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Theory The White Woman problem ethnics never pay attention to (all ethnics GTFIH)

leftist trying not to worship foids challenge IMPOSSIBLE
Leftists are the worst people when it comes to trying to hold back simping for a smidge of pussua
Leftists are the worst people when it comes to trying to hold back simping for a smidge of pussua
all leftist need to be shot in the head. its the only solution
Rehabilitate them and gas the ones who dont agree with us
lmfao no. what leftist have done is unforgivable and they dont deserve any second chances. and gassing them will be a waste of time and resources. a simple bullet will be good enough. just shoot them in the head then throw them in a ditch.
lmfao no. what leftist have done is unforgivable and they dont deserve any second chances. and gassing them will be a waste of time and resources. a simple bullet will be good enough. just shoot them in the head then throw them in a ditch.
Bullets have steel tho thats a valuable resource, What about blood eagle squads with axes, Axe can be reused, And death camps can be reinstated.
Bullets have steel tho thats a valuable resource
u can take the used bullet out tho. the only reason why i think gassing them like the natsocs did would be for organization so u know how many and which leftist u killed. u could always just stab them in the throat then throw them in ditches somewhere out in the country and just let there bodies rot
u can take the used bullet out tho. the only reason why i think gassing them like the natsocs did would be for organization so u know how many and which leftist u killed. u could always just stab them in the throat then throw them in ditches somewhere out in the country and just let there bodies rot
Fair enough, That saves on the gas bill too
I have said the exact same thing on numerous occasions with what you just said OP.

As an ethnic male, especially a low value sub5 one, chasing after white foids is basically setting yourself up for massive failure. Its as simple as that. Because its what the hard data implies. Only a very very small minority of white foids will consider dating men of color. So men of color that want a snow bunny are all essentially in heavy competition with other men of color with the same desire (as well as white men) for a very limited subgroup of white foids who are open to men of color. Not to mention the tons of options the white foid has available to her if she decides to go for a white male (which is most likely her first option to begin with).

Also I would correct you in that the very small minority of white foids that go with men of color tend to range in looks and value. They're not always white trash foids that white men don't want. It depends on some factors.

If its a high earning black athlete or celebrity, obviously assuming he's over 6 ft tall which would be the case for the pro black athlete, he can score fairly attractive white foids.

If he is a chang or chadpreet that works in tech, he can score some low tier to high tier beckies. Maybe even a few stacies. But from what I have seen, its mostly low to mid tier white beckies that these changs or chadpreets score. One thing I do find strange about SF is that for the AMWF couples that I do see, its the changs with the low to mid tier white beckies and the blonde stacies or high tier blonde beckies that are with low to mid tier normie asian dudes.

But yea I agree with you that in general at least for Black and Hispanic men, its usually the ugly/butch looking and semi fat white foids that go for Black or Hispanic men. Or if she is somewhat fit, thin, or average and with a Black guy or hispanic guy, she is usually from the lower class.

Also btw, I don't hate all whitecels. True I have blocked a bunch of whitecels but thats because a lot of them were stormfrontcels who were annoying as fuck and JBW deniers. I don't have a problem at all with whitecels like you who just objectively see how things are and describe them as they are. And I'm with you in that I don't exactly like how things are but thats just how things actually play out in real life.

I don't lust for white foids as I actually prefer northern Chinese or Korean foids. But theres no denying imo, that if white foids weren't so stuck up and picky, a lot of white men wouldn't have to poach noodlewhores. Also men of color wouldn't suffer as much if white women were as open to dating men of color as a lot of white men are open to dating foids of color.
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I've been yearning to write this post for some time so here it is.

Dear Ethnics of incels.is, I come in peace and I dont' hate you.:heart:
I empathise with your struggle:yes:. I can also understand why you like white women so much as you have claerly stated countless times over the course of my stay here.
For me a stacy is a stacy, and I'd gladly marry a good looking woman of any race, except for black or asian women, not because I find them ugly, but because I dont want low IQ kids in terms of the former, nor do I want ricecel sons in terms of the latter. However, in terms of mere sexual attraction, I've always found various races of women attractive, even back when I was 12-13, some of my crushes were brown, black girls, despite the fact that most of my school was white, though that's not to say I also didn't crush on the white girls
If I was an ethnic in a white dominated country (maybe in a parallel universe somewhere:feelsclown:), I too would desire to have a white girlfriend/wife and breed with her so my children can become benefactors of whatever semi white privilleges mixed raced mutts gather - its a high IQ play:feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:. So I completely get where you are coming from when you sperg out triggering phrases like "we will breed all your white women" and "white girls belong to us currys" etc. I used to hate non whites a lot when I was younger but the more I understand your struggles, the easier it is for me to be your friend.:feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber:
I'm already a white-passing Iraqi-Turkmen, so I already experience white privilege. Although unforuntley, my giga-ethnic Arab name gives it away that I'm not European. But yeah, obviously everyone wants to be white, especially in a white country.
The prevalence of white women:foidSoy: in porn doesn't help your cause either (I have made an elaborate thread on my findings here:https://incels.is/threads/porn-is-worship-of-white-women-ethnics-gtfih.471474/page-2#post-10938334).
JFL at watching porn. Also, from what I've heard, ebony women are some of the most popular categories in porn, so idk what you mean
Most ethnic men who have money when they 'make it' often times do manage to succcessfully 'ascend' with white women.
Not what I've seen with MENA men. The majority of wealthy MENA men here (Canada) often just marry MENA women, although there are tons of European women who often convert and end up marrying MENA men. A french girl my brother knew in university converted to Islam and married a 6'3 somali, and my mom knows a handful of European Muslim women who are likewise married to various MENA men.
I can understand how this problem doesn't help your plight either since you realise white women are the absolute prize
I've always found Med-Near East looking women the best. The single biggest crush I've ever had in my life was for a cute brunnette Syrian girl I knew in Middle School. Meanwhile, there was a platinum-blonde haired girl in my school who often conversed with me but I never really found her that attractibr.
something that is subconsciously ingrained in your collective minds from the childhood days of being discriminated by whites
Never experienced discrimination by Europeans in my life, even when my family moved to Yellow Knife for a few years, which you'd know is far less diverse compared to places like Ottawa or Montreal.
and not feeling desirable to white foids of your peer group.
White foids did find me desirable, maybe that's why I dont have as much of an inferiority complex as other ethnics. In Middle School, there was a blonde girl named Brittney who voluntarily hugged me despite me telling her not to and saying she liked how warm I was. There was also a blue eyed brunnette girl named Sandra who once sat on my lap during recess and she was wearing booty shorts. She grabbed my hand and made me feel her legs, then asked me if I liked her legs. Another girl named Maria used to compliment my smile and my eyelashes, I think she was Italian though since she had black curly hair.
I too wanted to breed a white foid the first time I set my eyes on one:feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
The first time the idea of "breeding" a woman entered my post-puberty mind was when I was 10. I wanted to breed my 5th grade curly-haired Indian teacher.:feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: She was so cute and so small, even back then, when I was 10, I was taller than her. Too bad she was married to a blonde white man kek.
I also want to say that I don't want your women.:no: I don't see the point in stealing the foids who belong to a race of people who have long endured more suffering under my ancestors than they currently do under me. But I am grateful for the status quo being me life mogging you at least racially (i get off knowing that no matter how hard life gets, I am still a huwh*te man :chad:, sorry). So thank you for existing in my realm. I feel akin to a poor sharecropper in the American south who is grateful for not being a negro working the plantation day and night - suffering inumberable indignities like watching his mother, wife and sister get raped by massa:reeeeee: and being buck broken periodically :horror:. Even though we are both incel, I am at least not seen as a vermin by society at large, while there exists many white people - both men and women who loathe your existence on their ecosystem. As a result, I have steadfast come to the resolution that unless I breed a white foid, I shall die an incel - from dust I come and to dust I shall return.:whitepill:
Yep, unforunatley, even among incels, there is a heirarchy. A 5'7 incel isn't gonna be as bad as a 5'3 incel.
Y'all gotta understand that, for every one ethnic who procures a 'snowbunny' and race mixes successfully bleaching his bloodlines, there are at least 1000 others who have tried the same and given up.:dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels: As we are all aware, ethnics who get white women are usually the chads of their respective race settling for bottom of the barrel white foids. Basically a white man's trash is an ethnic man's treasure. That is simply the unfortunate state of affiars I am afraid:fuk::fuk::fuk:
I've seen tons of non-chad MENA men with prime European women, so the accusation of only Chads getting European women is wrong. I myself have routinley seen European women here and there who genuinley look ugly to me, so no, the white man's trash is not my treasure, maybe for an Indian, sure, but for me, that's not the case

Speaking of which, now that I'm reading all this, most of your post seems mostly addressed to curries and rice.

That said, here's two example of non-Chad MENA men with European wives who are most certainly not "bottom of the barrel white foids" The first is a random yemeni with two European British wives who look decent, and the 2nd is Bill Gates' daughter married to some Egyptian guy


So here comes the real problem: Simple snowbunny economics suggests that the numbers don't tally. There aren't enough snowbunnies to go around:ha..feels::feelsmega::giga:. White people comprise around 8% of the total world's population. Even if less than 10% of all white women dated ethnics (according to most dating sites this number is lower) - that is nothing compared to the amount of ethnic women who readily spread their legs for JBW cock.:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree: You ethnics need to understand that the numbers simply aren't in your favour when it comes to getting a white woman. Not only are you non-white (hence at a huge disadvantage) and therefore unable to get a white girl (a blonde white stacy:feelsahh:), you also have to cheat your genetics somehow and trick the white woman into sleeping with you.:feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
Bro, nowadays, not even European men can get a chance to breed with European women, it's getting harder for ANYONE to breed white.

That said, I dont want a European women nor a Blonde women per say, I just want her to be Muslim and white. Be it white Iraqi, white Syrian, or white European if that happens to be the case.


I am not suggesting you stop lusting for white pussy but instead something else entirely different:waitwhat::waitwhat::waitwhat: - why don't ethnics and whitecels make peace and come up with some ingenious ways to bolster the population of white women so we are all happy? Like say for example, if currycels and ricecels who are renowned for their STEMcel expertise:bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain: join forces to genetically engineer stacys in test tubes en masse - we could all have young stacy girlfriends/wives/baby mamas in 20-30 years time.:feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil: This would mean there is an endless surplus of genetically engineered white stacies flooding the market and everyone - whites and ethnics alike can ascend on a long enough timeline (average lifespan of 80 years). :hax::hax::hax:
The only way to increase the amount of white pussy in the world would be to export European women to ethnic countries while making sure European countries dont have brown/black people in them, which, I'm sure I dont need to tell you, is not the case. Basically bleaching other lands and countries through white wombs.

Although, historically, this has happened in Morocco/Algeria and Anatolian when the Barbary pirates and Ottomans kidnapeed Euro-pussy. And it's happening again in the gulf with all the rich trillionair Arab men marrying Ukrainina/Russian women.


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what the fuck is making subhuman currycels think they have a chance with a white foid?
Bollywood, unironically. They make music videos and hire blonde women to dance in the background.
Never found non blonde non redhead white women much attractive. My ideal gf would be something like this.

I wouldn't mind having an Asian wife, but unforunatley, that would just give me ricecel sons. This is what a lot of whitecels do, they know they are genetic deadends, but rather than accepting it, they transfer their inceldom to the next generation in their Hapa sons
This. Races which can easily bleach - latinos, currys, arabs and other 'brown' phenos require 2-3 generations of white blood to bleach them. The more 'stronger' races like blacks from africa require 5-6 generations of controlled bleaching
Arabs take like 1 generation to bleach, considering many Arabs already look vaguely white or white themselves curries and asians 2-3 depending on the mixture of ethnicities

White foids did find me desirable, maybe that's why I dont have as much of an inferiority complex as other ethnics. In Middle School, there was a blonde girl named Brittney who voluntarily hugged me despite me telling her not to and saying she liked how warm I was. There was also a blue eyed brunnette girl named Sandra who once sat on my lap during recess and she was wearing booty shorts. She grabbed my hand and made me feel her legs, then asked me if I liked her legs. Another girl named Maria used to compliment my smile and my eyelashes, I think she was Italian though since she had black curly hair.
Most truecel user on .is.
Every nog fucks white foids.
If I was an ethnic in a white dominated country (maybe in a parallel universe somewhere:feelsclown:), I too would desire to have a white girlfriend/wife and breed with her so my children can become benefactors of whatever semi white privilleges mixed raced mutts gather - its a high IQ play:feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:.
I don't think this is necessarily a high IQ play. One drop rule, remember. Half-black children are still black in the eyes of Whites everywhere. Hapa children are walking racially-confused disasters.

So I completely get where you are coming from when you sperg out triggering phrases like "we will breed all your white women" and "white girls belong to us currys" etc.
White men are just as obsessed with "breeding" and "bleaching" ethnic women as the reverse. And ethnic women make it easy for them.

I also want to say that I don't want your women.
You must admit this is a minority opinion, at least in practice. Most low-tier White men are more than open to practicing racial arbitrage and coupling with ethnic women.

As a result, I have steadfast come to the resolution that unless I breed a white foid, I shall die an incel
Props for having the more consistent worldview.

engineered white stacies flooding the market
I'm all for lowering the value of women via oversupply, but you have to remember that they vote against men's interests. The only silver lining here, for you, is that White women are more aligned with men of their own race than any other race of women are.

what do you suggest we do to solve this problem of there not being enough white woman?
I don't think there's anything to be done here. The market will decide all of our fates, as it always has.
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This is what a lot of whitecels do, they know they are genetic deadends, but rather than accepting it, they transfer their inceldom to the next generation in their Hapa sons
For me a stacy is a stacy, and I'd gladly marry a good looking woman of any race, except for black or asian women, not because I find them ugly, but because I dont want low IQ kids in terms of the former, nor do I want ricecel sons in terms of the latter. However, in terms of mere sexual attraction, I've always found various races of women attractive, even back when I was 12-13, some of my crushes were brown, black girls, despite the fact that most of my school was white, though that's not to say I also didn't crush on the white girls

I'm already a white-passing Iraqi-Turkmen, so I already experience white privilege. Although unforuntley, my giga-ethnic Arab name gives it away that I'm not European. But yeah, obviously everyone wants to be white, especially in a white country.

JFL at watching porn. Also, from what I've heard, ebony women are some of the most popular categories in porn, so idk what you mean

Not what I've seen with MENA men. The majority of wealthy MENA men here (Canada) often just marry MENA women, although there are tons of European women who often convert and end up marrying MENA men. A french girl my brother knew in university converted to Islam and married a 6'3 somali, and my mom knows a handful of European Muslim women who are likewise married to various MENA men.

I've always found Med-Near East looking women the best. The single biggest crush I've ever had in my life was for a cute brunnette Syrian girl I knew in Middle School. Meanwhile, there was a platinum-blonde haired girl in my school who often conversed with me but I never really found her that attractibr.

Never experienced discrimination by Europeans in my life, even when my family moved to Yellow Knife for a few years, which you'd know is far less diverse compared to places like Ottawa or Montreal.

White foids did find me desirable, maybe that's why I dont have as much of an inferiority complex as other ethnics. In Middle School, there was a blonde girl named Brittney who voluntarily hugged me despite me telling her not to and saying she liked how warm I was. There was also a blue eyed brunnette girl named Sandra who once sat on my lap during recess and she was wearing booty shorts. She grabbed my hand and made me feel her legs, then asked me if I liked her legs. Another girl named Maria used to compliment my smile and my eyelashes, I think she was Italian though since she had black curly hair.

The first time the idea of "breeding" a woman entered my post-puberty mind was when I was 10. I wanted to breed my 5th grade curly-haired Indian teacher.:feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: She was so cute and so small, even back then, when I was 10, I was taller than her. Too bad she was married to a blonde white man kek.

Yep, unforunatley, even among incels, there is a heirarchy. A 5'7 incel isn't gonna be as bad as a 5'3 incel.

I've seen tons of non-chad MENA men with prime European women, so the accusation of only Chads getting European women is wrong. I myself have routinley seen European women here and there who genuinley look ugly to me, so no, the white man's trash is not my treasure, maybe for an Indian, sure, but for me, that's not the case

Speaking of which, now that I'm reading all this, most of your post seems mostly addressed to curries and rice.

That said, here's two example of non-Chad MENA men with European wives who are most certainly not "bottom of the barrel white foids" The first is a random yemeni with two European British wives who look decent, and the 2nd is Bill Gates' daughter married to some Egyptian guy


Bro, nowadays, not even European men can get a chance to breed with European women, it's getting harder for ANYONE to breed white.

That said, I dont want a European women nor a Blonde women per say, I just want her to be Muslim and white. Be it white Iraqi, white Syrian, or white European if that happens to be the case.

View attachment 734184

The only way to increase the amount of white pussy in the world would be to export European women to ethnic countries while making sure European countries dont have brown/black people in them, which, I'm sure I dont need to tell you, is not the case. Basically bleaching other lands and countries through white wombs.

Although, historically, this has happened in Morocco/Algeria and Anatolian when the Barbary pirates and Ottomans kidnapeed Euro-pussy. And it's happening again in the gulf with all the rich trillionair Arab men marrying Ukrainina/Russian women.
Good response. I feel for the currys mainly. There’s some caste system that basically justifies discrimination in their race. So the upper castes or Brahmins usually being more Caucasian and light skinned - almost like Iranians tend to make life a living hell for the lower caste people who tend to be dark skinned. If you’re a sub 5 curry, it’s better to not even breed in my opinion. Unlike Asians who are largely confined to national pride as a way to cope, currys have no such thing to fall back on. Hence why every curry tries to ascend with a white woman. I found it hilarious how a short brown man thought he had a chance with a pristine blonde white woman. But it’s coming from a place of deprivation. For the curry in question, it’s basically a question of having kids who are going to escape the caste system unlike him who’s bound to it till he dies. Are you low caste btw @Misogynist Curry 卐 ?because you’re short and short is attributed to lack of nutrition and low status in curry society (hence low caste)
Tldr everyone wants a snow bunny cause it’s a sign of status. Most famous people, athletes, rappers etc got white bitches cause it’s a status flex cause whiteys are a lot more expensive to care for.
I dont think gay nazis exist, But ive seen someone post online that they are trans and nazi so that does exist, There is also alot of nazi symbols in india including Hitler icecream cones
Curries hate the British so much that they name their kids Hitler. Met a Hitler Gupta in India, true story.
Curries hate the British so much that they name their kids Hitler. Met a Hitler Gupta in India, true story.
The british has always colonized fgt, Its nothing new
White women are just a problem in general tbh
As a mongrel I can safely say I do not lust after "snowbunnies"
I prefer asian foids
minus 1 ethnic, I much rather take a noodle toilet than a cumskin.
lifefuel for niggers who want cumskin now you have a +1 bigger pool because I am going after gooks 24/7
but jfl i am talking as if im not inkwell :fuk:

it's over
I honestly don’t care about the race of the foid.
White people don't have any privleges anymore. It's not the 1800s anymore, grampcel.
I prefer pajeetas over whites frtbhngldedsrs
E0736e01 1ac4 4c07 be9c f467a44c2621
> Says he prefers pajeetas
> Posts the most light skinned middle eastern looking pajeeta

why are curries like this?
Images 3
with her as well bhai and i can go even lower
Lol this. At least I admit it

She looks way uglier than thr first one
All ethnics have an inbuilt white worshipping internal mechanism that makes them simp for the most euro/white adjacent foids in their vicinity
All ethnics have an inbuilt white worshipping internal mechanism that makes them simp for the most euro/white adjacent foids in their vicinity
Yep. Same with mulattos mogging sheboons or turks mogging asians.

let him cope :feelshaha::feelshaha:
I would let him, but this curry nigger unironically has gone on page-long arguments with me back and forth saying there aren't MENA people who have white skin and/or look white, meanwhile this is his asinine definition of "white skin"
I would let him, but this curry nigger unironically has gone on page-long arguments with me back and forth saying there aren't MENA people who have white skin and/or look white, meanwhile this is his asinine definition of "white skin"
I’ve seen with my very own eyes MENA people that pass as white easily, I wonder why he even bothers arguing.
I’ve seen with my very own eyes MENA people that pass as white easily, I wonder why he even bothers arguing.
It's how he copes with being indian. By deluding himself he's whiter than the average MENA jfl
All ethnics have an inbuilt white worshipping internal mechanism that makes them simp for the most euro/white adjacent foids in their vicinity
worshiping white sluts is for niggers and pajeets, never seen arabs or gooks give a shit about em
worshiping white sluts is for niggers and pajeets, never seen arabs or gooks give a shit about em
Cope explain why gooks wifing up Russian whores in droves all over instagram
Really? I thought mixed people were considered the superior race. You're false.
Then go breed some amerimutts

@Govid_Dorious can explain, Post the bad ones
I've been yearning to write this post for some time so here it is.

Dear Ethnics of incels.is, I come in peace and I dont' hate you.:heart:
I empathise with your struggle:yes:. I can also understand why you like white women so much as you have claerly stated countless times over the course of my stay here.

If I was an ethnic in a white dominated country (maybe in a parallel universe somewhere:feelsclown:), I too would desire to have a white girlfriend/wife and breed with her so my children can become benefactors of whatever semi white privilleges mixed raced mutts gather - its a high IQ play:feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:. So I completely get where you are coming from when you sperg out triggering phrases like "we will breed all your white women" and "white girls belong to us currys" etc. I used to hate non whites a lot when I was younger but the more I understand your struggles, the easier it is for me to be your friend.:feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber:

The prevalence of white women:foidSoy: in porn doesn't help your cause either (I have made an elaborate thread on my findings here:https://incels.is/threads/porn-is-worship-of-white-women-ethnics-gtfih.471474/page-2#post-10938334). Most ethnic men who have money when they 'make it' often times do manage to succcessfully 'ascend' with white women. This phenomenon is somehow milked by the porn industry to show the chads of ethnic races having sex with hot white stacies. I can understand how this problem doesn't help your plight either since you realise white women are the absolute prize - something that is subconsciously ingrained in your collective minds from the childhood days of being discriminated by whites and not feeling desirable to white foids of your peer group. I too wanted to breed a white foid the first time I set my eyes on one:feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:

I also want to say that I don't want your women.:no: I don't see the point in stealing the foids who belong to a race of people who have long endured more suffering under my ancestors than they currently do under me. But I am grateful for the status quo being me life mogging you at least racially (i get off knowing that no matter how hard life gets, I am still a huwh*te man :chad:, sorry). So thank you for existing in my realm. I feel akin to a poor sharecropper in the American south who is grateful for not being a negro working the plantation day and night - suffering inumberable indignities like watching his mother, wife and sister get raped by massa:reeeeee: and being buck broken periodically :horror:. Even though we are both incel, I am at least not seen as a vermin by society at large, while there exists many white people - both men and women who loathe your existence on their ecosystem. As a result, I have steadfast come to the resolution that unless I breed a white foid, I shall die an incel - from dust I come and to dust I shall return.:whitepill:

Y'all gotta understand that, for every one ethnic who procures a 'snowbunny' and race mixes successfully bleaching his bloodlines, there are at least 1000 others who have tried the same and given up.:dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels::dafuckfeels: As we are all aware, ethnics who get white women are usually the chads of their respective race settling for bottom of the barrel white foids. Basically a white man's trash is an ethnic man's treasure. That is simply the unfortunate state of affiars I am afraid:fuk::fuk::fuk:

So here comes the real problem: Simple snowbunny economics suggests that the numbers don't tally. There aren't enough snowbunnies to go around:ha..feels::feelsmega::giga:. White people comprise around 8% of the total world's population. Even if less than 10% of all white women dated ethnics (according to most dating sites this number is lower) - that is nothing compared to the amount of ethnic women who readily spread their legs for JBW cock.:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree: You ethnics need to understand that the numbers simply aren't in your favour when it comes to getting a white woman. Not only are you non-white (hence at a huge disadvantage) and therefore unable to get a white girl (a blonde white stacy:feelsahh:), you also have to cheat your genetics somehow and trick the white woman into sleeping with you.:feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:

I am not suggesting you stop lusting for white pussy but instead something else entirely different:waitwhat::waitwhat::waitwhat: - why don't ethnics and whitecels make peace and come up with some ingenious ways to bolster the population of white women so we are all happy? Like say for example, if currycels and ricecels who are renowned for their STEMcel expertise:bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain: join forces to genetically engineer stacys in test tubes en masse - we could all have young stacy girlfriends/wives/baby mamas in 20-30 years time.:feelsdevil::feelsdevil::feelsdevil: This would mean there is an endless surplus of genetically engineered white stacies flooding the market and everyone - whites and ethnics alike can ascend on a long enough timeline (average lifespan of 80 years). :hax::hax::hax:

Ethnics, I empathise with your struggle. I am your white brother but you lot need to understand that to successfully ever ascend in this endeavour of getting a white woman - we need to work together to bolster the number of pure white women being born at any given moment. So now to you, do you agree with the proposition? what do you suggest we do to solve this problem of there not being enough white woman?;)

**note to stormfrontcels: let the ethnics answer this, please don't interfere in this healthy debate.
mods: Inb4 race bait, no this is a genuine question and I am willing to risk discussing this out in the open.
Highest iq take in the forum unironically.
Dnr but I don’t understand ethnics who obsess over white women, especially fellow curries who do it. When the small percentage of attractive women of our own race are BWC and BBC only, what the fuck is making subhuman currycels think they have a chance with a white foid?

Ethnics don’t “deserve” white foids like they think they do, ethnics don’t deserve anything tbh
even pajeetas won't let us ascend with them let alones cumskin foids
even pajeetas won't let us ascend with them let alones cumskin foids

Hoeflation is universal. Even one tall fat pajeeta I knew in freshman year HS who resembled the elephant from Sing had a bf. At fucking 14. Meanwhile I'm going on 22 with my dick (and every other part of my body, for that matter) untouched by a foid
crackers make these threads to dunk on ethnics the only truecels

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