Hospitals are utter crap in Morocco, you need to be rich and have money in order to go to private hospitals which have better services. Food is oke and safety is generally good however there is crime in major cities like Casablanca and Rabat, you could get robbed by a teenager with a fucking sword on your neck. Electricity is good and the internet is even better than Europe.
Yeah but private hospitals don't cost the same as in the US.
With a decent salary you won't have a problem as you'd use affortable private hospitals, unless you have some rare genetic disease.
I live in Rabat and never suffered (nor most of my male friends) from the slightest crime, and i walk alone at night. It's not more dangerous than cities in the US or Europe. I'm not saying criminiality doesn't exist, but Rabat/Casablanca aren't more dangerous than Paris for MALES.
I must be subconsciously racist, because I fear something bad happening to me living in the middle of poor Muslims. What is the mainstream viewpoint on stealing from infidels? Aren't we considered lesser beings than Muslims?
Dude, again Morocco isn't Saudi Arabia. You seem to have twisted ideas about Morocco lol.
Watch some videos ... we have some cities like Marrakech full of tourists, lot of westerners and chinese workers also in Rabat/Casablanca, the only really bad experiences you'll read is about women being harassed.
People would either love you for being european/american, or don't give a shit, but you won't be harassed for that.
There is raaare occurences every 5 years where a jew is attacked, and 2 terrorist attacks in the last 12 years. Not any more dangerous than the USA or France or Germany for westerners.