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JFL The real reason foids love BLM so much



|| KHHV Lolicon Animecel || the King of N.E.E.Ts
Jan 7, 2020
Why are foids so fucking obsessed with that BLM bullshit? why do they protect niggers that only rape, murder and steal so much? (13%/53% rule)
well, if you have a brain or two you'll come to the same conclusion as me: the BBC.

Why do they want all rioting blackies to be freed from jail? because they miss their beloved BBC!! Lets get real, theres nothing foids love more than getting their disgusting roastie cunts absolutely obliterated by some tyrone with a 16inch BBC. but now all of their beloved BBCs are either getting killed or sent to jail by based PD so they went crazy and started looting and rioting.


and dont forget: no rioting to save you if youre sub4 ethnic, incel! :soy:
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They would never do this for an indian or asian.
Absolute 100% truth. The mods should sticky this, to be perfectly honest.
Racism among incels is so fucking retarded. They love BLM so they can virtue signal first and foremost. Also like I said in another thread not all Black men have BBC.

Foids are brainless they'll submit to the dominant mainstream culture just how they submit to the most dominant (genetically superior) men. They have no true beliefs nor opinions.
I notice that all the cumskin whores who openly like black men are ugly as fuck and always fat. I feel bad for black men who want white women, but at the same time, I dislike race mixing. There is a halo with blacks due to the "muh slavery" bullshit and I think it has more to do with that than just "BBC."

If it was Indians or Chinese who were enslaved and oppressed in the past instead of blacks, I would have a harder time believing that all these crusty ass white women would be out and about protesting for apparent "rights" for them, like what they're doing with blacks.
When a bbc chimps out and assaults random business owners and steals their property, or robs and threatens a pregnant woman, he dindu nuffin and it's only because muh oppression and inequality. He a gud boi on the inside.

But when an inkel snaps from years of bullying and sociosexual deprivation and goes ER, it's muh toxic masculinity and mizoogynist ideology :feelsclown:
Racism among incels is so fucking retarded. They love BLM so they can virtue signal first and foremost. Also like I said in another thread not all Black men have BBC.

Foids are brainless they'll submit to the dominant mainstream culture just how they submit to the most dominant (genetically superior) men. They have no true beliefs nor opinions.
I wasnt talking about blackcels/ethnics, I was talking about 8+ BBC tyrones
Why are foids so fucking obsessed with that BLM bullshit? why do they protect niggers that only rape, murder and steal so much? (13%/53% rule)
well, if you have a brain or two you'll come to the same conclusion as me: the BBC.

Why do they want all rioting blackies to be freed from jail? because they miss their beloved BBC!! Lets get real, theres nothing foids love more than getting their disgusting roastie cunts absolutely obliterated by some tyrone with a 16inch BBC. but now all of their beloved BBCs are either getting killed or sent to jail by based PD so they went crazy and started looting and rioting.

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and dont forget: no rioting to save you if youre sub4 ethnic, incel! :soy:

In no time those friendly neighbors will be out of jail again! I wonder which women they'll rape first... Maybe my mom, or my 8 year old cousin. I have no idea, but... AT LEAST IT'S JUSTICE, RIGHT? LET THE BLACKS OUT OF JAAIALKAI89ALAIALAIALAIALIALAIAOL
Racism among incels is so fucking retarded. They love BLM so they can virtue signal first and foremost. Also like I said in another thread not all Black men have BBC.

Foids are brainless they'll submit to the dominant mainstream culture just how they submit to the most dominant (genetically superior) men. They have no true beliefs nor opinions.
Are you black?
They want there pussys rioted by black men
I notice that all the cumskin whores who openly like black men are ugly as fuck and always fat. I feel bad for black men who want white women, but at the same time, I dislike race mixing. There is a halo with blacks due to the "muh slavery" bullshit and I think it has more to do with that than just "BBC."

If it was Indians or Chinese who were enslaved and oppressed in the past instead of blacks, I would have a harder time believing that all these crusty ass white women would be out and about protesting for apparent "rights" for them, like what they're doing with blacks.
Whenever niggers do something wrong and get called out for it they always play the "We Wuz Slaves" and " You Iz Racizt" cards
fuck those low IQ retards tbh
They want there pussys rioted by black men
:feelskek: jfl
If it was Indians or Chinese who were enslaved and oppressed in the past instead of blacks, I would have a harder time believing that all these crusty ass white women would be out and about protesting for apparent "rights" for them, like what they're doing with blacks.
Keep in mind this extends to all femorrhoids who support BLM, including Islamic femorrhoids. Anyone who goes there is a coal-burner, no exceptions.
Racism among incels is so fucking retarded. They love BLM so they can virtue signal first and foremost. Also like I said in another thread not all Black men have BBC.

Foids are brainless they'll submit to the dominant mainstream culture just how they submit to the most dominant (genetically superior) men. They have no true beliefs nor opinions.
Racism among incels is so fucking retarded. They love BLM so they can virtue signal first and foremost. Also like I said in another thread not all Black men have BBC.

Foids are brainless they'll submit to the dominant mainstream culture just how they submit to the most dominant (genetically superior) men. They have no true beliefs nor opinions.
This. Foids are very narcissistic, and therefore constantly scan the environment for hegemonic trends that they can attach themselves to in order to buttress their grandiosity and leverage attention.

They signal their support for BLM for the same reason that they signal their support for celebrities such as The Beatles and Justin Bieber, or Adolf Hitler and Eric Harris (depending on the context).
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70 years ago very early on, theyve all be declared mentally insane and sent into an asylum. It would have been named as a mass psychosis and electro shock therapy would have been applied. Maybe some lobotomies for some of the most degenerate whores.
70 years ago very early on, theyve all be declared mentally insane and sent into an asylum. It would have been named as a mass psychosis and electro shock therapy would have been applied. Maybe some lobotomies for some of the most degenerate whores.
State enforced foid submission into mental institution for human exepriments should be made legal immediately, imagine how many medical breakthroughts we'll make when experimenting on such useless and brainless creatures.
I notice that all the cumskin whores who openly like black men are ugly as fuck and always fat. I feel bad for black men who want white women, but at the same time, I dislike race mixing. There is a halo with blacks due to the "muh slavery" bullshit and I think it has more to do with that than just "BBC."
It is no doubt blacks get immense Social halos which contribute to their SMV. I mean, if all you see is black media, black lives matter, black this black that like we do now a days, then blacks will get a boost in sexual market value.
It is no doubt blacks get immense Social halos which contribute to their SMV. I mean, if all you see is black media, black lives matter, black this black that like we do now a days, then blacks will get a boost in sexual market value.
The psychopathic qualities of Blacks, which in another context would failo them, in this soyciety halos them.

It's because our social masters -- the CEOs, politicians, and bankers -- are themselves psychopathic, albeit more intelligent, but nonetheless have natural affinities for Blacks on this basis.
1524920462 gmagik 4

This thread is like Jew central.
I notice that all the cumskin whores who openly like black men are ugly as fuck and always fat. I feel bad for black men who want white women, but at the same time, I dislike race mixing. There is a halo with blacks due to the "muh slavery" bullshit and I think it has more to do with that than just "BBC."

If it was Indians or Chinese who were enslaved and oppressed in the past instead of blacks, I would have a harder time believing that all these crusty ass white women would be out and about protesting for apparent "rights" for them, like what they're doing with blacks.
Yes I’ve noticed this too whenever I see a black guy with a white foid the nog is always above average and the foid is usually gross. Blacks can’t get decent looking White foids unless they play some sport or (((rap))) maxx. @Colvin76
Porn star BBC slut and BLM simpatizer

White women defend BLM for the sole reason they want to fuck black men.

Anyone who denies this is a dumbass coper.

If it was Indians or Chinese who were enslaved and oppressed in the past instead of blacks, I would have a harder time believing that all these crusty ass white women would be out and about protesting for apparent "rights" for them, like what they're doing with blacks.

Have you noticed how white women were completely silent over the whole Hong Kong event?

White women don't give a shit about men with small dicks like whites and asians, all they want to fuck are black men and animals in general. So they will get outraged over news about blacks dying or animals like gorillas (ex: Harambe)

White women care only and exclusively about those they want to fuck, so they will protect other women, animals and blackies. Everything else is dirt to them.
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It's a mixture of signalling one's adherence to the dominant moral narrative which presents black men as innocent victims oppressed by evil white males and preferring black men sexually.

Black men have an attractive underdog status to white foids: historically oppressed but also physically and sexually superior, more aggressive and (righteously) ethnocentric.
White women care only and exclusively about those they want to fuck, so they will protect other women, animals and blackies. Everything else is dirt to them.
They just want to be agreeable. Like some men, but women are much more so.
They just want to be agreeable. Like some men, but women are much more so.
they want to follow the left hivemind, foids need to follow something in order to live, they cant survive on their own.
they want to follow the left hivemind, foids need to follow something in order to live, they cant survive on their own.
When has a woman died for what she stood for? they would fuck dogs if it was mainstream
When has a woman died for what she stood for?
They dont have the power or strength to stand for something they believe, so they just gather amongst each other and join forces to follow someone/something, because thats what they do, follow, never lead nor create.
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White women defend BLM for the sole reason they want to fuck black men.

Anyone who denies this is a dumbass coper.

Have you noticed how white women were completely silent over the whole Hong Kong event?

White women don't give a shit about men with small dicks like whites and asians, all they want to fuck are black men and animals in general. So they will get outraged over news about blacks dying or animals like gorillas (ex: Harambe)

White women care only and exclusively about those they want to fuck, so they will protect other women, animals and blackies. Everything else is dirt to them.
U have a cuck fetish bro
Foid logic... don’t even try to understand it
Makes sense, they would never do same for a riceman or an ethnic.

3 white police officers could literally go Rodney King on @PPEcel while he's sitting on a bench drinking his vanilla latte and then summary execute him point blank range , and forget catching it on camera, there could be a women's yoga class going on 3 yards away, and they would not even raise an eyebrow.
Foids got conditioned like pavlo dogs watching the Kardashians for 14 years. All those whores did was choosing thugmaxx tyrone rappers and gigatyrone pro BB players.
@Colvin76 thoughts?
Tyrones only tehee
In no time those friendly neighbors will be out of jail again! I wonder which women they'll rape first... Maybe my mom, or my 8 year old cousin. I have no idea, but... AT LEAST IT'S JUSTICE, RIGHT? LET THE BLACKS OUT OF JAAIALKAI89ALAIALAIALAIALIALAIAOL
Technically you should be celebrating this since those retards who let it happen will be the first to die, after the rioters have destroyed everything they will just starve or continue fighting amongst eachother. Let the trash sort itself out and lay back my dude

It's a mixture of signalling one's adherence to the dominant moral narrative which presents black men as innocent victims oppressed by evil white males and preferring black men sexually.

Black men have an attractive underdog status to white foids: historically oppressed but also physically and sexually superior, more aggressive and (righteously) ethnocentric.
Couldn't have said it better. There's always been an undercurrent of sexual attraction between white women and black men even in times of slavery and segregation. No such things with ethnic males like Southeast Asians and Indians when they were under European rule.
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Technically you should be celebrating this since those retards who let it happen will be the first to die, after the rioters have destroyed everything they will just starve or continue fighting amongst eachother. Let the trash sort itself out and lay back my dude
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Kek, what else would I do? It's the only option left if everything's going to shit... All I hope for is the foids who never gave me a chance get raped.
Couldn't have said it better. There's always been an undercurrent of sexual attraction between white women and black men even in times of slavery and segregation. No such things with ethnic males like Southeast Asians and Indians when they were under European rule.
I agree but black men were in the United States states with large settled white populations, male and female, under slavery and segregation, while white men were out colonizing Asia and India in the other cases.

I have no doubt though that a puritanical white lady would have enjoyed sex with a Mandingo slave-stud far more than with her repressed white husband (proving physicality + taboo >>> money + status) and this attraction would not have existed with enslaved Asian or Indian males.
Have you noticed how white women were completely silent over the whole Hong Kong event?
They're also completely silent on chinks colonizing niggers or when niggers got blamed for covid in China. Cope harder faggot.
They're also completely silent on chinks colonizing niggers or when niggers got blamed for covid in China. Cope harder faggot.
lmao they don't even know this is happening, it is not publicized in the media, dumbass.
lmao they don't even know this is happening, it is not publicized in the media, dumbass.
LMAO niggers getting blamed for covid was definitely all over the media fucking retard. In fact a whole bunch of niggers in the west protested.
Foids only support things that benefit themselves. So they are benefiting somehow from the BLM protests. It's probably due to more than their love of giant black cocks.

My guess is that foids know if black people get free money and reduced penalties for crime, then they too will also be entitled to free money and reduced penalties - because women, especially white women know they will always get even more benefits than any other group.

So my theory is white foids want as much charity and welfare to be given to black people, not because they support black people, but because selfishly they know that by lowering the bar, they will in turn benefit even more.
Foids only support things that benefit themselves. So they are benefiting somehow from the BLM protests. It's probably ore than their love of giant black cocks. My guess is that foids know if black people get free money and reduced penalties for crime, then they too will also be entitled to free money and reduced penalties - because women, especially white women know they will always get even more benefits than any other group.

So my theory is white foids want as much charity and welfare to be given to black people, not because they support black people, but because selfishly they know that by lowering the bar, they will in turn benefit even more.

They benefit from putting down white men and replacing them in highly paid position.

Diversity hiring has never hurt white women, only white men.
Why are foids so fucking obsessed with that BLM bullshit? why do they protect niggers that only rape, murder and steal so much? (13%/53% rule)
i think blackcels are cool. But yea most black men arent incel if they arent turbo manlet

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