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Brutal The phenomenon of high school gigachads fucking teachers and students' moms



Jul 9, 2024
One of the things that's always stuck out in my mind when it comes to the difference between chads and us is the phenomenon of high school gigachads fucking teachers, students' moms, and sizeable fraction of the female student body.
There are two anecdotes I remember from /r9k/ that really stood out to me.

This account of a chad named Brock who fucked a teacher, was a bull for another student's parents, and had threesomes and foursomes with girls at the school.

And this one about an 11/10 high school football chad who fucked multiple teachers and student's moms, and even had sex with his own mother since he was 13.

Obviously, you can argue these accounts are fake fetish shit, especially the second one given the context of the thread, but you never know, and there are chads who really experience porn plot tier sex lives. For example, that case of the kid who had a threesome with two teachers or the wife who cheated on her husband with two 15 year old hockey players.

One thing I've always wondered is what the dudes who manage to do this actually look like, how attractive is someone who fucks multiple teachers, married women, and their own mom as a high-schooler. Does anyone here have accounts of high school gigachads doing things like this, and if so could you share a pic of them or give a description of their appearance. This phenomenon is mind-boggling to me.
Porn is real life for chads and most women, when a cunt says porn isn't real, it means porn isn't real for you
These stories dont sound real to me but if they are true its suicide/er fuel
Chads aren't good-looking to you or to me, so idk why you'd really want to see them
Not as extreme as what you're asking about but I have a few stories of school/university chads. I went to a school with a high level of sport.

Case One

When we were 16 there was one lad who was a talented athlete. Although we were still 16 and the school went up to 18 he was already captain of the school's number one sports team.

7/10 face
average height and build
really good shape, low body fat with some muscle
dad from a more southerly country so a bit darker than us and 'exotic'
mid tier personality and IQ
above average tier at fighting (people don't mention the significance of this enough, especially for teenagers)
most popular person in the year

He had HTBs hanging round him every free minute they had. There were rumours about him fucking this girl, then this other girl (who knew about the first one), then this other girl giving him a BJ etc. Completely believable but obviously I didn't see it happen. He was a decent guy, never bullied anyone or threw his status in people's face. Just had massive SMV. However the hottest girls didn't hang out with him or his clique, they dated older guys from university and stuff.

Case Two

There were a couple of other talented male athletes at the school. This was a legit elite school for sport but I just happened to go there. Lads older than me that I didn't really know: one played for the country at a major sport at youth level, one went on to be a professional top level sportsman at a major sport (I don't want to dox myself with too much detail lol) and the other used to do Olympic gymnastics or something and was also on the school's top sports team. The last two were like 6'4", 6'5" at 16/17, and the one who went pro had bright blonde hair - basically the American Footballer Slayer meme, but not as good looking. He even had a big dick, which I know because of the communal showers. Of course they all had girlfriends, and other girls circling around their social periphery looking for an in, while even normie lads, never mind the likes of me, had nothing.

Case Three

When I was about 17 some lad joined our school for some reason. No one knew him and he was from a different area. He was just average in appearance (except his southern accent), but he was a thief. He stole money from a vending machine at school somehow and would take stolen stuff and sell it at the pawnbrokers in town, and get other kids to go in and sell it too. He was only there a month or two but I heard he fucked three girls. Then he disappeared and people said he went back down south. He didn't disappear right after the three girls comment so he could have fucked more before disappearing. Note he wasn't popular.

Case Four

I was playing football at a summer camp in another part of the country when I/we were about 15. There was a group of local teens who were aggressive and wanted to start shit, but because we greatly outnumbered them they just kind of insulted us from a distance rather than taking it further. Then their ringleader came round, he was tall and heavily built and was challenging anyone to a fight one on one and boasting about how he beat up the last teen camp summer visitor who tried it and so on. Everyone was scared of him. He had this HTB following him around and he was joking, loud enough for everyone to hear, how he was 'taking his dog for a walk' etc.

Case Five

There was another young man I knew when we were about 17, he had left school the previous year but would still hang around with the people who had stayed in school sometimes. He was low IQ and unemployed but kind of a thug, he had chipped teeth, a bent nose from being punched, had a lot of fights and aggro with people, wore a leather jacket etc. To be fair he was quite charming if you didn't get on his bad side. He had several girls in love with him.

Case Six

I played a popular and physical sport as an adult for a short time at a low level. There was one young fella there (we were about 18) who had one scary looking blind white eye where he had been glassed, and a small scar on his cheek. He also had a big dick. When we would go for a drink it was always him who had girls interested in him first. He was very confident and outgoing. He was cocky, but no so much so that it alienated you (socially calibrated).

Athletic Foids

At school I also knew (not well) some girls who were high level athletes, including playing for the country at one sport or another, but it didn't really boost their popularity or SMV. I suppose at least they weren't overweight.

Case Seven

I also knew a lad at school who wasn't exceptional in any category. He just seemed average to me, except mature for his age, but he had a (HTB) gf and she fought another girl at some party, who wanted him as well. I don't take the Black Pill to the extreme because obviously this fella had game, it can't have been anything else.

Case Eight

At university there was a natural chad that fucked loads of female students. He had an 8/10 face, 6'4" / 6'5" with low body fat, big hands and a deep voice, he also just naturally became the ringleader of a massive social group within like a month of the first term starting. Attractive foids would just approach him and go back to his room for sex, then leave. I don't think any of them attempted to become his gf. Again he was nice, reasonably friendly, not a dick in any way. He became president of the Students' Union or some organisation like that in his second year. He, and the athlete in Case One, had a bunch of guy 'lieutenants' sort of around them hanging on and sucking up.


Be tall
Be handsome
Be strongly built
Be muscular
Have low body fat
Have big hands
Have a large penis
Have a deep voice (these are all signs of high testosterone)
Be aggressive and violent
Be a criminal
Be popular (with both sexes)
Have high social status
Have game
Be charismatic and likeable
Have good social calibration
Treat foids as beneath you
Last edited:

Be tall
Be handsome
Be strongly built
Be muscular
Have low body fat
Have big hands
Have a large penis
Have a deep voice (these are all signs of high testosterone)
Be aggressive and violent
Be a criminal
Be popular (with both sexes)
Have high social status
Have game
Be charismatic and likeable
Have good social calibration
Treat foids as beneath you
Brutal :feelsrope: and 100% accurate, if you failed at school your life's done for, no way to fix or change it. Chads get everything naturally, no need to try to learn shit like "confidence social skills" and more bullshit, they just existed and got it.
Not as extreme as what you're asking about but I have a few stories of school/university chads. I went to a school with a high level of sport.

Case One

When we were 16 there was one lad who was a talented athlete. Although we were still 16 and the school went up to 18 he was already captain of the school's number one sports team.

7/10 face
average height and build
really good shape, low body fat with some muscle
dad from a more southerly country so a bit darker than us and 'exotic'
mid tier personality and IQ
above average tier at fighting (people don't mention the significance of this enough, especially for teenagers)
most popular person in the year

He had HTBs hanging round him every free minute they had. There were rumours about him fucking this girl, then this other girl (who knew about the first one), then this other girl giving him a BJ etc. Completely believable but obviously I didn't see it happen. He was a decent guy, never bullied anyone or threw his status in people's face. Just had massive SMV. However the hottest girls didn't hang out with him or his clique, they dated older guys from university and stuff.

Case Two

There were a couple of other talented male athletes at the school. This was a legit elite school for sport but I just happened to go there. Lads older than me that I didn't really know: one played for the country at a major sport at youth level, one went on to be a professional top level sportsman at a major sport (I don't want to dox myself with too much detail lol) and the other used to do Olympic gymnastics or something and was also on the school's top sports team. The last two were like 6'4", 6'5" at 16/17, and the one who went pro had bright blonde hair - basically the American Footballer Slayer meme, but not as good looking. He even had a big dick, which I know because of the communal showers. Of course they all had girlfriends, and other girls circling around their social periphery looking for an in, while even normie lads, never mind the likes of me, had nothing.

Case Three

When I was about 17 some lad joined our school for some reason. No one knew him and he was from a different area. He was just average in appearance (except his southern accent), but he was a thief. He stole money from a vending machine at school somehow and would take stolen stuff and sell it at the pawnbrokers in town, and get other kids to go in and sell it too. He was only there a month or two but I heard he fucked three girls. Then he disappeared and people said he went back down south. He didn't disappear right after the three girls comment so he could have fucked more before disappearing. Note he wasn't popular.

Case Four

I was playing football at a summer camp in another part of the country when I/we were about 15. There was a group of local teens who were aggressive and wanted to start shit, but because we greatly outnumbered them they just kind of insulted us from a distance rather than taking it further. Then their ringleader came round, he was tall and heavily built and was challenging anyone to a fight one on one and boasting about how he beat up the last teen camp summer visitor who tried it and so on. Everyone was scared of him. He had this HTB following him around and he was joking, loud enough for everyone to hear, how he was 'taking his dog for a walk' etc.

Case Five

There was another young man I knew when we were about 17, he had left school the previous year but would still hang around with the people who had stayed in school sometimes. He was low IQ and unemployed but kind of a thug, he had chipped teeth, a bent nose from being punched, had a lot of fights and aggro with people, wore a leather jacket etc. To be fair he was quite charming if you didn't get on his bad side. He had several girls in love with him.

Case Six

I played a popular and physical sport as an adult for a short time at a low level. There was one young fella there (we were about 18) who had one scary looking blind white eye where he had been glassed, and a small scar on his cheek. He also had a big dick. When we would go for a drink it was always him who had girls interested in him first. He was very confident and outgoing. He was cocky, but no so much so that it alienated you (socially calibrated).

Athletic Foids

At school I also knew (not well) some girls who were high level athletes, including playing for the country at one sport or another, but it didn't really boost their popularity or SMV. I suppose at least they weren't overweight.

Case Seven

I also knew a lad at school who wasn't exceptional in any category. He just seemed average to me, except mature for his age, but he had a (HTB) gf and she fought another girl at some party, who wanted him as well. I don't take the Black Pill to the extreme because obviously this fella had game, it can't have been anything else.

Case Eight

At university there was a natural chad that fucked loads of female students. He had an 8/10 face, 6'4" / 6'5" with low body fat, big hands and a deep voice, he also just naturally became the ringleader of a massive social group within like a month of the first term starting. Attractive foids would just approach him and go back to his room for sex, then leave. I don't think any of them attempted to become his gf. Again he was nice, reasonably friendly, not a dick in any way. He became president of the Students' Union or some organisation like that in his second year. He, and the athlete in Case One, had a bunch of guy 'lieutenants' sort of around them hanging on and sucking up.


Be tall
Be handsome
Be strongly built
Be muscular
Have low body fat
Have big hands
Have a large penis
Have a deep voice (these are all signs of high testosterone)
Be aggressive and violent
Be a criminal
Be popular (with both sexes)
Have high social status
Have game
Be charismatic and likeable
Have good social calibration
Treat foids as beneath you

Shift the scale further over from red to black - I've remembered that Case Seven lad was in a band (not big, but they had music published and studio recorded). I also heard he had anal sex with the female singer.

I've been trying to think if I knew any male at school or uni who was normie tier, who had a gf, never mind fucked lots of different foids, and I can only remember one so far, at uni. He was HTN with a gf but maybe he had something going on I didn't know about, it's not like I was close friends with HTNs with gfs obviously.

I can actually remember one more normie with a gf, but it was because they were both another nationality and although he was normie tier in the general population, in their ethnic community he was a much bigger fish. It was probably something like this with the other guy tbh, he was big in some subculture I didn't know about.
"Some men never die and some men never live" -Charles Bukowski
I also knew a lad at school who wasn't exceptional in any category. He just seemed average to me, except mature for his age, but he had a (HTB) gf and she fought another girl at some party, who wanted him as well. I don't take the Black Pill to the extreme because obviously this fella had game, it can't have been anything else.
These are the ones I pay attention to the most. It shows the exceptions
Do you remember any details?
Nah, I only heard about it from others. Dude seems to have been the typical jock type, with the teacher giggling whenever she met him and clearly not thinking of him as a student.

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