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Blackpill The reason sjws will win the culture war



Sep 18, 2018
So I was a fan of Sargon of Akkad for a long time because he hated on sjws and feminists. But after a while I have come to conclude that in-spite of being more or less correct on why sjws and feminists suck he is ultimately still a blue pilled cuck. The reason for this is that he like so many other "liberal individualists" falls victim to the classic blue pill delusion of thinking the majority of society actually values liberal values. It doesn't. I won't mention specific videos or quotes because I don't even remember the exact ones in which he has said those things or the exact manner in which they were phrased, so instead I will just give you the cliff notes on the things he believes about sjws and the left:

List of things Sargon believes:

-Most people hate feminists

-Most people hate sjws

-Most people are individualists

-Most people hate censorship

-People love meritocracy

-Because of the above, the left will lose the culture war and at some point society will embrace classical liberal and individualist values, and the left and sjws will go down in history as the leftist version of the old religious conservatives whom everybody hates.

Other Youtubers such as Paul Josef Watson have also expressed similar believes.

.....and it's all complete fucking horseshit.

The problem with the likes of Sargon (or Paul, or "insert some anti-sjw youtuber") is that he doesn't understand human nature or why sjws/feminism even exists. Or for that matter, why the old religious conservatives lost their popularity.

The reason for why his comparison between sjwism and the old religious right fails, is because the 2 factions promise people 2 fundamentally very different things:

The religious right promised:
That if you live a strict lifestyle devoid of earthly pleasure then you will be rewarded in the afterlife.
Sjws promise: A world where all of your problems are everybody's else fault and also nobody can ever be better than you and yea let us give you everything for free.

So basically the first demanded sacrifices and responsibility, and the later are just pure populists promising the world.....

Just fucking lmao that Sargon can't see the massive difference between the two and why huge numbers of people would have no problems rejecting the former while still embracing the later. No, sjws are not going to vanish like religion . Because unlike religion, sjws promises (even if fake and hollow) are actually seductive. Sargon like most anti-sjw youtubers are so fucking stupid for not seeing this.

The depressing reality is this: Most people are sad and will gravitate towards whomever will them what they want to hear. Sjws tell people that nothing can ever be their fault while also promising them the world, and for this reason alone they will win the culture war. It doesn't matter how stupid or obnoxious they are, they will still win it simply because most people are losers who can't or won't take responsibility for anything.

Sargon and other youtubers are also in denial about race. Paul for example made a video where he said gen z were more conservative than millennials and that this was evidence people are becoming more red pilled. This is a classic example of being in denial about race. No, gen z is not getting red pilled. YOUNG WHITE MALES are getting red pilled. Young males who are not white are no more conservative today than they were before, so while the current alienation of white gen z males has caused some temporary drop of sjw support among gen z in the bigger scheme of things it doesn't matter. Paul is going to have a massive nervous breakdown once he realizes this and that gen z will grow up to be even more cucked than the last generation.

Just face it. Sjws and the left have won. Conservatism and individualism is dead in the west. Granted that in some European nations Islam might take over, but anywhere else communism is across the corner.

Realizing that the sjws will win the culture and that all the current sjws insanity will become the accepted cultural norm within a couple of decade is the ultimate blackpill. And that is the ice cold brutal reality.
The left winning here in the UK would work in my favour actually. They believe in a strong welfare state and may even implement UBI, so it'd mean I could carry on NEETing unimpeded and I'd get even more money than I currently do if they implement UBI. That's literally the only reason why I want them to come out on top. There could be complete chaos outside, but it wouldn't affect me because I'll be up in my room, chillin'. In fact, I want businesses to crumble because most of them are run by uber-normies and there's nothing I enjoy more than seeing normies fail and their pathetic ways of coping with failure such as drugs and drink.
Incels should always hope for socialists to win in current situations, they love the welfare system and we incels at least could use that money to live the NEET life, I'm not gonna wagecuck and contribute to society in order to give chad and stacy a happy life. Btw, Islam KILLS sjw's so I don't get why people think that Islam has an alliance with SJW's. Islam is conservative and more 'right winged' than any other party or group or system on this fucking planet.
The left winning here in the UK would work in my favour actually. They believe in a strong welfare state and may even implement UBI

Do you really think that a communist shithole full of brown people will be able to create the wealth needed to fund your welfare state? Or for that matter, do you think the left even cares about the poor at all? Leftist populism has always been bullshit. They don't care about you. The welfare state is just a means to an end to get votes, and once they don't need those votes anymore because they have built a dictatorship they will get rid of the welfare state since it won't be needed anymore for the purpose of securing votes. The UK will become a european Cuba.

Incels should always hope for socialists to win in current situations, they love the welfare system and we incels at least could use that money to live the NEET life, I'm not gonna wagecuck and contribute to society in order to give chad and stacy a happy life. Btw, Islam KILLS sjw's so I don't get why people think that Islam has an alliance with SJW's. Islam is conservative and more 'right winged' than any other party or group or system on this fucking planet.

Islam is racialist and doesn't care for white muslims. If whites convert to Islam they might be treated less horribly but don't think for a second that they would ever be seen as equal to the Arabs.
eh, not unless God gets angry and throws an asteroid at us for being degenerates and profligates.
Incels should always hope for socialists to win in current situations, they love the welfare system and we incels at least could use that money to live the NEET life, I'm not gonna wagecuck and contribute to society in order to give chad and stacy a happy life. Btw, Islam KILLS sjw's so I don't get why people think that Islam has an alliance with SJW's. Islam is conservative and more 'right winged' than any other party or group or system on this fucking planet.
Islam isn't immune to sjws since the internet. Saudi is getting more and more cucked by the day. Western muslims are a joke that will lose all semblence of faith in a generation. Also you'd be amazed how quickly peoples opinions changed when it's in their best interest.
I think the issue is optics in all seriousness. the right is afraid to act like animals and is concerned about optics and ethics...no time for acting ethical if your world is going to hell in a handbasket. bring out the knives, guns, bombs. who cares about jail. it will pass.
Islam isn't immune to sjws since the internet. Saudi is getting more and more cucked by the day. Western muslims are a joke that will lose all semblence of faith in a generation. Also you'd be amazed how quickly peoples opinions changed when it's in their best interest.

liberals don't even know whats in their own best interests, let alone that of others. the best thing we can hope for is liberals cuck themselves to death.
Western muslims are a joke that will lose all semblence of faith in a generation.

Young muslims in the west are actually radicalizing because the fact that they are low IQ and have no future means that they are fucked and can't compete in western society.
Nietzsche is right...It(moral relativism) will start in the west and it will engulf the world... lets be zarathustra and live alone in the mountain leaving society...
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Culture war is cope.
IQ shaming is borgeious Jewish behavior. You're gonna get gassed.
IQ shaming is borgeious Jewish behavior. You're gonna get gassed.
Being a retard is no excuse for spouting retarded shit. Even if you go ER like you bragged about in discord you will be nothing more than yet another irrelevant nut job.
Banning people cuz they hurt muh fee fees

Im blackpilled af but if I bother you so much you can go back to Reddit and get your dose off 100% fortified soymilk. Also "yikes"
Banning people cuz they hurt muh fee fees


No, because you've admitted to not being incel and on top of that only using this place to promote your YouTube/shitty ideology in general instead of actually caring about the blackpill. Also, you're the one who is whining 'no low IQ shaming you ableist scum'
Im an incel advocate and that place is an FBI honey pot waiting to happen that's why I left. But go on keep watching BasedShaman and get more bluepills and more blue balls. I know the fucking truth and you can't handle it. You don't have to align with my ideology to get my incel videos. I get people from amoral nihilists to WN Libertarians to actual NS people to everything in between subscribing to me. That says a lot. Moreso than DebasedShaman can claim.
Im an incel advocate and that place is an FBI honey pot waiting to happen that's why I left. But go on keep watching BasedShaman and get more bluepills and more blue balls. I know the fucking truth and you can't handle it. You don't have to align with my ideology to get my incel videos. I get people from amoral nihilists to WN Libertarians to actual NS people to everything in between subscribing to me. That says a lot. Moreso than DebasedShaman can claim.

Strawman, idgaf about BasedShaman and all that shit. You're just a delusional idiot thinking you can actually achieve your goals with violence. Also, from what I've heard you barely care about the blackpill and related issues. That's doing the wrong thing for all the wrong reasons.
That's cool

OMG violence!

Sargon of Akkad is a :soy:
largely agree, but always put the prefix 'judeo' before the term 'left' ie the 'judeo left' for clarity's sake
That's cool

OMG violence!

What do you think will happen, huh? Go ahead, tell me how you're going to save the west with bombs.

It can't work and you know that. Delusional cope is bad cope.
What do you think will happen, huh? Go ahead, tell me how you're going to save the west with bombs.

It can't work and you know that. Delusional cope is bad cope.

Franco took over Spain with violence.
always put the prefix 'judeo' before the term 'left' ie the 'judeo left' for clarity's sake
The left here in the UK have been called antisemitic and British jews tend to lean more towards the Conservative party, probably because it's the party with the most money and no doubt it's run by Zionist freemasons. I have a feeling that the left here in the UK is different than the left in the US.
The left here in the UK have been called antisemitic and British jews tend to lean more towards the Conservative party, probably because it's the party with the most money and no doubt it's run by Zionist freemasons. I have a feeling that the left here in the UK is different than the left in the US.
I'm not a UScel
Franco took over Spain with violence.
and the Carlists were mercenaries who helped him, my people. CNT were mostly femoids and tried to burn churches in Basque territory (where Carlist Basque Priests were), RIP St. Loyola, RIP St. Xavier, until Franco put his iron boot down.
I'm not a UScel

here in the US both are zionist in different ways. that's why I advocate for the third position.

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