If I were lucky, I could have been born as a 5'2" balding Indian janitor with a good personality. He is suffering from a catastrophic combination of severe necrotizing infections, systemic sepsis, and widespread tissue decay. His scalp is ravaged by necrotizing fasciitis, where maggot-infested craters ooze yellow pus and blood, a result of flesh-eating bacteria (Streptococcus pyogenes or Clostridium perfringens) compounded by myiasis, as fly larvae feast on decaying tissue. His sunken eye sockets are overrun by orbital cellulitis and necrotic keratitis, leaking cloudy, blood-streaked pus while maggots burrow into necrotic tissue beneath his eyelids. His mouth reeks of sulfur and decay from noma (cancrum oris), a gangrenous infection that has blackened his jagged teeth and rotted his gums, now dripping blood and brownish pus, with anaerobic bacteria (Fusobacterium and Prevotella) fueling the stench. His chest and torso are marred by carbunculosis—clusters of bursting boils—and necrotic patches possibly caused by cutaneous anthrax or sepsis-induced skin lesions, all exuding sour, chunky fluids. His arms are lined with deep, infected cuts infested with maggots and layered with pyoderma gangrenosum, while his cracked fingernails harbor fungal (onychomycosis) and bacterial infections. His legs, swollen with severe lymphedema, are covered in blisters and ruptured skin leaking greenish pus reeking of gas gangrene (Clostridium perfringens), worsened by trophic ulcers and poor circulation. Systemically, he is in advanced sepsis, with bacterial toxins driving multi-organ failure, while extreme malnutrition (cachexia) has left his immune system crippled, allowing these infections to run rampant. The suffocating stench of rotting flesh, metallic blood, sour pus, and fungal decay hangs thick in the air, a grim marker of his body’s complete biological collapse.