Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.


You're presupposing that sexual relationships are strictly sources of "happiness," and do not have the same capacity to traumatize and harm you as they have the capacity to make you happy, especially if you're neurotic and suffer from attachment issues (which describes most autistic people, male or female).

The fact that autistic women are almost as unlikely as autistic men to have children, which your statistics reveal, gives one a hint about how broken their sexual lives must be. Instead of having children, their "sexual success" notwithstanding, they are being tied up and tortured by a psychopathic Chad as part of a BDSM fetish play (or unironic rape), and are beyond being mentally salvageable. Is this "happiness?" Or maladaptive coping with sexual traumas?

The way that this forum often fixates on the quantitative "sexual success" of women and projects all these positive qualities onto the sex lives of women, as if they are interchangeable to the sex lives of men, is odd, and even homoerotic if taken to its logical extremes.

My OP pointed out how highly sexually experienced NT men are relative to autistic men, and yet several posters have completely ignored this point in favor of bemoaning the supposed "sexual success" of autistic females, who are notoriously sexually damaged and only have their mental insanities exacerbated by their calamitous sex lives.

Expand your perspective, and learn about the true nature of power and who oppresses you. It is not dotty-headed foids, but psychopathic Chads.

The thing is that women do get off from abuse. But hard to gauge from an autistic foid's mind, especially me being autisitic. But I don't think it's from a homoerotic POV. We just think alot about oursevles since we have little to no social experiences especially with NT people. Also yes Psychopathic Chads being our CEOs, CFOs, bankers, and people in political power and media moguls. (Being mostly kikes who manipulates things especially foids in order to devastate us for their profit.)

However if this woild be ideal then not just men but lots of women have to be removed from the genepool as well.
I think there is a diagnostic criteria that if you are on the spectrum, but have ever had a job or a girlfriend, you can't be diagnosed as suffering autism and given pension because of it. I got a permanent disability pension at first try (I've heard that it's really difficult to get here a permanent (most get fixed-duration first) pension at a young age on your first try, just shows how bad my situation is) because if you are at age 30 and never kissed a girl, got a date, still virgin AND never had a job, even summer job or temporary or part-time job, you must be autistic. All these assume normal or above IQ (so you are not "disabled" person (even though you are!)).

Then in addition I have 1/10 face or even 0,5/10.

And I am under 170 cm in a country with one of the tallest men on the planet.
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I think there is a diagnostic criteria that if you are on the spectrum, but have ever had a job or a girlfriend, you can't be diagnosed as suffering autism and given pension because of it. I got a permanent disability pension at first try (I've heard that it's really difficult to get here a permanent (most get fixed-duration first) pension at a young age on your first try, just shows how bad my situation is) because if you are at age 30 and never kissed a girl, got a date, still virgin AND never had a job, even summer job or temporary or part-time job, you must be autistic. All these assume normal or above IQ (so you are not "disabled" person (even though you are!)).

Then in addition I have 1/10 face or even 0,5/10.

And I am under 170 cm in a country with one of the tallest men on the planet.
I have seen multiple cases in the US of women diagnosed with autism getting disability payments despite the fact that they have boyfriends. They are all in their 20s and clearly not mentally retarded based upon their internet posts.

So if autistic men have been denied disability, and even an autism diagnosis, because of such high standards of scrutiny, then that is quite brutal, ngl.
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Nice find and good thread. Jfl at those who still believe that autism is just a meme or doesn't have a large effect.

16% of autistic men surveyed were in a sexual relationship, as compared to 82% of NT men.

Effectively 80/20, NT/ASD.

And among the autistic cohort, 45% of the men were virgins, the average age being 35. This shows that around half of autistic men "ascend" by middle age, past their brutal adolescent years in which other studies show near ubiquitous virginity; but the quality of life is obviously still suspect among even these lucky ones.
If you're genetic trash enough to have autism you're genetic trash enough to be ugly

It's just the nail in the coffin

Good looking autists have no problem with women because it's ALL LOOKS

How on EARTH can you claim to be blackpilled then spew some shit about how m-muh mentalcel and deny it's all looks
If you're genetic trash enough to have autism you're genetic trash enough to be ugly

It's just the nail in the coffin

Good looking autists have no problem with women because it's ALL LOOKS

How on EARTH can you claim to be blackpilled then spew some shit about how m-muh mentalcel and deny it's all looks
I think "the final nail in the coffin" is not autism per se but comorbid Avoidant Personality Disorder.

There are some autists who are so retarded and low-inhib that their lives are actually better than the intelligent but high-inhib Spergers with AvPD.
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I think "the final nail in the coffin" is not autism per se but comorbid Avoidant Personality Disorder.

There are some autists who are retarded and low-inhib enough such that their lives are actually better than the more intelligent but high-inhib Spergers with AvPD.
Avpd= being ugly and knowing you're ugly

This is such common sense yet "blackpilled" users still try to argue it every day on multiple forums. Incredible.
If you're genetic trash enough to have autism you're genetic trash enough to be ugly

It's just the nail in the coffin

Good looking autists have no problem with women because it's ALL LOOKS

How on EARTH can you claim to be blackpilled then spew some shit about how m-muh mentalcel and deny it's all looks
There are average looking autists and according to the data around 90% of all autists remain throughout young adulthood and adolescence while that's not the case for average looking NTs as you can see by this post.

There is no path to sex for sub7 men without jumping through a myriad of social hoops. From social circle, parties, night clubs, dates, conversations, etc.

Autistic people struggle both because they're uglier and because they're socially handicapped.

Autism exists and is genetic which is why many here were diagnosed in childhood.

It's not just knowing your ugly. Truth is there are some truecels here who know their ugly who don't struggle with things like eye contact, body language, weird behavior, etc.

There are also severe autistic cases where it's little more than brain damage.

There's an entire section on the wiki dedicated to Autism in the Scientific Blackpill.
Avpd= being ugly and knowing you're ugly

This is such common sense yet "blackpilled" users still try to argue it every day on multiple forums. Incredible.
Reality is more complicated than one variable being fully explanatory. Physical looks are certainly important, especially in soycieties where females control sexual selection such as ours, but it does not explain everything in life.

AvPD is caused by a bad childhood in which you cope with a threatening environment where your emotional needs are not being met by "withdrawing within yourself," constantly consulting your own mind/imagination for the guidance that you are not being given by your parents/caretakers (which is conducive to daydreaming/fascination, social anxiety, and depression), and then ultimately physically withdrawing from others (e.g. becoming a NEET), whereupon all the aforementioned tendencies are exacerbated.

I think many on this forum, autistic or not, have this condition, and whether because their childhoods were bad because of autism or ugliness or both, or something else entirely, is besides the point.

A common characteristic of AvPD is resenting your mother for failing to have properly nurtured you (e.g. for having "left you to the hounds" in public school). This resentment of the mother is then naturally projected onto women as a whole, yet is distinguishable from "psychopathic misogyny" (if you will) in how men with AvPD don't just resent women but fear them too, and their capacity to punish/reject you. It is fundamentally the psychological pleas of a lost child wanting to be nurtured, though one who is under a constant state of siege, and it makes me want to rope ngl.
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I should've heeded the warning, ngl. This suifuel cut so hard and deep, I could feel it even though I'm wasted. :feelscry: :feelscry: :feelscry: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:

Of the individuals with ASD, significantly more women (n=18; 46.2%) than men (n=9; 16.1%) were currently in a relationship (P<0.01).

Oh, but of course. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
JFL at people who still deny mentalceldom and darktriadpill
Nice find and good thread. Jfl at those who still believe that autism is just a meme or doesn't have a large effect.
It is black pill. Autism is bad like ugliness and ethnicness.
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Most of the autists that "ascended" are betabuxxes
I have seen multiple cases in the US of women diagnosed with autism getting disability payments despite the fact that they have boyfriends. They are all in their 20s and clearly not mentally retarded based upon their internet posts.

So if autistic men have been denied disability, and even an autism diagnosis, because of such high standards of scrutiny, then that is quite brutal, ngl.

I don't know about the U.S.A., but in my country it was said that even if a person is displaying typical autism symptoms, but has successful work or/and sex history, the person should not get the diagnosis. That it is life-results dependent.

Autisms is much more common in men, meaning that autistic women can easily find at least autistic men.
Bluepillers: 2

Actually, autistic women tend to be the consummate feminists, rather than examples of traditional women, what with their masculine features and masculine interests.
Imagine my shock.
Dark triad freaks and normgroids essentially see them as little boys to molest :feelsUnreal:
This should be nothing but lifefuel. That’s what they get for telling their NT/looksmatch who is one step away from roping to fuck off.
Maybe if they got together with an autistic man who could relate to their personaliteehee, and be faithful to him and not cuck him, they wouldn't feel so lonely.
:( Guess I am a mentalcel then...
JFL at people who still deny mentalceldom and darktriadpill
Mentalceldom can only appear if you are at least normie tier. If you are below that, it's just normal inceldom.
As always, it's over.

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