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Discussion The one thing I'm most surprised here: where is the immigrant hate? Are you real incels at all?!

  • Thread starter AutisticMonstrosity
  • Start date
Physical attractiveness is about genetics, not being fit. Gymcels prove this
False dichotomy, it's about both. Or actually more than two. There are a myriad of factors.

Genetics make up a huge component of this.

Obviously no about of gym-maxing is going to allow the 1/10 incel to compete with the 1/10 gigachad.

But gym-maxing could make the difference of competing within a 1-2 point margin.

>Immigrants will lie to women more

Lying won't get you laid. Chad doesn't need to lie, only incels need to lie, and it doesn't work.
Another false dichotomy. Lying does play a factor. Obviously gigachad doesn't need to lie, but you are focusing on extremes and not the middle where we would stand a chance at battling.

There are situations where men will lie about things like occupation/religion/STDs to facilitate foid leg-spreading.

We actually have cases on record of foids charging rape when they find out about these lies:

I figure you'd like that one MENSA since you're all about how discriminating against Jews is just Arab-hate in disguise: nope. They're considered a cut above the rest and foids favor jews over arabs in many cases, such as this.

>Immigrants are more low-inhib

Low-inhib doesn't matter for getting laid, it's physical attractiveness

You're clearly not an IQcel if you want to dumb down attraction and chemistry to a single factor.

Attractiveness is a prominent factor, and when there are huge differences, it's obviously the most prominent one.

In cases of close calls though (say the 2/10 whitecel competing with the 1/10 arabcell) personality DOES matter, and the low-inhib near-rapist is going to get more pussy than the high-inhib incel even if he's slightly less ugly.

blacked porn already fucked your brain.
If you really think those guys are getting white women in a first world country you're completely delusioned.
Even though a lot of this is Jewish propaganda, occasionally it DOES happen for real.

You have to keep in mind that women are incredibly lazy gluttons, many of them are prone to extreme obesity.

In many cases because a thirsty 1/10 black man is willing to tolerate some 500lb landwhale, she will allow herself to get that way (or not improve herself if she already is) lowering the overall quality of women.

This requires understanding that the volcel/incel split is a Jewish trick to divide us. We're not actually 100% incels (we don't put effort into pursuing gay sex, and I think 99% of us don't volunteer at old folk homes to try and fuck 99 year old grannies with osteoporsis) and so the quality of women does matter regarding the population we'd actually want to be with.
Let me pose a scenario. You (1/10 guy) are in a room with the following:
10/10 gigachad
10/10 gigastacy
1/10 femcel

Obviously 1/10 femcel wants to fuck 10/10 gigachad instead of you, but she may actually never get the chance because gigachad may just want to exclusively fuck gigastacy. Eventually the 1/10 femcel may realize she has no chance and MAYBE become less prejudiced and enjoy a romance with you.

Dude call me volcel if you want but I'm not interested in a 1/10, even if I'm a 1/10.

I don't believe in looks matching. I want to fuck Stacy but I know that means I'll have to pay her, which is fine with me.

I'm totally fine with leaving Becky to the Muslim immigrants. I don't think I'd be able to fuck her if they weren't there anyway. I really don't think when Becky or Stacy rejects me it's because she already is in love with a Muslim immigrant. It's just never the case.

Also Muslim immigrants tend to have aggressive approach methods, typically PUA, when they are not just rapists :

And that is lifefuel to me because I can't imagine "our" females being happy about that. I can look at it all and say :

"You wanted this, now you reap what you sow."


"Don't ask me to protect you, you're on your own."
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I grew up impoverished in a highly ethnic neighbourhood bullied by blacks & Muslims due to being a "minority in the locality" white boi & later found out I've always struggled with socialising due to Asperger's on top. You expect me to like these ppl after having the confidence knocked out of me during the most crucial years?

Easy for middle class suburban crackers with no real hostility in their backyard to sit back & analyze.
Sorry bro but blacked porn already fucked your brain. If you really think those guys are getting white women in a first world country you're completely delusioned.

I live in an apartment-building that has Arab young males living with white women. (Most Arabs in this house fortunately still live alone). I live in a slum full of Soviet-style apartment-buildings. The cheapest part of this city, far from the city centre. Lots of "humanitarian migrants" live here. Almost all of them are recent (2010s) arrivals and young men. Many walls have swastikas sprayed on them. Far-right party got overwhelming majority of votes in this area (with low turnout, most immigrants didn't vote or weren't able to vote, because aren't citizens). You won't find an incel native man here who approves of this immigration in his heart. If one does not hate the Arabs, Iranians, sub-Saharans, Berbers, Afghans, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, he is not really a long-term incel. Supporters of this current immigration are well-off white people in white neighbourhoods in their single-family dwelling units. It's not what I think. It's what I see every day. In library, grocery store, streets. Official marriage and co-habitation statistics like I said. It has been even in the national news that immigration has increased the amount of men living alone and not having a partner. Significant amount of these male immigrants will find a woman sometime in their lifetime and logically it means that it is away from someone else (males that would be here without immigration).

You are totally delusional if you think that sex balance of a population does not matter. The more the male surplus is, the better women have it and vice versa.

I don't know what "blacked porn" is.
I grew up ... in a highly ethnic neighbourhood
I grew up in a neighbourhood that didn't contain even one "ethnic" living there. But times have changed (for the worse for native men and for the better for native women) and I'm old.
I'm totally fine with leaving Becky to the Muslim immigrants.

I'm not.

I've seen this multiple times. What this means? The wiki and Google don't provide an answer.

What ESL?
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There are official marriage and co-habitation statistics to show that this is the case.

Why are you keep babbling about some statistics repeatedly but you don't bother to post the link?

Logically it causes here,

Where? Which shithole are you from? Where on fucking earth white stacies would run for hideous people like these? Average Iraqis look like this --


Does not make any sense.

Apart from a very tiny amount of already married Syrian mothers, there aren't immigrant women here.

Where again?

And in any case, islam prohibits non-muslims from marrying muslim women,

When an ugly white incel marries a muslim ethnic girl, he converts into a muslim. A muslim women is allowed to marry **any** muslim man, Islam is a religion, not a race. Are you seriously this retarded?

Your complain even doesn't stand if a white girl marries a white muslim man,


Btw, this is another reason so many white incels are now considering "islammaxxing". Because Islamic women tend to be less whorish and most of them are virgins.

but encourages muslim men to marry non-muslims,

No woman will marry an ugly man. Encouragement's gonna cut any shit. Seriously you have an extremely lowIQ. You even can't make a simple logical deduction.

Every young incel male here would agree with me that restoring that situation would be beneficial to their lives.

Looks like your entire class has subhuman chimp IQ. Doesn't make any sense, how on fucking earth a population of ugly ethnic man will cause any kind of effect in inceldom in whites. You are so lowIQ that you can't even realize your statement doesn't make any sense.

In voting surveys here young native males tell that immigration is their number one thing on which they base their voting decision.

Which survey? Post a link.

Are you saying that our statistics office is making fake statistics for some reason

Which statistics? Post a link.
Also Muslim immigrants tend to have aggressive approach methods, typically PUA, when they are not just rapists :

PUA does not work for ugly ass subhuman ethnics, the only way they can get laid is by "rapemaxxing" and that's exactly what they are doing.

Also it's not a rape/harassment as long as the guy is not a 9/10 chad -- this has been proved millions of times.

This is another proof why most ethnic males are incels.
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Just because ethnic men tend to be less attractive than white men on average doesn't mean they don't present competition for white citizenry.

That's a logical fallacy buddy boyo. Doesn't make any sense.

There are other factors to take into account. For example: they might eat less food, and be more active, so their white competitors could have worse body composition (fatter, less muscle) and struggle to gym-max.

Gymcoper argument, gymceling doesn't work, has been proved millions of times. It's all about facial bone.

Another factor is thirst: these guys probably couldn't get easy sex, and they lust more for white women who are more attractive than ethnic foids. They're willing to put in more effort, requiring white males to put in more effort to compete.

Forced sex is not a "date".

So they will be comfortable deceiving foids, whereas whites will more often have moral problems with lying and other stuff.

White man good, brown man bad. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Excellent example, it's mostly low-inhib Chad arabs who DGAF about law so they fuck our jailbait and

That's not an example even, a pic of some extremely rare case of cultmaxxing.

pull them into a sluttish lifestyle.

JFL. Islam is the only place where sluttery is almost non existent. White women are the most rabid whores ever existed on earth. You are completely delusional. Nudity, promiscuity, degeneracy and dog-fucking these four attributes define a white woman.

I disagree. Let me pose a scenario. You (1/10 guy) are in a room with the following:
10/10 gigachad
10/10 gigastacy
1/10 femcel

Obviously 1/10 femcel wants to fuck 10/10 gigachad instead of you, but she may actually never get the chance because gigachad may just want to exclusively fuck gigastacy. Eventually the 1/10 femcel may realize she has no chance and MAYBE become less prejudiced and enjoy a romance with you.

Enter a 5th occupant: 5/10 Arab guy.

Even though he is 0 competition for the gigastacy, he is suddenly competition for the 1/10 femcel.

First you say ethnic guys are stealing all white jailbaits and turn them into sluts (lmfao), now you are saying 5/10 arabs taking 1/10 femcel. Does not make sense. And no, a 1/10 white femcel will never date a 5/10 ethnic instead of a 5/10 white. You are delusional.

Nazicels always miss the real point.

The main cause of white inceldom are these:

1. Normalization of white whoredom.
2. Turning marriage laws extremely hostile towards men. No marriage is guaranteed because of the point 1 above.
3. Whites maintain an extremely high life standard and requirements, their lives are too expensive to initiate a family. Divorce for men is akin to suicide for the point 2 above.

The point 1 is actually responsible for 90% of the white inceldom.
Why are you keep babbling about some statistics repeatedly but you don't bother to post the link?

"Irakilaiset ovat Suomen kolmanneksi suurin ulkomaalaisryhmä venäläisten ja virolaisten jälkeen, mutta suomalaisnaisten kanssa solmituissa avioliitoissa he johtavat tilastoja ylivoimaisesti. Liittoja solmittiin viime vuonna 334, kun maassa oli vajaa 10 500 irakilaista miestä."

Where? Which shithole are you from?

I was talking yesterday before I made this thread about Sweden, why Sweden had the highest amount of incels as a proportion (claim made in the title of the thread and the video, I provided some reasons why). My response to another thread. I live in Finland currently, but I know the Swedish and Finnish situations very well.

Where on fucking earth white stacies would run for hideous people like these? Average Iraqis look like this

Why must be Stacies? Mostly they are normal women. We are talking about young Iraqis, why is that old man relevant (was he even Iraqi?)? Of course not all of them are handsome, but most Iraqi asylum seekers are. They are also much more taller than the Iraqi average, which strongly hints about elite status back home. Being exotic is also a big factor.

he converts into a muslim

These couples don't exist here. There aren't single muslim women here who are allowed to date our men. And in any case, very, very few would be willing to convert to islam.

many white incels are now considering "islammaxxing"

Where is this happening? At least not here.

how on fucking earth a population of ugly ethnic man will cause any kind of effect in inceldom in whites

Because they (Iraqi men etc.) are not ugly to Finnish women like you can see in the statistics and if you Google "irakilaisten avioliitot"

Which survey? Post a link.

I'll try to find, but they are obviously in Finnish. I don't save everything I read, but anti-immigration sentiment in young native males here is very strong and true. You can't believe how strong suicide fuel that article I linked and the Google search results are.

You are quite retard lumping all "ethnics" in one basket. Somalis don't take our women, but it does not mean that Iraqis won't.
i stopped giving a fuck once i realised that even if some ethnic betabux does ascend with a foid in my country hes still a cuck for beta buxxing.

i only have real hatred for chads and foids
i stopped giving a fuck once i realised that even if some ethnic betabux does ascend with a foid in my country hes still a cuck for beta buxxing.

i only have real hatred for chads and foids

What country?

Here these Iraqis aren't betabuxing, their employment and income levels are really low. But their looks and exoticness compensates. Most of these couples are couples, where the women are paying the man's expenses. And they have lots of sex (in my link they had sex every day and Ali was NEET while Susanna was working. Ali was deported back to Italy, because he first claimed his asylum there, but managed again to come back here and now they are married and Ali still unemployed). And now I see this text below the image: "Irakissa järjestetyt avioliitot eivät ole tavattomia. Alin äiti oli jo järjestänyt pojalleen morsiamen, mutta sitten Susanna tuli kuvioihin." Ali's mother already had a bride for her son, but when he could get Finnish pussy, he refused the Iraqi one.
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I support a blanket ban on all immigration tbh
That's a logical fallacy buddy boyo. Doesn't make any sense.
What type of logical fallacy?

I don't think you're understanding the context. What I mean is that even if an ethnic 10/10 in terms of his own people is merely 6/10 in terms of white attractiveness scale, he still mogs whites rated 1-5.

Gymcoper argument, gymceling doesn't work, has been proved millions of times. It's all about facial bone.
It's never "ALL" about any single factor, even whichever factor is most prominent.

If you want to have an intelligent discussion at least say something like "95% about facial bone" or "80% about facial bone" and build from there. Acknowledge other factors and weigh them.

Forced sex is not a "date".
I'm not talking about forced sex, I'm talking about approaching thousands of foids obnoxiously, weaseling up to them by talking about your refugeeism, etc.

White man good, brown man bad. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Not a white/brown thing, white muslims can follow Taqiya too. It's a cultural thing.

Hell, whites don't have taqiya and we still manage to lie en masse. But at least there's not a religious hadith justifying it.

JFL. Islam is the only place where sluttery is almost non existent.
Yes: and the arab gigachads are abandoning islamic nations because they don't generally believe in that society. As gigachads they come to exploit western culture.

White women are the most rabid whores ever existed on earth. You are completely delusional. Nudity, promiscuity, degeneracy and dog-fucking these four attributes define a white woman.
They're coming here because they want that, not because they want to convert us to hijab and shit, it's only later after they've fucked dozens/hundreds of women that they'll return to their cultural roots as cope.

First you say ethnic guys are stealing all white jailbaits and turn them into sluts (lmfao), now you are saying 5/10 arabs taking 1/10 femcel. Does not make sense.
Why can't it be both? Jailbait are generally too stupid to understand why it's a bad idea. They want attention and think it's sexy that low-inhib arabs give it to them while high-inhib whites avoid them to avoid prison.

And no, a 1/10 white femcel will never date a 5/10 ethnic instead of a 5/10 white. You are delusional.
You need to reread my example, the 5/10 ethnic's competition in that scenario was a 1/10 white, not a 5/10 white.

Nazicels always miss the real point.
I don't identify as a nationalist or a socialist. While I do believe in combatting white guilt and confronting the jewish question, I otherwise have many aspects of NSDAP policy that I disagree with.

The main cause of white inceldom are these:

1. Normalization of white whoredom.
White inceldom existed even before the 20s/60s surged that.

2. Turning marriage laws extremely hostile towards men. No marriage is guaranteed because of the point 1 above.
Even with fair marriage laws we'd still have the problem of women's impossibly high standards, and making a bunch more money than their work demands via thirsty betas giving them easy jobs and covering for them.

Keep in mind this is a problem more than a century old, there were men's rights organizations pre-WW1 in teh 1910s.

3. Whites maintain an extremely high life standard and requirements, their lives are too expensive to initiate a family. Divorce for men is akin to suicide for the point 2 above.
It's not just the high standard of living, but also rising costs of housing and stagnating wages, a lot to do with mass immigration fucking with the supply of workers/renters. Plus liberals giving welfare money disproportionately to women for decades.
There's no immigration for my face!
What I mean is that even if an ethnic 10/10 in terms of his own people is merely 6/10 in terms of white attractiveness scale, he still mogs whites rated 1-5.

An average ethnic can't mog an average white irrespective of their scale. May be you are talking about ethnic gigachads and I think they are not more than 0.00001% of the entire population. Generally ethnics start from 4 and then goes down -- which is the main crux of all the jokes on this forum, at least it has been like that from the beginning. Now you are talking about a completely opposite scenario.

As for the 3~4 whites, they would be incels anyway, even if there is no ethnic. Only way to save them is to establish a traditional white society and arranged marriage.

It's never "ALL" about any single factor, even whichever factor is most prominent.

Of course not, but being skinny or going to gym are not going to substitute how you facially look or how your skin color is. A fat white normie has a way more SMV than an average 10% bodyfat ethnic. If you say otherwise, you are contradicting the entire notion of eurocentric definition of beauty. Which is a globally established fact.

If you want to have an intelligent discussion at least say something like "95% about facial bone" or "80% about facial bone" and build from there. Acknowledge other factors and weigh them.

The only other factor I can see is money and/or status. But the ethnics and immigrants that you are talking about don't have that kind of money or status. Their economic and societal status is similar to those of homeless bums in the white nations.

I'm talking about approaching thousands of foids obnoxiously, weaseling up to them by talking about your refugeeism, etc.

Please try to be honest here. Do you seriously believe you can pull off women with that? Seriously?

Hell, whites don't have taqiya and we still manage to lie en masse. But at least there's not a religious hadith justifying it.

I'm from a very strict, orthodox religious muslim background, schooled at a religious academy (Madrasah) (Anyway, now I'm a hardcore atheist). I came to know about that "Taqiyya" thing from TV documentaries. Those are esoteric doctrine taught in some small echelon of extreme/underground Salafist guerrilas. The idea is similar to that of "Everything is fair in war". Taqiyya is not a mainstream general knowledge.

Men want to fuck women just because they are horny, not out of philosophical reasons. Ethnic men want to fuck white women because they think they are all whores (that idea is mostly reinforced by the general scanty dressup, porns, movies and tvs).

But in fact, they are whores, but only for chads, not for some ugly ass ethnics, which most ethnics don't realize. Yes, they realize after going to jail.

Yes: and the arab gigachads are abandoning islamic nations because they don't generally believe in that society. As gigachads they come to exploit western culture.

Let's be real here. I never saw a single Arab gigachad in my life, except on Arabian tvs, magazines and movies. I live in the middle of one of the biggest middle eastern diaspora in the US (not only in the US, I think it's one of the biggest middle-eastern diaspora in the world). I'm not sure where you can get so many Arab gigachads from.

They're coming here because they want that, not because they want to convert us to hijab and shit, it's only later after they've fucked dozens/hundreds of women that they'll return to their cultural roots as cope.

Same point as above. They want to fuck women not for political reasons, just because they are sexually repressed and just horny. Like all other men.

Why can't it be both?

Because in your scenario you had a 10/10 chad, a 10/10 stacy, 1/10 femcel and a 5/10 ethnic, but not a 5/10 white. Ethnics are not the majority of western population. The number of average white will always be more than the number of average ethnics. Simple statistics.

You need to reread my example, the 5/10 ethnic's competition in that scenario was a 1/10 white, not a 5/10 white.

A 1/10 white will be incel anyway, even if the entire population 100% white, given that the society is not traditional and women are still whores. A hypergamous and promiscuous society will always create incels. Also I have never seen a 1/10 white in my life anyway. Most probably you are referring to some extreme cases.

White inceldom existed even before the 20s/60s surged that. Keep in mind this is a problem more than a century old, there were men's rights organizations pre-WW1 in teh 1910s.

May be there were some, but nothing close that of today's extent. That's not the issue here.

Sexual liberation and women empowerment is the main cause of today's inceldom. The situation was not this bad may be in the initial sexual liberation eras, but gradually it became worse (it will continue to be). Those who promoted sexual liberation in the early days never considered hypergamy, they were not aware of this basic biological nature.

I don't know when it started but industrialization and emergence of wage-earning middle class has a role in it.
Immigrants are not wanted. They just make the world shittier
We don't want immigrants but what incel has the energy to do some cringe protests? Wtf will some random men protesting achieve? Protesting achieves nothing, you think the government cares about a few people standing outside? Protests like the women's march are just a way to make the rabble think that the elite agenda is grass roots.

Plus most immigrants are just a bunch of bums anyway. The government is the problem.
"Irakilaiset ovat Suomen kolmanneksi suurin ulkomaalaisryhmä venäläisten ja virolaisten jälkeen, mutta suomalaisnaisten kanssa solmituissa avioliitoissa he johtavat tilastoja ylivoimaisesti. Liittoja solmittiin viime vuonna 334, kun maassa oli vajaa 10 500 irakilaista miestä."

I don't know swedish, not gonna read that shit. Also that's not a statistics, some article. I told you to post statistics.

Of course not all of them are handsome, but most Iraqi asylum seekers are. They are also much more taller than the Iraqi average, which strongly hints about elite status back home.

1. So only good looking Iraqis seek asylum?
2. Only asylum seekers are tall and others are short?
3. Only elites from a country seeking asylum? Do you even know what does it mean by "elite"? Lmfao.
4. How many people from a given country seek asylum? Do you have any idea? Also they are elites at the same time?

Do you even realize how ridiculous your statements are?

Because they (Iraqi men etc.) are not ugly to Finnish women like you can see in the statistics and if you Google "irakilaisten avioliitot"

I don't see any specific/definitive statistics from your reply yet.

I'll try to find, but they are obviously in Finnish.

Then find it, you are the claimant, so the burden of corroboration is yours, not ours.

You are quite retard lumping all "ethnics" in one basket. Somalis don't take our women, but it does not mean that Iraqis won't.

Iraqis are racially and geographically very similar to Afghanis, Syriacs and Arabs. I don't know why a specific country will contain a huge number of chad population. Lmfao.

Cut this bs. Do a very simple research.

1. There are how many number of marriage aged young natives in your locality?
2. What is the total number of asylum seekers currently living in your locality?
3. Among all the Iraqi asylum seekers, how many of them are in the same age range? (Now don't tell me your women are going for 40 year old fat ugly Iraqis with kids and wives, lmfao)
4. Among them, what is the percentage of good looking Iraqis within that age-bracket? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? 1 in 1000?

Just figure these out, you will have your answer.

This is the main problem with nazicels, they don't want to use their brains and don't want to think outside of the box. They are too accustomed to comfortable lies and propagandas fed by their media outlets that they don't want to just open their eyes and look outside the window.

Ethnics are not your problem, your women are your main problem.

The more you are making delays realizing this, the more your population will suffer.
Low IQ thread expected from a greycel
I see with my own eyes every day our most beautiful young women choosing handsome Iraqis and Afghans over local men. Eyes don't lie.

And the distorted sex balance because of immigration greatly affects all men (and women positively).

Hey fucktard, it's more often the other way around. White chads and normies get to fuck immigrant foids, prime ones too who are often virgin. Do you have any fucking idea how shit ethnic males have it, unless they are Chads?
An average ethnic can't mog an average white irrespective of their scale.
Why are you arguing straw men? I never said they could.

The problem is that above-average ethnics CAN mog below-average whites.

May be you are talking about ethnic gigachads and I think they are not more than 0.00001% of the entire population.
If you mean gigachad in respect to whites, okay. If you mean gigachad in respect to their own: no, they come in the same ratios.

Whatever % they are by default, they are 10x as likely among immigrants since illegal immigration and being involved in crime is low-inhib high-T behavior and they compete and murder each other en-route so mesomorph chads survive having walked across the corpses of endomorph/ectomorph ethnics to get here.

Generally ethnics start from 4 and then goes down -- which is the main crux of all the jokes on this forum, at least it has been like that from the beginning. Now you are talking about a completely opposite scenario.
WTF does 'generally' even mean? What % is that? If you mean the majority, then the majority of men are 5 or less. 5/6 is the midpoint of the 1-10 scale.

As for the 3~4 whites, they would be incels anyway, even if there is no ethnic.
Only way to save them is to establish a traditional white society and arranged marriage.
Okay fine, so it still fucks up the 5s and makes them incels too.

If you're going to tell me that's a good thing because we need to swell our numbers then in theory we should want 10/10 gigachads to have 100% of the sexal access and nobody else so we have max numbers. But that's cucked.

Of course not, but being skinny or going to gym are not going to substitute how you facially look or how your skin color is.
Good thing I said multiply and not substitute.

A fat white normie has a way more SMV than an average 10% bodyfat ethnic.
How fat?

If you say otherwise, you are contradicting the entire notion of eurocentric definition of beauty. Which is a globally established fact.
Eurocentric beauty being a fact is not contradicted by acknowledging other factors as complementary facts.

The only other factor I can see is money and/or status.
Height, muscle mass, confident mannerisms or aggression, etc. All coalesce.

But the ethnics and immigrants that you are talking about don't have that kind of money or status. Their economic and societal status is similar to those of homeless bums in the white nations.
They can pretend to, foids are silly and will buy it. They'll quickly attain it through in-group selection and by gibs/crime combo.

Please try to be honest here. Do you seriously believe you can pull off women with that? Seriously?
I can't, I wouldn't pass as a refugee and I'm not Chad-Arab.

I'm from a very strict, orthodox religious muslim background, schooled at a religious academy (Madrasah) (Anyway, now I'm a hardcore atheist). I came to know about that "Taqiyya" thing from TV documentaries. Those are esoteric doctrine taught in some small echelon of extreme/underground Salafist guerrilas. The idea is similar to that of "Everything is fair in war". Taqiyya is not a mainstream general knowledge.
The fun thing about Taqiyya is I can completely discount your assurances that it is rare and non-mainstream because that too could be Taqiyya.

Men want to fuck women just because they are horny, not out of philosophical reasons.
You should watch the film "AI Rising". I'm doing that now. Pretty good.

It's not JUST because we're horny, we have philosophy too.

Don't sell your gender short bro.

Ethnic men want to fuck white women because they think they are all whores (that idea is mostly reinforced by the general scanty dressup, porns, movies and tvs).
Also because they are more beautiful, as you admit.

But in fact, they are whores, but only for chads
Chad doesn't need to pay, so it's not whoring.

Chad is top-tier ubermale to them, so it's not even slutting unless chad is bad.

It's a frustrating symptom of hypergamy but if I'm going to name-call them in rage it must be for other criteria.

There are luckily bad-chads though so calling them a slut is indeed justified if the men they fuck are morally abhorrent.

Same point as above. They want to fuck women not for political reasons, just because they are sexually repressed and just horny. Like all other men.
I understand, but I still want them gone, because they'll break statutory rape laws and get mere wrist-slaps for it. They will be emboldened by comparative lack of prosecution compared to natives.

Because in your scenario you had a 10/10 chad, a 10/10 stacy, 1/10 femcel and a 5/10 ethnic, but not a 5/10 white.
Right, so why did you fuck up my scenario with your fake stats and then contradict the strawman scenario you built?

The point is that there are ethnic competitors able to shove out low-tier whites.

Ethnics are not the majority of western population. The number of average white will always be more than the number of average ethnics. Simple statistics.
Population demographics aren't fixed, and if you import enough you can make something other than whites most prominent.

A 1/10 white will be incel anyway, even if the entire population 100% white,
Tell me the lowest-ranking male a 1/10 foid would fuck then, for the sake of argument?

given that the society is not traditional and women are still whores. A hypergamous and promiscuous society will always create incels. Also I have never seen a 1/10 white in my life anyway. Most probably you are referring to some extreme cases.
I rarely know how to assign these ranks, I just pick lowest for sake of argument and because if I go too high I'll get "that's not a truecel" complaints.

Those who promoted sexual liberation in the early days never considered hypergamy,
they were not aware of this basic biological nature.
I wonder if at some point the 'free love' thing actually had hippiy girls giving sex to incels too briefly until it became 'freedom to love chad'.
You may not want to see chad or high tier normie ethnics with white girls. But even if you never see this kind of couple you still would hate something like this. Maybe eye cloe green vs blue or hair color because this is your nature but unfortunately you still wouldn't have any chance with white girls because they are raising like a princess and no princess wants ugly incel. I can say there is more incel ethnics in the west than whites. Because apperantly they are shorter,uglier and maybe have lower iq. But i know how you feel when you see beautiful,tall,blonde white girl with black or brown chad you can't do anything about it. You can't be part of this society with your look unless you have shity expectacy.
The problem is that above-average ethnics CAN mog below-average whites.

How many ethnics are above average (with respect to whites)? Ethnics are already a minority, and good looking ethnics are minority among minority. Do you understand what I mean?

If you mean gigachad in respect to whites, okay.

Only ethnic gigachads can slay, as you have said.

Whatever % they are by default, they are 10x as likely among immigrants since illegal immigration and being involved in crime is low-inhib high-T behavior and they compete and murder each other en-route so mesomorph chads survive having walked across the corpses of endomorph/ectomorph ethnics to get here.

So good looking + high-T ethnics can only survive and others die? Lmfao. Now You have started to argue just for the sake of argument.

WTF does 'generally' even mean? What % is that? If you mean the majority, then the majority of men are 5 or less. 5/6 is the midpoint of the 1-10 scale.

You already answered your own question.

Why don't you just do a simple logical deduction?

1. An ethnic gigachad is considered average in the west (as you have said in your previous comment, which is true)
2. Gigachads are above average (ground truth)
3. Ethnics are minority (ground truth)
4. Ethnic gigachads are minority among minority (also a ground truth)

Well, that means an average ethnic should start from 2 (in terms of white people's cale), I guess? What do you think?

As you have already mentioned, ethnic gigachads can pose a problem, but again gigachads are rare. So basically it means some extremely rare ethnic gigachads are taking all "your white kweens"? Does this really make any sense?

Okay fine, so it still fucks up the 5s and makes them incels too.

If you're going to tell me that's a good thing because we need to swell our numbers then in theory we should want 10/10 gigachads to have 100% of the sexal access and nobody else so we have max numbers. But that's cucked.

No I didn't mean that. Fix your whores, 90% of your problems will be solved, which I explained later. Also using the above argument, average ethnics are not a problem. If you say otherwise, you need to restart the entire conversation.

Every white can get ethnic whore, if he's not morbidly obese. Even a short guy with literal manboobs from this forum got a cracker whore.

Height, muscle mass,

Now you are saying some starving ethnics from a war torn middle-easrtern country are taller than European descendants? Why don't you look up some world height stats?

confident mannerisms or aggression, etc. All coalesce.


They can pretend to, foids are silly and will buy it.

How do you pretend to become rich? Lmfao.

They'll quickly attain it through in-group selection and by gibs/crime combo.

So now you are saying a group of immigrants can amass money in no time, then why they still live in ghettos? The only ethnic high-earning groups are curry and rice. Yes there are some Arabs, but again, they are still a minority. Now "rich Arab immigrant gigachad" is like a dodo bird. I seriously doubt such thing exists.

I can't, I wouldn't pass as a refugee and I'm not Chad-Arab.

I was not talking about you, I was talking about average ethnics pulling off women with those PUA bs like approaching thousands of foids obnoxiously, weaseling up to them by talking about your refugeeism, etc.

The fun thing about Taqiyya is I can completely discount your assurances that it is rare and non-mainstream because that too could be Taqiyya.

I am not very conversant about Taqiyya (although I'm a Hafeez myself), but looks like you know more than me. Lmfao.

It's not JUST because we're horny, we have philosophy too.

I know. I was just trying to say men don't need inspiration from some books to fuck. Sex is a basic biological need.

Also because they are more beautiful, as you admit.

I didn't say they are ugly though. I said cracker whores are visualized as an easy fuck, because of how they act and dress.

Chad doesn't need to pay, so it's not whoring.

Whatever. Free-whoring? "Slutting" should be the right term I guess, both are same to me.

The point is that there are ethnic competitors able to shove out low-tier whites.

Yes there might some competitors, but the number is too small to shove out the majority (white + average).

Cut all these bs, I simply don't understand this fact that why you keep whiteknighting for your women even though you clearly know they want you fucking dead?

This is what I have noticed, many posters on this forum don't want to see any fault in their women and somehow they are convinced that immigrant ethnics are turning them into cum gobbling sluts. Is this some sort of conspiracy/brainwashing done by the same group of people who want your women to be dog-fucker whores? I think we should look into that.

I understand, but I still want them gone, because they'll break statutory rape laws and get mere wrist-slaps for it. They will be emboldened by comparative lack of prosecution compared to natives.

Now you have moved to a completely different issue. Also no, all jails in the west are teeming with ethnics, whites are minority there.

Anyway, we ethnics want ourself out more than you want us to. We come to your land just for money and try to get as much as we can. Just like your people plundered all our resources for 800 years. And also no, we didn't enjoy leaving our homeland.

I personally don't agree with immigration and race mixing. Every group of people belong to their geographical origins and they are supposed to stay with their own people and culture. In the same way all whites should move back to Europe as well. This is the only fair arrangement.
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I don't know swedish, not gonna read that shit. Also that's not a statistics, some article. I told you to post statistics.

The article contains statistics from the statistics agency (Tilastokeskus). The sentence I quoted says that Iraqi men are by far the most common nationality for Finnish women who marry foreign men. That has been the case since the disaster of autumn 2015 (and earlier years to a lesser degree also). Finland got 32 400 asylum applications in 2015, almost all of them were young men, many military and militia group deserters. That is thousands more in one year than was born girls that year. It is the same as if 2 million extra young men would arrive in the USA in one year alone. And marriage is a tiny percentage of the relations. Most are not married or co-habiting.

1. So only good looking Iraqis seek asylum?
2. Only asylum seekers are tall and others are short?

How retard you are?! Didn't you read the sentence you yourself quoted?

1. Most of them are pretty good-looking, I've heard this also directly from females talking among themselves.

2. You are quite dim. I said and it has been observed here widely by others also, that the average Iraqi asylum seeker was taller than is the Iraqi average. Taller people are on average more intelligent, have higher incomes and have more children in their lifetime etc. I am 169 cm so above average clearly in Iraq, but most Iraqi asylum seekers here are taller than me.

3. Only elites from a country seeking asylum?

The people that leave their countries to claim asylum in far away places have known to be more well-off than their country's average. This is a well-known fact. The journey costs very much compared to those countries' income levels.

4. How many people from a given country seek asylum? Do you have any idea?

Here are all the statistics: tilastot.migri.fi

Then find it, you are the claimant, so the burden of corroboration is yours, not ours.

I can try to find some sources, but you wouldn't even read it or understand. It's common knowledge really that incel European males are not supporting other young males immigrating to their countries and that they tend to support anti-immigration forces. Election results by gender is one good indicator. Perussuomalaiset is by far the most popular party with males. Sverigedemokraterna are much more popular among men. All the more radical anti-immigration forces are dominated by males also. While women prefer pro-immigration parties.

1. There are how many number of marriage aged young natives in your locality?
2. What is the total number of asylum seekers currently living in your locality?
3. Among all the Iraqi asylum seekers, how many of them are in the same age range?

I won't expose exactly where I live by doing that. But the impact is significant to the sex ratio in the young adult cohorts. Asylum seekers BTW don't even show in the official population statistics until they get positive decision, and most get negatives, appeal the decision and claim anew endlessly or stay illegally.

what is the percentage of good looking Iraqis within that age-bracket? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? 1 in 1000?

I would say at least 9 out of 10 young Iraqi males are good-looking to at least some Finnish women (it is all that matters, they need to just attract one woman to make one native incel more). You don't seem to realise how attractive black hair etc. traits are here in our blond population where it is rare.

This is the main problem with nazicels, they don't want to use their brains and don't want to think outside of the box. They are too accustomed to comfortable lies and propagandas fed by their media outlets that they don't want to just open their eyes and look outside the window.

We don't have any mainstream media on our side. All media is pro-immigration and pro-EU. There has been very good analyses of the immigration situation for example in Hommaforum: https://hommaforum.org/index.php

Whites are also very heterogenous group like "ethnics". Finnish men are the ugliest in Europe (but highest IQ and PISA results) and can't compete with Western Europeans. For example Brits are notorious for taking our women. There are more than 4 British males living here for every British women. And in the UK lives multiple times more Finnish women than Finnish men. All the western European men are taking our women and in their countries Finnish women are clear majority of Finns living there while here every Western European nationality (except Luxembourg) has 2–4+ times more men than women residing here. Finnish males are the curries of Europe. We aren't (so called) Aryans, not even Indo-European.

your women are your main problem

and we agree on this. Women's right to vote is the root cause of many problems here. Let me tell you, if foids could not vote, the immigrant male masses would be shot on the border instead of army conscripts carrying their luggage (that happened!). The degeneration of our society is because women got too much political and economic power in addition to their natural sexual power. And the mass media.
Hey fucktard, it's more often the other way around. White chads and normies get to fuck immigrant foids, prime ones too who are often virgin. Do you have any fucking idea how shit ethnic males have it, unless they are Chads?

One NEVER SEES FINNISH MEN WITH ANY OTHER FOREING WOMEN THAN SOME THAIS and other Asians and even that is rare. Do you not understand that here overwhelming majority of immigrants are recent arrivals and males? That may be the situation in USA etc. but not here. Finland wasn't immigrant shithole until very recent times, unlike Sweden, which has much more longer history with immigration.

It is a statistical fact that in Finland ethnic males are taking our women and causing more inceldom. The ethnic foids (who are much less in numbers than ethnic males) do not date Finnish men. Only immigrant foids that Finns are fucking are Thais and some other Asian women + Russian women in the past when they escaped the collapse of the Soviet Union and Russia's economy, but nowadays there are almost the same amount of Russian males here than females.

Stop lumping "ethnics" in one basket. Somalis have it shit, but Iraqis are slaying here in the nightlife. In any case the "ethnics" should not be here or even in Europe. How would you ethnics react if Finns went to Iraq and Saudi-Arabia and complained how shit it's there as a Finn to get pussy? The locals would not even let watch their women. We are way too nice to you invaders in Europe.

Do you realise that nowadays most Finnish men of my age and younger won't even have a one child in their lifetime and most of that male childlessness is involuntary while that is not the case in your countries?
your people plundered all our resources for 800 years

"whites" aren't a nation or ethnic group or heterogenous group or one group that you can accuse of doing something. For example Finland was colonised by Sweden and Russia and never plundered any resources.
even if you never see this kind of couple

I go buy food in Prisma for 20 minutes, I see 3-6 Arab male/Finnish female couples on average. And mulatto children with single white mothers. Every day I see a few black men. I've seen in my whole life under 5 black females with my own eyes. Overweight Nigerians with children they were.
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I would say at least 9 out of 10 young Iraqi males are good-looking to at least some Finnish women


JFL @ this retard.

There is no population on earth that can give 9 out of 10 chads.

This contradicts the law of the universe.

Do us a favor, delete this thread, delete your account as well.

Here are all the statistics: tilastot.migri.fi

The says there were total number of 56500 Iraqis got into Finland since 2015. Let's say 60% of them are males. So 33900 are males. 18-40 age brackets are like 70% of 33900 (maximum)? Which makes 25425 males in 18-40 age bracket. Now let's say 9 out 10 are chads (lmfao :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:) that makes 25425 * 0.9 = 22882~23000 Iraqi chads.

So only 23000 Iraqi chads are taking up all your women? Do you even realize how retarded you sound?

I have been very relaxed, the real number would be way way less than that, even if I agree with your 9 out 10 chad bs.


Most of them are pretty good-looking,

Pretty good looking like what? Can you show me some examples?

Whites are also very heterogenous group like "ethnics". Finnish men are the ugliest in Europe (but highest IQ and PISA results) and can't compete with Western Europeans. For example Brits are notorious for taking our women. There are more than 4 British males living here for every British women. And in the UK lives multiple times more Finnish women than Finnish men. All the western European men are taking our women and in their countries Finnish women are clear majority of Finns living there while here every Western European nationality (except Luxembourg) has 2–4+ times more men than women residing here. Finnish males are the curries of Europe. We aren't (so called) Aryans, not even Indo-European.

So it turns out that your entire nation is already got used to being cuck of other white men from all over the Europe. You like getting cucked by Brits, but not by Iraqis.


Stop being a cuck. Fix your whores.
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Another retarded greycel who got bored of stormfront
Ethnic-cel unity,fuck off stormfags
What country?

Here these Iraqis aren't betabuxing, their employment and income levels are really low. But their looks and exoticness compensates. Most of these couples are couples, where the women are paying the man's expenses. And they have lots of sex (in my link they had sex every day and Ali was NEET while Susanna was working. Ali was deported back to Italy, because he first claimed his asylum there, but managed again to come back here and now they are married and Ali still unemployed). And now I see this text below the image: "Irakissa järjestetyt avioliitot eivät ole tavattomia. Alin äiti oli jo järjestänyt pojalleen morsiamen, mutta sitten Susanna tuli kuvioihin." Ali's mother already had a bride for her son, but when he could get Finnish pussy, he refused the Iraqi one.

uk but i live in the southwest where their are less ethnics overall its the mainly the big uk cities that have more ethnic relationships.

in my town i mainly just get mogged by chads.
How many ethnics are above average (with respect to whites)?
I think that depends on the ethnicity. Even if you told me though, I'd have trouble putting a number on it.

Ethnics are already a minority, and good looking ethnics are minority among minority. Do you understand what I mean?
Yes, if you understand what I mean about the good-looking ones being over-represented in the ones who make it here, because they are either low-inhib enough to sneak in, chad enough to succeed in business and get wealthy and come in legally, or good-looking enough to get sponsored via marriage.

Only ethnic gigachads can slay, as you have said.
I may be fuzzy on what slaying means, I thought perhaps easy and recurring sexual access to prime foids. Though perhaps sometimes said ironically to refer to even occasional (even one-time) sex with low-tier foids.

If it's the former then even sub-slaying sex by chadlite ethnics is still cause of trickle-down interference.

So good looking + high-T ethnics can only survive and others die? Lmfao. Now You have started to argue just for the sake of argument.
No, I'm not saying they're the only survivors, but that I have reason to think they're over-represented among them.

You really think when some drown taking rafts to sneak into Europe that it's the chads drowning and the incels surviving?

You already answered your own question.

Why don't you just do a simple logical deduction?

1. An ethnic gigachad is considered average in the west (as you have said in your previous comment, which is true)
2. Gigachads are above average (ground truth)
3. Ethnics are minority (ground truth)
4. Ethnic gigachads are minority among minority (also a ground truth)

Well, that means an average ethnic should start from 2 (in terms of white people's cale), I guess? What do you think?

I don't think I agreed with point 1 but rather proposed it as a possibility for sake of argument. You'll find I am generally confused by specific numerical assignments and approach it very tentatively.

"Minority" is merely <50% so it could be as big as 40%, 0.4*0.4=0.16 and 16% is a big number. So you need to find a more impressive word than minority if you want to make ethnics/chads seem small potatoes.

As you have already mentioned, ethnic gigachads can pose a problem, but again gigachads are rare. So basically it means some extremely rare ethnic gigachads are taking all "your white kweens"? Does this really make any sense?
Depends on what you mean by "extremely".

Ethnic-specific chads/gigachads (9/10) probably function as chadlites (7/8) in the average population, but I don't think chadlites are necessarily our problem because chadlites (even though their standards are lower than gigachads) still probably do have standards against fucking rank 1-3 girls who want to fuck them.

The greater problem would be ethnic-specific chadlites who function as rank 5-6 in the general population. There are more chadlites than gigachads, and these ones would be willing to fuck the rank 1-3s who we might want to date.

Fix your whores, 90% of your problems will be solved, which I explained later.
You ever make soup?
Cut up the meat, vegetables, broth, cook it up for a few hours?
You ever try to UNmake soup?

Also using the above argument, average ethnics are not a problem. If you say otherwise, you need to restart the entire conversation.
A rank-6 ethnic could function as a rank-4 white, filling up the top tier of the incel shelves who JUST might have some slim chances of relationship without this.

Every white can get ethnic whore, if he's not morbidly obese. Even a short guy with literal manboobs from this forum got a cracker whore.
The problem is the gender imbalance. I wouldn't be mad if it was 90% foid refugees because that would give us more opportunities.

But it's mostly guys: https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/five-explanations-to-why-the-majority-of-refugees/

Just as young men are most likely to make the trip, the chads are more likely to make it than the incels.

Incels know this, so they're less motivated to try in the first place. Especially since they know they're too ugly to take advantage of western sluts.

So please enough of the "poor ethnic incel immigrants" because THEY are the minority, the majority is chad ethnic immigrants flooding our middle tier.

Now you are saying some starving ethnics from a war torn middle-easrtern country are taller than European descendants? Why don't you look up some world height stats?
Height isn't everything, I got mogged by ethnic guys shorted than me in HS.

Yup. If you want to argue it's lower-priority than face/skin/height that's fine (I doubt we'll ever get broad consensus on how to order factors) but it can't be discounted.

The personality issue has never been that foids value GOOD personality, they value confident/asshole personality. They often assume it's based on something real even if it isn't. Like the guy's some kind of knife-wielding drug dealer in a secret life who can kill her enemies, if he expresses confidence and approaches.

That's obviously not the only or even the primary factor, but it does allow ethnics to edge out close competition.

How do you pretend to become rich? Lmfao.
You rack up a bunch of loans and credit card debt and buy expensive clothing and cars and obscure your financial status.

So now you are saying a group of immigrants can amass money in no time, then why they still live in ghettos?
Yes, that's what organized crime and welfare help with.

The only ethnic high-earning groups are curry and rice. Yes there are some Arabs, but again, they are still a minority. Now "rich Arab immigrant gigachad" is like a dodo bird. I seriously doubt such thing exists.
Hell, why does he even have to be rich?

Here we have a guy whose facial structure is probably like 7/10 in white terms which makes him rank 5 or 6 when competing with whites, and he's able to land a 4/10 foid an incel might otherwise find some cope with.

I was not talking about you, I was talking about average ethnics pulling off women with those PUA bs like approaching thousands of foids obnoxiously, weaseling up to them by talking about your refugeeism, etc.
Or maybe not even refugeeism, just implying the stress of cultural adaptation.

If we look at guys like Roosh that's probably the type of shit he's tried. "It's tough to be persian", etc.

I am not very conversant about Taqiyya (although I'm a Hafeez myself), but looks like you know more than me. Lmfao.
Or so you say...

I know. I was just trying to say men don't need inspiration from some books to fuck. Sex is a basic biological need.
I find that a confusing expression. "Basic" is vague.

Oxygen/Water/Food are for example what I would term "metabolic needs". I like that expression because it gives context to "needs A for B".

Unless we know what something is needed FOR (a reagent) I don't think we should think of it as a need.

Love/Sex seem like potential reagents for happiness and psychological wellbeing. That said I'm not sure they're absolute ones. Perhaps if we defined specific types of happiness.

Using metabolism though, I could actually highlight that you DON'T need oxygen to produce energy. We do after all have an anaerobic energy system which can produce energy for brief periods when there is a lack of oxygen.

That said: you can't rely on that indefinitely before it fucks you up.

Obviously we can survive longer without sex than without oxygen, but I bring up the comparison that sex could be a higher-tier form of happiness production (similar to oxygen) and our copes could be like anaerobic glycolysis, something to get us by, but not efficient and causing health problems if relied upon too long, even though obviously not as immediately traumatic as oxygen deprivation.

Whatever. Free-whoring? "Slutting" should be the right term I guess, both are same to me.
So long as we acknowledge that it's only situationally slutting because we dislike the chad they're fucking and few him as a scummy person she should have morality-standards to reject for us.

I do wonder if we could find something better to explain ourselves though, given the vague subjectivity of who is scum and who isn't. Foids reading this for example may simply think "no, you incels are scummy, we would be sluts if we fucked YOU" and "chad is better, it's not slutty to fuck prime meat".

What's our counter-argument to this? "Nuh-uh?" I know we have a point, and we could probably explain it in paragraph-long dissection, but what I'm aspiring to do is perhaps find a means of summarizing this and putting a more descriptive label on it with decent etymological origins.

Like for example, rather than condemning all chads, if we specify specific types of chads who predominate the chad population, like chads who are sadists and who bully incels and have no empathy for less attractive men. I remember the term 'psychopath' being used earlier this week in the chat for someone, so that's one possible etymological ingredient. Another would be sociopathy... but we should ideally brainstorm a lot of potentials here, maybe even combine them into some kind of acronym.

Yes there might some competitors, but the number is too small to shove out the majority (white + average).
You don't need to shove out the entire majority, just SOME of them. It trickles down.

Cut all these bs, I simply don't understand this fact that why you keep whiteknighting for your women even though you clearly know they want you fucking dead?
I think it's because I see their psychology as pliable. Without the flood of mostly-male mostly-chad ethnics, the chemistry of mass psychology might result in them being slightly less enthusiastic about wanting me dead, which could make life easier to cope with.

This is what I have noticed, many posters on this forum don't want to see any fault in their women and somehow they are convinced that immigrant ethnics are turning them into cum gobbling sluts.
I don't take a single-cause approach, I do hold them accountable but I also hold the simps, ethnichads and jews accountable too.

Is this some sort of conspiracy/brainwashing done by the same group of people who want your women to be dog-fucker whores? I think we should look into that.
Denying female accountability is definitely one of (((their))) strategies, but I don't think I'm doing that merely by acknowledging added causes and culprits contributing to a big picture.

Now you have moved to a completely different issue. Also no, all jails in the west are teeming with ethnics, whites are minority there.
I mean proportionate to the amount of crimes that whites commit.

Stuff like https://nypost.com/2016/01/10/europe-is-enabling-a-rape-culture/ has two halves to it, for example.

Yes there are a bunch of slutty Beckies out there trying to get groped by ethnichads, but there are also actual unwanted molesters too, who get away with it because of the 'can't criticize the ethnics' bullshit in liberal politics. White guys of similar rank wouldn't get that tolerance. They know that, so they choose to be higher-inhib.

That same propensity to being low-inhib (knowing they're not likely to get prosecuted) in turn makes them more attractive to the white women they're groping, leading to more consent received for it, with women perhaps only claiming molestation if there's pic evidence of their slutdom revealed on phone pics spread around.

Anyway, we ethnics want ourself out more than you want us to. We come to your land just for money and try to get as much as we can. Just like your people plundered all our resources for 800 years. And also no, we didn't enjoy leaving our homeland.
I think perhaps you're getting overly specific regarding 800 years and "ethnics" in general. Different countries had differing amounts of resources plundered by colonists over different time periods.

Furthermore, different portions of different nations ran those colonial shows.

I imagine there are mixed feelings about leaving homelands, depending on the state it was in when someone left, and where they relocated.

This for example is more useful, Hindustan v. Britain. Sorry about having your nation chopped in half (Pakistan) due to muslim invaders BTW. I guess the Brits were 100% to blame for that too and not because you guys were killing each other and they were trying to stop it via the bisection. There was a sad Dr. Who episode about that and it was central to a movie I watched about your Olympics as well.

I personally don't agree with immigration and race mixing. Every group of people belong to their geographical origins and they are supposed to stay with their own people and culture. In the same way all whites should move back to Europe as well. This is the only fair arrangement.

This meme is actually slightly inaccurate, the Solutreans who were murdered by the Beringians predated viking culture.


There is no population on earth that can give 9 out of 10 chads.
Women do not exclusively refer to chads as good-looking, they'll occasionally extend that to 6s/7s (brads, high-tier normies)

Plus I'm pretty sure @AutisticMonstrosity when referencing "nine out of ten young Iraqi males" is referring to the ones who attempt/complete the journies to Europe, leaving the simping incels behind or drowned along the journey.

So it turns out that your entire nation is already got used to being cuck of other white men from all over the Europe. You like getting cucked by Brits, but not by Iraqis.


Stop being a cuck. Fix your whores.
This sounds a lot like a taunt from Chad. Women being part of the problem doesn't mean that the mass influx of ethnichadlites isn't also a prob.

Ethnic-cel unity,fuck off stormfags
I'm 100% sure that the majority of ethnicels here are actually not immigrants at all, but more likely were born here to immigrant parents, or are descended from immigrant grandparents, etc.

Your dads were chads. They were the problem. We're more mad at them than you.

Those of you who actually immigrated: you're probably the minority. Please stop whining as if the majority of male immigrants actually resemble you, they do not.

Ethnichads are over-represented amongst immigrants and are especially upsetting gender balances in Europe.

The only way ethnic foids are even getting in here (since they lack skills) are because of simping mail-order-bride copers who get immediately divorced soon as they bring them other, or already-pregnant border-jumpers using their anchor babies to get gibs.

If you're one of those grown-up anchor babies: I still want you to go back (because I am pro-diversity, which requires being racemix-resistant, and want you to rescue your home nations and become heroes your native ethnic foids will marry, and we will trade oranges) but I don't inherently hate you like I do your parents.
There's not a lot of genuine hate against immigrants
Woah did I accidentally enter /pol/ ?
You just know it’s a greycel
don't know don't care honestly
People should stay in their own countries. The world would be a better place with less conflict and government could actually help their own people instead of foreigners and companies.
i agree
stormcel/FBIcope, whites fuck more than any other race, and Chads, regardless of race, fuck more than any normie or incel. 5'4 currycels or 5'7 arabcels coming here doesnt make me an incel.
this and:
You mean to tell all the ethnics who don't speak a word of their ancestral language. haven't been to their ancestral homes in decades if ever to somehow just go back? really nigga jfl
I think that depends on the ethnicity.

So which ethnicity is causing most problems, according to you? I think you can be specific.

Yes, if you understand what I mean about the good-looking ones being over-represented in the ones who make it here,

What does it mean by "over-represented"? How many "good-looking" ethnic asylum seeking immigrant chads are there? Let's say in your locality? Any estimate?

because they are either low-inhib enough to sneak in, chad enough to succeed in business and get wealthy and come in legally, or good-looking enough to get sponsored via marriage.

How many (or % of) asylum seeking immigrant ethnic chads are succeeding in business? or becoming wealthy? or getting sponsored via marriage? Do you have any estimate on that? I mean, do you have any number to support your claim?

I may be fuzzy on what slaying means, I thought perhaps easy and recurring sexual access to prime foids. Though perhaps sometimes said ironically to refer to even occasional (even one-time) sex with low-tier foids.

So ethnics are having recurring sexual access to prime foids also with low-tier foids? So basically it means they are taking all kinds of native women? I don't understand.

If it's the former then even sub-slaying sex by chadlite ethnics is still cause of trickle-down interference.

This again, it depends on how many (how much portion) of young ethnics are in the given native white male population. Let's say 1 ethnic chadlite is mogging 100 white normies, and to mog, he has to date/sex with enough women to cuck those native white normies. So a specific number would be really helpful.

Just as young men are most likely to make the trip,

Agreed, old men are not physically fitter than young men, in general.

No, I'm not saying they're the only survivors, but that I have reason to think they're over-represented among them.
You really think when some drown taking rafts to sneak into Europe that it's the chads drowning and the incels surviving?
the chads are more likely to make it than the incels.

This entire narrative of "more ethnic chads surviving than ethnic incels" is just bizarre. I can't get my head around it, tbh. Btw, in reality most of those immigrants look like this --


I'm not seeing any chad though. Do you have any source behind this hypothesis? Or it's like your opinion? Are you sure you aren't trolling?

"Minority" is merely <50% so it could be as big as 40%, 0.4*0.4=0.16 and 16% is a big number. So you need to find a more impressive word than minority if you want to make ethnics/chads seem small potatoes.

Which country has 40% of its entire population solely composed of non-natives (or immigrants/asylum-seekers)? You are trolling right?

Let's say "Iraqis in Finland", according to their government statistics --

1. There were total number of 56500 Iraqis got into Finland since 2015.
2. 56.7% of them are males, 56500 * 0.567 = 32036 males
3. 55% of them are within 18-40 age brackets, 32036 * 0.55 = 17620 are Iraqi immigrant males within 18-40 years age bracket.
4. Now let's say 9 out 10 of them are chads (which is ridiculous), so 17620 * 0.9 = 15858 are chads (I'm over estimating)

Now, according to Finland demographics and their population pyramid

1. Total proportion of Finnish + Swedes = 87.6% + 5.2% = 92.2%
2. Males in 18-40 age bracket 163961 + 183471 + 178654 + 184284 = 710370, so white males: 710370 * 0.922 = 654961
3. In the same way, white females: 673492 * 0.922 = 620960

These numbers just don't add up. How many ethnics are cucking how many native white men? Do you have any estimate? Let's say in your locality?

There are more chadlites than gigachads, and these ones would be willing to fuck the rank 1-3s who we might want to date.

How many chadlites are there? Let's say among 15858 Iraqi immigrants? Any estimate?

You ever make soup?
Cut up the meat, vegetables, broth, cook it up for a few hours?
You ever try to UNmake soup?

I understand what you mean, but I don't understand kicking out immigrants will UNmake this soup. When did exactly this mass immigration start? and when did exactly foid hypergamy and male inceldom start to surge? Do you have any one-to-one correspondence between these two phenomena? Is it like, let's say mass immigration started in 2009 and all white males started to become incels from 2011 en masse? Can you find such relationship?

The problem is the gender imbalance. I wouldn't be mad if it was 90% foid refugees because that would give us more opportunities.
But it's mostly guys: https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/five-explanations-to-why-the-majority-of-refugees/

But the actual statistics says the opposite. For example, 56.7% of the total immigrants (Iraqis) in Finland are males. If you look in to other countries, they will be similar.

Height isn't everything, I got mogged by ethnic guys shorted than me in HS.

So do you really think you had a chance if those ethnic were not in your school? Lmfao. Foids will never pick a 4/10 guy if 6/10 guy is not available. They will always go for 7/10 guy instead (if he is in her vicinity). Hypergamy, by definition, means “dating up”, not “down". Is it like every guy in your class were 4/10 and that 6/10 ethnic mogged all of you? I don't understand.

The personality issue has never been that foids value GOOD personality, they value confident/asshole personality. They often assume it's based on something real even if it isn't. Like the guy's some kind of knife-wielding drug dealer in a secret life who can kill her enemies, if he expresses confidence and approaches.

Those dark-triad shit works for gigachads or for some mafia lord. Some pathetic street-thugging won't cut any shit, specially with white women.

You rack up a bunch of loans and credit card debt and buy expensive clothing and cars and obscure your financial status.

Which bank gives out credit card to refugees without any financial backup? Can you give me some link? I got my credit card depending on the deposit amount and my monthly wage.

Yes, that's what organized crime and welfare help with.

In a previous comment you mentioned "being good enough looking to make money and successful in business", now you are saying "organized crime". If a guy can make money in a normal way, he has no feasible reason to involve in a crime. Please be consistent.

Hell, why does he even have to be rich?

Of course not. Chads don't need money. But reverse-betabuxxing is an extremely rare phenomenon. Only applies to top-tier chads.


Here we have a guy whose facial structure is probably like 7/10

No that guy is not chad, no fucking way he's 7. But anyway, some random pic from photobucket does not mean anything.

If we look at guys like Roosh that's probably the type of shit he's tried. "It's tough to be persian", etc.

Roosh-v is a truecel. If you think he can get anything, you are severely delusional. He was an ugly ass ethnic even during his prime.


He went to Eastern European shithole just after the fall of communism, those countries were poor as fuck back then and he was an American citizen. He might got some pussies using his passport game (which is, still even a debate). Then he wrote books on his sextourism solely from that era. There was an article exposing his BS, on another PUA forum, I can’t find it now.

So long as we acknowledge that it's only situationally slutting because we dislike the chad they're fucking and few him as a scummy person she should have morality-standards to reject for us.

No, it’s not that complicated. A slut is a slut, a whore is a whore. There is no excuse or justification. They should be hated, shamed and ostracized from the society (same with any men who engages in pre/extra-marital sex).

I think it's because I see their psychology as pliable. Without the flood of mostly-male mostly-chad ethnics, the chemistry of mass psychology might result in them being slightly less enthusiastic about wanting me dead, which could make life easier to cope with.

So now women are innocent angels with malleable and impressionable pristine hearts? Polluted by ethnic subhumans? Man bad women good? Are you serious? I don’t want to say you are a cuck, but are you a fakecel buddy boyo?

I don't take a single-cause approach, I do hold them accountable but I also hold the simps, ethnichads and jews accountable too. Denying female accountability is definitely one of (((their))) strategies, but I don't think I'm doing that merely by acknowledging added causes and culprits contributing to a big picture.

I agree that the problem comes from multiple factors. Let's say inceldom and white-genocide is caused by four factors, A, B, C, D.

A = women empowerment
B = normalization of sluttery
C = abolition of traditional family values
D = immigrant ethnics
... E, F, G ... and so on

How do you divide the influence? Like 25%A + 25%B + 25%C + 25%D or 1%A + 1%B + 1%C + 97%D?

I mean proportionate to the amount of crimes that whites commit.

Stuff like https://nypost.com/2016/01/10/europe-is-enabling-a-rape-culture/ has two halves to it, for example.

Yes there are a bunch of slutty Beckies out there trying to get groped by ethnichads, but there are also actual unwanted molesters too, who get away with it because of the 'can't criticize the ethnics' bullshit in liberal politics. White guys of similar rank wouldn't get that tolerance. They know that, so they choose to be higher-inhib.

That same propensity to being low-inhib (knowing they're not likely to get prosecuted) in turn makes them more attractive to the white women they're groping, leading to more consent received for it, with women perhaps only claiming molestation if there's pic evidence of their slutdom revealed on phone pics spread around.

I don't understand. If they are chads, why do they need to rape or grope? You need to agree to the ground truth that chads don't need to rape. That's the definition of chad -- good looking guys who have to put minimal effort to get laid. Rape is an extreme form of effort, I would say the last resort to get laid.

You claim that ethinc immigrants are chads, but again they need to rape/grope to get sex?

Oh come on man. Your comments are so full of contradictory arguments.

In fact, their prevalence of committing crime is itself a major proof that they are ugly ass subhumans. If you think chads need to rape or grope you are fucking delusional.

I think perhaps you're getting overly specific regarding 800 years and "ethnics" in general. hed about your Olympics as well.

Man, I don't want to get into that shit.


This meme is actually slightly inaccurate, the Solutreans who were murdered by the Beringians predated viking culture.


View attachment 248296

Are you serious? Do you seriously believe Solutreans were whites? You are crazy man.

That Solutrean hyposthesis shit is completely debunked as soon as the entire genome sequence was done on Kennewick man. Please read that paper, page by page.

But yes, Native Americans came from Asia, so they should back to Asia. Well, in that case, but again, Asians actually came from Africa, same as Europeans too. So is everyone should go back to Africa? Where do you draw the line in human migration timeline? Do you understand what I mean?

Anyway, I am a bit flabbergasted by this "ethnic hate" (specially muslim/arab hate) among white nationalists. I don't understand many parts of it. For example --

1. White nationalists hate Jews, okay fine.
2. Middle-easterners are the only group of people currently on earth who are actively (I mean in real combat) fighting against Zionism.
3. Middle easterners are generally very conservative, traditionalist and heavily right-wing minded. Just to let you know that Muslims were the major supporters of Republicans in the US before 1993, for this exact reason.

I'm not belittling or ignoring or denying the grievances of white men, I understand and sympathize with the problem with dwindling white population and all other issues related to that. I am just trying to understand. But anyway, I am kinda sure you are fighting a wrong enemy.

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So which ethnicity is causing most problems, according to you? I think you can be specific.
Just because I say the #/% of above-average ethnics varies by ethnicity doesn't mean I feel confident about how to rank them.

Keep in mind I'm not a foid so I can't use my direct judgment, instead I'd need to try and get a sense based on anecdotal evidence, which is hard when you're a social shut-in and when immigration and reaction to it varies by locale.

What does it mean by "over-represented"? How many "good-looking" ethnic asylum seeking immigrant chads are there? Let's say in your locality? Any estimate?
How could I possibly form an educated estimate?

All I know is that I get a sense of a higher % of chads coming in from other nations than being left behind in them. Any time I look at the native populations who didn't emigrate it's chadless and full of incels abandoned to be slave labor for the minority of gigachads who rule the place while the normal chads and chadlites come here to fuck sluts.

How many (or % of) asylum seeking immigrant ethnic chads are succeeding in business? or becoming wealthy? or getting sponsored via marriage? Do you have any estimate on that? I mean, do you have any number to support your claim?
Chads in general are the ones who succeed in business. Obviously they'll be able to argue to get the grants and actually put them to use.

answer rest later, need to take advantage of a quiet moment
If you stayed in your homeland, you wouldn't have the problems that you have.
YoU’rE NoT a rEaL iNceL bRo

Ah yes, more low IQ gatekeeping from a newfag
not here at all. Do you not know what Baghdad elite young males look like? They are 10/10, tall, perfect skin, black hair, everything perfect. They mog 99,9 % of males here.
Genetic Recombination disagrees. Most of them are probably there to make money from selling weapons. The Grenade Trade is quite prevalent there. Ugly guys make money too. It would make no sense whatsoever for 10/10 males to even bother travelling for sex. He goes on Tinder and a western women would travel miles just to get his cock inside her. The power of Chad is that he doesn't even need to do anything to achieve everything, he just needs to exist. Look at Jeremy Meeks for instance. It is more obvious that ugly guys would want to Swede max and get the criminal halo. Dark Triad maxxing in their home countries would not end well if they were caught. You steal any bread in their country your hand is coming off. I don't even need to tell you why Europe is a perfect place for them.. fucking war guilt cucked Germans.

And personally why should I care whether they are Islamic or not at this point? Society never benefitted me in its current state anyway so if Sharia becomes law it won't bother me. Women getting raped because they dress like whores? Whatever. People dying? I don't care. These things happen. ALL. THE. TIME. Why should I even bother myself in caring about things that happen every millisecond of every day somewhere in the randomness of the World? If people care so much about their other human beings then why aren't Incels being cared about? Because it's complete rubbish. Humanity is innately cruel and delights in suffering.
I’ve never liked how many immigrants come to America expecting a free white woman/man
I dislike ethnics tbh

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