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Blackpill The most frustrating thing about this life is the illusion of having control - Free Will and Pre-Destiny exist in the same space



Apr 13, 2022
The most frustrating aspect of this life is the illusion of control, we think we had control but we never did, yet we actually do at the same time. Both are valid in the realm of reality. We believe we make our own choices which influence our outcomes, yet the way our world is engineered suggests otherwise. This dichotomy between free will and predestination is not a contradiction at all but a lethal coexistence, it tortures you with the illusion that you can change things or that you have control in your life yet in reality you are really stuck inside the high security maximum surveillance genetic prison. You can’t see those metal bars and prison guards which loom over your entire life everywhere you go but they ARE there.

Water is wet - Your life is determined by your genetics, environment and sequence of events, things that weren't in your control, but at the same time you still have a conscious decision that you make in every stage of your life, you can't say the boogyman did that for you, you MADE that decision out of your free will. You can't blame a particular external force for your choices, they are your choices and most of the times you consciously made that. However despite that, the motivations behind these decisions are influenced by prior events, indicating the coexistence of free will and predestiny.

It's not the media, (((them))) or any external entity deceiving us either, the mind was always been like this. We believe we have control because we can make free choices, despite those choices being influenced by our genetic makeup and life experiences. This duality suggests that while we can act according to our desires, our long-term path is predictable due to the pre-destiny nature of genetic determinism. Take this all on a bigger scale and apply it to our lives, after all - we exist in a civilisation with laws not isolated in a thick forest jungle. Our actions impact others, and their actions impact us, impairing absolute free will and absolute genetic determinism. As high or little as it may be. We didn't choose our genetics, environment, or the actions of others but you still do you.

What about luck? Although it is a minor occurrence, it must be accounted for and it doesn’t make any of this more complex, luck can be accommodated inside this model. Life cannot be predicted like a functional computer program or a basic statistical model, therefore there will be an element of luck in between events. Edge cases and outliers occur in life, but it only reiterates that things are out of our control. Both bad luck and good luck. “Bad” and “Good” luck being relative to your situation not necessarily having an overall god or bad situation. Luck doesn't follow any law and cannot be anticipated, and whilst it is observed at a minimal times, it reinforces the limits of our control hence can be attributed to pre-destiny, just because we can't predict or detect it doesn't mean it isn't an element of pre-destiny, understanding the nature of luck itself is a form of pre-destiny because you are accounting for the unknown - in both good and bad.

Therefore, by saying all this we don't truly have free will, but we do. Our conscious decisions are very real, even if they are influenced by predetermined factors they are still YOUR decisions, it may have forced your free will to be limited but you still had a choice, nobody forced you to pick something over another in those decisions. There are of course the glitters of luck that may be sprinkled throughout one's life.

Predestiny and free will are existing in the same space, and it makes our existence ever so much more frustrating.
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@Destroyed lonely @Moroccancel2-
therefore there will be an element of luck in between events.
I don't believe in luck because I believe in collective "will"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAeKylqj-Xg

If there is an "experience", it must be experienced, if it's not by you it's by someone else, but who is "someone else" if soulS don't exist and you ARE the experience? it's always "you"

I don't mean luck as in you roll a dice and get something you don't like, I mean as in saying things like "why am I me", "why do I have these genes", because the things you're trying to dissociate yourself from are exactly what makes you, you
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It's not the media, (((them))) or any external entity deceiving us either, the mind was always been like this. We believe we have control because we can make free choices, despite those choices being influenced by our genetic makeup and life experiences. This duality suggests that while we can act according to our desires, our long-term path is predictable due to the pre-destiny nature of genetic determinism.
Its just how we perceive our decisions. Free will is just another part of a system designed to make us do stuff. To make us chase women, money, power, anything that allows you to have a greater feeling of control. More access to these resources means greater power to shape your reality and delude yourself into thinking you have control of your destiny. And maybe that is delusion, but its also fulfillment. We were designed to want these things and what people call "self actualizing" is just the ability to feel in control of life.

Even religions have dealt with this issue, because regardless of whether there was a soul or not, it doesn't change anything in regards to the flow of time. An omniscient God will be able to perceive all possible futures and any actions he took to influence those he is fully aware of the outcome. Your "soul" isn't capable of that. It's not capable of doing or perceiving anything. You just have to trust that its there, and act accordingly. Christians would cope with this doctrine of predestination by trying to live life as true to God's word as possible, but ultimately it means nothing. They knew this, but they also knew that if you live a life of sin and refusal of God its guaranteed you will not be saved. And really that was the only guarantee in life. For most of us I don't think that would be a very satisfying answer, but if you were raised to believe in God since birth and thats what you were used to it probably wasn't as hard to accept that as it is for us.

And its not like we really have a better answer for how to live life. Ultimately neeting and LDAR isn't going to make you happy. Its just another way of distracting yourself and generally is too unsustainable to work long term. But there aren't really any better options, you are just extending your will to live as long as possible. You know death is coming, as it comes for us all, but for some reason its scarier knowing you will die alone with with no accomplishments and nobody to remember you. That is probably how we were designed as well, to fear a meaningless death, and is probably one of the more difficult parts of the blackpill to accept.
I believe in free will in the sense that I can choose to raise my right hand or my left.
The options presented are predetermined however.
As per Schopenhauer, there is very little, nay almost none that has free will. The ONLY instance of free-will is monk like renunciation of body and mind.
I don't believe in luck because I believe in collective "will"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAeKylqj-Xg

If there is an "experience", it must be experienced, if it's not by you it's by someone else, but who is "someone else" if soulS don't exist and you ARE the experience? it's always "you"

I don't mean luck as in you roll a dice and get something you don't like, I mean as in saying things like "why am I me", "why do I have these genes", because the things you're trying to dissociate yourself from are exactly what makes you, you

That's what I mean, it's always going to be there so technically "luck" isn't "luck" it's just another form of pre-determinism because someone HAS to experience the existence of the possible outcomes
free will is a myth and religion is a joke we are all pawns controlled by something great
You r free thats why youre lost
Some folks believe we have a "life script" and our lives and "destinies" are proscribed at birth, via our astrological patterns.

Pretty much all NDEs are similar that way.

"You have to go back and fulfill you're mission." (Spout some all is love and light & gods in control bullshit)

Yet no one considers just how shitty the majority of folks lives are! (Such as the poor of all races)
Some folks believe we have a "life script" and our lives and "destinies" are proscribed at birth, via our astrological patterns.

Pretty much all NDEs are similar that way.

"You have to go back and fulfill you're mission." (Spout some all is love and light & gods in control bullshit)

Yet no one considers just how shitty the majority of folks lives are! (Such as the poor of all races)
I want to bypass shitty NDEs. I'm pretty sure people can do this by opioid overdose. People who do that just report being in a void. Like some sort of deep sleep.
I want to bypass shitty NDEs. I'm pretty sure people can do this by opioid overdose. People who do that just report being in a void. Like some sort of deep sleep.
You should want to die as aware and in as much mental control as possible. Because otherwise you will be yanked around the astral realm like a dog on a short chain.

I recommend a cocaine od. That way you die with super confidence!
You should want to die as aware and in as much mental control as possible. Because otherwise you will be yanked around the astral realm like a dog on a short chain.

I recommend a cocaine od. That way you die with super confidence!
Dopaminergic drugs >>>>>>>>> serotonergic drugs
You should want to die as aware and in as much mental control as possible.
This is true. People who say new age garbage like "to let go" and "look to the light" are misleading asf. Mind and ego = everything
You should want to die as aware and in as much mental control as possible. Because otherwise you will be yanked around the astral realm like a dog on a short chain.

I recommend a cocaine od. That way you die with super confidence!
Have you had an NDE before? I always hear about theories surrounding the soul trap, and I'm curious if anyone has had an NDE that could prove this theory.
Have you had an NDE before? I always hear about theories surrounding the soul trap, and I'm curious if anyone has had an NDE that could prove this theory.
No, but ive seen very strange dreamworlds that I feel are very similar. However I always try to avoid whatever authorities there is...

Although its all subjective information, there's a lot of it and it seems to match up well enough.

Even Mr flat earth Eric dubey is now in the soul trap camp! The evidence is from many angles and times.
8 minutes

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92S5ZfL6vwo
No, but ive seen very strange dreamworlds that I feel are very similar. However I always try to avoid whatever authorities there is...

Although its all subjective information, there's a lot of it and it seems to match up well enough.

Even Mr flat earth Eric dubey is now in the soul trap camp! The evidence is from many angles and times.
8 minutes

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92S5ZfL6vwo

Interesting video, thank you for your response. It is an interesting thing to think about, but also absolutely terrifying if true.
Interesting video, thank you for your response. It is an interesting thing to think about, but also absolutely terrifying if true.
Yeah, it make flat earth boring AF. There are similar concepts throughout ancient history. I theorize thats just one reason there are regularly scheduled planetary disasters. To erase any information thats not carved in stone, and bury the stuff that is.
Some folks believe we have a "life script" and our lives and "destinies" are proscribed at birth, via our astrological patterns.

Pretty much all NDEs are similar that way.

"You have to go back and fulfill you're mission." (Spout some all is love and light & gods in control bullshit)

Yet no one considers just how shitty the majority of folks lives are! (Such as the poor of all races)
Most people's existence's are shitty, that's always been the standard, it's just different levels of shitty. Might make a thread about it soon
The most frustrating aspect of this life is the illusion of control, we think we had control but we never did, yet we actually do at the same time. Both are valid in the realm of reality. We believe we make our own choices which influence our outcomes, yet the way our world is engineered suggests otherwise. This dichotomy between free will and predestination is not a contradiction at all but a lethal coexistence, it tortures you with the illusion that you can change things or that you have control in your life yet in reality you are really stuck inside the high security maximum surveillance genetic prison. You can’t see those metal bars and prison guards which loom over your entire life everywhere you go but they ARE there.

Water is wet - Your life is determined by your genetics, environment and sequence of events, things that weren't in your control, but at the same time you still have a conscious decision that you make in every stage of your life, you can't say the boogyman did that for you, you MADE that decision out of your free will. You can't blame a particular external force for your choices, they are your choices and most of the times you consciously made that. However despite that, the motivations behind these decisions are influenced by prior events, indicating the coexistence of free will and predestiny.

It's not the media, (((them))) or any external entity deceiving us either, the mind was always been like this. We believe we have control because we can make free choices, despite those choices being influenced by our genetic makeup and life experiences. This duality suggests that while we can act according to our desires, our long-term path is predictable due to the pre-destiny nature of genetic determinism. Take this all on a bigger scale and apply it to our lives, after all - we exist in a civilisation with laws not isolated in a thick forest jungle. Our actions impact others, and their actions impact us, impairing absolute free will and absolute genetic determinism. As high or little as it may be. We didn't choose our genetics, environment, or the actions of others but you still do you.

What about luck? Although it is a minor occurrence, it must be accounted for and it doesn’t make any of this more complex, luck can be accommodated inside this model. Life cannot be predicted like a functional computer program or a basic statistical model, therefore there will be an element of luck in between events. Edge cases and outliers occur in life, but it only reiterates that things are out of our control. Both bad luck and good luck. “Bad” and “Good” luck being relative to your situation not necessarily having an overall god or bad situation. Luck doesn't follow any law and cannot be anticipated, and whilst it is observed at a minimal times, it reinforces the limits of our control hence can be attributed to pre-destiny, just because we can't predict or detect it doesn't mean it isn't an element of pre-destiny, understanding the nature of luck itself is a form of pre-destiny because you are accounting for the unknown - in both good and bad.

Therefore, by saying all this we don't truly have free will, but we do. Our conscious decisions are very real, even if they are influenced by predetermined factors they are still YOUR decisions, it may have forced your free will to be limited but you still had a choice, nobody forced you to pick something over another in those decisions. There are of course the glitters of luck that may be sprinkled throughout one's life.

Predestiny and free will are existing in the same space, and it makes our existence ever so much more frustrating.
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