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RageFuel the normie/foid line of "ermmm go get therapy"

My Name Jeff

My Name Jeff

Jul 18, 2022
Normies and Foids are literally braindead cattle scum so yes therapy does genuinely help them.

Anyone who is an incel is self aware enough to realize their situation and identify it. Therapy does nothing.

Therapy is sitting with someone who points out the obvious. They are heavily educated in the modern liberal doctrines too that gaslight men for feeling masculine feelings (anger dominance and logic) and portray any actions involving these as bad despite that not being the case.

If you are so fucking retarded you need someone to tell you why you are feeling a certain way therapy will help and so will a slave chain because you are a fucking low IQ cattle scum.

So sick of seeing the phrase thrown around "go get therapist it will help"
Normies worship psychiatry. Therapy is evil and useless.
Normies and Foids are literally braindead cattle scum so yes therapy does genuinely help them.

Anyone who is an incel is self aware enough to realize their situation and identify it. Therapy does nothing.

Therapy is sitting with someone who points out the obvious. They are heavily educated in the modern liberal doctrines too that gaslight men for feeling masculine feelings (anger dominance and logic) and portray any actions involving these as bad despite that not being the case.

If you are so fucking retarded you need someone to tell you why you are feeling a certain way therapy will help and so will a slave chain because you are a fucking low IQ cattle scum.

So sick of seeing the phrase thrown around "go get therapist it will help"
That's an euphemism of calling you retarded
Eh, ive been to like 2 therapists and they didn't help me one fucking bit although to be honest they aren't really good ones since the fucking waiting list is 5 fucking years and normie fags are like "well tough fucking shit".
Psychiatry/ sucks. I was required to be evaluated by psychiatrist the same day after failing to kms. I simply taked it down by saying that i wanted to be noticed by my parents. Was released the same day
The mental health industry appeals to cucks and soys
Normies and Foids are literally braindead cattle scum so yes therapy does genuinely help them.

Anyone who is an incel is self aware enough to realize their situation and identify it. Therapy does nothing.

Therapy is sitting with someone who points out the obvious. They are heavily educated in the modern liberal doctrines too that gaslight men for feeling masculine feelings (anger dominance and logic) and portray any actions involving these as bad despite that not being the case.

If you are so fucking retarded you need someone to tell you why you are feeling a certain way therapy will help and so will a slave chain because you are a fucking low IQ cattle scum.

So sick of seeing the phrase thrown around "go get therapist it will help"
Incels don’t need a therapist for our condition (unless it’s an attractive biological female sex therapist that is willing to fuck us…a lot and for far cheaper than a standard whore etc, etc.)

Young clueless incels just starting out in life would moreso benefit from a blackpilled life coach if their parents have the money and they can’t find this place or post here due to age or someother reason.

Ideally a black pilled life coach would just give them advice to comfort max if they’re not planning to seppuku anytime soon.

Either get on NEETbux if you can or study hard so you can wealth max with a good career to afford all of the best and your favorite copes whether it’s buying whores, fuck dolls and toys, videogames and movies, consoles and gaming PC’s, a large house with a swimming pool or whatever you want basically.

Also to remain healthy for full comfort maxxing potential ie you don’t want to ever end up under the care of evil medical and or psychiatric staff as muh boy @Todd Thundercock and I were so a black pilled life coach would ideally teach a young incel client to gym max as well also teach him mental and emotional coping strategies to avoid falling into depression and anxiety ie the pit of despair which is all too common for our kind when you especially.

Todd and I and other oldcels are broken and nearly completely numb to our plight but you young zoomer truecels have a lot of suffering yet to endure before you reach our despair based faux zen trauma status.

The Jew government or your rich parents (presuming any of you have those) should pay for such a life coach for you.
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Normies and Foids are literally braindead cattle scum so yes therapy does genuinely help them.

Anyone who is an incel is self aware enough to realize their situation and identify it. Therapy does nothing.

Therapy is sitting with someone who points out the obvious. They are heavily educated in the modern liberal doctrines too that gaslight men for feeling masculine feelings (anger dominance and logic) and portray any actions involving these as bad despite that not being the case.

If you are so fucking retarded you need someone to tell you why you are feeling a certain way therapy will help and so will a slave chain because you are a fucking low IQ cattle scum.

So sick of seeing the phrase thrown around "go get therapist it will help"
you touch on a central critique of therapy - they deny the patients agency and ability to self-assess. But in a schizophrenic way, they also heavily rely on the patient being able to accurately self assess. This is madness.

1. believe everything the patient says for no reason
2. start doubting the patient on purpose to "change his self-image"

Whether the patient tells the truth or not does not even matter:

The next time you listen to an expert, either in or out of court, I'll ask you to think about this example of what a prominent psychiatrist, a professor at Harvard Medical School has said. This man has testified in many high profile cases involving accusations of sexual abuse/assault/harassment, presenting the expert opinion that all memories are valid and suggesting that a witness's testimony must be true. This is an excerpt from a transcript of an interview on "Frontline:"​


"Every time people tell a story, it's basically a story that is looking for somebody to believe you to - be convinced. Of vital importance for a person's well-being, own well-being, is to make a narrative of their own life that makes sense to them. And for people's own well-being, the accuracy of one's own story about oneself is not critical. We all tell tales about ourselves. We all have images of ourselves that are not entirely in keeping with the reality of one's life, but we need to have a coherent version of ourselves.


"So what do you do? How do you ever know what the patient is saying actually happened?


"It's like reading a novel. You read a bad novelist, after a while, you put the book down because the story doesn't cohere. The story doesn't make sense. People don't talk this way and people don't interact this way and the book is lousy. If you read a great book and the characters are true to life, that's how people really feel and interact with each other. And eventually, when you do clinical work with people, the internal coherence of the story, how it all hangs together, is not very different from what the great novelists do."

Apparently, all you need in order to be a credible witness is to have a good script, an interesting story, something that fits with the expert's theory.​

There is, in fact, a considerable body of research, which demonstrates that clinicians, such as this expert are as bad, or even worse, than most of us at distinguishing the truth from the lies and the fiction from the non-fiction. And most people, even the people who conduct the surveys on sexual harassment, seem either unaware or unconcerned. They accept the naive idea that if someone believes a story to be true, it is true.​

Often times, patients DO know exactly what is wrong with them, even schizophrenics. But therapists and psychologists will blatantly invalidate the clients ability to to self-assess and heal on their own. They need victims, so they specially deny the client the ability to fix themselves. In reality it is known that most victims of trauma and even sexual rape as kids HEAL ON THEIR OWN. Most drug users drop even hard drugs on their own within 10-20 year time span. Going clean is THE NORM, not the exception.

Incels know what they need - sex, validation from women and society. Basic needs.
Therapy doesnt even help normie men only foids
Often times, patients DO know exactly what is wrong with them, even schizophrenics. But therapists and psychologists will blatantly invalidate the clients ability to to self-assess and heal on their own.
They made me worse and traumatised me
Whether the patient tells the truth or not does not even matter:
truth was never their interest they just always wanted to make their patients APPEAR to be better but they’re not better they’ve become worse. As someone who’s been in psych wards they give you meds to numb out your mind and emotions so much that you can easily fake being happy like some sort of psychopath. Incredibly foidbrained thing to do and I hated all of it.

They gave me meds that gave me pssd and anhedonia. Ever wonder why meds and therapy are so often combined? The meds disable your brain from thinking too much so they can slowly dictate to you what you are meant to think. It’s some kind of bizzaro continuation of mkultra in my opinion.
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you touch on a central critique of therapy - they deny the patients agency and ability to self-assess. But in a schizophrenic way, they also heavily rely on the patient being able to accurately self assess. This is madness.

1. believe everything the patient says for no reason
2. start doubting the patient on purpose to "change his self-image"

Whether the patient tells the truth or not does not even matter:

Often times, patients DO know exactly what is wrong with them, even schizophrenics. But therapists and psychologists will blatantly invalidate the clients ability to to self-assess and heal on their own. They need victims, so they specially deny the client the ability to fix themselves. In reality it is known that most victims of trauma and even sexual rape as kids HEAL ON THEIR OWN. Most drug users drop even hard drugs on their own within 10-20 year time span. Going clean is THE NORM, not the exception.

Incels know what they need - sex, validation from women and society. Basic needs.
Know thyself is law. If someone can’t even understand themselves what makes people think another person looking from the outside could understand? At best they could just make bullshit up about you from their own faulty assumptions and play a cruel mind game with you.

If someone can understand themselves, what use is a therapist? Nothing
They made me worse and traumatised me
tell me what happened. I am interested in stories like this. Anti-psychiatry movement is full of case reports like this. They need victims to keep the machine going.

truth was never their interest they just always wanted to make their patients APPEAR to be better but they’re not better they’ve become worse. As someone who’s been in psych wards they give you meds to numb out your mind and emotions so much that you can easily fake being happy like some sort of psychopath. Incredibly foidbrained thing to do and I hated all of it.
Its a market. Contrary to popular belief, markets do not have an incentive in solving customers problems or fulfilling desires/needs. On the contrary, their biggest incentive is to create problems to keep the customer coming back. There are non-drug related treatments for schizophrenia that work, these people actually heal from schizophrenia just through talk therapy, but they will never acknowledge that.
tell me what happened. I am interested in stories like this. Anti-psychiatry movement is full of case reports like this. They need victims to keep the machine going
I will tell you in DMs if that’s ok
Know thyself is law. If someone can’t even understand themselves what makes people think another person looking from the outside could understand? At best they could just make bullshit up about you from their own faulty assumptions and play a cruel mind game with you.

If someone can understand themselves, what use is a therapist? Nothing
:bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:
They try to sell you on THEIR view of reality, while trying to hide the fact that they are doing exactly that.
Especially CBT therapy is a big one when it comes to this. They act as if they have priviliged, esoteric knowledge and know what "the right views and values" are, and through a mix of coercion and manipulation they try to make the patient adopt these values. They never work with the patient, only against him. If the patient acquired sufficient self-reflective ability, he would become a fucking philosopher and immediately abandon the therapist, thus the clinician does everything in his power to stifle self-reflection in the patient.

Example, I told my social worker how I am reading up on the meme diagnoses they are giving me, like CPTSD. And she said, I shouldnt read professional literature on the subject, or I might harm myself. How so?
On the contrary, their biggest incentive is to create problems to keep the customer coming back. There are non-drug related treatments for schizophrenia that work, these people actually heal from schizophrenia just through talk therapy, but they will never acknowledge that.
Antipsychotics for schizophrenia will be seen as how we see lobotomy today. It’s brutal asf
I will tell you in DMs if that’s ok
Yes do so please. You can write as long as you want, I like reading long message actually. Idk how long it will take for me to reply, but max 1 day usually. Im about to go on night walk around lake :feelscomfy::feelscomfy::feelscomfy:
If the patient acquired sufficient self-reflective ability, he would become a fucking philosopher and immediately abandon the therapist, thus the clinician does everything in his power to stifle self-reflection in the patient.
It’s sad because the psychiatric system is designed to keep people in stagnation and especially when they’re at the most vulnerable points in their lives. People literally become droolers i’ve heard some people become so braindead they just stare in a trance and barely respond. I wish society it was more like a society of philosophers who wanted truth and untangled all the knots so to speak. World would be so much peaceful
I had to go to therapy before and it was completely useless.

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