The reason why incels are so put off by people being gay, supporting socialism, etc like nearly every other person their age and instead agree with boomers on nearly all facets of politics is because inceldom separated them from people of their own age
No, I'm actually not put off by homosexuality in and of itself, but I hate PDA in general and dislike flamboyant parades.
If I feel hostility to the gays, it's moreso because I feel betrayed by them. A big part of their identity is supposedly how they are all ostracized by normies and this makes them nicer and more empathizing towards those who suffer, right?
So you would expect them to be nice people, but they can be even more tribal and hateful if you don't cave into their views lockstep.
It's very similar to the betrayal I feel toward women. Supposedly they had been persecuted / made property / raped / etc. which you think would teach them empathy (and media sends that message) but the reality is that they usually are not.
My hostility did not come from peer separation, because I continued to have high hopes for foid/homo empathy for years after being ostracized by Chad/Stacy dominated social circles.
My hostility originates from actually witnessing how they act. It is empirical. Not merely because I didn't absorb normy memes.
Homosexuals are so normalized these days that they adopt normy biases to fit in. At least Chad never experienced suffering so we can't expect him to have empathy, but homosexuals SHOULD have it, but if they do, they throw it to the side to fit in and be at the bully's table.
Face it, if you interacted with normal, NT people your age you wouldn't be right wing.
I could go and start interacting with them now (it would be torture and I would get treated like shit) but that would not change my views.
Being right wing as an incel is totally fucking moronic, you have nothing to gain and it totally works against you, especially as an ethnic.
Changing civilized nations into shit melting pots isn't good for ethnics. Ethnics do better in 90% white nations than they do in 10% white nations.
This is the most bizzare rationalization I see nazis make,
they just don't want to admit that their politics are indistinguishable from boomers
2 people voting for Trump doesn't mean they're voting for Trump for the same reasons.
For example: some vote for Trump because they want to support Israel and that's what Trump has seemed to do so far.
But others want to see Trump stop supporting Israel and believe he will do this in his 2nd term when training wheels are off and he doesn't need to worry about placating AIPAC-funded congress for an upcoming bid.
Also: "nazis" is a bullshit slang term with origins in anti-German racism, so please stop using it, racist.
if you're an antisemite you're right wing
If by that you mean anti-Jewish, a lot of the right wing is evangelicals who ADORE the Jews.
I wouldn't say that stance is tied to either political stance.
Also please recognize that the Semitic races include BOTH the Jews and the Arabs, so stop acting like Jews get a monopoly on 'Semitic'.
my mother thinks I'm a horrible person for not worshipping Donald "Schlomo" Trump.
Donald Trump is one of the most pro-israel us presidents in recent history
You guys just can't cope like I do because you can't get your minds around how many moves ahead he might be operating on the 88D chessboard.
If I can simplify it for you guys: dialing back aid towards Israel is so politically difficult to accomplish (you'd probably get assassinated if you got elected on that platform) that for it to be at all feasible, you have to first set yourself up with the image of "the most pro-Jewish president EVER".
I think that's what term 1 has all been about. Trump has hid easter-eggs about his aims. He mentioned Israel can defend itself with the aid it receives, for one. You have to understand that the 5 billion per year they get is NOTHING compared to the 60 billion per year the US is spending to actually keep a military presence around Israel, so you should deal with pulling troops out first.
Trump hasn't pulled the troops out, of course, and I just keep hoping he'll do it if he wins 2nd term.
I think one big risk of withdrawal is Israel is a master of false flag attacks, so if you withdraw too quickly they'll fake an attack on US troops by muslims or russians or some shit, and either start a war to keep US there or paint trump as anti-Semite if he continues the pull-out in spite of it instead of digging in.
I want Israel to burn to ashes.
As nice as the idea is, it wouldn't solve the central problem of diaspora, just like getting them to stop circumcision wouldn't solve all the other subtler abuses they heap upon others.