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Venting The ultimate picture of female privilege, holy shit, women really can do absolutely anything with no repercussions

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
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There are no happy endings in Eastern Europe.
Oct 30, 2022
Jared Taylor (the current more or less top guy of the US racial right, who kept on going steady where Don Black and David Duke have long since fallen off) just posted an article gushing about a group he's been spending Christmas time with. Apparently, it's some white racial group which is big enough to divide into further subgroups and has members from the local administration and other political structures:

There’s been no snow, but this has already been my whitest Christmas ever. I just attended the annual Christmas party of a group that is doing exactly what racially conscious white people should be doing: building communities.
It’s a group based in a sizable urban area that meets regularly for companionship and support, but it’s more than that. Once a group gets big enough – and this one has – it has subgroups of people with different interests. The young men like to go hiking or camping together, work out, and practice martial arts. Women have interest groups, and families with children get together for homeschooling, museum visits, and fun outdoors.
The group has members who are local elected officials or who work for government at various levels. This has a lot of promise as a way to push public policy our way.

And, right in-between those paragraphs, is this photo:


It doesn't look AI generated, and image search shows only two versions of this photo existing anywhere on the internet, those being in the two identical articles Taylor posted on his own American Renaissance and on the Unz Review. Very likely, those are actual participants in this white-only racialist group whom Taylor has been spending time with and is now praising their tactics of building white-only social groups and recruiting people who are part of the local power structures into the group.

Of fucking course the image he posts is all women, and of fucking course they are almost all young and the older ones are nowhere near the "Karen" stereotype. Imagine the sheer confidence of those people, who not only happily took that picture but probably agreed when Taylor asked them if he could publish that photo. Just imagine knowing that it doesn't matter if your picture gets posted on AmRen. Just imagine knowing that it doesn't matter if your picture gets publicly associated with a white racial interests group and if you get publicly branded as a proud racist which is basically the worst thing a white person can be branded in the modern world. Just compare those smiling cunts with how mah bois @DarkStar or @Regenerator or our other Stormfrontcels would've been treated if they had ever showed more than tiny parts of their faces here to prove that they are white, as DarkStar did. All of them know that the moment they'd show more their photos would be reposted all across the internet as the white males who use incels.is and their lives would be completely destroyed, while those bitches are just smiling knowing that at most they'd just get some more simps. That's the power of female privilege.

There is NOTHING like bullying or harassing a good-looking girl, unless you are a better looking girl or MAYBE a Chad who has the backing of said better looking girl, and even then all that would probably result in you taking all the blame. The option, the possibility to do so simply doesn't exist unless that condition is met. Literally look at any of the thousands of videos we have of men being brutally jumped by literal random bystanders while fighting women, even if it was the women who started the fight, which it usually is, which simply doesn't exist in reverse. Or look at the millions of posts of people's fantasies of brutally punishing male criminals who hurt women, which likewise simply doesn't exist in reverse.

People are already heavily primed to see women, especially young and at least reasonably attractive ones (and let's not pretend like the ones in that photo aren't all at least one of those things:feelsseriously:) as victims and good people to be helped and protected, no matter what. If any man tried attacking, making fun of or doxxing the women in that photo, he'd get swamped by their simps calling him an incel:soy: and shitting on him, most likely even doxxing him regardless of whether he had doxxed those chicks or not, and all of that goes double if that guy was non-white or actually incel. If any non-Stacy woman, especially a non-white one, tried posting this photo and making fun of the chicks in it, she'd meet the same fate and be absolutely swamped, made fun of for being jealous, and generally get ripped to shreds with nobody taking her side, apart from maybe some fem"cels" on Lipstick Alley and other such places who would commiserate while watching it over their total inability to attack and humiliate attractive white women the same way the latter can do to them on a whim.

This is the power of lookism, this is the power of pro-female bias and the women-are-wonderful effect. It's the power to make people not care about you breaking social norms and taboos whose violation would be life-altering for people without your privileges. It's the power to do basically anything you want, because you know that anyone who calls you out will be ruthlessly mocked either as being jealous (if less attactive woman) or a pathetic coomer hopelessly trying to hide how much he craves your attention and affection (if non-Chad male, if not any male:lasereyes:.)

As a male, especially an unattractive male, it is ridicuously easy to "lose". Some chick thought you were staring at her for too long? Boom, you're now a creep as far her, her social circle which is much bigger than yours, and anyone that hears about it is concerned. Some unknown person is going around doing creepy things, like stealing people's underwear or something? Of course it must be you, who else could it be? You want to talk about your feelings in hopes of someone understanding you and showing you empathy? Wow, you're one entitled peace of shit:soy::foidSoy:, stop expecting women to do emotional labor for you, if anything you deserve much less sympathy and empathy than you're currently getting:foidSoy::foidSoy:.

None of that applies to women. While men can easily lose with a single mistake or just by being the ugly man at the wrong place at the wrong time, women can only be made to lose by a better looking woman. A woman would never be accussed of anything creepy like I've written above:feelswhat:, that's only for men:feelsUgh:, women are the ones who need to be protected from creeps and can't be creeps themselves, and this extends up to doing the single most socially suicidal thing possible for a white person in the modern world, that is, to be an open racist who has no interest to interact with non-whites.
too lazy to read give tldr
Society will bend over backwards to protect women from any kind of criticism.
Foids can make a couple hundred dollars just by selling feet pics in reddit dms the moment they make an account. If that isn’t privilege I don’t know what is.
Read every single letter

All I have to say is, Based.
High IQ, like always. Proving that if foids actually wanted to change society they would have little opposition, even from the elites. The female version of the CEO shooter would never be caught.
Guaranteed to there's a whole bunch of shitlib simps who believe... "They can fix them" Meanwhile if they were all sub 5 White men they'd be getting fired from their jobs right now & doxxed. Femoid privilege on full display yet again.
Everyone uses a pseudonym – even people who, themselves, can’t be damaged by doxing.
I guess we now know who those who can't be damaged by doxxing are...
Foids can make a couple hundred dollars just by selling feet pics in reddit dms the moment they make an account. If that isn’t privilege I don’t know what is.
Women were literally treated like slaves 100 years ago! They need all the support they can get to make up for all of trauma that your great great grandfather may or may not have done!
Women were literally treated like slaves 100 years ago! They need all the support they can get to make up for all of trauma that your great great grandfather may or may not have done!
IMG 0809

The slavery in question:
Guaranteed to there's a whole bunch of shitlib simps who believe... "They can fix them"
Exactly! You just know that there might already, right now, be some leftist dudes just staring at those faces, maybe trying to make themselves hate them as much as they would sub 5 men doing the very same thing, but they are completely unable to do so or to resist the urge to imagine making them their girlfriends and trying to get them to "see the light."

View attachment 1350530
The slavery in question:
Or having your enslavers politely move around on the sidewalk so you can have as much space for yourself as you want. The horror:feelskek:!

Exactly! You just know that there might already, right now, be some leftist dudes just staring at those faces, maybe trying to make themselves hate them as much as they would sub 5 men doing the very same thing, but they are completely unable to do so or to resist the urge to imagine making them their girlfriends and trying to get them to "see the light."
The leftist men would have already doxxed the sub 5 men by now.

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