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The Public School System Conspiracy and it's active involvement with inceldom.

Captain Funny

Captain Funny

Tony's fucken DEAD
Sep 11, 2018
Ever since the Columbine High School massacre back in 1999, what has the public education system done in order to prevent these shootings that are now so common among our every day lives? Perhaps the schools affected have installed metal detectors, or have taken other precautionary measures in order to prevent another shooting before it could occur, but as for the basic infrastructure that enforces an inescapable social hierarchy among the many different students? Nothing.
Why is school such a terror for people like us? Because first impressions are everything. You will be carelessly lumped into a group of unfamiliar faces and be tasked with the grueling process of scrapping for approval. Many of us have some form of mental illness, be it autism or so on, or have had very little experience with children our age, and we will inevitably falter socially when compared to our peers because this. The way students are thrown so ungracefully into socialization is the epitome of a sink or swim scenario. Students will immediately begin connecting with those who are more experienced, and soon they will only begin talking to each other. They will be allowed to sit wherever they choose, and ultimately the whole class will become segmented into a social hierarchy. What makes this so dangerous is that as a child you have no power to escape it and to try again. You are forced to co-exist with people who will dislike you, and will only build upon your reputation to gain approval from their friends, to laugh at you. With no way to escape. As an immediate result the majority of bullied students will likely lose interest in all academics and instead just do their best to get through the day. Their passions will only dwindle as they are force to live trapped in an ecosystem where they can not thrive. They will not participate in discussions because they are forced to speak in front of their peers, to be vulnerable and to ask questions.
Teachers are helpless to prevent anything like this given the way the public school system is designed, they struggle to not only control their students but to even hold their respect because they simply outnumber them, and informing a teacher is also useless. There's is nothing they can do to ensure that any conflict could be resolved without any further incidents due to enforced co-existence, everything you do will be known among your peers, they'll know you tattled and you will be ridiculed accordingly. Until the year ends. And repeat.
With a system like that rebellions are only inevitable, and their will be those who will be willing to give everything for the slightest sense of power and control. Ask yourself what child "wants" to kill people? To kill themselves? To be angry? The answer is likely very few, and yet the general population condemns these shooters as pure evil. Their faces are plastered upon every news outlet, giving the population a clear catalyst to deposit all of their hatred onto. The perpetrator is always the main focus of every one of these terrible events, and even then nobody chooses to ask "why"? Instead, "how"? How can we make sure our kids are safe? How can we make sure that no weaponry is smuggled inside of our building? These aren't solutions, not real ones. They're band-aid solutions. As long as the source of the problem is still in place no amount of regulation will guarantee their safety.
But why hasn't anything changed? Because its intentional.
The goal is to push troubled children to the point of committing violent crime for the sake of pushing an agenda, an anti gun agenda. To paint our kind as a violent irrational species that can only do evil. In short to make inceldom synonymous with gun violence.
alright im tired. thoughts?
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Society is a conspiracy to all loners and outcasts.
Make everyone wear these I promise all the problems would go away.

Main qimg a8ab73834e201583dc527fe47a4db238
this is true, from a post i read earlier (https://incels.is/threads/medieval-blackpill.84625/) it is unfortunately nothing new, society has always hated the ugly/weak and have declared us the enemy
A year ago when I went to CeGep (It's like junior college here in Quebec) I had my history professor teach us about many things in medieval Europe. One of the blackpills he told us was that it was generally believed that ugly people were more bad and corrupt while beautiful people were good and pure (because why else would god make them that way?)
Our kind had ALWAYS been hated and ALWAYS will be
its fucked up :feelscry:

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