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Blackpill The plight of the currycel

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1060
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India modern day India not Pakistan had come into Islamic rule under Central Asian Turks under Delhi sultanate and mughals too were central Asian Turks.

Yes those countries now speak mostly Russian and used to be part of USSR.

Yes though there was no economic drain under the Islamic rule you can't ignore the brutal oppression, genocide and long time cultural damage that happened due to burning of libraries and destruction of universities halting alot of intellectual progress India could have made

I never said that didn't happen, but those were not a regular occurrence, genocide happened during the initial conquest but they did not keep killing people for years after years.

Btw, Hindus like to point fingers to muslim invaders when this issue of Nalanda university comes up. But most of them completely ignore Pushyamitra's genocide of buddhists. Who single handedly destroyed 84,000 monasteries (killed all the monks) all over the curryland. He completely obliterated buddhism from the large part of the curryland within 5 years.

I'm not justifying the act of by muslims by quoting Pushyamitra's genocide. Just quoting the fact so that hinducels can get the whole picture. As you have mentioned the burning of libraries and universities, I think you know about this too:

All military campaigns in the iron-age/medieval period were like that.

Btw, I don't completely agree with the "destruction of culture" thing, both culture took from each other and they did some good things too.

The buddhist mathematics and philosophy from Barmakids went to middle-east during the time of "Islamic Golden Age", which eventually went to Europe that influenced the foundation of European renaissance.
Remember that video of a curry proposing to a stacy in the parking lot of a 7/11 only to get laughted at :feelshaha: I wish i has born with no inhibition like them tbh ngl.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
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Yes those countries now speak mostly Russian and used to be part of USSR.

I never said that didn't happen, but those were not a regular occurrence, genocide happened during the initial conquest but they did not keep killing people for years after years.

Btw, Hindus like to point fingers to muslim invaders when this issue of Nalanda university comes up. But most of them completely ignore Pushyamitra's genocide of buddhists. Who single handedly destroyed 84,000 monasteries (killed all the monks) all over the curryland. He completely obliterated buddhism from the large part of the curryland within 5 years.

I'm not justifying the act of by muslims by quoting Pushyamitra's genocide. Just quoting the fact so that hinducels can get the whole picture. As you have mentioned the burning of libraries and universities, I think you know about this too:

All military campaigns in the iron-age/medieval period were like that.

Btw, I don't completely agree with the "destruction of culture" thing, both culture took from each other and they did some good things too.

The buddhist mathematics and philosophy from Barmakids went to middle-east during the time of "Islamic Golden Age", which eventually went to Europe that influenced the foundation of European renaissance.

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Tbh I'd rather splatter my brains on my computer screen LEAVING it on .co for someone to find than be a curry.
Tbh I'd rather splatter my brains on my computer screen LEAVING it on .co for someone to find than be a curry.

Major cope
It's common for whitetrashcels to end up taking their frustrations out on the only men who are even lower on the totem pole than they are -- ethnicels.

Tired of other people on the forum defending this behaviour.

If you want to go out with a bang, punch up, don't punch down.
murderous exploitation that India suffered under the Mughals for approximately 800 years more
hindu dindu shitskin cope, "India" THRIVED under Mughal rule.
The British empire has killed more people(Indians included) than Nazi germany, but apparently they are the “good guys”
Nazis are 1000 times better than britfags.
hindu dindu shitskin cope, "India" THRIVED under Mughal rule.

Islam made India great. But dindus will still suck off wypipo while bathing in cow shit
@chudur-budur the irony is that the currycel’s attacker is a fellow curry in the eyes of foids.

Yea, that's what wikipedia says. His name is Pushyamitra Maurya and changed his name to Pushyamitra Shunga after taking over power.
@chudur-budur the irony is that the currycel’s attacker is a fellow curry in the eyes of foids.
Tbh I'd rather splatter my brains on my computer screen LEAVING it on .co for someone to find than be a curry.
Lmfao, most probably you don't know that you are already a curry. You are a curry in the eyes of foids. Keep coping.
It's common for whitetrashcels to end up taking their frustrations out on the only men who are even lower on the totem pole than they are -- ethnicels.

Tired of other people on the forum defending this behaviour.

If you want to go out with a bang, punch up, don't punch down.

I don't understand why do they blame on ethnics for their women fucking dogs? It goes over my head tbh.
Most Mughal descendents are probably living in slums now. Can't take shit from them.

:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

Yea, that took 800 years to happen.

That's why we need to get reparations from whites now, before they end up in slums.
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hindu dindu shitskin cope, "India" THRIVED under Mughal rule.

Got any evidence to back that up?

Islam made India great. But dindus will still suck off wypipo while bathing in cow shit

Islam is great. That's why most islamic countries in the world are mired in conflict and poverty, and muslims all run to Europe and North America :feelsEhh:
hindu dindu shitskin cope, "India" THRIVED under Mughal rule.
India never thrived. Lmfao wtf. Yea, may be 3000 years ago, way before when Islam didn't even existed.
Islam made India great. But dindus will still suck off wypipo while bathing in cow shit

Islam was good until 1000 CE, then they went to complete shit.

Stop coping with "Islamic Golden Age" crap. Those times are no more.
Islam is great. That's why most islamic countries in the world are mired in conflict and poverty, and muslims all run to Europe and North America :feelsEhh:

Not really. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and UAE are all doing great. Countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya are the way they are because of Ameri-kike invasion. Prior to jews and amermutts, even those countries were doing very well.

Let's not act like homelessness is rampant in European countries or America. Same applies to Muslim countries, not everyone is homeless lmao

You speak of poverty as if materialism is what fills the void in one's heart. There's a reason Muslims have the lowest suicide and most satisfaction in life.

'Sides, Saudi Arabia actually has a far lower crime rate than the UK, USA, France, and Canada in almost every category of crime.
Islam was good until 1000 CE, then they went to complete shit.

Stop coping with "Islamic Golden Age" crap. Those times are no more.

How? Islam as a religion hasn't changed.

If you mean Islam as a civilization went to shit, there was still the Ottomans, and many other superpowers well into the 1700s-1800s

I dont care much about the IGA. I just bring it up when snowmen want to talk about being the only ones who contributed to civilization, when nordics/anglos didnt do shit for 4000 yrs
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How? Islam as a religion hasn't changed.

If you mean Islam as a civilization went to shit,

I don't care about religion anyway, I'm an atheist. No I was not talking about Islamic religion. Religion is a cope.

there was still the Ottomans, and many other superpowers well into the 1700s-1800s
I dont care much about the IGA.

Ottoman did nothing in terms of contribution to the human knowledge. Yes, I was talking about IGA. They legit made lots of contributions in science and math.

nordics/anglos didnt do shit for 4000 yrs

No, 8000 years, they did nothing. All these white copers like to talk about everything happened after 16th century Europe. They don't want to talk about stuffs that happened before that.
I don't care about religion anyway, I'm an atheist. No I was not talking about Islamic religion. Religion is a cope.

Ottoman did nothing in terms of contribution to the human knowledge. Yes, I was talking about IGA. They legit made lots of contributions in science and math.

No, 8000 years, they did nothing. All these white copers like to talk about everything happened after 16th century Europe. They don't want to talk about stuffs that happened before that.

Fair enough.

There were some contributions, though not as much as previously, naturally. I would say they were stagnant/docile rather than having gone to shit.

lol Agree. Neo-nazis love blathering about how muh white man founded civilization when nordics were still raping their tribesmans' corpses and engaging in human sacrifice while the Mediterraneans/Muslims/Levant/Egyptians were the ones doing the civilizational building. Then they swoop in once coal is discovered, get rich off of colonialism & pillaging, and start talking about building the world when they didnt contribute anything aside from viking raids for literal thousands of years
Fair enough.

There were some contributions, though not as much as previously, naturally. I would say they were stagnant/docile rather than having gone to shit.

lol Agree. Neo-nazis love blathering about how muh white man founded civilization when nordics were still raping their tribesmans' corpses and engaging in human sacrifice while the Mediterraneans/Muslims/Levant/Egyptians were the ones doing the civilizational building. Then they swoop in once coal is discovered, get rich off of colonialism & pillaging, and start talking about building the world when they didnt contribute anything aside from viking raids for literal thousands of years

Civilization started in the fertile crescent, not in Norway.

The hardest pill to swallow for crackers.
Wtf is that pic with the guy being penetrated by a little boy and all ppl watching it? wtf
Wtf is that pic with the guy being penetrated by a little boy and all ppl watching it? wtf

That's a kid painting that man's balls.

It's an art.

And can you see the two freaky looking adults behind that kid? They are his parents. Most probably both are males, the guy with the pink hair is a tranny.
likely a gay pride parade. they do this type of thing.
View attachment 236685

This is the same kid:

Trivia: Does he have a father? Is he brought up in a single mother's household?
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That's a kid painting that man's balls.

It's an art.

And can you see the two freaky looking adults behind that kid? They are his parents. Most probably both are males, the guy with the braids is a tranny.
wtf :feelspuke::feelspuke::feelspuke: fk the west

We need this to happen in the near future:

The dog-pill tax destroyed me.
That's a kid painting that man's balls.

It's an art.

And can you see the two freaky looking adults behind that kid? They are his parents. Most probably both are males, the guy with the pink hair is a tranny.

This is the same kid:

Trivia: Does he have a father? Is he brought up in a single mother's household?
he probably had gay father. I watched a video on him long time back but forgot.
True. But we need our money back.

Interesting article.
So India got fucked for 800 years prior to British rule, followed by another a few hundred years of parasitical colonization.

But given that they had 1947 till now to develop, why is it that 50% of the populace are still shitting out in the open?
I mean, Japan got razed to the ground at the end of WWII, but look at where they are today.
I feel like there a lot of these curry guys like this with insane skills exist in India but only maybe 1 in 1000 ever receive recognition for any of their work because of the failo effect. Its brutal. Do you know anything on IIT? I heard their entrance exams are incredibly difficult(more than US schools) but I wasn't too sure because there are multiple institutions.
Interesting article.
So India got fucked for 800 years prior to British rule, followed by another a few hundred years of parasitical colonization.

But given that they had 1947 till now to develop, why is it that 50% of the populace are still shitting out in the open?
I mean, Japan got razed to the ground at the end of WWII, but look at where they are today.
india is too divided. i know china has lots of local divisions as do many nations. but indias muslim vs hindu conflict is intnese. then they have 17 languages further dividing them. then they have the shittiest form of governement. a democracy. a democracy is trash form of government if most of your people are divided illiterate peasants. only functions in educated populations well. had india been fascist or authoritarian, they would be far higher, maybe even modern china level.
If you are incel, you are basically a street-shitting curry, your actual race doesn't matter.

Take the blackpill.

I agree with the thread you made there. I am not a curry, but due to me being a spic combined with horrible genetics, I've been made to look curry. Sometimes I even consider myself curry because so many people think I am one when they first meet me. You are absolutely right and it is absolutely brutal.
I feel like there a lot of these curry guys like this with insane skills exist in India but only maybe 1 in 1000 ever receive recognition for any of their work because of the failo effect. Its brutal. Do you know anything on IIT? I heard their entrance exams are incredibly difficult(more than US schools) but I wasn't too sure because there are multiple institutions.
many curries are drones. there is definetly lots of talented curries who will never make it due to lack of wealth and extreme competition
many curries are drones. there is definetly lots of talented curries who will never make it due to lack of wealth and extreme competition
True. I feel like the reason there hasn't been any major advancement is because of the over saturation of the stem job markets in curryland. In curryland if you aren't some drone who isn't memorizing 100s of formulas and/or over 20 programming languages its basically over for your career. The culture is brutal and everyone there is focused on trying to survive at this point, not trying to change the world
True. I feel like the reason there hasn't been any major advancement is because of the over saturation of the stem job markets in curryland. In curryland if you aren't some drone who isn't memorizing 100s of formulas and/or over 20 programming languages its basically over for your career. The culture is brutal and everyone there is focused on trying to survive at this point, not trying to change the world
human populations should have never exceeded 1 billion. imagine had our ancestors had foresight to limit birth rate to 3. we would have a propserous world with lots of nature to explore. instead of the current world which is a collapsing ship, filled subhuman shitskins everywhere who continue to propage suffering.
I agree with the thread you made there. I am not a curry, but due to me being a spic combined with horrible genetics, I've been made to look curry. Sometimes I even consider myself curry because so many people think I am one when they first meet me. You are absolutely right and it is absolutely brutal.

Welcome to curryceldom brother, you are an "honorary curry" from now on. :feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall:
Welcome to curryceldom brother, you are an "honorary curry" from now on. :feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall::feelsYall:
I've known I was an honorary curry ever since I was 12 in 7th grade when people started making terrorist jokes at me and only me. But I guess its good to know that I have other curry brothers here who I can discuss curryceldom with
Interesting article.
So India got fucked for 800 years prior to British rule, followed by another a few hundred years of parasitical colonization.

But given that they had 1947 till now to develop, why is it that 50% of the populace are still shitting out in the open?
I mean, Japan got razed to the ground at the end of WWII, but look at where they are today.

1. Curries are not Japanese, curries are dumb, lazy, stupid.
2. Japan was never colonized.
3. Japan was one of the economic powers way before WWI. Thanks to Meiji restoration.
4. Every country and their population is different.
5. Mohenjodaro and Harappa had a city of at least 40,000 populations in 2500 BC, while entire Europe was inhabited by hunter gatherers. These kind comparisons are pointless.
I've known I was an honorary curry ever since I was 12 in 7th grade when people started making terrorist jokes at me and only me. But I guess its good to know that I have other curry brothers here who I can discuss curryceldom with
1. Curries are not Japanese, curries are dumb, lazy, stupid.
2. Japan was never colonized.
3. Japan was one of the economic powers way before WWI. Thanks to Meiji restoration.
4. Every country and their population is different.
5. Mohenjodaro and Harappa had a city of at least 40,000 populations in 2500 BC, while entire Europe was inhabited by hunter gatherers. These kind comparisons are pointless.
East Asians mog Western Asians to death.
East Asians mog Western Asians to death.

They have the highest average IQ, in fact, Eskimos and Inuits have the highest IQ among all ethnic groups.
They have the highest average IQ, in fact, Eskimos and Inuits have the highest IQ among all ethnic groups.
do you think had curries spoke one language had 200 million instead of 1.3bil+plus people, we could have been prosperous?
do you think had curries spoke one language had 200 million instead of 1.3bil+plus people, we could have been prosperous?

Most probably yes. But in fact, ancient curryland was divided into different small nations/kingdoms (now they are 28 states) with their own language and culture, but none of them manage to do any useful shit. So may be that's a no.
They have the highest average IQ, in fact, Eskimos and Inuits have the highest IQ among all ethnic groups.
No wonder they build such great structures with ice. XD

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