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The True power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

  • Thread starter Reddit_is_for_cucks
  • Start date


Nov 10, 2017
Hey WARNING: This black pill is not for the faint of heart. You will want to rope your self after reading this
but stay put and try to cope.

Alright so I am talking to this girl and she tells me she will never date s guy like chad because he will cheat on her and he will not be a loyal partner.


Then I start roasting her and start calling her fat, slutty, whore, transsexual and accuse her of having roast beef flaps. Then an hour later I ask if I can have her #, and she gives it to me! Wtf.
Her brain realized that she is missing out on chad and she forgot about all the insults just cuz of how good looking chad is.


This is the ultimate blackpill, girls will stay with abusive guys as long as they look good.
Fml it’s so easyyyyy for chad!! Just be good looking brah!
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Stop justifying yourself to roasties, you should've told that bitch "BYE!" once she refused to fuck within 24 hours they always come running back to chad.
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

That bitch wears a choker, she's damaged goods dude. How else would she know that Chads would abuse her? Plus let's not forget that you verbally abused her and she's still not going away. She clearly has daddy issues. To me, this is not suicide fuel. It's life fuel.
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

At least she attached a nice nude to the inescapable blackpill.
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Also, could you PM me the pictures of the Chad you used? I would ask for you to post it publicly here, but the cucktears are monitoring us hard, and you could risk losing your Chad for future experiments.
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

There should be a prefix caled [TINDER EXPERIMENT] cuz these are great
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

jagged0 said:
Stop justifying yourself to roasties, you should've told that bitch "BYE!" once she refused to fuck within 24 hours they always come running back to chad.

power of chads looks... what i would do to look like chad
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Hey WARNING: This black pill is not for the faint of heart. You will want to rope your self after reading this
but stay put and try to cope.

Alright so I am talking to this girl and she tells me she will never date s guy like chad because he will cheat on her and he will not be a loyal partner.


Then I start roasting her and start calling her fat, slutty, whore, transsexual and accuse her of having roast beef flaps. Then an hour later I ask if I can have her #, and she gives it to me! Wtf.
Her brain realized that she is missing out on chad and she forgot about all the insults just cuz of how good looking chad is.


This is the ultimate blackpill, girls will stay with abusive guys as long as they look good.
Fml it’s so easyyyyy for chad!! Just be good looking brah!

I found that convo hilarious..

you seem to know how to talk to women, which is the blackest pill of all cause if it was anything to do with game or personality you wouldn't have to catfish..she does have good tits I'll l give her that.

Also something I learned long ago by casual observation is women can hate a guys guts and she will still fuck him.

Attraction has nothing to do with like/dislike
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

i wish i had ur text skills tbh
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

What will normies say now ? There are enough studies that show looks fucking matter and here you have RL evidence. If this doesnt blackpill you idk what will lmao
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Who wants to collaborate on a youtube channel where we do not only tinder experiments, but also public experiments and blackpill this bluepilled cucked society? Get that one goodlooking normie blackpilled guy to do the public experiments, they'll listen to him and it'll be easier for him to approach people as their primitive instincts will succumb to the halo effect. We will use their weakness against them.
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Looks like they enjoy getting insults from Chad than getting compliments from low value males.
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Reddit_is_for_cucks said:
Hey WARNING: This black pill is not for the faint of heart. You will want to rope your self after reading this
but stay put and try to cope.

Alright so I am talking to this girl and she tells me she will never date s guy like chad because he will cheat on her and he will not be a loyal partner.


Then I start roasting her and start calling her fat, slutty, whore, transsexual and accuse her of having roast beef flaps. Then an hour later I ask if I can have her #, and she gives it to me! Wtf.
Her brain realized that she is missing out on chad and she forgot about all the insults just cuz of how good looking chad is.


This is the ultimate blackpill, girls will stay with abusive guys as long as they look good.
Fml it’s so easyyyyy for chad!! Just be good looking brah!
rope? hand me the fucking 50 cal.
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Chad gets nudes after blatantly insulting. What is the point of living
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

ilieknothing said:
Chad gets nudes after blatantly insulting. What is the point of living

there isn't
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Holy fuck, she literally forgot that "Chad" just insulted her. And to top it off, she sends nudes - moments after saying she's not a "cheap whore" no less.

This is one of the most brutal blackpill experiments I've ever seen, how can anyone deny that we're right when we have such decisive evidence?
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

ilieknothing said:
Chad gets nudes after blatantly insulting. What is the point of living

Try doing the same  ;)
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

CopingGymcel said:
ilieknothing said:
Chad gets nudes after blatantly insulting. What is the point of living
Try doing the same ;)
If I did that I would get a one way ticket to prison for "rape".
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

ilieknothing said:
If I did that I would get a one way ticket to prison for "rape".

if chad does it, it's confidence and non apologetic.

if ugly dude does it, misogynist sexist pig
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Sparky said:
The interesting thing that is highlighted within this thread is how indecisive the female party is. She hastily goes from salacious messages, to supposedly being repulsed and then back to freely distributing explicit pictures.

If there is one message to be taken from this, it’s not to judge your level of attractiveness by the verbal actions of femoids but rather by the physical actions of femoids.

This is where mentalcels may be fucked. They may believe that they are truly out of luck with a girl based on a few words she has said and give up when in actually reality, the femoid may still be interested. This works the other way round as well and on a much more frequent basis with many mentalcels truly believing the bluepilled crap that a femoid has spewed (Ie: compliments she gives to a friend zoned beta) and believing they may have a chance with her.

Only a femoids actions can evince if she is attracted to you

so much gold in this whole thread, brings me tears of joy
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

>”Im not a cheap whore”
> sends tits 5 mins later unsolicited

Btw can you pm me the pic of chad. I’m using a chad in my catfish acc but its not working for some reason. I went with an extremely attractive chad and I was called fake but went with this and it looks like the guy was average. I’m just gonna hse the pic as a template and find one similar in appearance
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill


Fucking brutal
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

I actually posted a picture of chad in one of my threads
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

What a hypocritical whore, this is just rage fuel
RE: The Truce power of Chad - This is the ultimate black pill

Holy.fuck its over.
Omg LOL.
She won't fck before 3months, she s a nice girl.

Asks for dick size within 5msg check
Gives number after being called a transexual check
Sends a nude within a couple of messages of giving number check
Starts talking about kissing and making out check
Has a tongue piercing check

Lol. What kind of degenerate culture have we reaahed. If that is what a good girl is idk what a bad girl looks like nowadays
I honestly feel like they're all low IQ, I mean, how can you not come to that conclusion while reading her responses? There is no logic, no rationale, nothing.

These creatures literally exist to choke on Chad's cock, and nothing else. Just lol at society even giving them jobs
Devastating. More objective empirical evidence women have no self respect and love to be humiliated and abused by Chad. I'll never understand the cheap thrill of having a tattooed Tyrone thug destroy your pussy and asshole, or the need for a large Chad to pin you down and use you. But then again I don't have a small female brain driven purely by emption and the need to be bred by the most alpha seed.
You want that bbc action don't you
You look trans

your poor future bf would have to deal with a super loose roast beef looking vag
=proceeds to show tits. Just put a bullet through your brain and end it. Having a chin/mandible that sticks out and how forward grown your maxilla is and how tall you are determines everything. Time for the rope.
GeneticFilth said:
=proceeds to show tits. Just put a bullet through your brain and end it. Having a chin/mandible that sticks out and how forward grown your maxilla is and how tall you are determines everything. Time for the rope.

Handsome squidward would slay in this degenerate society, although he is a baldcel

Dingus_Incel said:
Devastating. More objective empirical evidence women have no self respect and love to be humiliated and abused by Chad. I'll never understand the cheap thrill of having a tattooed Tyrone thug destroy your pussy and asshole, or the need for a large Chad to pin you down and use you. But then again I don't have a small female brain driven purely by emption and the need to be bred by the most alpha seed.

They are cute sluts in front of chad and tyrone and angry feminists in front of cucks and normies

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