Cope, that happens regardless, you whiteknight and those guys still get laid, so its better to do nothing and let women suffer, this is in no way a decision between two hard choices, you have a very weird perspective on inceldom, I don't hate other men getting laid, I hate me not getting laid, you've made what others have your source of hatred rather than what you are lacking.
I would never trying to stop another man from getting laid, I'd rather put that effort into getting myself laid, so the "don't want someone else to get some pussy" mindset makes no sense to me at all, its illogical, if you stop another man from getting pussy it doesn't get you pussy now does it?, talk about wasted effort.
Comments like these lend credibility to the "crabs in a bucket" argument used about incels, this is the first time I've seen such a BS comment confirming it, but you are an outlier, never heard any incel say some shit like this. Trying to stop others from getting laid is a fruitless effort, because if you have to try to stop it, then they can likely get it somewhere else with a different person, all you did is prevent a single instance of sex.