Women don't like niggers. Idk where you live but here in CA, they dont like niggers. Some ghetto trashy foids and overly obese foids from the lower class areas like black dudes but even then, most non-black ghetto foids go for wiggers/hispanic dudes. In general, most foids find black males ugly and repulsive just like they find most Asian, Indian, Middle eastern, and about 75% of Hispanic men ugly.
Foids see them as useful only for virtue signaling. But would never date the average ghetto, stupid, and ugly black dude. Tall non ghetto tyrones only.
Foids only listen to rap and hip hop because it is trendy and everyone else listens to it. You can say that is true for the average music listener ("I like all kinds of music") but I digress. Most non black foids would never date a black dude. They listen to that ghetto trashy music because it is trendy to say that they listen to it, not because they actually like it. "I listen to all kinds of music" means they don't actually have a favorite genre and love for music.