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The only solution to the ongoing genocide of free speech advocates on the internet is an unstoppable blockchain/tor based reddit clone



Heil I.N.C.E.L.
Sep 30, 2019
I originally posted this on Saidit, which might end up banning s/incels. I want to get a discussion going about how to build a true replacement for reddit. What it looks like, how it needs to work, and what technology would be needed to build it.

Reddit continually banning subs which disrespect m'lady and having no good alternatives is really starting to really piss me off.

If saidit admins are threatening to ban s/incels then this site too is no different or better than reddit, and so what's the point of Saidit website even existing at all? [Incels.co isn't immmune either, it has a domain name, servers, and admins that can pick and choose which discussions and users are allowed]

My disgust with this whole situation of the end of free speech on the internet, along with cancel culture, and SJW woke-ism in general runs deep. Really deep. This shit needs to end.

I've migrated from Slashdot, to Fark, to Digg, then Reddit, each time for varying reasons, changing times/technology, and I think the improved threaded discussion format of reddit + infinitely expandable subreddits are the mains reasons it is now by far the largest discussion site on the net.

But it's not going to last. The cracks in reddit have been forming for years. Each time they ban a sub they make it clearer and clearer to me that the eventual successor to Reddit will have to be resiliant enough so that any discussion of any topic cannot be stopped. A true free speech platform.

I'm fully expecting things to come to a head in the next year. Reddit will probably commit suicide and ban r/The_Donald during the 2020 elections. And then just watch shit hit the fan. These San Francisco faggots that control all the big websites on the net actually believe their SJW ideology is more important than free speech, and they are going to force a new free speech technology to emerge.

Something new is going to come along and take the power of controlling speech away from these San Fran cucks. I know what it looks like, it looks like a Reddit clone that runs anonymously on Tor. It'll be simple at first, like a scaled back featureless version of reddit, but fully anonymous and untrackable. Maybe it has a blockchain system involved for the usernames, storing posts, upvotes. There will be no domain that can be banned. Everything will be anonymous. The FBI will shit their pants when they can't track users. Reddit admins will shit their pants when they no longer have the ability to block incels from spreading the blackpill. Saidit admins will shit their pants when they can't stop people from posting pictures of Saint E.R.

I can fucking visualize this thing. It's going to be beautiful. It's going to happen.
Honestly no one cares about free speech except white males over the age of 25 or so.

The entire world wants censored speech.

Reddit will not die from banning free speech, it will only make gains.

And I'm with the incel richard stallman, I think nothing should ever be censored, but I'm also not stupid enough to think everyone else wants the same.
They ghouls don't need IP's and shit to track and monitor you. They have viruses on everyone's PC that record the screens 24/7 and record every key entered, even when you backspace. It really takes a brand new PC purchased anonymously leeching off of random civie networks with a major setup and no other devices in the location.
They ghouls don't need IP's and shit to track and monitor you. They have viruses on everyone's PC that record the screens 24/7 and record every key entered, even when you backspace. It really takes a brand new PC purchased anonymously leeching off of random civie networks with a major setup and no other devices in the location.

or just install linux

but android phones probably record everything yeah
I've been advocating for this since I first discovered blockchain in 2017. It's our only hope to protect free speech from these little leftist nazis.
I hope it happens
Even with IPFS people have to volunteer disk space and internet bandwidth.

I guess the closest thing to this project right now is Mastodon.
Even with IPFS people have to volunteer disk space and internet bandwidth.

I guess the closest thing to this project right now is Mastodon.

The project that made me believe this thing could actually be built was the new version of OnionShare:

I haven't actually used OnionShare for anything. But I am imagining a reddit clone that works like that, where each user is essentially publishing their own "feed". And then all the feeds (along with usernames, posts, upvotes, downvotes) a are combined together and shared across a Blockchain network.
I recall 8chan alternatives doing something like that after it was shut down.
It's so comfy.I can't describe the feeling.
The project that made me believe this thing could actually be built was the new version of OnionShare:

I haven't actually used OnionShare for anything. But I am imagining a reddit clone that works like that, where each user is essentially publishing their own "feed". And then all the feeds (along with usernames, posts, upvotes, downvotes) a are combined together and shared across a Blockchain network.

Publishing a website on tor is already easy enough for anyone who has basic webdev skills (I've done it myself). This just makes it easy for the everyman.

Part of the problem is humans are so idiotic and lazy that they don't want to use the tor browser even though it's just a customized version of Firefox.
Publishing a website on tor is already easy enough for anyone who has basic webdev skills (I've done it myself). This just makes it easy for the everyman.

Part of the problem is humans are so idiotic and lazy that they don't want to use the tor browser even though it's just a customized version of Firefox.

What I'm describing would be a great deal more than just publishing one static website. Each individual user would be publishing a stream of posts, comments, and upvotes. And a distributed network (like the bitcoin network) would be responsible for sharing/syncing posts and combining everything into a website that resembles reddit.com.

If such a discussion system COULD be built it could quite literally be the most disruptive technology of all time.
You can find tons of meshnet prototypes on github and other places. NOBODY USES THEM except computer nerds. The darknet is like the 90's internet right now, only nerd scum partake. the issue is normslimes are gentrifying and sanitizing the internet like they do irl. the moment some meshnet, tor, blockchain type platform becomes popular, this type of schism will occur again. you can be a free speech absolutist while 95% of the rest of society hauls your ass off to a prison cell for hurt feefee speech crimes. ITS OVER

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