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Blackpill The most brutal mogging event in history



Everything hurts and I'm dying
Aug 13, 2018
What do you think most brutal mogging event in history ? I think it's Spanish colonization of the Americas.

Imagine being a Indiancel at this time. You're living with your tribe,sacrifice virgins to your gods,spending a good time with hunting,sacrificing etc. You also don't have problem with getting a gf.

And this how you look like:

Fat,short,dark skin,brown eyes and of course small pe pee.But you don't have any issues because there is no competition. Your women don't go for another men.

And then something happens,a bunch of guys with a ship arrive the your island:

You never seen them before,these are men that your elders mentioned about. They are tall,fair skinned,strong body hair and more muscle mass. They also have fancy clothes,armors. They are way more developed than you,they riding animals named "horse" which you never seen before.

They fuck shit out of you because they are superior. Not only genetically but also way more intelligent.

And your women don't want to marry your manlet,fat and low T men anymore. All of them go for fair skinned tall men:

Everything is over for you. has it ever began? yes. but now it is over. You are no longer own your women. They go for fair skinned tall men and make mixed babies. It is over.
the rapes in that era are a myth all the women cucked their native men for the invader as usual
the rapes in that era are a myth all the women cucked their native men for the invader as usual
Of course. spaniards are way more good looking than indians. water is also wet
the rapes in that era are a myth all the women cucked their native men for the invader as usual
I wonder if this is actually true, wouldn't even surprise me at this point
When the extra terrestrial egyptians enslaved the jews and forced them to build the pyramids.
Low IQ. At least your username fits you.
cope tbh women no exceptions love the geneticly superior man (white in this case) why would they willingly stay with their ugly ethnic men? the rape part is just a attempt to demonize the europeans , women always go for the invader you cant deny that
The success of the Spaniards under Cortez was partly also because they had a local woman being a translator for them.

La Malinche (Spanish pronunciation: [la maˈlintʃe]; c. 1496 or c. 1501 – c. 1529), known also as Malinalli [maliˈnalːi], Malintzin [maˈlintsin] or Doña Marina [ˈdoɲa maˈɾina], was a Nahua woman from the Mexican Gulf Coast, who played a key role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, acting as an interpreter, advisor, and intermediary for the Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés.
The success of the Spaniards under Cortez was partly also because they had a local woman being a translator for them.

La Malinche (Spanish pronunciation: [la maˈlintʃe]; c. 1496 or c. 1501 – c. 1529), known also as Malinalli [maliˈnalːi], Malintzin [maˈlintsin] or Doña Marina [ˈdoɲa maˈɾina], was a Nahua woman from the Mexican Gulf Coast, who played a key role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, acting as an interpreter, advisor, and intermediary for the Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés.
lol yes of cours they had. she sure sucked off their dicks and fucked
lol yes of cours they had. she sure sucked off their dicks and fucked

She betrayed her entire ethnic race and empire for glimpse of white Chad's attention.
The most brutal moggings happen when white chads visit curryland
this too. but in the past,conquest of americas is more brutal
True whites conquerd the world and take all the women.

Makes you think
This shows how foids are heartless. no race,no morality

Spanish conquistadores were probably blackpilled about women as their women were sucking Moorish cocks for centuries. They lashed out their frustrations on the azteccels and incacels and cucked them even worse.

Conquest of the Americas was a cope for Spaniards because in Europe, they are brutally mogged by Nordic Germanics and are almost ethnic-tier.
Those women were raped by whites OP
True whites conquerd the world and take all the women.

Makes you think
You mean rape when you say "take" and last i checked they were enslaved by sandniggas
Spanish conquistadores were probably blackpilled about women as their women were sucking Moorish cocks for centuries. They lashed out their frustrations on the azteccels and incacels and cucked them even worse.

Conquest of the Americas was a cope for Spaniards because in Europe, they are brutally mogged by Nordic Germanics and are almost ethnic-tier.
Well you are very right. for centuries the muslims ruled over spain before they finally managed to defeat them. they were blackpilled
This amount of mogging should have been legal
Those women were raped by whites OP

You mean rape when you say "take" and last i checked they were enslaved by sandniggas
well rapes happened but they obviously went for white men voluntary
Well you are very right. for centuries the muslims ruled over spain before they finally managed to defeat them. they were blackpilled

And before that, the Chad Germanic Goths ruled over Romanic Spaniards. And the Romans ruled over Iberians before that. And the Phoenicians had their colonies there and what not. Spaniards are just a mix of different people who cucked the natives of the Iberian peninsula. They are ethnic-tier in Europe but still OP compared to mesoamericancels.
Conquest of Tasmania was another brutal mogging. The whites stole the women of native Tasmanian aboriginals and eradicated them completely. Tasmaniancels rebelled literally because they had barely any women left but got decimated by the whites. It was literally over for them.

No they were raped by whites. No one voluntarily went with them.
Gigacope if you dont believe they went for tall,handsome big pe pee men.
Gigacope if you dont believe they went for tall,handsome big pe pee men.
No evidence they went voluntarily but all evidence points they were raped. We go by evidence. Many ethnics thought whites were demons when they arrived. No one want to fuck a demon (except white women - they will fuck any strange creature)
Aryan invasion of India and Indoeuropeans in general.

First the Yamnaya mogged Neolitich Farmers then Corded Ware mogged Yamnaya. Those guys went in India and imposed their language, culture and religion on the Abo-tier natives. They imposed a caste system with them on top. Every Aryan invader had an harem of 20-30 native women whereas native men were enslaved and forced to work in mines, fields, etc...
I am sure this was literally what happened in Latin America.
The success of the Spaniards under Cortez was partly also because they had a local woman being a translator for them.

La Malinche (Spanish pronunciation: [la maˈlintʃe]; c. 1496 or c. 1501 – c. 1529), known also as Malinalli [maliˈnalːi], Malintzin [maˈlintsin] or Doña Marina [ˈdoɲa maˈɾina], was a Nahua woman from the Mexican Gulf Coast, who played a key role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, acting as an interpreter, advisor, and intermediary for the Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés.
so you telling me an ethnic whore took a major role in a genocide of their own just because she was fucking 16th century chads, thats quite unsettling after hearing all the feminist bullshit about how smarter they are and how better the world is without men

Many ethnics thought whites were demons when they arrived. No one want to fuck a demon
cope in every civilization having lighter skin was a sign of royalty as it meant they spent less to no time doing manual labor while exposed to the sun
cortez was seen as a GOD
lol at all the curries coping in this comment section
It might be the biggest story in history. It might be the biggest story in history. Along with the Portuguese ... incleses and French as well, besides the Dutch Jews later.
I think this fat native phenomenon is more lf a recent thing.
They were probably fit in the old times
100% I am sure the native foids were wet for conqueror dick. This was likely the greatest JBW game ever run.
so you telling me an ethnic whore took a major role in a genocide of their own just because she was fucking 16th century chads, thats quite unsettling after hearing all the feminist bullshit about how smarter they are and how better the world is without men

Mexicans even have a word malinchismo after her to describe a servile attitude to foreigners. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malinchism

I think she is universally despised in Mexican national memory, but there are some feminist interpretations which portray her positively because muh strong independent womyn LOL

Feminist interventions into the figure of Malinche began in 1960s. The work of Rosario Castellanos was particularly significant.[31] Her subsequent poem La Mallinche recast her not as a traitor but as a victim.[32] Mexican feminists defended Malinche as a woman caught between cultures, forced to make complex decisions, who ultimately served as a mother of a new race.

Woman literally can do no wrong these days. She can cause a genocide of her own people and destruction of her entire culture and she is still some sort of hero.

"forced to make complex decisions" LOL like which Spanish Chad cock she is going to suck that particular day. She was getting banged by every Rodrigo, Hernan and Francisco in Cortez' crew.
100% I am sure the native foids were wet for conqueror dick. This was likely the greatest JBW game ever run.
Yes of course. and see how many copers still denying it ? some people really coping hard
I think this fat native phenomenon is more lf a recent thing.
They were probably fit in the old times
Even if not fat,they have less muscle mass and short asf
Mexicans even have a word malinchismo after her to describe a servile attitude to foreigners. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malinchism

I think she is universally despised in Mexican national memory, but there are some feminist interpretations which portray her positively because muh strong independent womyn LOL

Feminist interventions into the figure of Malinche began in 1960s. The work of Rosario Castellanos was particularly significant.[31] Her subsequent poem La Mallinche recast her not as a traitor but as a victim.[32] Mexican feminists defended Malinche as a woman caught between cultures, forced to make complex decisions, who ultimately served as a mother of a new race.

Woman literally can do no wrong these days. She can cause a genocide of her own people and destruction of her entire culture and she is still some sort of hero.

"forced to make complex decisions" LOL like which Spanish Chad cock she is going to suck that particular day. She was getting banged by every Rodrigo, Hernan and Francisco in Cortez' crew.
Fucking whore tbh. God knows what are her grandchildren doing
Bumping this good thread so more people can see tbh
This is so true, all latino men are a walking example of JBW, JBW created me, it created my people, this mogging is still felt even today and will continue to be felt for all eternity.
This is so true, all latino men are a walking example of JBW, JBW created me, it created my people, this mogging is still felt even today and will continue to be felt for all eternity.
Yes. foids going for white dick created a whole new race. like hapas.
I think WW2 was mogging of the asian male and literal destruction of the germanic male because whilst asians and germans got blown to bits and white people literally cut our asian heads off and adorned their tanks with them(I don't know if they did this to germans) they just point at the nazis and say "LOOK THEY KILLED JEWS EVERYTHING WE DID WAS JUSTICE"(whilst making this up and being the biggest war criminals of all time....) and then they subsequently occupied our lands and mogged everyone for years and are still raping asian females on their "bases" to this day. OH yea not to mention that they literally tested the first atomic bomb WMD on asian people because white america saw us as less than human....... In germany it's a little more fucked up. The allies got in and mogged the entire system and did "De Nazification" AKA CASTRATION and their universe has been on the axis of cuck since then.
the rapes in that era are a myth all the women cucked their native men for the invader as usual

Rape does not exist in conquests.. sure they go down in history at rapists, but the women in unison, BY NATURE, spread their legs for their conquerors, lest they risk being killed.. they see high genetic quality and their pussies get wet. It’s all about them and their offsprings survival
the rapes in that era are a myth all the women cucked their native men for the invader as usual
It was prob fake rumor created by jealous butthurt indiancel males. JFL
The success of the Spaniards under Cortez was partly also because they had a local woman being a translator for them.

La Malinche (Spanish pronunciation: [la maˈlintʃe]; c. 1496 or c. 1501 – c. 1529), known also as Malinalli [maliˈnalːi], Malintzin [maˈlintsin] or Doña Marina [ˈdoɲa maˈɾina], was a Nahua woman from the Mexican Gulf Coast, who played a key role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, acting as an interpreter, advisor, and intermediary for the Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés.
Unbelievable, ethnic whores would actually participate in the genocide of her own people just for a taste of white cock. Disgusting.
Just don't be born, bro

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