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The proper way to lie about your status as an incel.

who cares they all think we are gay
When someone ask me if I had a girlfriend, I just tell them "Nah, I'm toxic and ugly and I have anger issues"
What about if they ask for the name of your “past girlfriend “?

If you fear this will happen you can come prepared with a name and a few very basic details, just make sure you remember them.

But I can tell you that realistically they probably won't press for details. None of my coworkers asked me anything about my fictional ex-wife. It's a social faux pas to ask a co-worker about a previous partner from a failed relationship/marriage. Nobody cares enough to pry that much into the life of a sub5 male coworker, especially these days where people are very self-absorbed.

Here's how it always goes down in my experience:

coworker: So are you married? (you'll get asked this a lot once you're 30+)
me: No, I'm divorced
coworker: *awkward silence and/or changes the subject*
In real life, most incels will lie and claim they have (or at least had) a girlfriend. It's one of the reasons there's this illusion of "plenty of ugly guys with girlfriends". As a general rule you can assume that any sub5 you know that you've never seen with a woman and have never seen hard evidence of the fact they've been with a woman is a truecel no matter what they claim. But most normies aren't this blackpilled.

That said, most normies at least suspect the blackpill is true, so they'll be skeptical about an ugly guy claiming to have had experience with women, even if they'd never admit to thinking this. This is why the blackpill elicits such a strong emotional response, most people subconsciously at least suspect it to be true. That's why they don't get emotional over absurd conspiracy theories like flat earth.

I've known a lot of incels who lied about being with women and I caught some of them because details/names would change, or there were inconsistencies. In some cases, other's pointed out these inconsistencies and casted doubt behind the guy's back. Even if he didn't get caught in a lie, often their claims were met with silent skepticism or skepticism that was vocalized only when the guy wasn't around. Most people aren't confrontational enough to call out a liar if they don't have a dog in the race, especially these days where most people are high inhib as fuck.
First I'll tell you the WRONG way to go about it. Here's a post from someone on here from another thread:

This is the polar opposite of how you should do it for a multitude of reasons. For one, the more details you give, the more you have to remember. Secondly, there's a phenomenon where the more vocal someone is that something is/isn't true, the more it looks like they're lying. There's a name for this phenomenon (or maybe an idiom or some shit) but I can't think of it. "thou protest too much" is the closest thing I can think of, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

Instead, what you should do is casually mention you have an ex a small handful of times. Don't go into detail. In my case I'm old, so I LARP as being divorced. But I've only mentioned it a handful of times and I certainly don't bring it up out of the blue. You have to be organic with it.

A few things to note:

1) Don't claim to have a CURRENT wife/girlfriend. That will raise a lot more suspicion
2) Don't try this if someone at your job has known you for all your life.
3) Don't try this if you've lived in some small town your whole life where everyone else knows each other
4) Don't try this if you're genuinely autistic. If you're NT or just some self-diagnosed meme "autist" (I'm autistic because I like anime! I'm a very speshul boi! :soy:) I'm sure you have the social skills to pull this off. But if you're sincerely autistic just don't bother.
5) Don't say anything explicitly sexual. In fact don't even allude to anything sexual. For starters, this will invoke the aforementioned "thou protest too much" effect. But more importantly a sub5 guy saying anything remotely sexual = gigacreep = complaints to HR. Don't worry, if you claim you had a girlfriend/wife in the past, they'll just assume you must not be a KHHV or whatever, assuming they believe you.

Personally, while I'm low IQ, i'm relatively NT. Obviously I have a few screws loose in the old noggin (Being a sub5 lifelong truecel would fuck with anyone's brain) but I have decent social skills so I come off as normal in public.

Another thing to note is that lying in general is something that should be kept to an absolute minimum. Not because of some morality bullshit, but the more you lie the more likely you are to get caught. Don't lie about stupid shit. But this is just one of those things you need to lie about in life. That said it won't make people like you, especially not women. Many will have their doubts but if you play your cards right you'll at least have some plausible deniability in their mind. You'll still be a creep for existig as a sub5....but you won't be perceived as being AS "creepy" as you would have. Just keep your head down around women as a sub5, but unless you're severely autistic you know that much already.
i dont understand why would you want to lie your incel status. I dont think that not being sexually succesful makes you inferior and i dont care if normies think otherwise.
Thankfully im NEET and dont have to worry about this
I fucking hate how you HAVE TO LIE in your job hunting. HR is like 95% women and they love to hear catchy buzzwords and corporate phrases.


Of course, what they're talking about is the social skills - or what they call "soft" skills (MORE CORPORATE LANGUAGE BULLSHIT).
nahh I couldn't deal with having to answer kiked questions of 40 year old, thoroughly roasted career w*men like a good cuck. it's a fucking humiliation ritual to break you in for wageslavery
Too early and surrounded by people who saw you grow up.

It's easier to lie about it as an adult with people you barely met. Just dont try to larp like you're some slayer or something and stick with the more reasonable stories of you "getting cheated on" or "got dumped" etc etc. These usually always get the normtards to back off from probing any further.



You have to lie because people end up making fun of you if they find out you are virgin at certain age…

Nobody will take you serious and people will begin bullying you to test you further to see how far they can go with you…

Society has nobody but to blame themselves when a male decides to start killing other males because he is considered a joke amogsnt society because of his lack of sexual and romantic prospects…

It’s about respect… not lust…
If you fear this will happen you can come prepared with a name and a few very basic details, just make sure you remember them.

But I can tell you that realistically they probably won't press for details. None of my coworkers asked me anything about my fictional ex-wife. It's a social faux pas to ask a co-worker about a previous partner from a failed relationship/marriage. Nobody cares enough to pry that much into the life of a sub5 male coworker, especially these days where people are very self-absorbed.

Here's how it always goes down in my experience:

coworker: So are you married? (you'll get asked this a lot once you're 30+)
me: No, I'm divorced
coworker: *awkward silence and/or changes the subject*
Ok thanks
lying hurts my guts
who cares they all think we are gay
The point of us learning how to properly fraud as normies is mostly for our wage cuck brethren and any other incel that is forced to deal with and or interact with the public.

In other words you just want these dangerous retards to leave you the hell alone and not turn you into a target of some sort with the justification for so doing and the subsequent dehumanization of us that they undergo to avoid guilt for their actions of harming us by saying to themselves “well he’s just an incel no one will care or defend him or punish me for what I may do to him” etc, etc.

So you don’t want to become a victim of normie humiliation and or mockery nor having some feminist cunt be they male or female reporting you to HR and or trying to get you fired or demoted for any (but usually bullshit) reason.

Blending in and going unnoticed while among them is the goal.
The point of us learning how to properly fraud as normies is mostly for our wage cuck brethren and any other incel that is forced to deal with and or interact with the public.

In other words you just want these dangerous retards to leave you the hell alone and not turn you into a target of some sort with the justification for so doing and the subsequent dehumanization of us that they undergo to avoid guilt for their actions of harming us by saying to themselves “well he’s just an incel no one will care or defend him or punish me for what I may do to him” etc, etc.

So you don’t want to become a victim of normie humiliation and or mockery nor having some feminist cunt be they male or female reporting you to HR and or trying to get you fired or demoted for any (but usually bullshit) reason.

Blending in and going unnoticed while among them is the goal.
thats fucking right
You probably don't have to deal with the world yet.
Yeah used to be same really, but again i'm a sperg but even dumb ass learned something, you cannot trust anyone and never show your weakness to anyone especially certain gender
Normies never ask me that question. The only ones who asked me IRL were other incels. I think they can tell just by looking at me so they avoid talking about it. But if they asked I wouldn't hide it, I want to see how they would react, those who take relationships for granted.

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