this post is based and true. most of them live in a bubble(family, caste, religion, "ethnicity"/culture and pride, politics, news, media, internet,...) that when they come to the west one of two things happen-
1. they draw away from society and live and converse only with the other jeets from their own specific caste or (more likely) language area. they will suck each other off and basically reenter the bubble because thats all theyve ever known. the most annoying subhumans rat bastards ever, often they will come up to me and talk to me thinking that im like them and that i will be friendly just because im another south asian looking dude, i will be very rude
2. they break away from their bubble, leaving the comfort and only support they had behind and face the ramifications of entering a very liberal society from a very traditional one. here pajeets get hit with first world problems-acknowledging mental illness, inceldom(curryceldom), heightpill, individualism, therapists...some of those incels couldnt find sexual success on their own, and they are probably here on this website