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The Ultimate Blackpill

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
Ugly incels there is no way to escape inceldom but death stop thinking there is hope, I will debunk every one of your ridiculous copes.

1. Escorts
You might be thinking you could get laid by giving some money to an escort. But even escorts will reject truecels and some of them even exclude clients based on their race, so for Blacks and Indians finding an escort that is willing to give you a chance would be difficult based on their ethnicity alone. For those who say they will try until they can find one can you imagine being humiliated and rejected by a literal whore repeatedly that experience itself will destroy your self esteem and happiness even if you found one that is willing to fuck you after all that trying you'd be destroyed. Also consider the price and legality of this option.

2. Plastic Surgery
This is only good for correcting major flaws in single areas such as nose and chin, eye area is extremely difficult to improve stuff like asymmetry poor facial harmony and bad IPD are nearly impossible. For someone with multiple small to moderate flaws that create the impression of ugliness like most truecels plastic surgery is unlikely to make any major difference and might not even bring them up to average. Even for areas that are fixable there are limitations such as thick nose tissue for rhinoplasty, long face for fillers, assymetry for eyes, there are also significant risks from undertaking any of these procedures, even fillers could permanently damage the skin and facial structures. Not to mention even the least expensive procedures cost thousands of dollars for very limited improvement . Ryo_Hazuki is a good example of this despite all the surgeries he payed for he is no more closer to escaping inceldom as a 30 year old kissless hugless virgin.

3. South East Asia/Refugee Game:
Another good cope is that Whites will automatically escape inceldom by travelling to south east Asia while this can sometimes be true for average Whites hideous truecels will remain just as incel just look at Ryo_Hazuki's post about going to Thailand. An alternative version of this for brown men is that by going to European countries where the majority of the population are taller and better looking, they could pretend to be refugees and somehow get sex with many White females but this only applies to good looking ethnics from arab countries, and even then this is possible with only a small niche of females.

4. Arranged Marriage
This is the one that is most likely to work for indians or muslims,at least it seems so on the surface. Apart from the great complexity of getting all parties to agree which requires approval from both families and the female, which won't happen if the male is hideous or poor, there are also religious requirements which are extensive especially in hindu arranged marriages. Even if an indian incel is able to get an arranged marriage and has sex with the bride, as soon as he moves to a western country the female is almost guaranteed to cause trouble and try to get a divorce so she can ride the cock carousel. Otherwise the incel will just get a bitch that will constantly nag and argue with him increasing stress in his life, a few moments of sex, in which the female is unlikely to be passionate or put out with enough frequency, will lead to a lifetime of pain and if he attempts to discipline the cunt then he will get arrested. The only way this could possibly work is if the incel marries the bride, fucks her and then kills her along with himself abroad but most incels would be too beta to be able to do that and after having sex they would most likely become bluepilled.
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High quality post. The only hope is rope.
We need patriarchy back.
Too fucking accurate wow I need some cope
4. Arranged Marriage
This is the one that is most likely to work for indians or muslims,at least it seems so on the surface. Apart from the great complexity of getting all parties to agree which requires approval from both families and the female, which won't happen if the male is hideous or poor, there are also religious requirements which are extensive especially in hindu arranged marriages. Even if an indian incel is able to get an arranged marriage and has sex with the bride, as soon as he moves to a western country the female is almost guaranteed to cause trouble and try to get a divorce so she can ride the cock carousel. Otherwise the incel will just get a bitch that will constantly nag and argue with him increasing stress in his life, a few moments of sex, in which the female is unlikely to be passionate or put out with enough frequency, will lead to a lifetime of pain and if he attempts to discipline the cunt then he will get arrested. The only way this could possibly work is if the incel marries the bride, fucks her and then kills her along with himself abroad but most incels would be too beta to be able to do that and after having sex they would most likely become bluepilled.

This part is gold, so true.
no more cope. thanks i needed to see the real world
depressing but true
Ugly incels there is no way to escape inceldom but death stop thinking there is hope, I will debunk every one of your ridiculous copes.

1. Escorts
You might be thinking you could get laid by giving some money to an escort. But even escorts will reject truecels and some of them even exclude clients based on their race, so for Blacks and Indians finding an escort that is willing to give you a chance would be difficult based on their ethnicity alone. For those who say they will try until they can find one can you imagine being humiliated and rejected by a literal whore repeatedly that experience itself will destroy your self esteem and happiness even if you found one that is willing to fuck you after all that trying you'd be destroyed. Also consider the price and legality of this option.

2. Plastic Surgery
This is only good for correcting major flaws in single areas such as nose and chin, eye area is extremely difficult to improve stuff like asymmetry poor facial harmony and bad IPD are nearly impossible. For someone with multiple small to moderate flaws that create the impression of ugliness like most truecels plastic surgery is unlikely to make any major difference and might not even bring them up to average. Even for areas that are fixable there are limitations such as thick nose tissue for rhinoplasty, long face for fillers, assymetry for eyes, there are also significant risks from undertaking any of these procedures, even fillers could permanently damage the skin and facial structures. Not to mention even the least expensive procedures cost thousands of dollars for very limited improvement . Ryo_Hazuki is a good example of this despite all the surgeries he payed for he is no more closer to escaping inceldom as a 30 year old kissless hugless virgin.

3. South East Asia/Refugee Game:
Another good cope is that Whites will automatically escape inceldom by travelling to south east Asia while this can sometimes be true for average Whites hideous truecels will remain just as incel just look at Ryo_Hazuki's post about going to Thailand. An alternative version of this for brown men is that by going to European countries where the majority of the population are taller and better looking, they could pretend to be refugees and somehow get sex with many White females but this only applies to good looking ethnics from arab countries, and even then this is possible with only a small niche of females.

4. Arranged Marriage
This is the one that is most likely to work for indians or muslims,at least it seems so on the surface. Apart from the great complexity of getting all parties to agree which requires approval from both families and the female, which won't happen if the male is hideous or poor, there are also religious requirements which are extensive especially in hindu arranged marriages. Even if an indian incel is able to get an arranged marriage and has sex with the bride, as soon as he moves to a western country the female is almost guaranteed to cause trouble and try to get a divorce so she can ride the cock carousel. Otherwise the incel will just get a bitch that will constantly nag and argue with him increasing stress in his life, a few moments of sex, in which the female is unlikely to be passionate or put out with enough frequency, will lead to a lifetime of pain and if he attempts to discipline the cunt then he will get arrested. The only way this could possibly work is if the incel marries the bride, fucks her and then kills her along with himself abroad but most incels would be too beta to be able to do that and after having sex they would most likely become bluepilled.

Arranged marriage: you need to get a bitch who didnt go to school, if you live in the west.
She will be some farmer girl with nothing, she cant divorce you because she has no family here in the west and because she cant speak the language, she cant work etc.
You need to be smart if you wanna choose a women. You have to let her know that going to school is to late and a waste of time a d money. She wouldnt have money anyway to pay for school so she depends on youre slaray.

Im becoming an lawyer and i live in the netherlands what kind of farmer girl would turn down such oppurtunity
Quality thread, OP. It's over if you're ugly and you can do nothing about it till you die.
Quality thread, OP. It's over if you're ugly and you can do nothing about it till you die.
More ugly males need to see this thread and stop with the copes.
Cope, just run face transplant game and become a chadlite.
So if method 1, 2, 3, and 4 will never work the only hope for incels is to become professional rapists. I'm talking Ted Bundy level, but instead of killing girls...rape them.

Kidnap them, rape them with a mask on, then drug them. They wake up in an abandoned forest and get to back to their lives and noone will knows it you.

No rejection, no coping, no nothing. Just pure sex where you are the one in control.
Cope, just run face transplant game and become a chadlite.
You can only get a face transplant if you have a severe deformity, try finding a surgeon who is willing to do that on a non-syndrome person, it won't happen and it is very risky. Also lol at this cope he does not look like a chadlite you can still see his face is off even from that cherry picked angle and the only reason he looks ok is because he was already decent looking before the accident that disfigured his face.
So if method 1, 2, 3, and 4 will never work the only hope for incels is to become professional rapists. I'm talking Ted Bundy level, but instead of killing girls...rape them.

Kidnap them, rape them with a mask on, then drug them. They wake up in an abandoned forest and get to back to their lives and noone will knows it you.

No rejection, no coping, no nothing. Just pure sex where you are the one in control.

Most incels are too beta to rape or kill. But rape is not a good option because in order to rape a female it must have a certain level of trust for you, and that can only happen if you are facially average or above, female would never trust an ugly male enough to hang with him alone to get raped. A good example of this is Frank Yeager, of course that guy was severely deformed but he could not even lure a female to rape her since she would not trust him.
Most incels are too beta to rape or kill. But rape is not a good option because in order to rape a female it must have a certain level of trust for you, and that can only happen if you are facially average or above, female would never trust an ugly male enough to hang with him alone to get raped. A good example of this is Frank Yeager, of course that guy was severely deformed but he could not even lure a female to rape her since she would not trust him.

You don't have to lure her away in a subtle kidnapping. Go forceful. Dark alley, balaclava on, run and sedate, throw her in a van.
1. Escorts one is cope

Many incels happily became escortcels, some on this board, and one I can think of is Master Yoda aka Seb from YouTube
You can only get a face transplant if you have a severe deformity, try finding a surgeon who is willing to do that on a non-syndrome person, it won't happen and it is very risky. Also lol at this cope he does not look like a chadlite you can still see his face is off even from that cherry picked angle and the only reason he looks ok is because he was already decent looking before the accident that disfigured his face.

He honestly looks better now even when comparing his new face to his pre incident face, and saying it's a cherry picked angle is cope, just watch the vid. Honestly mogs this entire forum even if there are some flaws, just try to kys like he did and if you don't succeed you can you just become a chadlite. win win scenario.
You don't have to lure her away in a subtle kidnapping. Go forceful. Dark alley, balaclava on, run and sedate, throw her in a van.
Most females have enough sense to not walk alone in dangerous secluded area, it would be very difficult to find such a target in an isolated area. Sedating a female is pretty difficult not as simple as chloroform in a rag like in the movies, which would either not sedate fully or would end up killing the female, obtaining itself is tough.
1. Escorts one is cope

Many incels happily became escortcels, some on this board, and one I can think of is Master Yoda aka Seb from YouTube
Read what I wrote about escortcelling, the whore has no obligation to accept you as a client and can reject you for being too ugly or of a certain ethnicity.
He honestly looks better now even when comparing his new face to his pre incident face, and saying it's a cherry picked angle is cope, just watch the vid. Honestly mogs this entire forum even if there are some flaws, just try to kys like he did and if you don't succeed you can you just become a chadlite. win win scenario.
Which video? He was already normie tier and White before, so it does not apply for ugly males.
No more cope for me, soon only rope :)
Unlikely to happen without a massive beta uprising a few attacks every year just doesn't cut it.

A genuine beta uprising(60%+ of the male population demanding more sex) would be the best and perhaps the final solution.
A genuine beta uprising(60%+ of the male population demanding more sex) would be the best and perhaps the final solution.
Men protesting will never be taken seriously, because it would just be seen as bitching and complaining which only females are allowed to do.
youll have to piss me off so hard for me to ER, and ill know exactly who to target is i do it.
You should already be pissed off at the kind of life society has condemned you to, forcing you to rope. The target should be femoids and chads, they are the ones responsible for your suffering.
Read what I wrote about escortcelling, the whore has no obligation to accept you as a client and can reject you for being too ugly or of a certain ethnicity.
And read what I said cretin

Master Yoda/Seb is ugly as fuck and also not white. However he has successfully escortcelled for many years, in fact for a short period he was once even able to convert an escort into a girlfriend of sorts

stop coping because you're probably a poor, basement dwelling invalid subhuman type of incel. Escortcelling is legit as fuck
i cant guarantee the safety of the surgeons if they dont offer me a lefort 2+
And read what I said cretin

Master Yoda/Seb is ugly as fuck and also not white. However he has successfully escortcelled for many years, in fact for a short period he was once even able to convert an escort into a girlfriend of sorts

stop coping because you're probably a poor, basement dwelling invalid subhuman type of incel. Escortcelling is legit as fuck
You are giving one example moron. There are plenty of stories of incels who have been rejected by escorts look at anincelforlifelol's post. He quotes "I tried an escort twice. One scammed me, but I got my money back, but the second one just bailed and never showed up. I give up. I don't want escorts anyway. It's a total waste of time, and the idea repulses me to no end." Also it is unlikely Yoda is Indian or Black and is probably in a country where prostitution is legalized such as Australia which has brothels.
well just cope till you rope
Beautiful read to be honest. All we can do is cope but those things wont give us true happiness
It's always been over for us, we were doomed to a life of suffering the moment we entered this world.

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