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Serious The time I got knocked out for cold approaching.

I was told to wait because someone called 911, so I bolted out of there because I didn't have health insurance.
I ride a motorcycle and if I ever get in to an accident even if I'm split in to two pieces I'm getting out of there because I would spend the rest of my life paying that debt off.
Consider the following:
IMG 3208
Too bad you didn't have a firearm (in videogame)
In all honesty you should've been ready to throw hands no matter what and saw it coming. I don't think you would've got knocked out bc it sounded like you didn't know the punch was coming when you were walking away until it happened.

I get it fighting is fucking stupid but no way im not going down without a dog fight. And I will fight dirty like poking your eyes and kicking you in the balls
Not sure if this warrants it's own thread but it was requested by @Grodd

I approached this obese woman at the mall that I thought was by herself. She wasn't receptive to my approach and I was getting ready to walk away, then her boyfriend comes up to me and stands over me all like "YO THAT'S MY GIRL!". He was at least a few inches taller than be, like 6'4 and clearly jacked. I remember just looking at his traps popping out of his shirt (think like brock lesnar, or the moreplatesmoredates guy). I knew I had zero chance of beating this guy in a fight so I was trying to deescalate the situation without looking like a bitch (a very thin line to walk). When I realized he wasn't going to calm down, I turned to walk away and that's when I saw his fist coming in my peripheral vision, but obviously it was too late. I don't remember actually getting hit, but I was knocked out. Not knocked down, but literally rendered unconscious. It was sort of comparable to general anesthesia, like the needle goes in and you don't really remember the moments before you're out, then you wake up but it's not like waking up from regular sleep, you don't really have a sense of how much time passed. Realistically I couldn't have been out for that long. Mall security was there, but nobody who was around me saw what happened. I was told to wait because someone called 911, so I bolted out of there because I didn't have health insurance. This was about 17-18 years ago.

I attribute this incident to a combination of mate guarding instinct and roid rage. He had to have been roided up because there's zero chance a natty guy could be as big as this dude.

In b4 some internet tough guy says "oh if that were me I would have kicked his ass" "you're a cuck for backing out" "HAHAHA REKT U PUSSY!", if a 6'4 roided up dude was trying to fight you, you'd try to bitch out too, so I don't wanna hear you little fantasy LARP. This was the only time in my entire life I tried to bitch out in such a manner as I'm generally low inhib and have been in plenty of fights.
woah thats terrible hope ur ok brocel
why would he get so upset over a landwhale? Did you like make her feel uncomfortable or something
why would he get so upset over a landwhale?

Like I said, mate guarding instinct + roid rage. He simply succumbed to his primitive instincts. In nature, males fight each other (often to the death) over a mate. The "attractiveness" of the female is not even a variable. You think a male gorilla is looking at a female gorilla and thinking "she' a 3/10, you can have her bro"?

Did you like make her feel uncomfortable or something

I mean, I was an extremely ugly male, and my existence makes even women I don't even speak to feel uncomfortable. That said, I never said anything sexual to her or touched her, I never did that with any of the women I cold approached. If a woman was clearly uncomfortable, I just got out of there asap. If you cold approach a woman and she's visibly uncomfortable, that is a rejection, and only a piece of shit scammer PUA or red pilled autist will tell you otherwise.

That said from what I remember, this approach wasn't remarkable in any way. She wasn't very receptive but didn't look scared or uncomfortable. I was trying to talk to her and she was just giving me one word answers, and her body language indicated she was disinterested/annoyed, so I was getting ready to just walk away when he approached me and got in my face.
knocked out over some landwhale fuckin brutal man
Like I said, mate guarding instinct + roid rage. He simply succumbed to his primitive instincts. In nature, males fight each other (often to the death) over a mate. The "attractiveness" of the female is not even a variable. You think a male gorilla is looking at a female gorilla and thinking "she' a 3/10, you can have her bro"?

I mean, I was an extremely ugly male, and my existence makes even women I don't even speak to feel uncomfortable. That said, I never said anything sexual to her or touched her, I never did that with any of the women I cold approached. If a woman was clearly uncomfortable, I just got out of there asap. If you cold approach a woman and she's visibly uncomfortable, that is a rejection, and only a piece of shit scammer PUA or red pilled autist will tell you otherwise.

That said from what I remember, this approach wasn't remarkable in any way. She wasn't very receptive but didn't look scared or uncomfortable. I was trying to talk to her and she was just giving me one word answers, and her body language indicated she was disinterested/annoyed, so I was getting ready to just walk away when he approached me and got in my face.
Sorry bro, probably just wanted to take off on someone for any reason
What you deserve for chatting up landwhales tbh
Even OBESE women get Chad
It's so ovER
This is why you need to carry a gun, could have killed him and stole his bitch when he started to get aggressive.
if that were me I wouldn't have approached :feelshmm:
See, I never understand why more don't carry. Unless you literally have some kind of record barring you from it or live in a shithole state/nation, not carrying a gun is perhaps the dumbest thing you can do these days
This is why I cold approach, but keep mace or some PEPPERSPRAY on me. I never had to use it, yet. Cold approaching as a sub-5 male is like walking on thin and every word is a crack that may explode.
Not sure if this warrants it's own thread but it was requested by @Grodd

I approached this obese woman at the mall that I thought was by herself. She wasn't receptive to my approach and I was getting ready to walk away, then her boyfriend comes up to me and stands over me all like "YO THAT'S MY GIRL!". He was at least a few inches taller than be, like 6'4 and clearly jacked. I remember just looking at his traps popping out of his shirt (think like brock lesnar, or the moreplatesmoredates guy). I knew I had zero chance of beating this guy in a fight so I was trying to deescalate the situation without looking like a bitch (a very thin line to walk). When I realized he wasn't going to calm down, I turned to walk away and that's when I saw his fist coming in my peripheral vision, but obviously it was too late. I don't remember actually getting hit, but I was knocked out. Not knocked down, but literally rendered unconscious. It was sort of comparable to general anesthesia, like the needle goes in and you don't really remember the moments before you're out, then you wake up but it's not like waking up from regular sleep, you don't really have a sense of how much time passed. Realistically I couldn't have been out for that long. Mall security was there, but nobody who was around me saw what happened. I was told to wait because someone called 911, so I bolted out of there because I didn't have health insurance. This was about 17-18 years ago.

I attribute this incident to a combination of mate guarding instinct and roid rage. He had to have been roided up because there's zero chance a natty guy could be as big as this dude.

In b4 some internet tough guy says "oh if that were me I would have kicked his ass" "you're a cuck for backing out" "HAHAHA REKT U PUSSY!", if a 6'4 roided up dude was trying to fight you, you'd try to bitch out too, so I don't wanna hear you little fantasy LARP. This was the only time in my entire life I tried to bitch out in such a manner as I'm generally low inhib and have been in plenty of fights.
Approaching an obese foid was your first mistake.
Even OBESE women get Chad

While I see Chads with obese women all the time, this wasn't the case. Being tall and jacked doesn't make you a chad. The biggest truecel I've known was 6'5 and he was also roided up. He never had a gf and he also cold approached a lot. Women were REPULSED by him, i could see it in their facial expressions and body language when he tried to talk to them. He was like a 1/10 facially though, ugliest guy I ever knew.

Back to the point, I don't remember exactly what the guy who knocked me out looked like but I would have remembered if he was particularly good looking or particularly ugly. He was just normie tier in the face from what I remember.

Most roided up guys are sub5s or normie tier at best. Unless you have a career where you basically have to do steroids like being a professional athlete (just lol if you think any of the top ones are clean, they're all cycling), WWE wrestler or a bodybuilder that actually wins at contests, then if you're doing roids, you're compensating.

You really think some pretty boy is going to be thinking "I need to get massive so I'm gonna start blasting tren."? I've literally never met a truly good looking guy who was super jacked. I've known plenty with 6 packs who were lean/shredded, but never one that was built like brock lesnar.
why would he get so upset over a landwhale? Did you like make her feel uncomfortable or something

Roid rage

+ existential rage... [all that time working on his personality rig in the gym, and he still had to settle for some big fat ham planet.]
Not sure if this warrants it's own thread but it was requested by @Grodd

I approached this obese woman at the mall that I thought was by herself. She wasn't receptive to my approach and I was getting ready to walk away, then her boyfriend comes up to me and stands over me all like "YO THAT'S MY GIRL!". He was at least a few inches taller than be, like 6'4 and clearly jacked. I remember just looking at his traps popping out of his shirt (think like brock lesnar, or the moreplatesmoredates guy). I knew I had zero chance of beating this guy in a fight so I was trying to deescalate the situation without looking like a bitch (a very thin line to walk). When I realized he wasn't going to calm down, I turned to walk away and that's when I saw his fist coming in my peripheral vision, but obviously it was too late. I don't remember actually getting hit, but I was knocked out. Not knocked down, but literally rendered unconscious. It was sort of comparable to general anesthesia, like the needle goes in and you don't really remember the moments before you're out, then you wake up but it's not like waking up from regular sleep, you don't really have a sense of how much time passed. Realistically I couldn't have been out for that long. Mall security was there, but nobody who was around me saw what happened. I was told to wait because someone called 911, so I bolted out of there because I didn't have health insurance. This was about 17-18 years ago.

I attribute this incident to a combination of mate guarding instinct and roid rage. He had to have been roided up because there's zero chance a natty guy could be as big as this dude.

In b4 some internet tough guy says "oh if that were me I would have kicked his ass" "you're a cuck for backing out" "HAHAHA REKT U PUSSY!", if a 6'4 roided up dude was trying to fight you, you'd try to bitch out too, so I don't wanna hear you little fantasy LARP. This was the only time in my entire life I tried to bitch out in such a manner as I'm generally low inhib and have been in plenty of fights.
I’m sorry that happened. You should carry legal self defense weapons like pepper spray. Pepper spray is extremely powerful. If you get someone at all they are done. Also DM me if you know the name of the guy and I can help you get his info so you can get even if you want.
Even a 2/10 foid can get a chad ... And a 4/10 men cant pull a 3/10 foid... ITS OVERRRR
brutal story, its actually insane how utter assholes like this are even respected in society, normies are truly projecting when ranting about personality.
well no incel that’s in shape deserves a cow grazing on the lopsided horizon.
God damn dude, I’m sorry this happened to you.
Damn dude. Never experienced such a thing but i recall many instances where i saw a woman by herself, sometimes even getting closer as if she wanted to send me IOIS (cope) so my subconscious was telling me to talk to her only to see her boyfriend come 2 minutes later. Some of those foids might have done it on purpose.
that's a crazy story man, sad to hear you had to go through that.

this mate guarding shit never really ends.
whenever i go out i get checked with long looks by men with a woman. i even keep catching these fucking 80 year old guys giving me long wary side glances because they're checking if i might be trying to steal their rotted out granny. everyone has to "flex" in some retarded way. clown shit reality.
that's a crazy story man, sad to hear you had to go through that.

this mate guarding shit never really ends.
whenever i go out i get checked with long looks by men with a woman. i even keep catching these fucking 80 year old guys giving me long wary side glances because they're checking if i might be trying to steal their rotted out granny. everyone has to "flex" in some retarded way. clown shit reality.
Noticed this too it's so awful. Really a bunch of ooga booga monkeys

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