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Blackpill The Most Underrated (Yet Obvious) Trait EVERY Chad has to have



May 15, 2018
Plain & Simple: Teeth

Chad smile

I dont see it discussed very often but I think it should be obvious to anyone: nice teeth are a must-have for an attractive smile and therefore making you look approachable and high trust.
JFL @ people coping by hiding their crooked snaggleteeth behind a wide grin on every picture they take, it is obvious for everyone that you are hiding something.

And I am not only talking about oral hygiene, Im talking GENETICS. Nice Teeth are:
  • Straigth
  • White
  • Big/Wide
  • (Very Important!) gapless

Bad teeth
Who would like to kiss that mouth? - - Disgusting

But if you count yourself to one of the unluckycels that have bad teeth and didnt get braces as a young teenager to fix it, it still might not be over for you:

Luckily there are ways to treat bad teeth, just google what Aligners are, these are basicly invisible braces and they are supposed to correct your teeth in a matter of 6-12 months depending on the case. (about 3,000$)
Veneers are a good way to cover up a bad tooth or multiple of them. ($500 - $2,000 per tooth)
If you are like me and have an underbite resulting in retruding teeth you are only left with getting jawsurgery and wearing braces months/years before the surgery can begin and probably even after that. (little research done, but id guess ~$10,000)

Good teeth make the difference of a guy that looks like he steals your lunchmoney and someone that looks like he steals your girl.
Tom cruise
I have subhuman teeth like a bunny. It's over.
My only redeeming feature thb
Clean my teeth on a regular basis, still have stupid buck teeth
Eww clean ur genetics pls
I'll clean them along with my short height soon, I'll also make sure to add attractive facial features
Because they're completely alterable traits that you can fix to attract femoids
Clean my teeth on a regular basis, still have stupid buck teeth
Buck teeth can be corrected with extraction and closing the gaps/pulling teeth back and closing the bit, this is usually done by braces, but if you have a jaw deformity then jaw surgery is an option too. But yeah braces will work for like 95% of cases.
I have subhuman teeth like a bunny. It's over.
same applies to your case then.
Alterations could apply to your face aswell, but a majority of incels can't afford to get alterations to their face due to high surgery costs
Chads can slay even without good teeth.
Dont you think men with braces in their mid 20s wont be taken seriously? (honest question)
well if it fixes your teeth in the long term I don't see how anyone would really care about that. Braces will usually only be on for 12-18months, unless you are me for example. I've had braces for many years now lmao :D although my teeth were in a horrible state before I had them.
I have an overbite and my canines are fairly pronounced, but it's not that bad.

I dislike braces and never wanted to use them.
My top two front teeth have calcium deposits on them which makes my teeth look dirty even thow overall I am lucky to have healthy teeth. I don't know how much this contributed to my lack of success. A few years ago one of these teeth got nocked out in a work acedent when I talked to my mom a few days latter she said too bad it wasn't both because of the calcium deposits. The Crown I have now looks better than the original tooth.
I exclusively get complimented on my teeth, people are always surprised when they find out I never had braces.

Still seen as a subhuman so it doesn't matter, Chad is a combination of all good traits, so having 1 good one ain't going to do shit.
literally never open my mouth except at the dentist

and when i talk my mouth isn't open enough to reveal my teeth so who gives a fuck

also who the fuck smiles like that? i mildly smirk and that's that
Im a smilecel. JFL when you can't even smile properly. I look like some kind of freakish chimp if I smile and show teeth.

Also I can't get over Tom Cruise having a tooth in the center of his mouth. Trace a line down from his nose and you will see.
The true Chad has perfect teeth, perfect hair, is 6'3" minimum, a square jaw, hunter eyes, perfect muscular symmetry, heavy stubble growth, deep voice - the whole package. Anyone who does't tick every box has got a genetic flaw and thus can't be Chad - Chadlite at best.

Genuine Chads are pretty rare. That's why every woman and gay guy want to fuck them.
If you are rotttenteethcel like me it's over
Well that’s one good feature I have...
Meh, my teeth are not the best. Teeth are one feature. As long as you have most of them you're gonna do okay. I worked with a legit Chad who was missing one of his front teeth from a fight. Dude still slayed as girls found him "tough" and "rugged".

Chad status is never about one single feature. But a combination of enough to boost you to that level.
My teeth are okay. They were better before but my gum disease ruined them.

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