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LifeFuel The truth about MGTOW



Jan 17, 2023
Many say that MGTOW is really a cope by us as rejects who just can't accept that we can't get a girl.

It's not a cope. A cope is made after one is aware that they can't get what they want. And many men might cope by joining MGTOW after facing rejection, but many choose the MGTOW long before then.

Accusing men of avoiding toxic foids of coping is, however, a cope.
MGTOW is a cope. It's MSTOW (men sent their own way). No man goes without women by choice. It's either incels or near incels who get treated like shit by women
MGTOW is a cope. It's MSTOW (men sent their own way). No man goes without women by choice. It's either incels or near incels who get treated like shit by women
Plenty of men have gone without women by choice. Just look at the sages, prophets, and philosophers throughout history. Look at the members of the Thought Police, and Big Brother.
Many say that MGTOW is really a cope by us as rejects who just can't accept that we can't get a girl.

It's not a cope. A cope is made after one is aware that they can't get what they want. And many men might cope by joining MGTOW after facing rejection, but many choose the MGTOW long before then.

Accusing men of avoiding toxic foids of coping is, however, a cope.
Why do chads then not go mgtow?
It is a cope. Saint Hamidi said it
Plenty of men have gone without women by choice. Just look at the sages, prophets, and philosophers throughout history. Look at the members of the Thought Police, and Big Brother.
It's all a cope. No man wants go go without women
Why do chads then not go mgtow?
It is a cope. Saint Hamidi said it
There are Chads who choose mgtow. They're called volcels. You hate them. Every volcel is part of MGTOW but not all of MGTOW is volcel.
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It's all a cope. No man wants go go without women
You're just too autistic and obsessed with getting laid and you'd feel embarrassed to accept that this fascination is bizarre.
You're just too autistic and obsessed with getting laid and you'd feel embarrassed to accept that this fascination is bizarre.
Lol, then get off the forum if being incel doesn't bother you. Any straight man with a somewhat decent T level is gonna feel intense sexual frustration for not getting laid, and feel lots of sadness for never having love from a woman. Seriously, if you aren't obsessed with fulfilling your natural biologically hardwired needs, just leave and become a monk or something. You say it doesn't bother you, prove it. Stop posting here and live a life abstinence from pleasure
When was the last time a successful, handsome 6ft5 dude went MGTOW ?
MGTOW is a cope. It's MSTOW (men sent their own way). No man goes without women by choice. It's either incels or near incels who get treated like shit by women
Any straight man with a somewhat decent T level is gonna feel intense sexual frustration for not getting laid, and feel lots of sadness for never having love from a woman.
Any man with a decent T level isn't going to think like a character from a disney movie for 5 year old girls "Boo hoo I can't find love life is so sad"
yea foids are quite unpleasant

people underestimate the effort that many LTN-MTN normies need to put in to find a gf

modern foids are unpleasant creatures, which make ideas like MGTOW spread. and if normies listen to things like MGTOW rather than going through that whole song-and-dance routine for a foid, then they're not really incels-in-denial

just because people can't waltz up to a foid and get into a relationship with her in seconds, it doesn't mean they're incels, most normies also socialcirclemaxx, jestermaxx, betabuxx, etc., before finding a gf. it's not a question of just what they want, but of the things associated with getting that

just like on this forum, many MGTOW's are fakecel or normie and could ascend. but since they aren't chad, the effort required isn't one that they're willing to make

plus MGTOW is a broad label and some who go by that label do have ONS's or geomaxx, they just don't want to settle. so idk I think OP may have a point. while people claim that MGTOW are 'copers,' a lot of their talking-points about divorce, etc., appeal more to normies.
Any man with a decent T level isn't going to think like a character from a disney movie for 5 year old girls "Boo hoo I can't find love life is so sad"
high IQ
Any man with a decent T level isn't going to think like a character from a disney movie for 5 year old girls "Boo hoo I can't find love life is so sad"
It's natural to want to be loved by a member of the opposite sex. Don't try to act like that's wishing for some fantasy. It's perfectly normal to want a gf to cuddle with, hold hands with, kiss, love, and fuck. Saying otherwise is pure cope. We aren't primitive animals that only crave the animalistic and sexual side of relationships. We also crave companionship and long term relationships. Again, if it's not a big deal for you to go without a woman's love and sex, why did you even create an account here?
They are copers.

Monkmaxxing is the real MGTOW
They were always giga coping. They seriously thought society and women would care about some subhuman men 'walking away' from society... They likely said 'good riddance!'

As we are all aware, society and women don't value men unless they are attractive rich providers. If MGTOW had been solely composed of Chads, maybe the movement would have the effect MGTOWcels wanted. But as it is now, 'men going their own way' are more like 'men sent their own way''.

Lots of MGTOWcels are redpill PUAcels. Women are actually happy they won't be bothered anymore by a subhuman man trying his game to pick them up.
It's natural to want to be loved by a member of the opposite sex.
It's only natural if you consider brainwashing by society natural because that's what that is.
Don't try to act like that's wishing for some fantasy.
That's literally what it is. That's why you're here on this forum. You are desperate to make this fantasy a reality and you know you never will. /:
It's perfectly normal to want a gf to cuddle with, hold hands with, kiss, love, and fuck.
It's also normal not to. And it's healthier not to.
Saying otherwise is pure cope.
Why must you project? You cope by saying that anyone who isn't starved for a childish disney movie fantasy is themselves coping. Preposterous.
We aren't primitive animals that only crave the animalistic and sexual side of relationships.
We don't crave that in the first place.
We also crave companionship and long term relationships.
Think deeper. We crave the benefits of these. Having relationships ensures protection and support. Apes together strong. This is what brotherhood and comradery is for. We look out for eachother and help one another out.
Again, if it's not a big deal for you to go without a woman's love and sex, why did you even create an account here?
To spread the good news of INGSOC in order to help my male brethren, of course! Why did you create an account here?
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Even ace don't go mgtow
MGTOW talking-points are mostly BS cope, foids don't care about a few men walking away

if an incel MGTOWs, they won't care. if a chad MGTOWs, whatever, there are always more chads who look identical.

if a normie MGTOWs, well, they don't care about normies who they don't know

but it's retarded because a lot of its arguments are for a normie audience, and normies are dumb as nails. they think that because they're a part of society, and 'contribute' to it, foids must really care about their absence. foids don't give a shit

they're assuming a social contract that doesn't exist

but what MGTOW says about relationships is reasonable, and much more sober and realistic than many incels fantasizing about how a relationship would instantly fix all their mental issues and other problems. if you can barely get a foid, how are you going to keep one? it would be a lot of strain and stress, and would probably end quickly. MGTOW depictions of relationships are often more realistic bc they may actually have experience of them, and aren't just basing it on waifu anime

but people find it easier to project their own traits and struggles onto MGTOW, rather than acknowledging the points it makes
MGTOW talking-points are mostly BS cope, foids don't care about a few men walking away

if an incel MGTOWs, they won't care. if a chad MGTOWs, whatever, there are always more chads who look identical.

if a normie MGTOWs, well, they don't care about normies who they don't know

but it's retarded because a lot of its arguments are for a normie audience, and normies are dumb as nails. they think that because they're a part of society, and 'contribute' to it, foids must really care about their absence. foids don't give a shit

they're assuming a social contract that doesn't exist

but what MGTOW says about relationships is reasonable, and much more sober and realistic than many incels fantasizing about how a relationship would instantly fix all their mental issues and other problems. if you can barely get a foid, how are you going to keep one? it would be a lot of strain and stress, and would probably end quickly. MGTOW depictions of relationships are often more realistic bc they may actually have experience of them, and aren't just basing it on waifu anime

but people find it easier to project their own traits and struggles onto MGTOW, rather than acknowledging the points it makes
You're again missing the point of MGTOW. It's not about hurting foids. It's just a movement that encourages common sense. If the foids are indifferent, more power to them. What matters is that we keep our wallets and sanity, oh and we also don't have to worry about rape accusations.

You seem to be under the impression that everything related to helping men has to also hurt women.
It's only natural if you consider brainwashing by society natural because that's what that is.

That's literally what it is. That's why you're here on this forum. You are desperate to make this fantasy a reality and you know you never will. /:
I will likely never get unpaid and genuine love and sex from a woman. No shit, or I wouldn't be here. Neither would you. You wouldn't have even found this forum if you were not brought down by being deprived of love and sex.
It's also normal not to. And it's healthier not to.

Why must you project? You cope by saying that anyone who isn't starved for a childish disney movie fantasy is themselves coping. Preposterous.
I'm not looking for a Disney fantasy for fucks sake. Wanting a loving gf is a perfectly reasonably desire and is something that is supposed to be attainable. Almost all of my uncles who were boomers had it. It's not supposed to be an impossible thing to get.
We don't crave that in the first place.
Keep coping. So you never crave sex? You never see a woman and get aroused? Ok then, if your sex drive is nonexistent and you have no desire for a romantic relationship, explain why you waste your time here. Just go to a monk house of something and live a happy life if this is true.
Think deeper. We crave the benefits of these. Having relationships ensures protection and support. Apes together strong. This is what brotherhood and comradery is for. We look out for eachother and help one another out.
This is true, but doesn't change the fact our brains are hardwired to crave companionship and intimacy from women
To spread the good news of INGSOC in order to help my male brethren, of course! Why did you create an account here?
Because I needed to vent about my struggle and socialize with bros who get it and don't gaslight me my struggle is irrelevant like normies do. IT worked too and I made a lot of friends here.
You're again missing the point of MGTOW. It's not about hurting foids.
also not the point, it's a common selling-point for MGTOW and tons of MGTOW cope by talking abt foids crying 'where have all the good men gone' etc.

maybe it isn't necessary for MGTOW in theory, but it is widespread in practice
This is true, but doesn't change the fact our brains are hardwired to crave companionship and intimacy from women
I agree that answer was strange, you don't replace a 'long-term relationship' and marriage with 'brotherhood and camaraderie,' they are two very different things

well, unless you're gay
I agree that answer was strange, you don't replace a 'long-term relationship' and marriage with 'brotherhood and camaraderie,' they are two very different things

well, unless you're gay
Yep. They are different things of course, and serve totally different functions. A good long term girlfriend could improve your life a lot and offer you soothing love. Male friends are just for having fun with hobbies and telling jokes to each other, plus sometimes helping each other with hard tasks like car repairs or building a garage. Unfortunately, most modern women are far too corrupted and wicked to offer any real love or companionship.
MGTOW is a cope. It's MSTOW (men sent their own way).
I know both MGTOW incels and MGTOW men that fucks women.

Incels mgtows USUALLY know they were mstow, but their community is set around gymcellimg and earning money, so its more positive.
Yep. They are different things of course, and serve totally different functions. A good long term girlfriend could improve your life a lot and offer you soothing love. Male friends are just for having fun with hobbies and telling jokes to each other, plus sometimes helping each other with hard tasks like car repairs or building a garage. Unfortunately, most modern women are far too corrupted and wicked to offer any real love or companionship.

I don't think it's reasonable to dismiss people's desire for female companionship out of hand, unless you have a better alternative

and no, some moids calling you bro is not it

of course, if you're gay then you have an alternative. but that is WEIRD
MGTOW men that fucks women.
Say what? How are they men going their own way if they still stick their dick inside women, lol?
Incels mgtows USUALLY know they were mstow, but their community is set around gymcellimg and earning money, so its more positive.
Yep. It's less of a blackpill echo chamber. Good for keeping more positive temporarily, but sets them up for massive letdowns
Why do chads then not go mgtow?
It is a cope. Saint Hamidi said it
There are mgtow chads.
You guys think that mgtows dont fuck women, no its not the case, they dont marry them nor maintain serious relationship , but they do fuk them from time to time.

What you are refering to as mgtow is actually called monk mode - no relationships, no fucking, only money, I didnt heard this term for years though.
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There are mgtow chads.
You guys think that mgtows dont fuck women, no its not the case, they dont marry them nor maintain serious relationship , but they do fuk them from time to time.

What you are referring to as mgtow is actually called monk mode - no relationships no fucking, only money, I haven't heard this term for years though.
^ is this roughly what you meant?

I don't think it's reasonable to dismiss people's desire for female companionship out of hand, unless you have a better alternative
Glad you agree. Currently, I am unaware of any alternative to female companionship that would fulfill the exact same needs as well. If there's a good alternative, tell me. If not, stop the cope OP.
and no, some moids calling you bro is not it
For real. The bros are good for racing cars with, playing sports if you're into that, and helping you with major projects. They also have the humor women don't. That does not mean in any way shape or form they can fulfill your sexual needs or replace romantic love from a woman (unless you are a closeted faggot of course). I am straight, was my entire life, and will be till I die. It is biologically hardwired for me to want a woman for sex and romantic purposes. I can't fight my biology.
of course, if you're gay then you have an alternative. but that is WEIRD
Yep, really weird, and and gayposters should get the fuck outta here
I will likely never get unpaid and genuine love and sex from a woman. No shit, or I wouldn't be here. Neither would you. You wouldn't have even found this forum if you were not brought down by being deprived of love and sex.
You can project and pretend like everyone feels exactly the way you do but this is only a you problem I'm afraid. Well, a problem for you and select amount of other incels, that is.
I'm not looking for a Disney fantasy for fucks sake. Wanting a loving gf is a perfectly reasonably desire and is something that is supposed to be attainable.
So you are looking for a Disney fantasy.

Read ancient literature. Sexuality is never romanticized or glorified. It's pretty much always mentioned in a pragmatic way; or as a means for producing offspring. The same applies to wives and families. For most of human history we had no concept of this silly, vague emotional "fuzz" we're supposed to feel for the opposite sex. And this is how women were viewed even into the middle ages. They were a commodity; a property. And like a dog, they had to be treated with caution because of how much of a danger they are.
Almost all of my uncles who were boomers had it. It's not supposed to be an impossible thing to get.
At best your uncles thought they had it because they lived at the tail-end of a period where women were still expected to pretend to love anything. Women were just as evil in the past as they are today. They just couldn't show it. Today it's actually better because now we see how women really are. They're able to show their true colors. They never gave men "love" or "intimacy." They gave them a lie. Women are whores, they always have been and they always will be.
Keep coping. So you never crave sex? You never see a woman and get aroused? Ok then, if your sex drive is nonexistent and you have no desire for a romantic relationship, explain why you waste your time here. Just go to a monk house of something and live a happy life if this is true.
If only there were INGSOC monk houses... But more importantly, I'm here for political reasons. It's not about getting women, it's about getting rid of them. My goal is to inspire our male brethren to overthrow our female oppressors and completely eradicate the female species from the earth. Femininity is the great evil of our time and I am the messaiah who shall deliver the world from it. Every corner of the Earth must be cleansed of this filth.
This is true, but doesn't change the fact our brains are hardwired to crave companionship and intimacy from women
Our brains are not hardwired for this. See what I have written above. Plenty of men have chosen celibacy historically and the men who did marry did not have any sort of "intimate" relationship with a woman. It was just about continuing their bloodline and serving their country.
Because I needed to vent about my struggle and socialize with bros who get it and don't gaslight me my struggle is irrelevant like normies do. IT worked too and I made a lot of friends here.
You do not need to vent about this any more than you need to vent about not getting ice cream. You must learn to live without it. You will be better off for it.
I agree that answer was strange, you don't replace a 'long-term relationship' and marriage with 'brotherhood and camaraderie,' they are two very different things

well, unless you're gay
My point is that "marriage" does not exist to fulfill our social desires at all. It's just there for procreation. Brotherhood exists for our social desires and there is nothing gay about that.

This is the reason so many men feel so desperate for women today. They are pressured into enslaving themselves to these animals because apparently, if they don't , they must be faggots. Yet another way the modern world manipulates men.

What's really faggy is to let pressure get to you and rewire your brain (something a foid does when she mindlessly accepts a popular belief) into craving some disney crap.
But more importantly, I'm here for political reasons. It's not about getting women, it's about getting rid of them. My goal is to inspire our male brethren to overthrow our female oppressors and completely eradicate the female species from the earth. Femininity is the great evil of our time and I am the messaiah who shall deliver the world from it. Every corner of the Earth must be cleansed of this filth.
ngl based manifesto
Yep. They are different things of course, and serve totally different functions. A good long term girlfriend could improve your life a lot and offer you soothing love.
This happens in zero percent of cases. Every man who marries regrets it and ends up worse off for it. My own mother is a hardcore traditional catholic and has been loyal to my father for decades, and she does everything women are supposed to - sex, dishwashing, etc... yet she still finds other ways to be a thorn in our family's side, and arguably I'd say much of that inherent female cruelty is just redirected towards the children like me so as to avoid putting it on the man thus risking divorce and her having to work. She made my life hellish. And my dad still has expressed regret for getting married and he's the one who taught me from a young age that I should be celibate.
Male friends are just for having fun with hobbies and telling jokes to each other, plus sometimes helping each other with hard tasks like car repairs or building a garage. Unfortunately, most modern women are far too corrupted and wicked to offer any real love or companionship.
Male comrades are for dying in the trenches with together. Women are for losing your money to. Take your pick.
Mgtow is Mstow, I do agree with many of their ideas, but their sense of suppiriority over Incels, the infeltation of PUA scammers into the group, and influx of failed Chads/chadlites/normies makes it harder to connect with this group.

Not to mention its dominated by rich boomers/Gen X/ early millenial man which again makes it harder to connect with them.

Im currently after a last try with a w0men (Gonna make a long post about it), and its not worth it. After age 25 w0men are pure used up trash.

The j00s, fr33m2S0N, Illum1n@ti and other secret socities, and the people that subscribe to their satanic idiology ruined relationships between man and w0men, hack relationship between man and man, and w0men and w0men.
Mgtow is Mstow, I do agree with many of their ideas, but their sense of suppiriority over Incels, the infeltation of PUA scammers into the group, and influx of failed Chads/chadlites/normies makes it harder to connect with this group.

Not to mention its dominated by rich boomers/Gen X/ early millenial man which again makes it harder to connect with them.

Im currently after a last try with a w0men (Gonna make a long post about it), and its not worth it. After age 25 w0men are pure used up trash.

The j00s, fr33m2S0N, Illum1n@ti and other secret socities, and the people that subscribe to their satanic idiology ruined relationships between man and w0men, hack relationship between man and man, and w0men and w0men.
The jews, despite trying to corrupt women, really just unveiled their true ugliness.

As for mgtow, I suppose I agree with you if it's done for status. But simply as an ideology or a lifestyle, it's a good choice.
No. Society brainwashed us into this because it needs to maintain and grow its population.
I mean, sexual desire would serve an evolutionary purpose because it encourages procreation

sexual pleasure is also a physical phenomenon which occurs for anatomical reasons, and is associated with the desire for sex

I don't think it's necessary to explain away sexual desire as social brainwashing, although obviously in the modern day a lot of it is unnatural. for instance, people are attracted to makeup to the point where almost any foid can wear it and be found 'attractive,' which is not normal behaviour

but it's largely natural, and even in ancient times people from ascetics to ovid discussed sexual temptation or desire

the greeks also did not view sexuality only as a matter of procreation, as homosexuality was common there
I mean, sexual desire would serve an evolutionary purpose because it encourages procreation
I understand the concept, but it is not needed for a being as intelligent as a human. We learn that sex makes babies and babies grow up to keep society running for us so therefore we need to have sex and make babies. That's how humans evolved to procreate. We haven't needed animalistic urges for arguably hundreds of thousands of years.
sexual pleasure is also a physical phenomenon which occurs for anatomical reasons, and is associated with the desire for sex
Does not exist. We are taught that these sensations are supposed to be pleasurable, but that doesn't make them actually like that. We see today how faggots have been brainwashed to think anal sex is pleasurable even though basic biology and evolutionary history clearly indicates it shouldn't be and sane people who, say, become victims of anal rape in prison, say it's horrific.
I don't think it's necessary to explain away sexual desire as social brainwashing, although obviously in the modern day a lot of it is unnatural. for instance, people are attracted to makeup to the point where almost any foid can wear it and be found 'attractive,' which is not normal behaviour

but it's largely natural, and even in ancient times people from ascetics to ovid discussed sexual temptation or desire
Sure, because they were exposed to some of that brainwashing even in childhood. But look at feral humans, for instance, who grew up free of the jew's lies altogether outside of human society. They don't get sexual urges.
the greeks also did not view sexuality only as a matter of procreation, as homosexuality was common there
The most respected Greeks such as the famous philosophers viewed homosexuals as degenerates and subhumans and believed women should not have rights.
The jews, despite trying to corrupt women, really just unveiled their true ugliness.

As for mgtow, I suppose I agree with you if it's done for status. But simply as an ideology or a lifestyle, it's a good choice.
Before their shitty f3minist and sexual r3volution law reforms and social reforms, Man could live with w0men, without fearing divorce, having their authority questioned at home, being afraid of being stigmatized as creeps. Without w0men being used up and damaged goods while expecting man to be a 10/10 chad while at the same time being rich and famous, at the age of 20.

I've really tried giving a last chance to w0men, but after my last shitty expriance. The Mstow life seem very tempting and secure to me. No stress, no expectation, no danger.

After 30 society expects you to take damaged goods and expects you to take care of single moms, while shaming you for dating fresh fertile w0men with little to no emotional baggage that are biologically fertile.

No wonder birthrates are collapsing world wide, man are sick of this shitty arrangment. I do. And I did my best with a w0men following normie advices+ self improvement. and me facing my anxieties and trauma, yet its not enough for w0men.

Im waiting for s3xbots at this point and either a surrogate mother or artificial w0mbs.
Before their shitty f3minist and sexual r3volution law reforms and social reforms, Man could live with w0men, without fearing divorce, having their authority questioned at home, being afraid of being stigmatized as creeps. Without w0men being used up and damaged goods while expecting man to be a 10/10 chad while at the same time being rich and famous, at the age of 20.
Women were still evil, they just couldn't get away with acting on their urges. That's all. There were never any traditional women. Modernity is femininity. It's just that femininity was crushed and ruled by masculinity in the past. But women are the fundamental sources of femininity and we see today what happened as soon as they were given power and freedom.
I've really tried giving a last chance to w0men, but after my last shitty expriance. The Mstow life seem very tempting and secure to me. No stress, no expectation, no danger.
Join us!
After 30 society expects you to take damaged goods and expects you to take care of single moms, while shaming you for dating fresh fertile w0men with little to no emotional baggage that are biologically fertile.
Yup. But above all else it demands that you're a slave to women at least in some way. There's nothing it hates more than a free man.
No wonder birthrates are collapsing world wide, man are sick of this shitty arrangment. I do. And I did my best with a w0men following normie advices+ self improvement. and me facing my anxieties and trauma, yet its not enough for w0men.
Nothing is enough for them. They just take, take, take.
Im waiting for s3xbots at this point and either a surrogate mother or artificial w0mbs.
Artificial wombs. We must eliminate sexuality altogether. If all goes well, then in the future, all humans will be male, and new humans will be made in factories with these artificial wombs. Nobody will have any concept of sexuality whatsoever and instead we will focus on meaningful things like advancing technology and colonizing space.
Glad you agree. Currently, I am unaware of any alternative to female companionship that would fulfill the exact same needs as well. If there's a good alternative, tell me. If not, stop the cope OP.
The alternative is to not bother with women. It's not hard.

Also, you have previously asked me about whether or not there are Chads who have decided to avoid women, well it turns out that there are. Here:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVtY_13Z2wA
When was the last time a successful, handsome 6ft5 dude went MGTOW ?
Eh even if MGTOW is technically MSTOW, the reason there are no 6'5 men going mgtow is because mgtow ppl don't believe dating is worth pursuing UNLESS you are 6'5 and handsome. So yeah, it's a reactionary movement to how women treat most men these days, but let's not pretend these guys are completely without options either. It's choosing not to give in to foids and pursue them when you're getting a shit deal, which is commendable, somewhat voluntary and much more self respectful than eating the shit that simps happily do.

Shitting on men for successfully reducing their dependence on foids is anti-male and quite simpish. Volcels are cool imo.
MGTOW is a cope. It's MSTOW (men sent their own way). No man goes without women by choice. It's either incels or near incels who get treated like shit by women
Women treat all men like shit. Tons of men go without women by choice, especially when women are toxic and have an arsenal of legal methods to destroy your life. Willingly having anything to do with a woman in the west, whether you're an incel or a chad, is proof that you're retarded.

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