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the TRUE problem with blackopscel



Nov 14, 2017



How come people can be so delusional? It's not as if they sincerely believe this nonsense (their choices show otherwise), but it baffles me how some people pretend that selectors of genetic fitness don't exist. brb fucking my male friends because they treat me well
i think blackops could legit pull a 4 or 5 or 6/10 if he jacked up like 20-30 lbs.,... gymcel can really improve some folks who arent complete retards.. yea you wont get a stacie, but you can bag a few broads and atleast sleep at night in peace knowing you got your dick wet
philosophicel said:
i think blackops could legit pull a 4 or 5 or 6/10 if he jacked up like 20-30 lbs.,... gymcel can really improve some folks who arent complete retards.. yea you wont get a stacie, but you can bag a few broads and atleast sleep at night in peace knowing you got your dick wet

He would probably just get skinny fat. If he took steroids, he would die or be a non-responder. His low-tier genes can't handle it.
Leamb said:
philosophicel said:
i think blackops could legit pull a 4 or 5 or 6/10 if he jacked up like 20-30 lbs.,... gymcel can really improve some folks who arent complete retards.. yea you wont get a stacie, but you can bag a few broads and atleast sleep at night in peace knowing you got your dick wet
He would probably just get skinny fat. If he took steroids, he would die or be a non-responder. His low-tier genes can't handle it.

honestly his frame didnt look much different than a young zyzz.. i think hed have roidcel potential
philosophicel said:
 honestly his frame didnt look much different than a young zyzz..   i think hed have roidcel potential

Muscular potential goes much beyond frame. Zyzz had a solid jawline even before steroids. Skinny, surely, but he showed signs of having good androgen receptors. Not the case of blackopscel
philosophicel said:
i think blackops could legit pull a 4 or 5 or 6/10 if he jacked up like 20-30 lbs.,... gymcel can really improve some folks who arent complete retards.. yea you wont get a stacie, but you can bag a few broads and atleast sleep at night in peace knowing you got your dick wet

You are extremely bluepilled.
Balckops2cel is literally in the 0 percentile of looks (according to a photofeeler experiment I conducted)

Virtually anyone is more likely to get higher attractiveness ratings than him
Mr_Mercedes said:
Balckops2cel is literally in the 0 percentile of looks (according to a photofeeler experiment I conducted)

Virtually anyone is more likely to get higher attractiveness ratings than him

Exactly. Nothing can save a blackops2cel face. Not muscles. Not height. Not money. Nothing.
Mr_Mercedes said:
Balckops2cel is literally in the 0 percentile of looks (according to a photofeeler experiment I conducted)

Virtually anyone is more likely to get higher attractiveness ratings than him

What about the way he treats women tho
Enigmatic93 said:
Exactly. Nothing can save a blackops2cel face. Not muscles. Not height. Not money. Nothing.

man what the fuck... a post earlier had a currycel with a stacie.. money does wonders and so does muscle.

im not saying blackops can pull a stacie,  but he wouldnt die a virgin if he roided up or had lots of $$$$ ...plenty of 2-5/10 would fuck him if he had money and/or muscles....

how tall is blackops btw
what the actual fuck. i bet hes fuckin dead. ppl think he can get a cute gamer girl gf. fuck outa here.
Never trust those demons
weservenomsg said:
what the actual fuck. i bet hes fuckin dead. ppl think he can get a cute gamer girl gf. fuck outa here.

He is actually married with 2 kids.
dont listen what she says, look what she does
We don't even know Blackops2cel behavior
Virtue signal in action
I lol'd hard at this comment:

"My ex bf looks exactly like him except that he grew a beard. He was also a gamer! The issue that brought us down was because he didn’t knew what he wanted in life and couldn’t commit to a serious relationship. We are still friends.
Your argument is invalid."

I just keep thinking about this photoshop of BlackOps2Cel lol

Blackops2cel doesn't even look that terrible. If he was charming, quick-witted and had no mental problems (and maybe got rid of that ridicolous mustache) I think he could have gotten a 4/10 girlfriend
May his name be praised, he is our benevolent Saint blackops2cel. He is the truest of truecels, but if a roastie were to offer him her pussy, he would gift it to the most deserving incel, and it would be made virgin again by his grace and smell of berries and cream.
knajjd said:
loling at that personality theory BS

loling at 14 year old already calling himself incel and claiming everything apart from looks doesn't matter.

Seriously, 14 years old is a bit early to swallow the black pill. You haven't even fully gone through puberty yet and don't know what yout adult self will look like! You still have a lot of time to change your ways and experience happy late teenage and young adult life! Also, looks are still important in your 20s, but not as much as when you are a teenager.
Erenor said:
loling at 14 year old already calling himself incel and claiming everything apart from looks doesn't matter.

Seriously, 14 years old is a bit early to swallow the black pill. You haven't even fully gone through puberty yet and don't know what yout adult self will look like! You still have a lot of time to change your ways and experience happy late teenage and young adult life! Also, looks are still important in your 20s, but not as much as when you are a teenager.

I agree, you're 14, you should GTFO. Try all the blue pilled bullshit before you have to swallow the black pill. Sticking around here will most likely doom you to failure. It's your youth, don't fuck up your chances further.
We must find out more about our beloved Prophet St. BlackOps2Cel (peace be upon him, In'Shallah).
"as soon as he calls me 'femoid' I'm going to run in the oppoite direction"

these people really are borderline retarded
"there is no age "too early" to be realistic about life."

blackpill isn't just beeing realistic. Blackpill is practically giving up on dating and bearing a hatred towards society and woman in particular. Therefore, problems that really do exist, are exaggerated, and optimism is frowned upon. If you are 14 and haven't tried everything in the normie book yet it is way too soon to give up like that

"I know that my adult self will look subhuman as i do now. i'm 5'2", which is way below average even for 14 year olds which means that i'll be a manlet even after growing."

that is bullshit. Before puberty I was the smallest guy in my class, even smaller than most females, but now I am average sized. And judging from your picture there is also nothing wrong with you face

"you legit sound like an low effort inceltears mole"

I am an involuntary virgin, I just don't have a 100% blackpilled attitude and don't agree with everything that is posted here.

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