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Blackpill The problem with the absurdly high Age of Consent laws is that femoids are wasting their 20s riding the cock carousel (Northern American-centric)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 41741
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Deleted member 41741

Deleted member 41741

Mar 23, 2022
The promiscuity of modern Western culture ( and really promiscuity in general ) will ALWAYS benefit a STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT SMALLER POOL OF MEN.

So Anglo culture says two things:

1. Women aged 13 to 17 are untouchable.

2. Culture should be such that women are socially permitted to share a smaller pool of attractive men till they feel like it (like till their late 30) and the men shut out from this should just be thankful they get settled for when women's clocks start ticking. Also, while the roasties can have their Tinder to share attractive men, the boyos can't have a Hookr to get key monkey-brain level needs met (Australia and New Zealand exempted.)

It's only fair American society lowers the age of consent for marriage to 13 if it isn't going to have legal sex work. There is a declining birthrate because of WOMEN'S choices as a result of being PAMPERED IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. A key component of this "pampering" is them being protected from both the sexual competition presented by lolis and prostitutes.
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14/15 year old girls are fair game in most of Europe, not everywhere is like the usa
Northern American anglo females use the vote to limit intra-sexual-competition amongst themselves at the cost of higher intra-sexual competition among men.
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foids under 18 are banging chads under 18
foids under 18 are banging chads under 18

So men in the middle are squeezed by both competition from older and more established men and also by the inability to marry teenaged girls to whom they are naturally more alpha.
yep, the effect of age of consent is that Chads get to bang underage foids in questionable party environments and get off scot-free, while some honest aspiring betabuxx is prevented from entering a more formal relationship with the foid because it's impossible to do in secret
So men in the middle are squeezed by both competition from older and more established men and also by the inability to marry teenaged girls to whom they are naturally more alpha.
@PPEcel thoughts?

Is the state's compelling interest to "protect" high school foids from CONSENSUAL SEX, by screwing over young adult men? (Also how, if the law is consent, and rape is illegal, aren't they already being protected?) Why isn't satisfying the sexual and relationship desires of young adult men (which helps motivate them and have them work harder) a compelling interest of the state?
@PPEcel thoughts?

Is the state's compelling interest to "protect" high school foids from CONSENSUAL SEX, by screwing over young adult men? (Also how, if the law is consent, and rape is illegal, aren't they already being protected?) Why isn't satisfying the sexual and relationship desires of young adult men (which helps motivate them and have them work harder) a compelling interest of the state?

The AOC screws over a small sliver of low-tier normies who would have a slim chance of being able to bag themselves a high school foid, but zero chance of bagging a foid their age. Satisfying these low-tier normies wouldn't actually improve men's standing as a group; lowering the AOC would in fact intensify competition for high school foids, screwing over high school males in the process. Increasing the likelihood that males would graduate from HS a virgin would in fact be a net negative for men because every single man who turns 18 as a virgin is someone who has missed key developmental milestones.

[UWSL]In[/UWSL][UWSL] any case, lowering the AOC would not benefit a single incel. It would benefit Chads and normies. I take it that you aren't an incel but a low-tier normie. At least have the intellectual honesty to admit that this is motivated by naked self-interest. [/UWSL]

Lastly, I want to ask what you think the AOC should be. Should we lower it to the point where pedophiles effectively get to treat children as property?
The AOC screws over a small sliver of low-tier normies who would have a slim chance of being able to bag themselves a high school foid, but zero chance of bagging a foid their age. Satisfying these low-tier normies wouldn't actually improve men's standing as a group; lowering the AOC would in fact intensify competition for high school foids, screwing over high school males in the process. Increasing the likelihood that males would graduate from HS a virgin would in fact be a net negative for men because every single man who turns 18 as a virgin is someone who has missed key developmental milestones.

Key according to what? What is normal for a human male in a civilized society?
Lastly, I want to ask what you think the AOC should be. Should we lower it to the point where pedophiles effectively get to treat children as property?
I was talking high school foids, 14 seems fine for me, around there. Obviously something like 7 is ridiculous.
Why isn't satisfying the sexual and relationship desires of young adult men (which helps motivate them and have them work harder) a compelling interest of the state?
Because they know we're disposable, and in all countries except the US, since the young men are disarmed and unable to fight back against the tyranny of their own government, they have to choose either to do as they're told, or die/suffer imprisonment.
Lastly, I want to ask what you think the AOC should be. Should we lower it to the point where pedophiles effectively get to treat children as property?

Don't poison the water. You can be precise and say: the point at which the femoid becomes pubescent. You can't define interest in such a foid as pedophilic.
[UWSL]In[/UWSL][UWSL] any case, lowering the AOC would not benefit a single incel. It would benefit Chads and normies. I take it that you aren't an incel but a low-tier normie. At least have the intellectual honesty to admit that this is motivated by naked self-interest. [/UWSL]
I'm incel, a KHHV in late college. I just think adult women SMV would also drop if teen foids became available to the larger population.
It's only fair American society lowers the age of consent for marriage to 13 if it isn't going to have legal sex work. There is a declining birthrate because of WOMEN'S choices as a result of being PAMPERED IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. A key component of this "pampering" is them being protected from both the sexual competition presented by lolis and prostitutes.
They don't protect men from tinder, so rosties shouldn't be protected from jb's.
The AOC screws over a small sliver of low-tier normies who would have a slim chance of being able to bag themselves a high school foid, but zero chance of bagging a foid their age. Satisfying these low-tier normies wouldn't actually improve men's standing as a group; lowering the AOC would in fact intensify competition for high school foids, screwing over high school males in the process. Increasing the likelihood that males would graduate from HS a virgin would in fact be a net negative for men because every single man who turns 18 as a virgin is someone who has missed key developmental milestones.
Also men could date women and have more control over them as opposed to dating their age match who is psychologically more mature (women mature faster than men.)
Why is "7" obviously ridiculous but "14" isn't?
LOL don't waste my time with these rhetorical questions you know the answer to.
Don't poison the water. You can be precise and say: the point at which the femoid becomes pubescent. You can't define interest in such a foid as pedophilic.

There we go again with the hair-splitting, the "it's not pedophilia but it's hebephilia" nonsense. OK, it's marginally better. It's still unusual as fuck to be attracted to 13-year-olds as an adult and I'm going to keep ridiculing people for it.
There we go again with the hair-splitting, the "it's not pedophilia but it's hebephilia" nonsense. OK, it's marginally better. It's still unusual as fuck to be attracted to 13-year-olds as an adult and I'm going to keep ridiculing people for it.
How so? Men are attracted to foids with secondary sexual features who can reproduce. Something an early teen has but not a 7 year old.
[UWSL]In[/UWSL][UWSL] any case, lowering the AOC would not benefit a single incel. It would benefit Chads and normies.[/UWSL]
this is literally the first thing that screamed out to me when i read OP. all this would mean would chad would get to fuck even more prime pussy while we still rot. the only way you could get pussy this way is if you groomed a young girl (younger than 13) into eventually fucking you when she entered into puberty.

so basically what you want is for it to be legal to groom little girls into sex slaves essentially. becaause thats the only thing that would result in you getting pussy from a lower AOC. just lowering the AOC by itself would just mean chad gets more pussy. young girls still would not fuck you. they are just more easily manipulated. and pscyhologically manipulating young girls into sex would still infact be illegal even if the age of consent was lowered.
LOL don't waste my time with these rhetorical questions you know the answer to.
Then don't say retarded things.
How so? Men are attracted to foids with secondary sexual features who can reproduce. Something an early teen has but not a 7 year old.
Men are even more attracted to foids that have finished developing features that increase the chances that reproduction ends in success and not miscarriage.

Then don't say retarded things.
Saying AoC should be 14 is retarded? That's the legal AoC in many European countries and the legal AoC in many other countries around the world. Are those countries 'retarded'?
Men are even more attracted to foids that have finished developing features that increase the chances that reproduction ends in success and not miscarriage.

Wait, at first you were saying it's unusual to be attracted to 13 year olds, now it seems you are backpedalling and saying men are just more attracted to foids finished puberty, not that men have no attraction to young teens.

Which one is it?
Saying AoC should be 14 is retarded? That's the legal AoC in many European countries and the legal AoC in many other countries around the world. Are those countries 'retarded'?

Wait, at first you were saying it's unusual to be attracted to 13 year olds, now it seems you are backpedalling and saying men are just more attracted to foids finished puberty, not that men have no attraction to young teens.

Which one is it?
No, pointing to your own fetishes to decide policy questions is retarded.

None of those statements are mutually exclusive. There's no backpedaling involved.
No, pointing to your own fetishes to decide policy questions is retarded.
It goes beyond 'fetishes' (which btw, is the incorrect use of that term here). OP and me and some others were talking more about the effects of lower AoC on the larger sexual market, and how it specifically blocks young men-teenage female relationships from happening.
None of those statements are mutually exclusive. There's no backpedaling involved.
No, if you say it's unusual to be attracted to young teens, you are saying any attraction at all is unusual.
As a 23 year old virgin I have already accepted that I would rather pursue my own interests than entertain the fantastical concept of marriage with a foid who has had sex 50+ amount of times.

I think most people in my position would do the same.

Just Kantmax. Read. Take walks. Listen to symphonies. Write a little. Study a new language. I am only 23 so I am not in a hurry or anything.

Apparently college really is a scam, the classes are mediocre and the institution only acts as a method for young people to party and pursue high-salary jobs.

The average age of an IT roastie is 35. The place of them going "oh no inwkell you shouldn't want to fuck a 14 year old" is coming from the place of them as 35 year old roasties (past the age of having the appearance of youthful fertility) using shame to discourage sexual interest in foids that, if nude, would more likely inspire higher penile blood flow than 35 year old roasties. That's just biology you self interested hags.
this is literally the first thing that screamed out to me when i read OP. all this would mean would chad would get to fuck even more prime pussy while we still rot. the only way you could get pussy this way is if you groomed a young girl (younger than 13) into eventually fucking you when she entered into puberty.

so basically what you want is for it to be legal to groom little girls into sex slaves essentially. becaause thats the only thing that would result in you getting pussy from a lower AOC. just lowering the AOC by itself would just mean chad gets more pussy. young girls still would not fuck you. they are just more easily manipulated. and pscyhologically manipulating young girls into sex would still infact be illegal even if the age of consent was lowered.

hmm, all these suspicious accounts insisting on women not having to face competition from young foids in their prime as a bad thing...how the hell would you know it would only benefit Chad? Seems it's easier to say that than "I want to protect women from this sort of intra-sexual competition." Same thing when legalized sex work is suggested..."incels can't be helped by sex workers...blah blah...let's keep privileging foids as much as possible at the expense of men..."

you sound like a :foidSoy::foidSoy:
Just legalize prostitution, and give ugly men money to go fuck some whores
Just legalize prostitution, and give ugly men money to go fuck some whores

They don't want that either. The sexual marketplace has to be rigged in favor of roasties so they can whore around as freely as possible but the men who lose out from roasties' sexual choice having a tendency to settle on the same men can't see whores.
this is literally the first thing that screamed out to me when i read OP. all this would mean would chad would get to fuck even more prime pussy while we still rot. the only way you could get pussy this way is if you groomed a young girl (younger than 13) into eventually fucking you when she entered into puberty.

It would change the sexual marketplace dynamics. So what if Chad is fucking lolis? He will do so in favor of a 25 year old roastie. The above sounds like a 25 year old roastie going "oh no, can't give chads superior options to roasties like myself."
It would change the sexual marketplace dynamics. So what if Chad is fucking lolis? He will do so in favor of a 25 year old roastie. The above sounds like a 25 year old roastie going "oh no, can't give chads superior options to roasties like myself."
youre completely delusional if you think ugly males will get pussy by lowering the AOC. this is some major fucking cope. chicks are fucking as soon as they start their period you fucking braindead fuck. all lowering the aoc would mean is that they occasionally fuck the older chad in the mix as well. you, me, or anyone else on this site would in no way shape or form be able to start fucking pussy by lowering the AOC you dim witted cope artist
youre completely delusional if you think ugly males will get pussy by lowering the AOC. this is some major fucking cope. chicks are fucking as soon as they start their period you fucking braindead fuck. all lowering the aoc would mean is that they occasionally fuck the older chad in the mix as well. you, me, or anyone else on this site would in no way shape or form be able to start fucking pussy by lowering the AOC you dim witted cope artist

So fucking what? It would increase competition for roasties. It would put pressure on roasties, like legal sex work would. There is a reason it's a nightmare for roasties to have women as young as 13 on the job market. PS, not all incels are "ugly" or whatever. In fact, I count dudes who have to date-down as a result of intensified competition among males as essentially part of the incelosphere (eg chadlites dating landwhales).
So fucking what? It would increase competition for roasties. It would put pressure on roasties, like legal sex work would. There is a reason it's a nightmare for roasties to have women as young as 13 on the job market. PS, not all incels are "ugly" or whatever. In fact, I count dudes who have to date-down as a result of intensified competition among males as essentially part of the incelosphere (eg chadlites dating landwhales).
youre under the mistaken believe that lowering the AOC would somehow make women more likely to fuck lesser attractive males, which is absolutely not fucking true. perhaps, PERHAPS, it would mean chadlites get to fuck a bit more than they are currently. but it in no way would result in pussy-less males getting laid. youre coping hard as fuck bro
youre under the mistaken believe that lowering the AOC would somehow make women more likely to fuck lesser attractive males, which is absolutely not fucking true. perhaps, PERHAPS, it would mean chadlites get to fuck a bit more than they are currently. but it in no way would result in pussy-less males getting laid. youre coping hard as fuck bro

why should women be protected from the sexual competition presented to them by lolis?
why should women be protected from the sexual competition presented to them by lolis?
its no competition, chad would just fuck 3 times a day instead of 2 times a way. you and me would still get nothing
its no competition, chad would just fuck 3 times a day instead of 2 times a way. you and me would still get nothing

how can you be so sure? Are you saying competition presented by lolis being on the marriage market wouldn't make roasties more eager to settle in their 20s?
It's beyond over if you're an ethnic incel in the United States. Nobody wants you, even your own women don't want you:feelsree:
how can you be so sure? Are you saying competition presented by lolis being on the marriage market wouldn't make roasties more eager to settle in their 20s?
not with us bro. it would still be socially stigmatized for unattractive males to be chatting them up and their friend group of other lolis would shun them for talking to an nonchad older guy.

i think you forget that the very basis of the blackpill is the fact that women are simply not attracted to us. little girls wouldn't feel any differently bro theyre raised on tiktok and instagram since they were toddlers dude.
not with us bro. it would still be socially stigmatized for unattractive males to be chatting them up and their friend group of other lolis would shun them for talking to an nonchad older guy.

i think you forget that the very basis of the blackpill is the fact that women are simply not attracted to us. little girls wouldn't feel any differently bro theyre raised on tiktok and instagram since they were toddlers dude.

A part of the "blackpill" for me is that female erotic capital is a good that used to be distributed as equitably as feasible through monogamous norms. The decline of marriage and those monogamous norms has hyper-amplified intra-male sexual competition. So I see anything that likewise increases intra-sexual competition among roasties (lower AOC + legal sex work) as a good thing. There is a basic inequality that stems from women being more satiated in that department of life on average while some men get harems and others nothing.
A part of the "blackpill" for me is that female erotic capital is a good that used to be distributed as equitably as feasible through monogamous norms. The decline of marriage and those monogamous norms has hyper-amplified intra-male sexual competition. So I see anything that likewise increases intra-sexual competition among roasties (lower AOC + legal sex work) as a good thing. There is a basic inequality that stems from women being more satiated in that department of life on average while some men get harems and others nothing.
i think a more direct way it to make landwhales get skinny tbh that would like double the amount of fuckable women in the US as most are obese
i think a more direct way it to make landwhales get skinny tbh that would like double the amount of fuckable women in the US as most are obese

Not as feasible as making lolis legal.

Why also can't I respond just like you did to the idea of making lolis legal -- that is, "the now former obese women will get taken up by Chads"?
Not as feasible as making lolis legal.

Why also can't I respond just like you did to the idea of making lolis legal -- that is, "the now former obese women will get taken up by Chads"?
yeah it probably would be because when they lose weight they monkey branch so yea it would apply to that situaiton too. im just saying that would be more likely then society allowing 40 yr olds to fuck 13 yr old girls
yeah it probably would be because when they lose weight they monkey branch so yea it would apply to that situaiton too. im just saying that would be more likely then society allowing 40 yr olds to fuck 13 yr old girls

...but that would be more fitting with human nature than something like open homosexuality by orders of magnitude.
...but that would be more fitting with human nature than something like open homosexuality by orders of magnitude.
yes i agree with you but unfourtantly what happens in the world is dictated by a group of kikes that have a malintented agenda
Unnaturally high AOC was invented by feminists and cucks to keep non-Chads from accessing purest girls , to give girls more time to learn how to be sluts and to inflate single moms' SMV.

The AOC screws over a small sliver of low-tier normies who would have a slim chance of being able to bag themselves a high school foid, but zero chance of bagging a foid their age. Satisfying these low-tier normies wouldn't actually improve men's standing as a group; lowering the AOC would in fact intensify competition for high school foids, screwing over high school males in the process. Increasing the likelihood that males would graduate from HS a virgin would in fact be a net negative for men because every single man who turns 18 as a virgin is someone who has missed key developmental milestones.

[UWSL]In[/UWSL][UWSL] any case, lowering the AOC would not benefit a single incel. It would benefit Chads and normies. I take it that you aren't an incel but a low-tier normie. At least have the intellectual honesty to admit that this is motivated by naked self-interest. [/UWSL]

Lastly, I want to ask what you think the AOC should be. Should we lower it to the point where pedophiles effectively get to treat children as property?
Key according to what? What is normal for a human male in a civilized society?
PPEcel's argument has circular reasoning. He is saying "teenage girls should only be allowed to fuck teenage boys, because it's good to get milestones." However the whole reason "milestones" even supposedly exist in the first place, is because of the agecucked laws which only allow for teens to have sex with each other. This is also known as "sex play", which was advocated for soon after the AoC was raised

...Although the original arguments for raising the age of consent were based on morality, since then the main reasons of the laws has changed to child welfare and the right to childhood or innocence. ...

...New concepts of adolescence and specifically of girlhood normalized sexual activity in the teenage years, at least within peer groups, as "sex play" required to achieve adult heterosexuality. ...
PPEcel is actually saying the prime girls in society, which would make the most loyal, submissive wives, should be instead used as mere fodder for teenage boys to reach so called "milestones", which simultaneously defiles these young virgins, so they can begin their slut campaigns, and eventually get married to some cucked betabuxxer.

@CrackingYs @Robtical @Edmund_Kemper @bloodassassin04 @Zensfy @Lux @happiless @Rau Le Creuset @Wizard32 @Pumkin @tulasdanslos
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Unnaturally high AOC was invented by feminists and cucks to keep non-Chads from accessing purest girls , to give girls more time to learn how to be sluts and to inflate single moms' SMV.

PPEcel's argument has circular reasoning. He is saying "teenage girls should only be allowed to fuck teenage boys, because it's good to get milestones." However the whole reason "milestones" even supposedly exist in the first place, is because of the agecucked laws which only allow for teens to have sex with each other. This is also known as "sex play", which was advocated for soon after the AoC was raised

PPEcel is actually saying the prime girls in society, which would make the most loyal, submissive wives, should be instead used as mere fodder for teenage boys to reach so called "milestones", which simultaneously defiles these young virgins, so they can begin their slut campaigns, and eventually get married to some cucked betabuxxer.

@CrackingYs @Robtical @Edmund_Kemper @bloodassassin04 @Zensfy @Lux @happiless @Rau Le Creuset @Wizard32 @Pumkin @tulasdanslos
The age of consent on my country is 14 and girls here, age 14-15-16-17 already fuck and give blowjob to multiple men, younger or older, and every straight guy here is attracted to them because is NATURAL, the argument that teenages should be with teenages is awful; as you said, they would be used as fodder, a older guy can be great for her and her great to him, even if prohibited to fuck under 18, it will still happen because is natural. 14 is the age of consent here where i live and i know by experience, based on what i see, that they are already have knowledge about intercourse and NEVER stop. Overall, i also disagree with PPEcel on that regard. Prime girls should not be wasted and are a important part of society as a whole. A strategy is needed, but not making the AOC more absurd on countries that are 18
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Unnaturally high AOC was invented by feminists and cucks to keep non-Chads from accessing purest girls , to give girls more time to learn how to be sluts and to inflate single moms' SMV.

PPEcel's argument has circular reasoning. He is saying "teenage girls should only be allowed to fuck teenage boys, because it's good to get milestones." However the whole reason "milestones" even supposedly exist in the first place, is because of the agecucked laws which only allow for teens to have sex with each other. This is also known as "sex play", which was advocated for soon after the AoC was raised

PPEcel is actually saying the prime girls in society, which would make the most loyal, submissive wives, should be instead used as mere fodder for teenage boys to reach so called "milestones", which simultaneously defiles these young virgins, so they can begin their slut campaigns, and eventually get married to some cucked betabuxxer.

@CrackingYs @Robtical @Edmund_Kemper @bloodassassin04 @Zensfy @Lux @happiless @Rau Le Creuset @Wizard32 @Pumkin @tulasdanslos
Isnt PPEcel is a mod now? We can't exactly call him an idiot.

As a rule of thumb, anything that feminists fight for is bad for incels, because it's always about increasing foids access to Chad and being able to reject low quality men, thereby creating more incels.

So if you support anything that feminists support, then you're almost certainly on the wrong side and probably consuming too much soy product.
Unnaturally high AOC was invented by feminists and cucks to keep non-Chads from accessing purest girls , to give girls more time to learn how to be sluts and to inflate single moms' SMV.

PPEcel's argument has circular reasoning. He is saying "teenage girls should only be allowed to fuck teenage boys, because it's good to get milestones." However the whole reason "milestones" even supposedly exist in the first place, is because of the agecucked laws which only allow for teens to have sex with each other. This is also known as "sex play", which was advocated for soon after the AoC was raised

PPEcel is actually saying the prime girls in society, which would make the most loyal, submissive wives, should be instead used as mere fodder for teenage boys to reach so called "milestones", which simultaneously defiles these young virgins, so they can begin their slut campaigns, and eventually get married to some cucked betabuxxer.

@CrackingYs @Robtical @Edmund_Kemper @bloodassassin04 @Zensfy @Lux @happiless @Rau Le Creuset @Wizard32 @Pumkin @tulasdanslos
Are you trying to say teen girls with teen boys is bad or some shit?

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