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Blackpill The plight of the currycel

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1060
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Deleted member 1060

Deleted member 1060

5'2" ugliest currycel, freak of nature.
Nov 9, 2017
This currycel came to the US to cope with computermaxxing but now in hospital, in a critical situation.

Most probably he got shot by a nazicoper (a cracker with tattoos).


This is the absolute state of the curries.

1. Comes from an extremely poor background, both of his parents are already dead, an orphan.
2. Survived his whole life through the mercy and donation from his relatives.
3. Short, ugly, awkward, being sexually repressed his whole life.
4. His only cope is careermaxxing through computermaxxing, so that he could pay back some of his debts back home and get a decent life.
5. Getting shitted on by everyone, made fun of, even when he's just minding his own currycel business.
6. Holes avoid him like plague, might end up in jail just for saying "hi".
7. If he just wants to go to some gas station to buy some bum-booze so that he could peacefully cope alone during the weekend, he gets shot and ends up in hospital. While all his chad friends are having fun at the pubs, getting grinded by the horny thots.

The life of a currycel is a living hell.

Why that cracker nazicoper shot him?

Let's see the big picture.

Liberalism --> ""Progress"" --> Feminism --> Hole Empowerment --> Whore Enabling --> Hypergamy --> Obliteration of Family Values --> Single Mothers --> Dysfunctional Home --> Whore House --> Dog Fucking --> Fucked up childhood --> Forced to Become a Loser (Even living in one of most advanced countries in the world) --> Bleak Future --> Nazicoping --> Dead Currycel

Thus it completes the eternal cycle of cope.


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Comes from an extremely poor background, both of his parents are already dead, an orphan.
If he can immigrate to the United States he has to be moderately well-off in India, no?
Curries are better off in their own countries.
If he can immigrate to the United States he has to be moderately well-off in India, no?

Most probably he borrowed money, you can get education loans (at a bit higher interest), if you have a good GPAs and shit, this is quite common.
Curries are better off in their own countries.
Curries would do very heinous things if it meant they could get a white girl
Curries are better off in their own countries.

Agreed, no one likes them not even their own women. So they have a better chance staying in India. Although for the sake of the curry race, a much needed culling should manifest.
Curries would do very heinous things if it meant they could get a white girl

Coming to the west is the worst one

Agreed, no one likes them not even their own women. So they have a better chance staying in India. Although for the sake of the curry race, a much needed culling should manifest.

They need to accept its over
Curries need to stop reproducing like rabbits. Only creates more subhumans.
Agreed, no one likes them not even their own women. So they have a better chance staying in India. Although for the sake of the curry race, a much needed culling should manifest.

Do your women like you? Or do they like dogs more?


:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Just like a dark fantasy manga where the protagonist keeps getting fucked over
Curries need to stop reproducing like rabbits. Only creates more subhumans.

Most probably that currycel had more IQ than most of this forum.
Just like a dark fantasy manga where the protagonist keeps getting fucked over
He could have darktriadmaxxed

Legit. He went through all that shit his entire life just to get shot at the end.

He would be better off if he joined some mafia gang in the curryland.
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Coming to the west is the worst one

If you are incel, you are basically a street-shitting curry, your actual race doesn't matter.

Take the blackpill.

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poor guy.

I think normies are just jealous that these guys actually took the effort to get good grades instead of partying their ass off and getting piss drunk in college. When an ugly guy makes more than them, or is more successful, that is an injustice in their eyes
Most probably that currycel had more IQ than most of this forum.
Muh IQ. Curries are known to be extremely low IQ. If they weren't, then their country wouldn't be a literal shithole. Curries are only good at being try-hard drones at school, no intelligence what so ever. Tell me one contribution that curries gave to the modern world? NOTHING.
it's really over. everyday as a currycel. I look out the window and think of what life could have been here I not been a shitskin midget. I fantasize of all the ways I can die. :feelsrope:
Muh IQ. Curries are known to be extremely low IQ. If they weren't, then their country wouldn't be a literal shithole. Curries are only good at being try-hard drones at school, no intelligence what so ever. Tell me one contribution that curries gave to the modern world? NOTHING.
curries made Hotmail and are top tier scammers.
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Tell me one contribution that curries gave to the modern world? NOTHING.

You are right.

But they did, but not to the modern world. They made many fundamental contributions (just like many other races did), way before whites came into the scene.

That's not the issue here. I was talking about IQ of that guy vs. the users on this forum. The other poster was shitting on an almost dead currycel. Forget about all these peripheral shit. IQ is a cope anyway.

But You know what? If you are an incel, you are basically a street-shitting curry. Your actual race does not matter.

Thugmaxxed nazi manlet stormcel just shot a coping curry dude for no reason? Jfl at the state of burgerland
Muh IQ. Curries are known to be extremely low IQ. If they weren't, then their country wouldn't be a literal shithole. Curries are only good at being try-hard drones at school, no intelligence what so ever. Tell me one contribution that curries gave to the modern world? NOTHING.
You sound lowiq
"as he transitions into a life that is different, but still his own."

Probably will end up as vegetable if he survives.

Should just end it tbh.
Thugmaxxed nazi manlet stormcel just shot a coping curry dude for no reason? Jfl at the state of burgerland

You know it's completely over when you see one coper shooting another coper.
"as he transitions into a life that is different, but still his own."

Probably will end up as vegetable if he survives.

Should just end it tbh.
Damn, brutal.
You sound lowiq

He's coping, don't disrupt his cope, let him cope in peace.

:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
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Curries would do very heinous things if it meant they could get a white girl
Remember that video of a curry proposing to a stacy in the parking lot of a 7/11 only to get laughted at :feelshaha: I wish i has born with no inhibition like them tbh ngl.
Muh IQ. Curries are known to be extremely low IQ. If they weren't, then their country wouldn't be a literal shithole. Curries are only good at being try-hard drones at school, no intelligence what so ever. Tell me one contribution that curries gave to the modern world? NOTHING.
I am curry, I am not happy about being one, but I definitely mog 95% of whites(Chads) in terms of IQ, i too am a computer science engineer, though i'm not so lowiq to move to a place where I get mogged worse, with all the experience I have accumulated, in the modern world IQ is obselete, unless you have scientist tier intellect, even then you will only been seen as useful but unaesthetic tool, looks is what will give your life any quality, no matter how high your IQ.
Also all the degeneracy and feminism originated from low IQ whites that is the west
True. But we need our money back.

I'm a half curry cel...

PS... Aljazeera is an Islamist supporting rag which never mentions the economic & murderous exploitation that India suffered under the Mughals for approximately 800 years more. Don't get me wrong the Gora were bastards & I would have fought against them if I was in Colonial India HOWEVER... £45 Trillion over 180 years as opposed to their connection to the Common Wealth in which they are now 3rd largest PPP after China & the US in a little over 70 years. As well as the endemic corruption that hampers them.
You know it's completely over when you see one coper shooting another coper.

Damn, brutal.

He's coping, don't disrupt his cope, let him cope in peace.

:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
You're the one coping, if whites are so much better than us, why are they too incel like us, they are in no way better than us(worse I would argue), they only look better than us, which us why the rest of the world treats them better, not because they are highiq or did something for the civilization
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You're the one coping, why are you incel if you whites are so much better than us, you are in no way better than us(worse I would argue), you only look better than us, which us why the rest of the world treats you better, not because you are highiq or did something for the civilization
Isn't he curry lol
You're the one coping, if whites are so much better than us, why are they too incel like us, they are in no way better than us(worse I would argue), they only look better than us, which us why the rest of the world treats them better, not because they are highiq or did something for the civilization

True. That's the darkest of the pills that crackercels can't swallow.

If you are an incel, your actual race doesn't matter. You are a curry in the end, being a white is not helping in any way.

They cope with "muh highIQ white race" but that's not going to get them pussies anyway. What's the fucking point?

I made a post about this exact issue.

True. That's the darkest of the pills that crackercels can't swallow.

If you are an incel, your actual race doesn't matter. You are a curry in the end, being a white is not helping in any way.

They cope with "muh highIQ white race" but that's not going to get them pussies anyway. What's the fucking point?

I made a post about this exact issue.

Glad we can agree on that
He never had a chance :feelscry:
PS... Aljazeera is an Islamist supporting rag which never mentions the economic & murderous exploitation that India suffered under the Mughals for approximately 800 years more.

True. But there is a huge difference.

Muslims came from the middle east (Mughals came from Russia i.e. Kazakhstan/Tazikstan/Turkimenistan), but didn't siphon resources from curryland and built an empire in their home country and completely barred curries from utilizing them later. Muslims killed many people while taking over curryland but they later assimilated with the local people and built an empire which was 100% local. They didn't suck out all the resources from the curryland which could cripple curryland as a nation. What I mean, none of the middle-eastern countries (or Russian countries) received any kind of tax revenue from the curryland for 200 years.

And if you want to talk about war, curryland already had a very long running wars between the states way before even Islamic religion was originated in the kebabland. This is another reason why curryland couldn't thwart Islamic invasion. But anyway none of them siphoned resources from one country and built an empire in another country.
It's over for streetshitting curries. Ricecels all look the same but curries produce a constant variety of garbage.
True. But there is a huge difference.

Muslims came from the middle east (Mughals came from Russia i.e. Kazakhstan/Tazikstan/Turkimenistan), but didn't siphon resources from curryland and built an empire in their home country and completely barred curries from utilizing them later. Muslims killed many people while taking over curryland but they later assimilated with the local people and built an empire which was 100% local. They didn't suck out all the resources from the curryland which could cripple curryland as a nation. What I mean, none of the middle-eastern countries (or Russian countries) received any kind of tax revenue from the curryland for 200 years.

And if you want to talk about war, curryland already had a very long running wars between the states way before even Islamic religion was originated in the kebabland. This is another reason why curryland couldn't thwart Islamic invasion. But anyway none of them siphoned resources from one country and built an empire in another country.

Not sure how credible this resource is.

Not sure how credible this resource is.

Looks like written by some Bajrangi-coper. I didn't read it line by line. But there are some major holes in his narratives.

1. All the islamic empires (assuming he's talking about Umayyad caliphate) all over the world siphoned money to Mecca and Medina. But that place was a fucking desert even in the 70s. Saudi became rich after discovery of oil rigs in the 80s. Also looks like author has no clear idea of the timeline of different caliphates. Umayyad caliphate was already almost over when they started campaign in the curryland.

2. Yes, may be Mughals sent gifts and shit to other kings in different countries (or may be Mecca and Medina) those were not like yearly tax revenue. They sent gifts to China too. Mughals were an independent monarchy, they weren't run by any other country, although they were originated in Russia.

There is a huge catch in this story. Islamic empire was not race based, you can get all the benefits from the empire if you just become a muslim, in fact, many low cast hindus took that route, because their lives was already hell, becoming a muslim helped them to a great extent. A dark skinned muslim curry from curryland is a citizen of the Islamic empire and he will be treated as such (more or less).

But British empire was 100% race based. A christian curry from curryland is not a British.
It's over for streetshitting curries. Ricecels all look the same but curries produce a constant variety of garbage.

But riceceldom is extremely brutal.

Curries can get arranged marriage at least, but ricecels have no way out, except fucking chicken.

or "chikan"

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white crackers always blame ethics for all the problems rather than blaming women for low fertility rates, mass illegal immigration. The UN published an report saying westren countries and america needs to import immigartion tomsuatain the welfare systems which most women are. i wish american white boys pick their AR -15 and take women rights away within a day, only american white boys can do that, if other countries even try to do that, america will fucking burn the country with in a day. White boys are the only hope, but seems crackers only like to kills curries and get off on that muh country and freedom bullshit.
white crackers always blame ethics for all the problems rather than blaming women for low fertility rates, mass illegal immigration. The UN published an report saying westren countries and america needs to import immigartion tomsuatain the welfare systems which most women are. i wish american white boys pick their AR -15 and take women rights away within a day, only american white boys can do that, if other countries even try to do that, america will fucking burn the country with in a day. White boys are the only hope, but seems crackers only like to kills curries and get off on that muh country and freedom bullshit.

Theres a long queue of countries that got their shit stolen off them by the brits. Admittedly india is at the front of that queue.
All countries that were once colonized should demand reparations from the Brits and other European countries, in cash.

Looks like written by some Bajrangi-coper. I didn't read it line by line. But there are some major holes in his narratives.

1. All the islamic empires (assuming he's talking about Umayyad caliphate) all over the world siphoned money to Mecca and Medina. But that place was a fucking desert even in the 70s. Saudi became rich after discovery of oil rigs in the 80s. Also looks like author has no clear idea of the timeline of different caliphates. Umayyad caliphate was already almost over when they started campaign in the curryland.

2. Yes, may be Mughals sent gifts and shit to other kings in different countries (or may be Mecca and Medina) those were not like yearly tax revenue. They sent gifts to China too. Mughals were an independent monarchy, they weren't run by any other country, although they were originated in Russia.

There is a huge catch in this story. Islamic empire was not race based, you can get all the benefits from the empire if you just become a muslim, in fact, many low cast hindus took that route, because their lives was already hell, becoming a muslim helped them to a great extent. A dark skinned muslim curry from curryland is a citizen of the Islamic empire and he will be treated as such (more or less).

But British empire was 100% race based. A christian curry from curryland is not a British.

But riceceldom is extremely brutal.

Curries can get arranged marriage at least, but ricecels have no way out, except fucking chicken.

or "chikan"

India modern day India not Pakistan had come into Islamic rule under Central Asian Turks under Delhi sultanate and mughals too were central Asian Turks.
Yes though there was no economic drain under the Islamic rule you can't ignore the brutal oppression , genocide and long time cultural damage that happened due to burning of libraries and destruction of universities halting alot of intellectual progress India could have made
All countries that were once colonized should demand reparations from the Brits and other European countries, in cash.

Never gonna happen. The Greeks cannae even get a marble statue back.

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