I used to tie that rope you have in your tracks or sweatpants?
So, I used to tie one end to my dick and other to my school bag

( like Mr bean in a Chinese monk training movie scene , no seriously)
And then I used to pull the heavy school bag just with my dick, I think that's why I got a strong downward curve, I'm honestly blessed that I stopped it before I broke my dick, I believe I got a lot of gain from that weird exercise tbh. I remember I was 14 and I used to think I had a bigger dick than other 14s at that time, the porn I watched was boobs at best, no porn involving another man fucking a girl, just boobs, that too semi nude boobs, so I never compared my dick to those porn stars, but after watching sex porn i reliazed my dick isn't some above average, and then I got to know about jelqin a year ago I guess but I didn't take it seriously, but I've been jeqling past 2 months, and I can't believe my girth actually increased. But I still fear my dick could break anytime, that's why I don't really have reps or seta while jeqling, I just jelq hard giving pressure on the vien or artery under our dicks, and if it feels too painful i leave
Nah not thread worthy, people here don't believe in jelqin anyway