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The Power of Patriarchy Part 3 Women in the patriarchy

  • Thread starter Elliot Eric Auvinen
  • Start date

Elliot Eric Auvinen

Jan 9, 2023
Feminists have always accused the patriarchy of having oppressed women.
for centuries, blaming this system for all the violations, for a supposed slavery
and an alleged persecution. The word hetero-patriarchy used by feminists and
gays is a fallacy, currently patriarchy as such does not exist, but we will see that
later. Everything we know about the history of women within the patriarchy
comes from feminist, neopagan distortions (by the Wiccan branch) and from
left-wing intellectual circles. People do not read, do not investigate, they prefer to believe what
feminist intellectuals and feminist activists tell them as something
unquestionable. We are not going to deny that there were cases of injustice, of violence, but
this is not all that defines patriarchy, the woman was not completely enslaved
nor was it a second-rate object within this system. When the word is mentioned
patriarchy the vast majority sees a dark time in which the woman had no
right while man oppressed and violated at the same time that he destroyed the
nature. Such errors undoubtedly come from the Semitic conception in which the woman is
an object of sin, but in later articles we will talk about this patriarchy
Semite. There is a lot of misinformation regarding the role of women within the
Indo-European patriarchy, we have believed that the role of women within this system was
just being a kind of slave to the man, but as we women will always see
they had an important role within the Ancient World. Let's get this straight: in the
patriarchy, women are not pampered or spoiled, men do not submit to their
whims but has a specific role. The purpose of women within the
patriarchy was to be a mother, wife and the spiritual engine of man. Inside of the
patriarchy there were strong female figures, within the ancient Greek religion we
we find Athena, Artemis-Diana, who were examples of austere goddesses, chaste
and wise, in contrast to the matriarchal myths that still persisted in the polis.
Athena in her function as the spiritual motor of man was protector of the heroes
Odysseus and Perseus who was helping in their exploits. The opposition of Athena
would be Medusa, an ancient remnant of the pre-Hellenic matriarchy, a dark goddess and
monstrous beheaded by the Hellenic hero Perseus. Graves in his Greek myths
points out that the Athenians made Athena's virginity the symbol of the invincible
of their city for which they disguised the primitive myths in which they point to it as
outraged by Poseidon and denied that she had children with the god Hephesus. It is possible that
Athena was part of the triple goddess of matriarchy acting as a nymph, with the
arrival of the Hellenic conquest these primitive myths were suppressed and Athena was
regenerated into a virginal maiden. Something similar happens with Artemis, the maiden
virgin and deer hunter, before having that title she was a totemic nymph-goddess in
the primitive matriarchal societies to which orgies and sacrifices were dedicated before
of being regenerated into a virgin goddess. The other goddesses like Aphrodite, Demeter and
Persephone would be vestiges of the matriarchal cults that the Hellenes adopted,
These influences had the repercussion of the feminization of customs
Sparta before this was a reaction against this feminization, against the
decline of civilization and the last vestige of patriarchy in its purest form.
From her conception, the Spartan woman was subjected to harsh training as
men, but unlike them, his education was severe but did not reach the
degrees of violence than male training. It is ironic and it is something that
modern feminists are unaware - or simply bothered so much that they are unaware - the
fact that in the only pure patriarchy in Greece women enjoyed more
freedoms and rights than in other parts of the region. The Spartan woman boxed,
they did wrestling, swimming, gymnastics and dance, participated together with the men in
tournaments and games, knew how to read and write, ate the same rations as men,
He also had the freedom to choose who he could marry, something unthinkable in other
city-states. This freedom consisted in knowing how to choose the best man to procreate,
to the best warrior, that was the concept of sexual freedom that the Indo-Europeans had,
know how to choose the best man, the best woman of his race, to continue the lineage.
Due to her education and the severity of her training, Sparta had women
most beautiful of its time. Homer called Sparta "land of beautiful women", the
Spartan women were known for this extraordinary beauty, austerity and
maturity that exceeded women from other regions of Greece. spartan women
they despised dyes, jewels, luxuries, which they looked at as signs of
decay. Spartan patriarchal education gave a class of women on the verge of
perfection, proud, athletic, wise and free who surpassed the women of their
time and modern women.
The female figure had an important relevance in the Middle Ages through the figure
of the lady, this archetypal woman was described as a beautiful woman who
the warrior and the poet to perform great deeds. The courtly love of the time consisted of
a lady of high birth who served as the spiritual engine of the knight in the jousts and in
the Crusades. The lady brought the man closer to divinity, the poetic figure of Beatriz in
Dante's work is an example of this figure. The lady's counterpart would be the witch,
an ugly old woman who represented the obscurantism of the matriarchy, a being who drove away the
man of light and led him into darkness. In Japan we meet
with Amaterasu, the Shinto sun goddess and ancestor of the Japanese royal family, the
myth and reality come to mix in this story giving a divine origin to the
imperial family still in power. Shintoism as a purely religious religion
nationalist - it is difficult to conceive of Japan without Shinto - it is a patriarchal faith that has
among its values honor and discipline. Out of myths the patriarchal systems of
The West had few but notable women who marked their destinies. Inside of the
patriarchy the role of women was to be a mother, it was to be a wife, the warrior was going to
defend their homeland, their community where their women were. Was going to
defend them from the invader, this was fighting and defending the land in which they were born, the
motherland from external enemies. The earth always had a maternal role, properly
feminine, it was the duty of their sons to fight and die for those lands, where they were
their wives and their families. Seeing this we can say that the patriarchy was always
protector of women, contrary to what the feminist mentality manifests. Even though
few, the patriarchy gave exceptional women who stood out for their exploits and
to defend their land. We have Boudica who led the fight against the Romans,
we have Joan of Arc and we have Queen Isabella the Catholic and Catherine the Great,
both empire builders. Queen Isabella of Castile was the example of a woman
with power, a fundamental piece in the Reconquest and the main shaper of the Empire
Spanish, it is also curious how modern feminists avoid her figure and
they even have a certain hatred for her, when she could even be considered a feminist
in a macho age.
Perhaps this hatred is due to his Catholicism and the fact that
that she was the key to today's politically incorrect conquest of America.
Given all this background, can we continue to consider patriarchy a system
oppressive with the woman? We are not going to deny, as I said at the beginning, that there could be
there has been injustice and cases of oppression, but during the European patriarchies the woman
had her role as mother and wife, this role is not a social construction but something
biology that characterizes it. The consequences of this modern matriarchy in which
men and women have lost the roles that nature assigned them have been disasters
such as the increase in gender violence, rape, estrogenization and the
increasingly violent conflict between men and women. In this matriarchy there is a false
concept of freedom, men believe that finally after centuries of oppression
patriarchal are free from their gender roles, they have indulged in the worst aberrations
unnatural and believe that they enjoy all the rights granted to them by society
democratic. In this context, hatred for patriarchy is understandable, since
represents everything they hate and what makes them complex, but at the same time
they are completely unaware. What characterizes patriarchy is protection for what
You love yourself, this is the homeland, the wife, the mother and the daughters. The feminine.
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STFU Faggot post this in sewers
NO SRS use the ENTER butten to make it readable and write [LONG] in the title
The weak don't need arguments. who wants to know about the patriarchy, read the text.

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