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Media The world is starting to realize how terrible the Jews are

Israel as a state wouldn't exist if it wasn't for western military support. The arabs really got their asses kicked in the six day war (1967). That was their last chance basically in kicking the cumskin neo-colonizers out. My sense is that in about 50 to 100 years from now Israel will start to expand taking Lebanon and Jordan and moving from there.

Its probably in Russia, China, and Iran's best interest to contain Israel. Both Israelis and Americans are white cumskin chads that wanna dominate the world militarily and eventually dominate ethnic females sexually like they are doing in the Anglosphere (by liberating them and making them degenerate).

Israel is totally reliant on America for its survival. Israel has nukes to stave off an all out arab coalition assault for a while but they would eventually get overrun sooner or later without America and NATO. If Israel manages to takeover all of the middleeast in about 120 - 200 years from now, then Russia and China will eventually get surrounded militarily by Anglo-Jewish cumskin males. At which point ethnic males can bitch all they want but in the end, can't do anything about it while we literally watch all of the ethnic foids worship white males.

The entire world will look like San Francisco one day if White-Anglo Jewish males (cumskins) aren't contained and I strongly believe that the fight begins in Israel. Containing cumskins from taking over middle eastern oil is the ethnic males' only hope to not get cucked enmasse one day which is exactly whats going on in San Francisco.
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well its interesting to watch thats for sure
Israel is irrelevant to global Jewish plans. Nobody on the Palestine side will connect israel and the international Jew together, they’re leftists and actually work for the Jews more than Israelis do.
Man I agree with you for the most part but this just isn’t true. 80% of American Jews support Israel. Whenever a jew gets exposed for committing some crime, he can move to Israel. It acts as a refuge for any Jew around the world, regardless of what they’ve done. If a new “holocaust” occurs they can always flee to Israel.
Man I agree with you for the most part but this just isn’t true. 80% of American Jews support Israel. Whenever a jew gets exposed for committing some crime, he can move to Israel. It acts as a refuge for any Jew around the world, regardless of what they’ve done. If a new “holocaust” occurs they can always flee to Israel.
If you really want to see something interesting look into Israel and sex trafficking.
Man I agree with you for the most part but this just isn’t true. 80% of American Jews support Israel. Whenever a jew gets exposed for committing some crime, he can move to Israel. It acts as a refuge for any Jew around the world, regardless of what they’ve done. If a new “holocaust” occurs they can always flee to Israel.
If you really want to see something interesting look into Israel and sex trafficking.
Why are we able to see pro Palestine propoganda? Why is this Israel conflict less biased than the presidential election of the United States? If Jews really have a shit about Israel they’d censor all opinions on it on their social media’s, like they censor all opinions on their Jewish power.

Jews support Israel and give money and sometimes they come together (like people fleeing to Israel, Weinstein) but they would and are throwing Israel under the us RN (again, Jewish media is shitting all over Israel).

It’s all in their plan for global domination. Israel is irrelevant when you got the whole world, soros will make USA 20% white if it means destroying Israel because that’s the important thing
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but they would and are throwing Israel under the us RN
They want Netanyahu gone they aren’t throwing Israel under the bus. American Jews think he’s moving forward with “greater Israel” too quickly.
Why are we able to see pro Palestine propoganda? Why is this Israel conflict less biased than the presidential election of the United States? If Jews really have a shit about Israel they’d censor all opinions on it on their social media’s, like they censor all opinions on their Jewish power.

Jews support Israel and give money and sometimes they come together (like people fleeing to Israel, Weinstein) but they would and are throwing Israel under the us RN (again, Jewish media is shitting all over Israel).

It’s all in their plan for global domination. Israel is irrelevant when you got the whole world, soros will make USA 20% white if it means destroying Israel because that’s the important thing
Anti Israel, yet they are the ones associated with mass immigration, progressivism and big tech:

The ones that tell you Israel is bad, and owe the media are the exact ones that promote globalization, diversity, etc and you suddenly believe them? :lul::lul::lul:
Why are we able to see pro Palestine propoganda? Why is this Israel conflict less biased than the presidential election of the United States? If Jews really have a shit about Israel they’d censor all opinions on it on their social media’s, like they censor all opinions on their Jewish power.

Jews support Israel and give money and sometimes they come together (like people fleeing to Israel, Weinstein) but they would and are throwing Israel under the us RN (again, Jewish media is shitting all over Israel).

It’s all in their plan for global domination. Israel is irrelevant when you got the whole world, soros will make USA 20% white if it means destroying Israel because that’s the important thing
Why are we able to see pro Palestine propoganda? Why is this Israel conflict less biased than the presidential election of the United States? If Jews really have a shit about Israel they’d censor all opinions on it on their social media’s, like they censor all opinions on their Jewish power.

Jews support Israel and give money and sometimes they come together (like people fleeing to Israel, Weinstein) but they would and are throwing Israel under the us RN (again, Jewish media is shitting all over Israel).

It’s all in their plan for global domination. Israel is irrelevant when you got the whole world, soros will make USA 20% white if it means destroying Israel because that’s the important thing
Two factions of Jews fighting each other right now, internationalist Jews versus nationalist Jews, the nationalist Jews want to rule global-homo from the created nation state of Israel [old world order], the internationalist Jews want to turn the entire global-homo world into their version of the state of Israel globally. [new world order]

The nationalist Jews primarily being Ashkenazi are ethnocentric, the internationalist Jews want to mix everybody up interracially into the perfect global slave caste. Both believe in Jewish supremacy, it's just that they disagree on the method of achieving their final end goal. What you're witnessing is merely Jewish infighting amongst themselves given recent events, Joe Biden is a puppet of the international Jews where they'll gladly sacrifice the nationalist Jews in achieving their objectives.

Occasionally Jews will eat their own, they're loyal only to power and greed first and foremost, even above each other.

For the international Jews the nationalist Jews have lost their usefulness where they're no longer necessary anymore and this is merely cutting loose ends for a much larger organized global framework, consolidation phase.
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"Those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."
JFL even Facebook is starting to ban pro-Israel pages. Jews are starting to feel the heat. Of course they don't give a shit cause they have every bank, corporation, political party, and the UN in their pocket.

JFL even Facebook is starting to ban pro-Israel pages. Jews are starting to feel the heat. Of course they don't give a shit cause they have every bank, corporation, political party, and the UN in their pocket.

It's all about what's popular for the time. And nobody online ever liked Zionist Christians that much ngl
Considering that the European left and the democrats in USA have all been generally more
Anti Israel, yet they are the ones associated with mass immigration, progressivism and big tech:

The ones that tell you Israel is bad, and owe the media are the exact ones that promote globalization, diversity, etc and you suddenly believe them? :lul::lul::lul:
Yes because leftards are total self righteous retards. Human relations aren't ad simple as X oppresses Y therefore Y must revolt collectively against X. It has never been like that. The World is not a constant perpetuation of the old testament Jews vs Egyptians/ oppressed vs oppressor with emancipation/liberation needed and shit like That (wonder why they have this unconscious attitude toward human relations coming straight from the old testament ).

They just live with false premise leading to false conclusions (no matter how smart the reasoning in between is). No big surprise they don't get the bigger picture wirh israel and jews

The right is no better since it's basically all About attacking the left and defending the status quo and the law no matter what (even when it's used to silence you) and shitting on those who have the balls to riot and protest.

And yet cuckservard Christians still worship these people jfl

Lol Christian boomer conservative "vi0lenzzzz is never oggghey" retards disgust me
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