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Hypocrisy The things people say…

  • Thread starter Deleted member 677
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Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
to youngcels like myself.

"You're too young to be incel! You'll get laid soon; just wait! ;)"
Totally. Because the time fairy will come and use pixie dust to recreate my shitty facial genetics. The only incel features that puberty can change is facial fat and acne. I'll still have a huge Roman nose, negative canthal tilt, lazy eye, horrible facial asymmetry, Paul Ryan's widow's peak, Asperger's, and more. I've tried so many times with girls, but they've all harshly rejected me. No exaggerations when I say harsh. My rejection count is 19.
Think about yourself when you were young. Did "just waiting" work for you? I didn't think so.

"16-year-old virgins are normal!"
It depends on where you are. It probably isn't the case in my school, and I can guarantee you that kissless virgins are a small minority. (I want to kiss a girl more than I want sex.)
But don't some people here believe the 80/20 rule? If it's true, then incels must be abound in the world and more normal than you think.

"It doesn't get any easier in the adult world!"
It probably doesn't. But that doesn't mean it's easy in high school. Do you really think that those prime JBs that pedocels drool over would ever fuck a teencel? They go for giga-Chads. Regular Chads and Chad-lites get the rest, while normies still get to kiss them. That population makes up 95% of the males in my school (I did the math).
If it were so easy in high school, wouldn't all of y'all have gotten laid then?

"Just run the social circle game!"
I've tried that. Every social circle I know never liked me for some reason (my horrid face).

"You can't tell us about inceldom with your limited life experience!"
You're right. I don't have as much life experience as most people here. Y'all may know a lot more things than me, but I've still experienced the brutality of female treatment towards incels and that can't be diminished. See examples.

"You didn't try!"
That's not the case with me. I've liked girls since I was 8 and have been trying to kiss a girl since I was 11. I've played the "approach first" game forever, and it never worked. It only resulted in nineteen soul-crushing rejections that put me into the depression that I'm in today, seventeen of which occurred in high school. So that was pretty strong effort, don't you think?

"This site will damage your mind!"
My mind is already damaged. There's no detriment to knowing why people have treated me like shit for all my life (ugliness).
Also, seeing all the teen partying and how much better everyone else's life is than my own was a lot more damaging than this site. It's the only place where I belong.
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"Stay away from incels, it's a """toxic""" (new buzzword) place"

Maybe if you're right your buffer power can resist the acid we have to toss at you?
19 ain’t shit. Also don’t underestimate how much your face can change in 2 years.
19 ain’t shit. Also don’t underestimate how much your face can change in 2 years.
take the agepill my dude. Its nowhere but down after 19
19 rejections. Also he told me he was 16 yesterday.

Ah, number of rejections.

His face will most definitely change while still young.
19 rejections. Also he told me he was 16 yesterday.
Still, Chad gets more square jawed into his early twnties, but incels worst features get more defined, as they are more filled out in their teens so you can't tell

Hes hes not getting laid now, its only going to get worse
The it gets harder after school part is bullshit. I can tell you from experience that it's way easier, the only reason it's "hard" for normies and Chads is because they don't get the social interaction that they used to. Working is 100x better as an incel.

When it comes to parties you're not missing anything as an incel. I've been to a couple parties and sure some of it is fun but most of the time it's just you alone being ignored by people. Even if you try to start up a conversation it gets shot down pretty quickly. If you're looking for something more fun that involves drinking I would recommend bars. Clubs are even worse than parties because everyone is just after a quick fuck so all the girls are targeting the UBER CHADS.
"The things random strangers on the internet say".

Most real life people don't even know what this is
Still, Chad gets more square jawed into his early twnties, but incels worst features get more defined, as they are more filled out in their teens so you can't tell

Hes hes not getting laid now, its only going to get worse
thats a paragraph right there
come back 10 years later when you are still incel i guarantee you wont be
kek Don't listen to this guy he's like 7 years old.
"16-year-old virgins are normal!"

The Office Laughing GIF downsized
High IQ thread.
I'm 20 and I can guarantee you: It's only getting worse.
You talk like a fool,always whining about your age,stop giving a fuck about what kaffirs say
"This site will damage your mind!"
My mind is already damaged. There's no detriment to knowing why people have treated me like shit for all my life (ugliness).
Also, seeing all the teen partying and how much better everyone else's life is than my own was a lot more damaging than this site. It's the only place where I belong.
15? your nose has not even finished to grow.

And your jawline don't finish growing until like 19, and until 21 your forward growt can improve(just look chico)
I feel you man. The advice they give us youngcels sounds waaaay too much like redpilled PUA crap.
Congrats buddy you made it to IT they think we effected your thoughts and made you choose this lifestyle kek. Even though half the community hate youngcels and wants them to leave. Now ascend and become a 6'2 white chad with the help of the kind words IT has said about you KEK.
Congrats buddy you made it to IT they think we effected your thoughts and made you choose this lifestyle kek. Even though half the community hate youngcels and wants them to leave. Now ascend and become a 6'2 white chad with the help of the kind words IT has said about you KEK.
I hate those obsessive fucks. Why can't they just get their own lives?
I hate those obsessive fucks. Why can't they just get their own lives?
cause they are complete dumbasses but yeah they refuse to understand us yet want to judge us

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