He regularly posts about depression on his blog, it seems to be a huge shadow over his life. He also seems to have a lot of deep seated impotent rage, at Trump and conservatives in general, mocking the conservative victims of mass shootings etc. He is a surprisingly bitter and hateful guy when you get beneath the surface level soygrin / geek persona.
I think it all stems from his role on Star Trek, where he was universally reviled and hated, and his inability to forge a real career outside of Wesley Crusher. Even his biggest "success" is a bit part on the big bang, where he plays a pathetic caricature of himself.
He ended up betabuxxing a desperate postprime stacy with two sons from an "abusive" (i.e. chad) ex-husband. He has tried to make the best of it, hes not poor after all, the sons were young when he arrived on the scene so they don't resent him, but I think deep down he feels unfulfilled in his work and knows he never got the chance to have his own children and never will.
His only hobbies are board games, where he is renowned for not actually liking and only co-opted to find a niche so he could make a living from it. He had a show where he reviews new board games and regularly displays a complete lack of boardgaming knowledge / rulesets.
Im a big Wil Wheaton hater, its a surprisingly good cope. Im probably on par with popbob and his betadestiny hate.
Never worked out a day in his life, probably couldn't bench press an empty barbell.
Found these blogposts from his wife: