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the most overrated game you've ever played?

Dr. Autismo

Dr. Autismo

Foid punchER
Dec 22, 2023
def half life 2 imo.

you have less weapons than in hl1 and most of them are just normal, regular weapons even though hl2 takes place 20 years after an advanced inter-dimensional alien empire conquers earth.
some of them like the smg, magnum, spas-12 and crossbow were literally, shamelessly copied and pasted from hl1!
hl1 actually had unique and advanced weapons for you to use like the hornet gun, tau cannon and gluon gun.
in fact, the tau cannon was going to be in hl2, but like with many cool shit, was cut from the final game.

and just to troll you even more, they even have the balls to not even give you any new or interesting weapons in episode 1 or 2, just the exact same shitty arsenal in the base game!
the only unique gun in the whole game is the gravity gun, and its more of a tool you use to solve puzzles.
and by solving puzzles, i mean picking up shit, carrying it around and putting it back down.
and yes, i know it gets supercharged at the end of the game and at the beginning of episode 1, but it goes back to normal and doesn't get supercharged in episode 2.

speaking of which, so much gameplay, enemies and story content was cut out from the final game, lots of it is really interesting and would have been a million times better than what we got.
the final story also has no real objective, its literally just go meet up with the guy and thats pretty much it.
everything you do in hl2 is just so you can meet up with eli vance, even in episodes 1 and 2.
and even then, he don't tell you anything useful, its just go meet up with the guy so other characters can progress the story.
i literally did not give a flying fuck that he got killed at the end of episode 2, which they retconned on hla because the writers are pussies who don't have the balls to kill off characters, and then move on and keep them dead.
in hl1, your objective constantly changes and makes sense for the story.
your main objective is not to die, the primary ones are to get to the surface to find help, survive the aliens and military, get to the lambda complex, and then enter xen to kill the nihilanth to close the portal to earth.

almost literally nothing in the story, aside from characters talking, walking and doing stuff, happens.
the chapter red letter day is literally an extended, interactive cutscene ffs!
i also fucking lol at gordon freeman being humanities saviour after hl1 for stopping the xen invasion of black mesa, even though that happend 20 years ago at a top secret science facility with only a handful of survivors.
it feels like the devs themselves became blind fucking fans of their own game and view gordon as their op mc!

so, yeah, thats pretty much it and i feel like this thread is long enough already.
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The Last Of Us, easily.... nothing more overrated than that game in gaming history...
The Witcher 3, The Last Of Us & Red Dead Redemption 2
The Last Of Us, easily....
Yeah, uncharted also and other Sony exclusives. Sony fanboys boosted their score into oblivion, but once you get to play them, they're just meh games.
explain why
It's kinda boring, so is the gameplay and it's pretty repetitive, the story is good, but again, that story has been told before a lot...idk.. everything about that game is overrated imo...
Yeah, uncharted also and other Sony exclusives. Sony fanboys boosted their score into oblivion, but once you get to play them, they're just meh games.
Now i disagree with that, i love the Uncharted series...but tlou really is overrated
Now i disagree with that, i love the Uncharted series...but tlou really is overrated
For me it's a reskin of previous generation of Tomb Raider games. While the last 3 games of Tomb Raider heavily copied Uncharted games.
Now i disagree with that, i love the Uncharted series...but tlou really is overrated
Heavy Rain was very good, while Beyond two souls was heavily overrated, both overhyped by Sony players.
For me it's a reskin of previous generation of Tomb Raider games. While the last 3 games of Tomb Raider heavily copied Uncharted games.
Well, you're not wrong... and yes the recent Tomb Raider games definitely copied Uncharted which in turn copied Tomb Raider, that's true...
Heavy Rain was very good, while Beyond two souls was heavily overrated, both overhyped by Sony players.
I think Beyond two souls was actually underrated, afair many ppl didn't like it that much...i did though, i like all games by Quantic Dream, my favourite being Heavy Rain and my second favourite being Fahrenheit
Notice all the most overrated games focus on story over gameplay.

Anyways good read. I haven't played half life 2 but this sounds miserable
Notice all the most overrated games focus on story over gameplay.

Anyways good read. I haven't played half life 2 but this sounds miserable
hl2 has less of a story than hl1, and its also one of those games where people constantly suck it off because of its graphics, "story" and physics engine, nothing more.
fanfags of hl2 praise it for defining the fps genre, but hl1 did that better than 2 did.
hl2 came out way back in 2004 and its less impressive than the medal of honour games that were coming out at that time.
doom 3 came out the same year and was more impressive then hl2 ffs!
hl2 has less of a story than hl1, and its also one of those games where people constantly suck it off because of its graphics, "story" and physics engine, nothing more.
fanfags of hl2 praise it for defining the fps genre, but hl1 did it better than 2 did.
hl2 came out way back in 2004 and its less impressive than the medal of honour games that were coming out at that time.
doom 3 came out the same year and was more impressive then hl2 ffs!
Doom 3 should've tried to be "revolutionary" and artistic. Then maybe it'd be remembered positively.
Resident Evil Village. can't point to anything exactly but it was just boring overall especially compared to Biohazard and didn't feel scary at all.
Grand Theft Auto 5
The story was mid, I didn't find any of the characters that interesting, the map was pretty boring and felt small, the character customization sucked, and the game didn't feel rewarding and it lacked the sense of progression and advancement that you had in the previous installments.

Overall, I still really liked the game, but I don't think it's nearly as good as it's made out to be.
The entire GTA franchise is shit
hl2 has less of a story than hl1, and its also one of those games where people constantly suck it off because of its graphics, "story" and physics engine, nothing more.
fanfags of hl2 praise it for defining the fps genre, but hl1 did that better than 2 did.
hl2 came out way back in 2004 and its less impressive than the medal of honour games that were coming out at that time.
doom 3 came out the same year and was more impressive then hl2 ffs!
different games my giga doin diff things well

both half life got a lot of cool weps and big enviornments, not cutsenes makin u feel in da game

hl1 got more da factory feel fighting indoorz n shit big compound lots of action
hl2 a little more on the narrative and outdoor european city type of stuff,

it overal different types of settings dey both b good in certain wayz i cant say one is aksually bettr. both good 4 their time only place it fell off was da episodes it felt like u just playing a short game and getting wepons to fast, i say dey shud have just wait for half life 3 rather den put together these very short gamez.
Idk, I play/buy barely new games.

I returned to Minecraft when I learned sprinting with ctrl instead of x (keyboard tile is dropping off)
Breath of the Wild. It's not a bad game, but i will always prefer the classic Zelda formula over this.
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Mother 3, Earthbound, Mother 1. Those games are so fucking overrated. The stories didn't impact me and the characters weren't super interesting. The closest thing I could compare them to that I have played are Mario & Luigi Dream Team and Paper Mario Sticker Star. Those, imo, are better than Mother as a whole. I guess I prefer a simpler story? IDK.
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Resident Evil Village. can't point to anything exactly but it was just boring overall especially compared to Biohazard and didn't feel scary at all.
Dude I'm not gonna let you shit on Resident Evil Village like that. I mean even from the first section of the game after the prologue, the giantess big titty dimitrescu and her daughters were just absolute kino. The Beneviento house was objectively horrifying.
That was one of the dumbest things I've read don't ever let me catch you saying some shit like that again.
Far Cry 3. Just about the most boring sandbox game imaginable with a "deep" story, one of the first games in my life that I dropped after couple of hours. And it sucks compared to Far Cry 1.
you have less weapons than in hl1 and most of them are just normal, regular weapons even though hl2 takes place 20 years after an advanced inter-dimensional alien empire conquers earth.
You can blame german hacker for that, he stole entire source code of the og hl2 and they had to remake game from scratch fuck that nazi fucker we could have a game with more fun guns than in current hl2
Elden Ring - way too bloated with repeated bosses, enemies and entire world being generated by algorithms, dlc is even worse

Forza Horizon 5 - it's not as good as the previous games, map was made by the algorithm just like ER

Dawn of War 3 - trying to appeal to Dow1, moba and Dow2 fans ended in disaster
Crysis 1 - honestly it's one of the most boring fps games i have ever played, idk why people like it, yeah it has cool physics but gameplay was dull just boring outposts x200 and then aliens, Warhead and 2 were way more fun

Brother in arms series - dreadful ai, bad shooting mechanics, worst hitboxes i have ever seen in video games, super large maps with nothing on them, it focuses too much on the story but not on the gameplay just play cod 1/2/3/waw/ww2 or hidden and dangerous 2 if you want a cool ww2 shooter

All Tango Gameworks games except Hi-fi rush - weapons (or powers) in all their games feel extremely weak, movement and gunplay are always bad, characters talk too much and Ghostwire city is extremely dull and full of pointless gimmicky mechanics and collectibles they definitely are better with a TPP melee combat than with FPS shooting/spellcasting mechanics

RDR2 - i expected a cool cowboy game but found only a white guilt, pro-immigration and feminist propaganda and not much of cowboying, TAA ruins the image so it's not even that pretty unless you play at 4k

Fallout 4 - while gunplay and map got improved from the NV everything else was worse than NV and even 3 way too many dumbed down mechanics and story that doesn't make much sense it's not a very memorable game i can't remember any companion or faction boss or even a single villain from the quests

Burnout Paradise/Remastered - Nowhere near as fun and chaotic as previous games, they completely butchered speed of the cars in one of the patches and it's the slowest and most boring Burnout game in the series, carefully created racing courses got replaced by boring and unimagitive point A to point B races with you racing to them with no predefined boundaries (no restart either JFL), streets have way less cars so you feel way too safe and can drive at full speed with no consequences most of the time however obstacles all around the map may make you crash or not it all depends on the rng some of them have hitbox and some does not nothing is consistent in this game, totalling car is way too easy now you just need to lightly tap a car and he will drive into a wall at 300km/h same can be done against your car you can't control your vehicle for many seconds and can't even use brakes what a shitty mechanics peak casualisation of the cool franchise. Beat it two times way back 2008 and now in 2024 and both times i was so bored and tired of playing it and removed it from my drive as soon as i saw credits rolling. I'm glad this IP is dead since Criterion also ruined NFS with their fake Most wanted game.
Resident Evil Village. can't point to anything exactly but it was just boring overall especially compared to Biohazard and didn't feel scary at all.
Yeah it's garbage same with 7, they wanted to satisfy both 4/5, OG RE and new fans and failed in every single way
Yeah it's garbage same with 7, they wanted to satisfy both 4/5, OG RE and new fans and failed in every single way
re7 was pretty much ripping off silent hill pt too and a bunch of other horror stuff.
Witcher 3 because niggas act like it is the best game ever made. It’s good but not THAT good.
re7 was pretty much ripping off silent hill pt too and a bunch of other horror stuff.
and that's why i hate it, silent hill and pt are both trash and redditards should kill themselves over wanting to preserve that PTurd :feelshaha: i'm glad it got cancelled keep crying and i hope their HDDs gets wiped out and not a single copy of that tech demo will still be there in playable state
and that's why i hate it, silent hill and pt are both trash and redditards should kill themselves over wanting to preserve that PTurd :feelshaha:
fags also praise sh2 like its one on the best games of all time, but hl2 is more overrated than sh2 though
  1. Red Dead Redemption - Missions were boring, follow this guy x100.
  2. Mass Effect 2 - Shit gameplay, story was good though.
  3. The last of us.
  4. Like a dragon Infinite Wealth - what a shit show of a game, shit side content & shit main story with a cucked ending. I needed to play Yakuza: LaD after that.
thats because it is
It's definitely not "overrated". It's anything but that. You can say that you don't like it, but calling it overrated is a disservice to one of the best games ever made.

It doesn't only have rich narrative with amazing story but also immersive gameplay. City 17 is one of the best settings in an FPS game. It is detailed, atmospheric and believably dystopian. It has a great variety of enemies and unique weapons (at the time of its release) like the gravity gun. Not to mention it had an immense and undeniable influence on the FPS genre and game design in general. It literally pioneered the gaming industry and set new standards for storytelling, physics (source engine was revolutionary at the time) etc... It influenced countless games that came after it.

Half Life 2 is anything but "overrated".
Cult of the lamb, it is a indie game. Pretty mid
It's definitely not "overrated". It's anything but that. You can say that you don't like it, but calling it overrated is a disservice to one of the best games ever made.
It doesn't only have rich narrative with amazing story but also immersive gameplay.
City 17 is one of the best settings in an FPS game. It is detailed, atmospheric and believably dystopian. It has a great variety of enemies and unique weapons (at the time of its release) like the gravity gun. Not to mention it had an immense and undeniable influence on the FPS genre and game design in general. It literally pioneered the gaming industry and set new standards for storytelling, physics (source engine was revolutionary at the time) etc... It influenced countless games that came after it.
Half Life 2 is anything but "overrated".
For someone who asks for explanation to everyone who share their list, your comments and explanations are very eloquent.

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