to be shilled onto others.

Precolonial-ism anglo features were not seen as the magic high ideals white skin has always been valued but traits have not their are key differences traits per say is down to what the society at large decides which is subjective again.

For instance In Asians neoteany faces with angled of jaw's are preferred but in western standards masculine dominant caucasian angeled of jaws were preferred. it is ultimately down to the society not all societies prefer masculine faces not all prefer feminine faces.

<<but the second they come to countries where other subspecies are present there are new variables at play that aren’t present in their home countries. The sexual market dynamic between different races is similar to that of fighting success between the sexes. <<

Look all of life is a competition the sooner you realize this even your own brain was made through millions of years of strong pressures required to create consciousness itself.

To fully accept evolution the true extents of it would mean to get rid of these useless terms of superior and inferior what is Superior at least for sexual selection if we truly buying into biological determinism would be what ever is the most suited for that enviroment so again even under the determinist view beauty is subjective.

But i don't think we are biologically determined in fact the very idea goes against evolution the whole conception of evolution is to inherit traits which are useful meaning larger brains needed to hunt kill and actually think it would make no sense that evoultion would build automatons when being a automation serves no biological advantage.

So if we aren't fully biologically determined and their is more to attraction than pure biology. Than we again get back to the subjective thing whatever is attractive to some 1 will be based on similar interests or sometimes different interests what ever will make the individual happy.

But it is always subjective purely by the simple fact that evolution passes down traits which are desirable and will help it adapt faster so free will and thought would be a part of that.

<< Yes there are strong girls that can beat up some guys, but even the strongest girl is no match for even the average man. Fighting sports are segregated and sexual markets should be too.>>

That's cause of biological disadvantages however race doesn't serve a biological disadvantage the only way 1 could arrive at a disadvantage is to create a subtle standard which was already subjective being constructed by society and then 1 could arrive at at biological disadvantage however naturally this can't be seen simple natural selection disagrees with what you saying.

Yesterday at 1:12 AM
Stopped reading at the first sentence.

Asians are incel in the west because other races of men have higher values in the traits that women desire. If a race of 7 foot gigachads infiltrated your country right now, all the women would flock to them and the native men would stand no chance. It’s not a matter of beauty being in the eye of the beholder.


if any race of men is going to find an abo foid attractive, it’s gonna be abo men. There certainly is a slight in-group bias (only slight for women, tribal loyalty is a male trait).. That’s just down to genetic similarity and the fact that they are the same subspecies that have evolved together.. but that force is not strong enough to override attraction to a superior subspecies. Same goes for Asians, curries, etc. they do just fine in their home countries where they are on a level playing field with other men (curry chads who would otherwise be incels/normies in the west are worshipped in India just as much as white chad are worshipped in the US because male SMV is relative to the competition), but the second they come to countries where other subspecies are present there are new variables at play that aren’t present in their home countries. The sexual market dynamic between different races is similar to that of fighting success between the sexes. Yes there are strong girls that can beat up some guys, but even the strongest girl is no match for even the average man. Fighting sports are segregated and sexual markets should be too.

this is one reason why competing subspecies can never coexist indefinitely. There simply is such a thing as superior and inferior when it comes to sexual selection. No two humans are equal.

<<I imagine the SMV differences look something like this


yellow = asians
Black = nogs
Green = whites
Purple = total of all men
Pink line = sexual selection cutoff.. men to the left of the line are considered sexual non-entities, men to the right are chads/chadlites.>>

This is entirely subjective but your right whites are at the top merely cause the cum skins are at the top.

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