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Brutal The Suicide footage from Poland

im not a moralfag who cries over cheating, idc if some whore cheats on her bf it doesnt affect my life
Do you care if two adult men have sex in the privacy of their homes and get married?
not wanting totalitarianism makes me a soycuck? fuck off back to reddit with the rest of your tankie leftist friends
Ironic, because reddit is precisely where you belong with this cuck mindset. Not punishing degeneracy is a big part of why the culture has gone to shit, and your tolerance of it is why we have simping and white knighting.

Kill yourself.
Ironic, because reddit is precisely where you belong with this cuck mindset. Not punishing degeneracy is a big part of why the culture has gone to shit, and your tolerance of it is why we have simping and white knighting.

Kill yourself.
you even type like a robot lmao at being this much of an NPC, go move to north korea and lick kim jong uns asshole like a good boy who loves draconian laws
@ElTruecel @Chudpreet
That guy’s a retarded faggot, I’ve seen so many bad takes from him.

Sucks that this forum loses quality users all the time to get replaced with people like this dude
you even type like a robot lmao at being this much of an NPC, go move to north korea and lick kim jong uns asshole like a good boy who loves draconian laws
Good job twisting things and equating the punishment of degeneracy with totalitarianism. I bet you wouldn't even punish adultery, you fucking cuck.
he wanted her to suffer. No suffering for the dead.
She won't, though. She'll get over this after milking all of the attention out of it, then move on to the next cock.
Universe 25

amazing podcast…

View: https://youtu.be/ceB5Jwd_kHI

These finding are def present in today's society. The dominant, smart, strong minded individuals are being overthrown by the idiots slowly but surely into chaos. And theres not much you can do about it because its “second death” mentioned in the Biblical verse Revelation 2:11.
Hence why the beautiful ones just disengage altogether.

Why didn't he kill the bitch? She doesn't even care that he shoots himself, goes right back to chad. It's over.
its fucking ovER the simp probably loved her but didn't realize foids are incapable of love, total simp move
Lol, she is still trying to ride dead chad while the ex boyfriend watches.
Look how useless she is just standing there panicking, lol.

This is what treacherous whores deserve, but he should've thrown acid in her face tbh. Don't kill her just make her live as an uggo for the rest of her life.

But now she gets the coveted victim status that toilets love. Her pussy got two men killed. Women see stuff like that as a flex.
If that was an arab man he would have beat the fucking daylights out of the whore. Jfl at whitecels who think m-m-muh based Poland will save europa! :soy: :soy: :soy: slavs are just as cucked as any other snow nigger, and in fact, slavic whores are the most likely of any European group to fuck mena or black guys. Jfl :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I love watching the west fall apart
If that was an arab man he would have beat the fucking daylights out of the whore. Jfl at whitecels who think m-m-muh based Poland will save europa! :soy: :soy: :soy: slavs are just as cucked as any other snow nigger, and in fact, slavic whores are the most likely of any European group to fuck mena or black guys. Jfl :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I love watching the west fall apart
Universe 25

amazing podcast…

View: https://youtu.be/ceB5Jwd_kHI

These finding are def present in today's society. The dominant, smart, strong minded individuals are being overthrown by the idiots slowly but surely into chaos. And theres not much you can do about it because its “second death” mentioned in the Biblical verse Revelation 2:11.
Hence why the beautiful ones just disengage altogether.


The whole rat universe experiments are why I have no doubt in my mind europeans will never ever Rebel or rise up against muh immigrant muh white genocide. They have too much resources that they funnily enough stole from ethnics to give a fuck. Almost like God himself is punishing these snow niggers with racial extinction for their crimes of war mongering across the world.
He was a badass for taking out his ex girlfriends current lover, but at the same time, he is a cuck for not taking his ex out before he committed suicide
So the video is more pathetic then I thought :feelsseriously:
I thought the faggot that killed himself was IN a current relationship with the foid, and was being cheated on with Chad.

But that's the faggot's EX. And he didn't accept that she's with someone better now, so he killed him, and them himself.

What a giant fucking looser :feelsseriously:

Sex havers and their impressive self control.
I agreed with you there... I'm so sick of hearing people bitch about their ex's or being single for a short period of time. It must be nice they got to have the opportunity to be in a romantic relationship.
jfl @ this cuck
The whole rat universe experiments are why I have no doubt in my mind europeans will never ever Rebel or rise up against muh immigrant muh white genocide. They have too much resources that they funnily enough stole from ethnics to give a fuck. Almost like God himself is punishing these snow niggers with racial extinction for their crimes of war mongering across the world.
Poland didn't participated in colonial conquests.
Poland didn't participated in colonial conquests.
Wasn't talking about them per say, but yeah, they were too busy getting buttfucked by Russians and Germans to do anything about it. Even ottomans had significant influence over them for decades indirectly
What a cucked faggot imagine killing yourself for a foid
They'll rebel eventually for sure. A small group intending for an ethnostate will rise in popularity slipping through the obstacles trying to prevent it and it will grow in popularity.
It won't. Even that italian woman that white nationalists are simping for is a joke, the only thing she's done is ban mosques from being built in Italy, as if that's magically gonna stop all the niggers and sands entering Italy
For America it won't happen since there's too many ethnics there now, but Europe will stop it.
No it won't. Jfl. Stop delusionmaxxing. If it didn't happen in America where they have fucking guns to oppose their government, it's not gonna happen in a cucked land like Europe. Getmany is full of turks who are high IQ enough to be an actual threat. England js ruled by curries now. French men can't even get paternity tests, but sure, they're definitely rebelling against their government. Swedish men are willingly racemixing with Thai women
Less men = more chances for us
In other words: BASED
Jfl at whitecels who think m-m-muh based slavs will save europa!
Yeah that was one of the worse Copes I use to hear back in the day. I don't see as much now as back in 2016-2019
Yeah that was one of the worse Copes I use to hear back in the day. I don't see as much now as back in 2016-2019
Nah I still see it on places like tiktok and /pol/. It's honestly good that white cucks are still delusionmaxxing with this terrible cope because it shows they're still in denial about their demographic fate
Why didn't he kill the bitch? She doesn't even care that he shoots himself, goes right back to chad. It's over.
Hahaha, so brutal. She didn't even flinch when he died. Only chad matters.
What a super fucking simp.
All because of that filthy Stacy. He should have killed her.
He should have made her blow the corpse

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