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Theory The Only Path for Non-Truecel Men Who Nonetheless Aren't Chad/Can't Looksmaxx Enough to get Immediate Foid Attention is to Social Circle Maxx



Jul 15, 2022
So first off, looks DO matter A LOT. Second, to social circle maxx is really an attempt to statusmaxx using that circle(and if you don't play it as such you won't achieve either).

Lookism is real, because so much is communicated by looks. For example, even if a guy is very ugly in the face, he could still be super jacked and very aggressive looking which communicates a certain type of value.

Those people who have the audacity to say that looks don’t matter, besides the simple bullshitters, are generally people who date within their social circle and block out the horrors of what they’d have to go through otherwise.

That’s the big secret. You can somewhat bypass the unforgiving visual filter by being a member of a social circle. This buys you time to peacock whatever talents you might have that aren’t immediately visually apparent.

Let’s get specific though. What exactly do I mean by social circle? Think high school cliches.

Essentially, social circles are groupings of interconnected social bonds based on particular interests, activities, level of social status, and so forth, often in combination. Naturally, different social circles can overlap, but the important thing to note is that each social circle has its own narrowly defined boundaries. You are either in or you are out. I am tempted say that entering into a social circle is just a different kind of initial filtering mechanism.

A lot of guys have had success in dating that they otherwise wouldn’t have, simply by being members of one of these circles where they were given a chance to let their other attributes beyond looks shine.

But the number of opportunities you get as a member of a social circle is still far less than that which a really good-looking guy gets anywhere. It’s not even close.

And being a part of a cliche is not easy and requires constant maintenance. You have to have some skill in social networking which also requires a lot of money spent in various ways- such as a certain type of clothing, going to events, and doing favors. It actually takes a ton of effort and commitment if you really think about it.

Chad just has to show up.

A lot of these people who say that looks don’t matter also just happen to come from money. Their family members provide them with connections and opportunities, which helps in distancing their children from drugs and other bad influences that ruin their lives and turn them into a drag to those around them, isolating them from positive networking opportunities.

In other words, they have a massive leg up from a young age in terms of social networking. Most poor people can’t do what they do. Through the resources and connections provided to them, they have the ability to provide value to others and grow their standing through social exchange.

According to social exchange theory, providing value to others will cause others to perceive you as a provider of value. It’s not so much that they feel compelled out of a sense of fairness to do something to your benefit in exchange (although it can appear to manifest in that way), but rather that they simply want to get close to and ingratiate themselves to the value provider and thereby maximize the personal benefit they receive. And this value provider is in a position to extract a great deal of benefit himself from being interconnected with other value providers (because why would he choose to be around value takers) and benefit from the circle that is thus created.

To be clear, by “value” I mean anything that benefits a person success and survival.

To enter the circle, you must bring something to the table, and keep bringing it. You can’t start from “zero”


And to extract the benefits also takes great finesse. To be sophisticated is to hide your greed for personal benefit behind a few pleasantly diffusive twists and turns. In the case of accessing women, you can’t just get away with the sort of blunt behavior that Chad could because Chad advertises that he provides genetic value form the get go. You have to play the game, make social moves to get closer to the girl you want, with almost Machiavellian intensity, sometimes discarding people who are of no more use to you before they can gum up your plans.

Now let’s go with the classic high school example to illustrate how this actually works in the wild. Sports teams. Now depending on the sport, there can be varying amount of financial accessibility. Hockey for instance requires a lot of expensive gear, which has to be bought over and over for a growing child. And then there’s all the time expense for all the specific training and getting to games which isn’t always that convenient.

Now if you have some skill, or even genuine talent, you’ll get the chance to show it off in front of a large crowd in what is psychologically effectively a tribal warfare exercise. Bring value to your team, which includes functioning well as a team player, and you will be perceived as a bringer of value, and females who exist as a part of this larger sports social circle will take note.

Because they see you bringing value, and therefore you can network and access opportunities.

Naturally, guys who do sports are also appealing because they are, generally speaking, in decent physical shape (lookism again). In my opinion though, it still has a lot to do with this perception as bringers of value, and that of being in an upward trajectory through the power of social networking. Of course, social networking is not easy, and many young sports careers fizzle out and the young athlete fails to create another path for himself leveraging this social circle, but they still get it while it’s hot, and while they are still perceived as hot.

Timing is important in marketing, and perception trumps reality.

One way to lock down a woman as a young hot sports guy is to simply get a girl pregnant. It really depends on how successful you realistically think your future will be but if you knock up a girl at a young age, before she has a ton of experience and her own economic strength, she might just use some kind of twisted female logic to convince herself that actually, she’s deeply in love with you and she wanted this. It’s also likely that she will influence her family members to help you get on your feet with stable work quickly, so you can provide for their new family member. I’m talking about real observations here by the way this absolutely does happen, and essentially just another form of social networking. Not a bad deal either considering you get to reproduce with a young, fertile womb. You may also get beaten half to death by family members who see you as an inferior specimen and a fertility pirate.

Now a real Chad, not just some Dan Bilzerian rich type, tends to bring some real talent (and therefore value) to the table because the superior genetics that his appearance signify are truly there. It’s not just makeup, steroids, etc. If they weren’t true, he wouldn’t be a true Chad. With this in mind, if Chad wanted to focus on social networking, and he often does, he will have a much easier time of it and not have to constantly expend as much resources as an average guy, and personal benefits he reaps from this will be greater. He has women on his side, and they are natural experts at social maneuvering (because they are lacking physical strength compared to men, exerting control over their social position is a more pressing matter of survival for women thus they are finely attuned).

Life is not fair, unless you have the perspective that superior genes should succeed at all human suffering costs, but even then, life is still not fair because there are a great many inferior men in positions of power, because they tried harder and crossed many moral boundaries to get there.

To summarize. Lookism is real, and very good-looking guys always have a huge advantage. Less than very good-looking guys can use social networking to position themselves such that they bypass the initial “looks check” in the female filtering mechanism and be given a chance to show whatever other talents they might have, creating for himself a few opportunities but nothing compared to what a very good-looking guy has just walking down the street. This social networking takes so much time, energy, and resources that it comes to dominate your life, whereas Chad has a much easier go of it because of his superior genetics and the support he can get from women in general.

TL;DR: foiids use looks as their initial filter when it comes to men they are first seeing, but through high effort social circle maxxing this can be circumvented an an average to somewhat ugly looking guy has a chance to display value to girls in that circle. Also this strategy is extremely inefficient compared to just being chad but it's what average to below men have been doing since prehistory. Full disclosure this is copy pasted from an Incel Avalon Article I see no point in writing it all out again in my own words.

Many of today's incels- and not just us but the quite possibly greater population of incels in denial would not be in this position is social circle maxxing was more relevant. It's the atomization of society that is destroying this avenue.. Sure, the zoomer generation is full of online clout chasers, but what percentage actually get to a point where pussy gets thrown at them? And how many of those were just Chads in the first place anyways? That shit is just too vapid to make a dent.

This is also why nichemaxxing can still sometimes work, because it gives the appearance of being social circle maxxed in a given area(with the exception of femboys who are basically a fetish). Musicmaxxing done right is positioning yourself as a center of influence within a group and foids famously respond strongly to this(althoguh apparently it doesn't work as well as it used to, maybe because so many musicmaxxers have done it to get pussy without actually going anywhere with it and foids have just now started to notice).

Socialcircle maxxers are also ideal for monkey branching strategy because they are connected to so many other men, so in that sense getting with a guy like that is relatively low risk while she continues to seek out the full chad package. In the meantime she benefits from many of the men in that group anyways through simpling, hooking up with chads behind his back, ect. There's a lot of advantages here and it plays right into oofy doofy theory.

So a word to parents- be honest about your sons looks, and if he isn't chad enough to pull, do what you can to help him social circle maxx so he can still get SOMETHING. High School and community clubs for youths can be very useful for this reason. Just don't bother if the club is a sausage-fest and doesn't have any adjacent "cheerleaders" like athletics does- speaking of which- take into consideration what talents he does and doesn't have. You could send him with one of those aid organizations that teaches 3rd worlders to boil their water so they don't get dysentery, or whatever they acutlaly do, as long as there's foids.

These boys also need to learn how to operate in these circles and achieve some level of status for themselves, which ideally should start young and can cost a lot of resources to accomplish and maintain. It is what it is, he's not chad.
Normies and such obviously do have to engage in such social interactions and circles as you say, attempting to prove themselves worthy of a relationship next to moggers in this state of hypergamy, foid standards, Chad-worshipping, and degeneracy; but for the average subhuman, this does not matter one bit, whatever accomplishments they may achieve forever being overshadowed by their general physical unattractiveness, and the subsequent effects of mistreatment and negative projection... :feelsclown:

It's quite easy to do so, simply changing what you say and acting as normal as the average subhuman can; the problem is that it doesn't matter, as simply having the genetic curse of being physically unattractive is enough to get you deemed as having plenty of "bad" traits, both to make up a more socially accepted reason to continue to reject and keep you in isolation, and because the horn effect makes most foids and normies/Chads/cucks project negative traits onto you simply because of one another bad trait, like subhumanity... :society:

This is truly the state of subhumanity in the modern world; hypergamy, acceptance of moral degeneracy, and foid privilege makes it fully acceptable for discrimination against us, in regards to the usual negative treatment and contempt, social isolation, Chad-worshipping, and subsequent effects on confidence/social skills and such, while foids claim to be the ones oppressed and subjugated through their own self-victimisation even though the bluepilled hegemony of elites and corporations fully enable and support foid privilege and the average sub 5 male's actual subjugation... :feelshaha:
Normies and such obviously do have to engage in such social interactions and circles as you say, attempting to prove themselves worthy of a relationship next to moggers in this state of hypergamy, foid standards, Chad-worshipping, and degeneracy; but for the average subhuman, this does not matter one bit, whatever accomplishments they may achieve forever being overshadowed by their general physical unattractiveness, and the subsequent effects of mistreatment and negative projection... :feelsclown:
I do agree. Bottome 10-20% in looks can only desperately looksmaxx(typcally surgery), but I'm trying to take into consideration the expanding realm of incels to even low tier normies and above. Maybe you can't call them true cells but they're pretty fucked all the same.
incredibly hi iq post

the problem is, better looks = better social circle = more opportunities with foids. The reverse is true as well. Thus, ugly fuckers with zero social circle, it's like, where do we even start? We don't - it is over.
incredibly hi iq post

the problem is, better looks = better social circle = more opportunities with foids. The reverse is true as well. Thus, ugly fuckers with zero social circle, it's like, where do we even start? We don't - it is over.
That, and it's ultimately useless for the mentioned "ugly fuckers" in terms of actual likeability and such. :feelsjuice:
So first off, looks DO matter A LOT. Second, to social circle maxx is really an attempt to statusmaxx using that circle(and if you don't play it as such you won't achieve either).

Lookism is real, because so much is communicated by looks. For example, even if a guy is very ugly in the face, he could still be super jacked and very aggressive looking which communicates a certain type of value.

Those people who have the audacity to say that looks don’t matter, besides the simple bullshitters, are generally people who date within their social circle and block out the horrors of what they’d have to go through otherwise.

That’s the big secret. You can somewhat bypass the unforgiving visual filter by being a member of a social circle. This buys you time to peacock whatever talents you might have that aren’t immediately visually apparent.

Let’s get specific though. What exactly do I mean by social circle? Think high school cliches.

Essentially, social circles are groupings of interconnected social bonds based on particular interests, activities, level of social status, and so forth, often in combination. Naturally, different social circles can overlap, but the important thing to note is that each social circle has its own narrowly defined boundaries. You are either in or you are out. I am tempted say that entering into a social circle is just a different kind of initial filtering mechanism.

A lot of guys have had success in dating that they otherwise wouldn’t have, simply by being members of one of these circles where they were given a chance to let their other attributes beyond looks shine.

But the number of opportunities you get as a member of a social circle is still far less than that which a really good-looking guy gets anywhere. It’s not even close.

And being a part of a cliche is not easy and requires constant maintenance. You have to have some skill in social networking which also requires a lot of money spent in various ways- such as a certain type of clothing, going to events, and doing favors. It actually takes a ton of effort and commitment if you really think about it.

Chad just has to show up.

A lot of these people who say that looks don’t matter also just happen to come from money. Their family members provide them with connections and opportunities, which helps in distancing their children from drugs and other bad influences that ruin their lives and turn them into a drag to those around them, isolating them from positive networking opportunities.

In other words, they have a massive leg up from a young age in terms of social networking. Most poor people can’t do what they do. Through the resources and connections provided to them, they have the ability to provide value to others and grow their standing through social exchange.

According to social exchange theory, providing value to others will cause others to perceive you as a provider of value. It’s not so much that they feel compelled out of a sense of fairness to do something to your benefit in exchange (although it can appear to manifest in that way), but rather that they simply want to get close to and ingratiate themselves to the value provider and thereby maximize the personal benefit they receive. And this value provider is in a position to extract a great deal of benefit himself from being interconnected with other value providers (because why would he choose to be around value takers) and benefit from the circle that is thus created.

To be clear, by “value” I mean anything that benefits a person success and survival.

To enter the circle, you must bring something to the table, and keep bringing it. You can’t start from “zero”


And to extract the benefits also takes great finesse. To be sophisticated is to hide your greed for personal benefit behind a few pleasantly diffusive twists and turns. In the case of accessing women, you can’t just get away with the sort of blunt behavior that Chad could because Chad advertises that he provides genetic value form the get go. You have to play the game, make social moves to get closer to the girl you want, with almost Machiavellian intensity, sometimes discarding people who are of no more use to you before they can gum up your plans.

Now let’s go with the classic high school example to illustrate how this actually works in the wild. Sports teams. Now depending on the sport, there can be varying amount of financial accessibility. Hockey for instance requires a lot of expensive gear, which has to be bought over and over for a growing child. And then there’s all the time expense for all the specific training and getting to games which isn’t always that convenient.

Now if you have some skill, or even genuine talent, you’ll get the chance to show it off in front of a large crowd in what is psychologically effectively a tribal warfare exercise. Bring value to your team, which includes functioning well as a team player, and you will be perceived as a bringer of value, and females who exist as a part of this larger sports social circle will take note.

Because they see you bringing value, and therefore you can network and access opportunities.

Naturally, guys who do sports are also appealing because they are, generally speaking, in decent physical shape (lookism again). In my opinion though, it still has a lot to do with this perception as bringers of value, and that of being in an upward trajectory through the power of social networking. Of course, social networking is not easy, and many young sports careers fizzle out and the young athlete fails to create another path for himself leveraging this social circle, but they still get it while it’s hot, and while they are still perceived as hot.

Timing is important in marketing, and perception trumps reality.

One way to lock down a woman as a young hot sports guy is to simply get a girl pregnant. It really depends on how successful you realistically think your future will be but if you knock up a girl at a young age, before she has a ton of experience and her own economic strength, she might just use some kind of twisted female logic to convince herself that actually, she’s deeply in love with you and she wanted this. It’s also likely that she will influence her family members to help you get on your feet with stable work quickly, so you can provide for their new family member. I’m talking about real observations here by the way this absolutely does happen, and essentially just another form of social networking. Not a bad deal either considering you get to reproduce with a young, fertile womb. You may also get beaten half to death by family members who see you as an inferior specimen and a fertility pirate.

Now a real Chad, not just some Dan Bilzerian rich type, tends to bring some real talent (and therefore value) to the table because the superior genetics that his appearance signify are truly there. It’s not just makeup, steroids, etc. If they weren’t true, he wouldn’t be a true Chad. With this in mind, if Chad wanted to focus on social networking, and he often does, he will have a much easier time of it and not have to constantly expend as much resources as an average guy, and personal benefits he reaps from this will be greater. He has women on his side, and they are natural experts at social maneuvering (because they are lacking physical strength compared to men, exerting control over their social position is a more pressing matter of survival for women thus they are finely attuned).

Life is not fair, unless you have the perspective that superior genes should succeed at all human suffering costs, but even then, life is still not fair because there are a great many inferior men in positions of power, because they tried harder and crossed many moral boundaries to get there.

To summarize. Lookism is real, and very good-looking guys always have a huge advantage. Less than very good-looking guys can use social networking to position themselves such that they bypass the initial “looks check” in the female filtering mechanism and be given a chance to show whatever other talents they might have, creating for himself a few opportunities but nothing compared to what a very good-looking guy has just walking down the street. This social networking takes so much time, energy, and resources that it comes to dominate your life, whereas Chad has a much easier go of it because of his superior genetics and the support he can get from women in general.

TL;DR: foiids use looks as their initial filter when it comes to men they are first seeing, but through high effort social circle maxxing this can be circumvented an an average to somewhat ugly looking guy has a chance to display value to girls in that circle. Also this strategy is extremely inefficient compared to just being chad but it's what average to below men have been doing since prehistory. Full disclosure this is copy pasted from an Incel Avalon Article I see no point in writing it all out again in my own words.

Many of today's incels- and not just us but the quite possibly greater population of incels in denial would not be in this position is social circle maxxing was more relevant. It's the atomization of society that is destroying this avenue.. Sure, the zoomer generation is full of online clout chasers, but what percentage actually get to a point where pussy gets thrown at them? And how many of those were just Chads in the first place anyways? That shit is just too vapid to make a dent.

This is also why nichemaxxing can still sometimes work, because it gives the appearance of being social circle maxxed in a given area(with the exception of femboys who are basically a fetish). Musicmaxxing done right is positioning yourself as a center of influence within a group and foids famously respond strongly to this(althoguh apparently it doesn't work as well as it used to, maybe because so many musicmaxxers have done it to get pussy without actually going anywhere with it and foids have just now started to notice).

Socialcircle maxxers are also ideal for monkey branching strategy because they are connected to so many other men, so in that sense getting with a guy like that is relatively low risk while she continues to seek out the full chad package. In the meantime she benefits from many of the men in that group anyways through simpling, hooking up with chads behind his back, ect. There's a lot of advantages here and it plays right into oofy doofy theory.

So a word to parents- be honest about your sons looks, and if he isn't chad enough to pull, do what you can to help him social circle maxx so he can still get SOMETHING. High School and community clubs for youths can be very useful for this reason. Just don't bother if the club is a sausage-fest and doesn't have any adjacent "cheerleaders" like athletics does- speaking of which- take into consideration what talents he does and doesn't have. You could send him with one of those aid organizations that teaches 3rd worlders to boil their water so they don't get dysentery, or whatever they acutlaly do, as long as there's foids.

These boys also need to learn how to operate in these circles and achieve some level of status for themselves, which ideally should start young and can cost a lot of resources to accomplish and maintain. It is what it is, he's not chad.
I. Am. An. Autist.
Every social circle I was in, I was either the third wheel or the dude they asked for money or a ride.
So first off, looks DO matter A LOT. Second, to social circle maxx is really an attempt to statusmaxx using that circle(and if you don't play it as such you won't achieve either).

Lookism is real, because so much is communicated by looks. For example, even if a guy is very ugly in the face, he could still be super jacked and very aggressive looking which communicates a certain type of value.

Those people who have the audacity to say that looks don’t matter, besides the simple bullshitters, are generally people who date within their social circle and block out the horrors of what they’d have to go through otherwise.

That’s the big secret. You can somewhat bypass the unforgiving visual filter by being a member of a social circle. This buys you time to peacock whatever talents you might have that aren’t immediately visually apparent.

Let’s get specific though. What exactly do I mean by social circle? Think high school cliches.

Essentially, social circles are groupings of interconnected social bonds based on particular interests, activities, level of social status, and so forth, often in combination. Naturally, different social circles can overlap, but the important thing to note is that each social circle has its own narrowly defined boundaries. You are either in or you are out. I am tempted say that entering into a social circle is just a different kind of initial filtering mechanism.

A lot of guys have had success in dating that they otherwise wouldn’t have, simply by being members of one of these circles where they were given a chance to let their other attributes beyond looks shine.

But the number of opportunities you get as a member of a social circle is still far less than that which a really good-looking guy gets anywhere. It’s not even close.

And being a part of a cliche is not easy and requires constant maintenance. You have to have some skill in social networking which also requires a lot of money spent in various ways- such as a certain type of clothing, going to events, and doing favors. It actually takes a ton of effort and commitment if you really think about it.

Chad just has to show up.

A lot of these people who say that looks don’t matter also just happen to come from money. Their family members provide them with connections and opportunities, which helps in distancing their children from drugs and other bad influences that ruin their lives and turn them into a drag to those around them, isolating them from positive networking opportunities.

In other words, they have a massive leg up from a young age in terms of social networking. Most poor people can’t do what they do. Through the resources and connections provided to them, they have the ability to provide value to others and grow their standing through social exchange.

According to social exchange theory, providing value to others will cause others to perceive you as a provider of value. It’s not so much that they feel compelled out of a sense of fairness to do something to your benefit in exchange (although it can appear to manifest in that way), but rather that they simply want to get close to and ingratiate themselves to the value provider and thereby maximize the personal benefit they receive. And this value provider is in a position to extract a great deal of benefit himself from being interconnected with other value providers (because why would he choose to be around value takers) and benefit from the circle that is thus created.

To be clear, by “value” I mean anything that benefits a person success and survival.

To enter the circle, you must bring something to the table, and keep bringing it. You can’t start from “zero”


And to extract the benefits also takes great finesse. To be sophisticated is to hide your greed for personal benefit behind a few pleasantly diffusive twists and turns. In the case of accessing women, you can’t just get away with the sort of blunt behavior that Chad could because Chad advertises that he provides genetic value form the get go. You have to play the game, make social moves to get closer to the girl you want, with almost Machiavellian intensity, sometimes discarding people who are of no more use to you before they can gum up your plans.

Now let’s go with the classic high school example to illustrate how this actually works in the wild. Sports teams. Now depending on the sport, there can be varying amount of financial accessibility. Hockey for instance requires a lot of expensive gear, which has to be bought over and over for a growing child. And then there’s all the time expense for all the specific training and getting to games which isn’t always that convenient.

Now if you have some skill, or even genuine talent, you’ll get the chance to show it off in front of a large crowd in what is psychologically effectively a tribal warfare exercise. Bring value to your team, which includes functioning well as a team player, and you will be perceived as a bringer of value, and females who exist as a part of this larger sports social circle will take note.

Because they see you bringing value, and therefore you can network and access opportunities.

Naturally, guys who do sports are also appealing because they are, generally speaking, in decent physical shape (lookism again). In my opinion though, it still has a lot to do with this perception as bringers of value, and that of being in an upward trajectory through the power of social networking. Of course, social networking is not easy, and many young sports careers fizzle out and the young athlete fails to create another path for himself leveraging this social circle, but they still get it while it’s hot, and while they are still perceived as hot.

Timing is important in marketing, and perception trumps reality.

One way to lock down a woman as a young hot sports guy is to simply get a girl pregnant. It really depends on how successful you realistically think your future will be but if you knock up a girl at a young age, before she has a ton of experience and her own economic strength, she might just use some kind of twisted female logic to convince herself that actually, she’s deeply in love with you and she wanted this. It’s also likely that she will influence her family members to help you get on your feet with stable work quickly, so you can provide for their new family member. I’m talking about real observations here by the way this absolutely does happen, and essentially just another form of social networking. Not a bad deal either considering you get to reproduce with a young, fertile womb. You may also get beaten half to death by family members who see you as an inferior specimen and a fertility pirate.

Now a real Chad, not just some Dan Bilzerian rich type, tends to bring some real talent (and therefore value) to the table because the superior genetics that his appearance signify are truly there. It’s not just makeup, steroids, etc. If they weren’t true, he wouldn’t be a true Chad. With this in mind, if Chad wanted to focus on social networking, and he often does, he will have a much easier time of it and not have to constantly expend as much resources as an average guy, and personal benefits he reaps from this will be greater. He has women on his side, and they are natural experts at social maneuvering (because they are lacking physical strength compared to men, exerting control over their social position is a more pressing matter of survival for women thus they are finely attuned).

Life is not fair, unless you have the perspective that superior genes should succeed at all human suffering costs, but even then, life is still not fair because there are a great many inferior men in positions of power, because they tried harder and crossed many moral boundaries to get there.

To summarize. Lookism is real, and very good-looking guys always have a huge advantage. Less than very good-looking guys can use social networking to position themselves such that they bypass the initial “looks check” in the female filtering mechanism and be given a chance to show whatever other talents they might have, creating for himself a few opportunities but nothing compared to what a very good-looking guy has just walking down the street. This social networking takes so much time, energy, and resources that it comes to dominate your life, whereas Chad has a much easier go of it because of his superior genetics and the support he can get from women in general.

TL;DR: foiids use looks as their initial filter when it comes to men they are first seeing, but through high effort social circle maxxing this can be circumvented an an average to somewhat ugly looking guy has a chance to display value to girls in that circle. Also this strategy is extremely inefficient compared to just being chad but it's what average to below men have been doing since prehistory. Full disclosure this is copy pasted from an Incel Avalon Article I see no point in writing it all out again in my own words.

Many of today's incels- and not just us but the quite possibly greater population of incels in denial would not be in this position is social circle maxxing was more relevant. It's the atomization of society that is destroying this avenue.. Sure, the zoomer generation is full of online clout chasers, but what percentage actually get to a point where pussy gets thrown at them? And how many of those were just Chads in the first place anyways? That shit is just too vapid to make a dent.

This is also why nichemaxxing can still sometimes work, because it gives the appearance of being social circle maxxed in a given area(with the exception of femboys who are basically a fetish). Musicmaxxing done right is positioning yourself as a center of influence within a group and foids famously respond strongly to this(althoguh apparently it doesn't work as well as it used to, maybe because so many musicmaxxers have done it to get pussy without actually going anywhere with it and foids have just now started to notice).

Socialcircle maxxers are also ideal for monkey branching strategy because they are connected to so many other men, so in that sense getting with a guy like that is relatively low risk while she continues to seek out the full chad package. In the meantime she benefits from many of the men in that group anyways through simpling, hooking up with chads behind his back, ect. There's a lot of advantages here and it plays right into oofy doofy theory.

So a word to parents- be honest about your sons looks, and if he isn't chad enough to pull, do what you can to help him social circle maxx so he can still get SOMETHING. High School and community clubs for youths can be very useful for this reason. Just don't bother if the club is a sausage-fest and doesn't have any adjacent "cheerleaders" like athletics does- speaking of which- take into consideration what talents he does and doesn't have. You could send him with one of those aid organizations that teaches 3rd worlders to boil their water so they don't get dysentery, or whatever they acutlaly do, as long as there's foids.

These boys also need to learn how to operate in these circles and achieve some level of status for themselves, which ideally should start young and can cost a lot of resources to accomplish and maintain. It is what it is, he's not chad.
Sad that us truecels have to go through so much more hard work just to get a below-average girl.
You're high iq tho
Every social circle I was in, I was either the third wheel or the dude they asked for money or a ride.
Diddo. In middle school I once had a guy form a social circle that included me and my sister just so he could take her friend and the two of them ditched both of us. He got cucked in the end though atleast.
If you hate to try that hard, you might as consider yourself part of the trucel. Unless you are desperate to have kids so you just hurridly marry any desperate granny roastie to just shit out like 1 kid cus her aging body killed her egg count. Worthless depending on your case as a individual
NTpill in a nutshell.
I do agree. Bottome 10-20% in looks can only desperately looksmaxx(typcally surgery), but I'm trying to take into consideration the expanding realm of incels to even low tier normies and above. Maybe you can't call them true cells but they're pretty fucked all the same.
Over for sub4 incels.
Social circles seem gay as fuck
Normies and such obviously do have to engage in such social interactions and circles as you say, attempting to prove themselves worthy of a relationship next to moggers in this state of hypergamy, foid standards, Chad-worshipping, and degeneracy; but for the average subhuman, this does not matter one bit, whatever accomplishments they may achieve forever being overshadowed by their general physical unattractiveness, and the subsequent effects of mistreatment and negative projection... :feelsclown:
The good old days

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