I have witnessed all of these trends, actually. I started using the internet in 2005, but back then, however, it was just limited to visiting html-based websites. In 2006, however, I started using Youtube and if you typed into the search box, the letters would be red. Thanks to Youtube, I found a smosh video and I joined their forum in 2007. I would actively post there and accumulate 1,000 posts. People were complaining about my frequent posting, but the hate on emo/scene kids wasn't so bad because there were lots of emo/scene kids there. In fact, I started to get into alternative music during that time, completely abandoning Top 40 songs and embracing post-hardcore. I still remember listening to A Skylit Drive's Drown the City and it was different but I liked it at the same time. I was not used to it because of the screaming vocals. Anyway, in 2008 I would enter high school, but I didn't know about Justin Bieber until 2009. In my class there was a so called belieber and she ended up being the butt of many jokes that were made by the boys, but the girls would always jump to her defense. In late 2008, I would also finally discover 4chan and secretly browse it. I say "finally" because I had seen a 4chan screenshot in 2006 and I was wondering where it was from and I never knew until somebody asked me if I was on 4chan since I used a lolcat. I kept posting until around 2011 or so. That's when I switched over to /x/ instead of /b/. Nowadays everyone knows about 4chan, but back then, nobody really knew. I introduced my then-friend to /b/ and we would meme around a lot, and nobody at school would get it and we loved it. I don't know if any of you remember the "U DUN GOOF'D!" meme, but I was there when it was created. Through 4chan, I discovered people were using the term "neckbeard" as an insult. But it's only recently that I found out about this boomer hate, which I suppose exists because boomers are right-wing whereas millenials are left-wing, so naturally their views clash. In reality, however, the hate that millenials have for boomers is not because they're right-wing, but because they're the embodiment of their parents, and their parents are just as right-wing, so it's simply a rebellion against their parents. That's how it should be seen. The millenials that are fed up with left-wingers either turn to right-wing cucks or become libertarian cucks. And of course, nowadays incels are hated on. We're hated on because we clash with left-wing beliefs too. But, not only that, we are in a special position because we also clash with right-wing beliefs as well. Right-wing cucks still bend over backwards to please their precious white women. It's absolutely pathetic.