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[Whitepill] The more you call yourself ugly, the uglier your future self will be



Oct 9, 2023
This isn’t me conventionally advising you to snort copium as compensation for your lack of sexual attraction; obviously and evidently, self-awareness is key, and although you are in full control of how YOUR way is determined by how you choose to spend your time, accepting that the majority of what lies ahead of you is entirely dictated by factors completely outside of your control will eventually set you free in the sense that you’re allowing yourself to be by lowering your expectations in life. Moreover, if you practice bluepilled habits of self-deception merely in an attempt to gaslight yourself into being delusional to cope with the pain of being an unlovable minuscule ballsack of deplorable shit stain like how IT cuckolds are predisposed to, then you will just be doing yourself a massive disfavor in return. Identify the issue, work around solving it if you are genetically and financially capable of doing so, or don’t. That’s really up to you.

That said, the more you continuously tell yourself “I’m ugly” and permeate that sort of negativity into your subconscious on a regular basis, the more you will be indeliberately turning your future self into an even uglier snob. Again, kudos for having self-awareness, you’re already ahead of the masses, and I’m not telling you to lie to yourself in lieu of embracement by falsely perceiving yourself as good-looking. I just genuinely can’t think of anything good coming out of constantly reminding yourself that you are ugly. The more you self-abandonedly remind yourself of that, the less shit you’ll be giving about yourself, and the less shit you give about yourself, consequently the uglier you will make of yourself. You’re going to gain weight by LDARing, accelerate balding by consuming ragefuel, deteriorate your mental health by consuming suifuel, completely give up on everything and “accomplish” less and less, and all in all, you will make your life go from bad to a worser hell.

That is, of course, if you allow it. After all, it is your choice.

You can’t magically save yourself like how fucking normies pretend that you can by weaponizing shit like therapy as this miraculous cure for all your problems in their fairyland of equality thanks to how they’ve been acquainted with and exposed to bluepilled media from a young age, but what you can do however, is prevent the fire from spreading. You didn’t ignite it but like it or not, it is your responsibility to deal with it.
I mean I agree from a metaphysical perspective however there's no point in deluding yourself either. This law of attraction type thinking can be dangerous and self destructive.
Sorry but I skim read this. From the title I think it was obvious the message.
So, looksmax. Well, I'm already doing that. Basic shit and planning more advanced shit. I'm still really fucking ugly, and if I had "I'm ugly" affirmations in my mirror every morning, it's not going to accelerate my aging or recess my maxilla further.
It's a losing battle and were on a ticking time bomb. Everybody will experience leaving their looks prime, what looksmaxers suppose you do is ascend before that eventually happens to you, and that's hard to disagree with, don't you think?
Escaping this mentality is something extremely difficult to do, as I'm sure you already know. Your post basically describes me and I've been in this limbo since high school. It's hard to bring yourself to care
It's a losing battle
This law of attraction type thinking can be dangerous and self destructive.
Like I said, it’s not “deluding” yourself. Deluding yourself will be telling yourself that looks don’t matter or that you’re beautiful when neither of them are impartially true. It’s not really a matter of scarcity or abundance (that won’t change anything) but what you should opt for is a scenario where instead of constantly telling yourself “I’m ugly and there’s nothing left to do” you should tell yourself “I’m ugly but not THAT ugly and I can do better” because EVEN if you’re not truly ugly (like the majority of the users on this forum :feelsclown:), the more you say it, the more it’s gonna become true and the more it’ll reinforce that side of you.

It's hard to bring yourself to care
I’m trying to gravitate towards whitepill as opposed to bluepill as best as I can, but applying yourself to something unironically DOES help to escape that mindset. It’s not an objective “solution” (there isn’t one), and it ain’t anything special (everyone does it, you’re not doing anything particularly unique or productive) but it can help you to escape, at least for a little bit.

It’s essentially what normies aim for. They don’t actively THINK about it and I’ve turned myself into a broken record repeating this: some things in consciousness are not good to contemplate and the fact that the quality of your life is mainly determined by physical features outside of your control is one of them. That’s essentially why a lot of philosophers and writers were deeply hated. They had the balls to tackle this and I don’t intend to ostentatiously make this community look more than what it is but the reason why WE DO it is purely because we have nothing to lose. When you have nothing to lose, the gloves go off and you’re not afraid to admit the truth, as painful as it may be.

Orwellcel said it best when he said:

“I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts, and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life.”

It’s a bit far-fetched and maybe a cringe comparison but it somewhat holds true. Not everyone can do this. More importantly, not everyone has the courage to do it. Most normies are playing their “keep grinding” game, they’re not gonna go through with this shit. No way. You really have to be a fucking failure for it.

Refer to these if you’re more interested:

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@MillionBashStream97 @PLA1092 is this schizo or am I onto something here? :feelswhere:
@MillionBashStream97 @PLA1092 is this schizo or am I onto something here? :feelswhere:
I fully admit that I rolled my eyes when I read the title.

But it's not a schizo post.

The only thing I want to point out, and this is particular to me, is that "I'm ugly" is not an insult, towards myself. It's very much a "academic" statement. Is just me pointing out a fact about myself.

And 99% of the time when I'm going off on being a mutt, and subhuman, It's real feelings mixed really well with irony.
I don't care about my race, any nigga that looks like me would be on this site, be them black or white...

And at the end of the day, nothing can be done about my face.

I will continue to mention it and talk about it here, because in a way, this site is my personal diary.
But in actual day to day life, I rarely if ever talk about it. It just is what it is.

I have way bigger and darker issues in my head.
I fully admit that I rolled my eyes when I read the title.

But it's not a schizo post.

The only thing I want to point out, and this is particular to me, is that "I'm ugly" is not an insult, towards myself. It's very much a "academic" statement. Is just me pointing out a fact about myself.
Worst part is, it’ll only get strengthened when you have instances of people calling you ugly one way or another and you fall right back to that rabbithole but again, I think the more you bring it up everyday, the more uncontrollable it will get. There are ways to improve your looks (surgery being the most viable one) but for the most part, you can’t change how you look like and that is true.

I have way bigger and darker issues in my head.

Fakecel if your one and only issue in life is being ugly.
@MillionBashStream97 @PLA1092 is this schizo or am I onto something here? :feelswhere:
I mean for most normal blackpilled uggos regardless of how you think you'll come to accept it eventually. So there might be an effect but IMO it's mostly minimal, as long as you don't turn into @Saysitsover you're probably good (relatively). :feelscomfy:
The title is what I used to think but it's not true

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