Man I've seen videos like this before and I never get why a guy goes to confront some dude and then just stands there and does fucking nothing.
Like what did you think would happen? You're going to go accuse some guy of fucking your wife and stand there. What's he supposed to do? Run and cry and be scared or some shit?
Imagine standing there and being like, "Hey man you fucked my wife."
The guy is going to laugh at you because you're a bitch and not doing anything about it. If you didn't fuck his wife he'll think you're a cuck retard. If he did fuck your wife he'll think you're a total bitch.
If you're going to confront someone you'd better be prepared to fuck them up, otherwise you're going to stand there like a bitch.
I suppose maybe the soldier guy did plan on doing that but then realised he's four foot tall and the black guy would fuck him up.
But again why are you going to try and confront someone who could fuck you up?