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Serious The reasons agecucks are against adults dating teens have absolutely nothing to do with (alleged) increased pregnancy risks



May 2, 2018
1= male teens having sex with them can make them pregnant just the same and agecucks are not against it
2= women in their late 30s and especially 40s getting pregnant have even much, much more increased possible complications (especially for the baby) and they don't care
3= they use data from shithole countries so of course the number of women who died from childbirth is noticeable in those places
4= they pretend to be devout Catholics now and that sex is only for reproduction when we all know it definitely isn't especially on this day and age. If the problem was only that, it would be ok in their book to kiss or to have non-vaginal sex with teens as an adult

Agecuckoldry (teens can date each other but adults can't date them) is 0% about reason and logic and 100% about emotions. Lookism-based prejudice, jealousy, envy, misandry, you name it.

(I won't link the IT thread that inspired me to write this because I already did one thread on IT today and I'm aware Serge doesn't want us to do it).
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Most agecucks are brainwashed into thinking that legality=morality

it's the government shills on IT that use the bullshit stats from shithole countries and appeal to religion
If 24 year olds date 16 year old girls, who do 16 year old guys date?

I'm against age gaps in dating for the same reason I am against ANY gaps in dating, it's hypergamy and it creates inceldom.
Most agecucks are brainwashed into thinking that legality=morality
I'm aware of that. But I'm puzzled, if legality= morality, why many of them also think whites own restitutions to blacks for slavery? It was legal back them, therefore, it was moral according to their own logic.

appeal to religion
They don't even read their Bibles, because there's absolutely nothing against age gaps in relationships or marrying teenage girls in the bible.

If 24 year olds date 16 year old girls, who do 16 year old guys date?

I'm against age gaps in dating for the same reason I am against ANY gaps in dating, it's hypergamy and it creates inceldom.
That's a non-issue. Some men can also date older women if they want (and some do).

Also, in practice, most people will date around their own age anyway. It's just that it shouldn't be forbidden for them to date with age gaps.
I'm aware of that. But I'm puzzled, if legality= morality, why many of them also think whites own restitutions to blacks for slavery? It was legal back them, therefore, it was moral according to their own logic.
on wikipedia:
According to Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, doublethink is:

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.[5]
The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies—all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.[6]
something along those lines
No point in caring about age of consent as an incel tbh
No point in caring about age of consent as an incel tbh
We must not let injustice spread with the excuse that "it won't affect us". This is the same logic of "only people who criminals have reasons to fear government mass surveillance". The same rationale behind stuff like draconian AoC laws is also behind some other stuff that can affect you even as an incel.
Most 16-17 year old girls are completely finished with puberty so I still don't get why they're classified as a minor.
Most 16-17 year old girls are completely finished with puberty so I still don't get why they're classified as a minor.
Because feminists said so. Also, I've never ever met a 17 yo girl who wasn't completely through with puberty.
also, i read a lot about teen pregnancy to find the actual truth. first, in countries like african countries and shit, pregnancy complications in general are much worse. also, when i read research papers about pregnant teens the percent who had complications was actually still pretty low despite being a little higher than women in their 20s. for example, it would say like 6% of women in their 20% and maybe 14% (or 12%) for teens. also, the idea that teen pregnancy complications has only to do with biological immaturity or an underdeveloped pelvis isn't completely accurate. First, although the pelvis reaches full development at ages 25-30, this doesn't mean it isn't sufficiently developed until 25-30, because that would mean women ages 20-24 have an underdeveloped pelvis (which they don't). The pelvis becomes developed enough for childbirth usually in the late teens, for a small amount of foids it's early 20s, but for the vast majority of them it's late teens. Also, experts on teen pregnancy aren't able to know if it has to do with biological immaturity or socioeconomic factors such as less education, less prenatal care, smoking, etc. Many teens lack prenatal care and many smoke while pregnant, which can increase complications risk. Some studies show biological immaturity is a factor, some say it isn't and really has to do with lack of prenatal care, smoking and other socioeconomic factors. One study showed that controlling for socioeconomic factors reduces the odds of complications but the odds are still a little higher than women in their 20s. nonetheless, studies show that if pregnant teens have access to prenatal care, avoid smoking, use good nutrition, have education, etc., they have a very high chance of giving birth to a healthy baby. Like i said, the percentage of teens in research papers with complications wasn't that much higher than for women in their 20s.

also, studies show that black women are much more likely to have complications, but the reason isn't their race, it's because of racism in america denying them access to prenatal care. also, in medieval and ancient times, infant mortality rates were much higher and 1 in 3 women would die from pregnancy, and many women wrote their wills instantly after realizing their pregnant, but it was only because we didn't have good prenatal care back then or doctors and people usually gave awful pregnancy advice back then, and the people giving advice usually weren't experts on pregnancy.

also, teen pregnancy complications are much more common younger teens (13-14) than older teens (15-19). The older the teen, the lower the odds of pregnancy complications. This is probably because foids age 13/14 or even younger aren't done with puberty, while older teens age 15-19 are done with puberty. Girls usually finish puberty at 15-17 and usually begin it at 10 or 11. Mary, the mother of Jesus, gave birth to him when she was like 14 or something, maybe a bit older, and Jesus didn't die of natural causes. According to muslims, he was brought into heaven by god and only someone who looked like him was crucified (who people incorrectly thought was Jesus). According to christians, he was crucified, and most scholars agree he was crucified.

i also, remember some idiot on IT say "underage marriage was never common. it's a myth. in early USA and medieval england, foids married in their 20s" funny how he only looks at two countries. in ancient greece, foids usually married at 14/15 to a man in his late 20s/early 30s. in viking age sweden, foids usually married between age 12 and 15. in ancient israel, girls typically married at 12/13 and according to talmudic literature, boys usually married at age 16-24 (usually 18). in the 14th century in i think renassiance italy, girls usually married at age 15 or 16 and all of them were married by 18. average age of marriage being between a 16 year old girl and a 23 year old guy. in the 1400s in renassiance italy or something, most foids wouldn't get married until usually 17/18 however. aztecs usually married at about 14-16 for girls and age 20 for guys and in maya civilization people usually around age 20 but sometimes foids married at 16/17. in early 1900s india, the average age of marriage was between a 13 year old girl and a 20 year old guy. In russia back in the 1700s, in villages, underage marriage was becoming unusual but in cities, girls usually married in their mid-teens or something, and peasant russian girls had an average marriage age of 12. in many parts of the world before the industrial revolution, including china, eastern europe and india, girls usually married in their mid-teens and usually married a much older man and in this practice continued in those regions well into the 1800s. in the early meiji period of japan (around 1870s), many girls married at 16. in ancient egypt, girls usually married at age 12-15 and guys at age 15-20, with a usual age gap of only 3 years. in the american blackfoot indian tribe, the usual marriage was between a 15 year old woman and a 35 year old man. then that same ITfag said that early menarche is only recent and girls usually had it at 14 or even 15/16 in the past thus it's unnatural to like teen foids but the problem is is that we're attracted to physical maturity and appearance, not age, so if they are developed in their teens, we'll be attracted to them. if they are still prepubescent even at age 21 (if that exists), we won't be attracted to them. our biology/sexuality doesn't respond to laws. also, in the paleolithic age, the menarche age was between age 7/8 and 13, being just as early as nowadays, if not earlier. and in ancient middle east, it was actually age 12-13, similar to today.

also, as for the leading cause of death among teen girls, that's a stupid argument because most teenage girls don't die and the vast majority of pregnant teens don't die. it's like saying that suicide is common cause of death among teens thus most teens commit suicide even though most teens don't commit suicide and a majority don't even feel suicidal. it's like saying that accidents are the most common death among teens thus most teens die from accidents even though most teens (including most teens who drink) don't die from it, because teenagers almost never die and deaths among teen girls (even pregnant teens) is still rare. in fact, i've read studies showing that it's really more dangerous among middle-school age girls than older post-pubescent teenagers.

i also love it when people bring up the teen brain myth. The teen brain doesn't exist. The teen brain isn't the cause of teen immaturity and turmoil, it's the immaturity among teens the causes the teen brain, and teenagers are only immature because society infantilizes them so much. we extend their childhood to essentially 21 and have them stay in school, live with their parents and go to college and thus they don't act like adults until age 30. if teen turmoil was biological, it'd be found in all societies, but it isn't. Robert Epstein wrote a lot about this.

and teen girls are only traumatized by consensual sex with older guys because of society's extreme disapproval of it, it isn't the age gap that caused it. There are NO records of teen girls being traumatized by marriage to older guys long ago. And many here mentioned their grandma marrying in their teens to an older guy. I'm sure in the 1950s, white foids would date black guys and then later whine about being traumatized from it because only 4% of americans in 1958 approved of interracial marriage, compared to 87% in 2013.
also, i read a lot about teen pregnancy to find the actual truth. first, in countries like african countries and shit, pregnancy complications in general are much worse. also, when i read research papers about pregnant teens the percent who had complications was actually still pretty low despite being a little higher than women in their 20s. for example, it would say like 6% of women in their 20% and maybe 14% (or 12%) for teens. also, the idea that teen pregnancy complications has only to do with biological immaturity or an underdeveloped pelvis isn't completely accurate. First, although the pelvis reaches full development at ages 25-30, this doesn't mean it isn't sufficiently developed until 25-30, because that would mean women ages 20-24 have an underdeveloped pelvis (which they don't). The pelvis becomes developed enough for childbirth usually in the late teens, for a small amount of foids it's early 20s, but for the vast majority of them it's late teens. Also, experts on teen pregnancy aren't able to know if it has to do with biological immaturity or socioeconomic factors such as less education, less prenatal care, smoking, etc. Many teens lack prenatal care and many smoke while pregnant, which can increase complications risk. Some studies show biological immaturity is a factor, some say it isn't and really has to do with lack of prenatal care, smoking and other socioeconomic factors. One study showed that controlling for socioeconomic factors reduces the odds of complications but the odds are still a little higher than women in their 20s. nonetheless, studies show that if pregnant teens have access to prenatal care, avoid smoking, use good nutrition, have education, etc., they have a very high chance of giving birth to a healthy baby. Like i said, the percentage of teens in research papers with complications wasn't that much higher than for women in their 20s.

also, studies show that black women are much more likely to have complications, but the reason isn't their race, it's because of racism in america denying them access to prenatal care. also, in medieval and ancient times, infant mortality rates were much higher and 1 in 3 women would die from pregnancy, and many women wrote their wills instantly after realizing their pregnant, but it was only because we didn't have good prenatal care back then or doctors and people usually gave awful pregnancy advice back then, and the people giving advice usually weren't experts on pregnancy.

also, teen pregnancy complications are much more common younger teens (13-14) than older teens (15-19). The older the teen, the lower the odds of pregnancy complications. This is probably because foids age 13/14 or even younger aren't done with puberty, while older teens age 15-19 are done with puberty. Girls usually finish puberty at 15-17 and usually begin it at 10 or 11. Mary, the mother of Jesus, gave birth to him when she was like 14 or something, maybe a bit older, and Jesus didn't die of natural causes. According to muslims, he was brought into heaven by god and only someone who looked like him was crucified (who people incorrectly thought was Jesus). According to christians, he was crucified, and most scholars agree he was crucified.

i also, remember some idiot on IT say "underage marriage was never common. it's a myth. in early USA and medieval england, foids married in their 20s" funny how he only looks at two countries. in ancient greece, foids usually married at 14/15 to a man in his late 20s/early 30s. in viking age sweden, foids usually married between age 12 and 15. in ancient israel, girls typically married at 12/13 and according to talmudic literature, boys usually married at age 16-24 (usually 18). in the 14th century in i think renassiance italy, girls usually married at age 15 or 16 and all of them were married by 18. average age of marriage being between a 16 year old girl and a 23 year old guy. in the 1400s in renassiance italy or something, most foids wouldn't get married until usually 17/18 however. aztecs usually married at about 14-16 for girls and age 20 for guys and in maya civilization people usually around age 20 but sometimes foids married at 16/17. in early 1900s india, the average age of marriage was between a 13 year old girl and a 20 year old guy. In russia back in the 1700s, in villages, underage marriage was becoming unusual but in cities, girls usually married in their mid-teens or something, and peasant russian girls had an average marriage age of 12. in many parts of the world before the industrial revolution, including china, eastern europe and india, girls usually married in their mid-teens and usually married a much older man and in this practice continued in those regions well into the 1800s. in the early meiji period of japan (around 1870s), many girls married at 16. in ancient egypt, girls usually married at age 12-15 and guys at age 15-20, with a usual age gap of only 3 years. in the american blackfoot indian tribe, the usual marriage was between a 15 year old woman and a 35 year old man. then that same ITfag said that early menarche is only recent and girls usually had it at 14 or even 15/16 in the past thus it's unnatural to like teen foids but the problem is is that we're attracted to physical maturity and appearance, not age, so if they are developed in their teens, we'll be attracted to them. if they are still prepubescent even at age 21 (if that exists), we won't be attracted to them. our biology/sexuality doesn't respond to laws. also, in the paleolithic age, the menarche age was between age 7/8 and 13, being just as early as nowadays, if not earlier. and in ancient middle east, it was actually age 12-13, similar to today.

also, as for the leading cause of death among teen girls, that's a stupid argument because most teenage girls don't die and the vast majority of pregnant teens don't die. it's like saying that suicide is common cause of death among teens thus most teens commit suicide even though most teens don't commit suicide and a majority don't even feel suicidal. it's like saying that accidents are the most common death among teens thus most teens die from accidents even though most teens (including most teens who drink) don't die from it, because teenagers almost never die and deaths among teen girls (even pregnant teens) is still rare. in fact, i've read studies showing that it's really more dangerous among middle-school age girls than older post-pubescent teenagers.

i also love it when people bring up the teen brain myth. The teen brain doesn't exist. The teen brain isn't the cause of teen immaturity and turmoil, it's the immaturity among teens the causes the teen brain, and teenagers are only immature because society infantilizes them so much. we extend their childhood to essentially 21 and have them stay in school, live with their parents and go to college and thus they don't act like adults until age 30. if teen turmoil was biological, it'd be found in all societies, but it isn't. Robert Epstein wrote a lot about this.

and teen girls are only traumatized by consensual sex with older guys because of society's extreme disapproval of it, it isn't the age gap that caused it. There are NO records of teen girls being traumatized by marriage to older guys long ago. And many here mentioned their grandma marrying in their teens to an older guy. I'm sure in the 1950s, white foids would date black guys and then later whine about being traumatized from it because only 4% of americans in 1958 approved of interracial marriage, compared to 87% in 2013.
You should get a honoris causa degree on the subject.
You should get a honoris causa degree on the subject.
IT during sexology class


You should get a honoris causa degree on the subject.
also teens have high reproductive value (aka amount of reproductive years left). which is neccesary for population on the earth
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I've talked to quite a lot of JBs and tbh I think at this point it's pretty much a waste of time in many cases as well. 16 yo bitches have been used and abused by chads already.

I'm start to think that one may need to make agreements with the JB's parents as soon as she's born to have the right to own her later on, like they did in ancient Japan.

3= they use data from shithole countries so of course the number of women who died from childbirth is noticeable in those places
Ragefuel. Those stupid cucks will do anything to reaffirm their bias.
Agecuckoldry (teens can date each other but adults can't date them) is 0% about reason and logic and 100% about emotions. Lookism-based prejudice, jealousy, envy, misandry, you name it.
Those fags don't even care when a foid fucks an underage teen, so them being only angry when men do it is clearly misandry,
Most agecucks are brainwashed into thinking that legality=morality

it's the government shills on IT that use the bullshit stats from shithole countries and appeal to religion
based. agecucks want ugly rich men to suffer and never get JB pussy. with money.
I could mog an 8 year old boy, so if it were permitted I could perhaps land an 8 year old girlfriend who would appreciate my attention.

Older foids don't want competition and their orbiters go along with opposition to virtue signal
If 24 year olds date 16 year old girls, who do 16 year old guys date?

I'm against age gaps in dating for the same reason I am against ANY gaps in dating, it's hypergamy and it creates inceldom.
Exactly, imo under a certain age (16 for example) all kind of relationships should be illegal, even with other teens, this way 16 y.o. incels that wouldn't have fucked anyway have a tiny chance to find a virgin girl
make agreements with the JB's parents as soon as she's born to have the right to own her later on, like they did in ancient Japan.
Based system.

Exactly, imo under a certain age (16 for example) all kind of relationships should be illegal, even with other teens, this way 16 y.o. incels that wouldn't have fucked anyway have a tiny chance to find a virgin girl
As much as I disagree with your idea, at least it is something consistent, unlike what IT types defend (teens can date each other but not older people).
1= male teens having sex with them can make them pregnant just the same and agecucks are not against it
2= women in their late 30s and especially 40s getting pregnant have even much, much more increased possible complications (especially for the baby) and they don't care
3= they use data from shithole countries so of course the number of women who died from childbirth is noticeable in those places
4= they pretend to be devout Catholics now and that sex is only for reproduction when we all know it definitely isn't especially on this day and age. If the problem was only that, it would be ok in their book to kiss or to have non-vaginal sex with teens as an adult

Agecuckoldry (teens can date each other but adults can't date them) is 0% about reason and logic and 100% about emotions. Lookism-based prejudice, jealousy, envy, misandry, you name it.

(I won't link the IT thread that inspired me to write this because I already did one thread on IT today and I'm aware Serge doesn't want us to do it).
I wish my mom didn’t have me in her fucking 30s.
Ragefuel. Those stupid cucks will do anything to reaffirm their bias.

Those fags don't even care when a foid fucks an underage teen, so them being only angry when men do it is clearly misandry,
According to IT, pregnant teens have a 90% chance of dying from it
Exactly, imo under a certain age (16 for example) all kind of relationships should be illegal, even with other teens, this way 16 y.o. incels that wouldn't have fucked anyway have a tiny chance to find a virgin girl

My 11 year old sister is already 5'5 (same size as my mom) and hasn't even started puberty yet as far as I know.

Meanwhile, my 10 year old sister is 4'8 and looks like a 7 year old.

JFL if you think age, and not biology, is what matters when it comes to marriage/sex. Age has never mattered throughout history, at least not independant of puberty.
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My 11 year old sister is already 5'5 (same size as my mom) and hasn't even started puberty yet as far as I know.

Meanwhile, my 10 year old sister is 4'8 and looks like a 7 year old.

JFL if you think age, and not biology, is what matters when it comes to marriage/sex. Age has never mattered throughout history, at least not independant of puberty.
I remember back in the FKK beach episode (back in my impious times), out of the two girls I saw naked, one was already very developed and the other was just a loli, no tits at all, squarish sides, etc. But through stalking later I found out a picture of them as toddlers on FB, they're 2 years apart at best.
I remember back in the FKK beach episode (back in my impious times), out of the two girls I saw naked, one was already very developed and the other was just a loli, no tits at all, squarish sides, etc. But through stalking later I found out a picture of them as toddlers on FB, they're 2 years apart at best.
Do you know how old they were exactly?
According to IT, pregnant teens have a 90% chance of dying from it
And if you tell them they're wrong, and bring up that teens get pregnant all the time in the west, they'll call you a pedo as an argument.
Men are attracted to youth

change my mind
Male natural impulses are not ok because they hurt the feelings of old feminists.

Women natural impulses are ok though, even if they hurt men's feelings. Fuck men, am I right?
Male natural impulses are not ok because they hurt the feelings of old feminists.

Women natural impulses are ok though, even if they hurt men's feelings. Fuck men, am I right?
I think men should date who they want I don’t wanna restrict a man’s sexuality.
I think men should date who they want I don’t wanna restrict a man’s sexuality.
If people are considered old enough to do something, it's up to them (alternatively, completely or partially to their father, in the case of women marrying) to decide with whom they're gonna do it. If they are considered too young to do it, then they can't do it with anyone. Simple.
Notice how arbitrary age of consent only existed in the early 20th century when feminism was born?

People were fucking teens and having kids as the norm before that. Probably ironically those kids were genetically healthier than the zoomers we have today born from mothers over 30.
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Notice how arbitrary age of consent only existed in the early 20th century when feminism was born?

People were fucking teens and having kids as the norm before that. Probably ironically those kids were genetically healthier than the zoomers we have today born from mothers over 30.
Autism is through the roof because of late 30s and 40s childbirth. Those IT types don't care though, because in this case it's the child being damaged and not the woman. Those people are in favor of baby murder, in favor of single motherhood and stepfathers, in favor of the current school system that traumatizes children. They don't care about children at all.
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If people are considered old enough to do something, it's up to them (alternatively, completely or partially to their father, in the case of women marrying) to decide with whom they're gonna do it. If they are considered too young to do it, then they can't do it with anyone. Simple.
I often see 12th grade guys and think “that’s what they call a child?”
I often see 12th grade guys and think “that’s what they call a child?”
Women with fertile, attractive bodies but feeble minds must be under the tutelage of older men who know what's better for them and for society.
Women with fertile, attractive bodies but feeble minds must be under the tutelage of older men who know what's better for them and for society.
There are no records of teen brides being traumatized back long ago but older brides being okay
Society infantilizing teens is what caused their immaturity, I’d like to find a 17 year old guy to shoe him he’s a man and show him he can find a wife and kids

Jfl at this roastie
Jfl at that dumb whore. "Teens need to explore with chads, not be in a committed relationship." "Adults seem cooler to teens, so they shouldn't be allowed to have sex with them." "Sex is for fun and exploration, unless when it's done with a creepy adult male."

Screen Shot 2020 07 03 at 95128 AM
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Screen Shot 2020 07 03 at 95229 AM
Screen Shot 2020 07 03 at 94635 AM
Jfl at that dumb whore. "Teens need to explore with chads, not be in a committed relationship." "Adults seem cooler to teens, so they shouldn't be allowed to have sex with them." "Sex is for fun and exploration, unless when it's done with a creepy adult male."

View attachment 285007View attachment 285008View attachment 285009View attachment 285006
Just date some random young Chads and get a bunch of "experience" i.e. baggage, jadedness, STDs and perhaps a kid or two out of wedlock. Then you're ready for marrying a betabuxx when you're in your 30s. Seems like a pretty solid plan, the absolute ideal for our societies.
Jfl at that dumb whore. "Teens need to explore with chads, not be in a committed relationship." "Adults seem cooler to teens, so they shouldn't be allowed to have sex with them." "Sex is for fun and exploration, unless when it's done with a creepy adult male."

View attachment 285007View attachment 285008View attachment 285009View attachment 285006
Just date some random young Chads and get a bunch of "experience" i.e. baggage, jadedness, STDs and perhaps a kid or two out of wedlock. Then you're ready for marrying a betabuxx when you're in your 30s. Seems like a pretty solid plan, the absolute ideal for our societies.
This idea we must go to college and then become parents in our 30s is dumb. Education is stupid and shouldn’t be mandatory and houses, food etc should just be free. Money shouldn’t exist except for things that are wants
This idea we must go to college and then become parents in our 30s is dumb. Education is stupid and shouldn’t be mandatory and houses, food etc should just be free. Money shouldn’t exist except for things that are wants
Remember Roosh's video, "why are women being educated?". That was pretty based and almost immediately banned from YT.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HScKJuyYZbxg/

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