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The lower classes of Europe are getting muttified

Explain why muthafucka. I already said I am low IQ so please explain in detail why.

How da fuck do you expect me to understand as if I am high IQ. mUthafucking bitch ass nigga
Reagan and Thatcher created that hellish economy where you can't buy a house or afford anything else basic. They created an economy where the poor always get poorer and the rich get richer and so on indefinitely. And consequently, corporations began to use migrants to get the pain of money, and so the great replacement began in search of profit and cheap stupid labor. All you see today is the fault of Reagan and Thatcher, who made it possible for the rich to get rich indefinitely, which made them stronger than the government.Racial mixing occurs because someone is lobbying for the import of another population. If someone is lobbying for it, it means that it is profitable for someone.
Arab countries would be wealthy to if it wasn't for the forever wars done by America. Arabs are not the same as other non-Whites.
Michael Jordan Lol GIF

Good one.
Name one thing that arabs have invented or are producing besides Ayran and Doner-Kebap.
Reagan and Thatcher created that hellish economy where you can't buy a house or afford anything else basic. They created an economy where the poor always get poorer and the rich get richer and so on indefinitely. And consequently, corporations began to use migrants to get the pain of money, and so the great replacement began in search of profit and cheap stupid labor. All you see today is the fault of Reagan and Thatcher, who made it possible for the rich to get rich indefinitely, which made them stronger than the government.Racial mixing occurs because someone is lobbying for the import of another population. If someone is lobbying for it, it means that it is profitable for someone.
It is necessary to tax corporations at 90% on profits and bring back state regulation of the economy, as it was in the 1940s-1960s.
Look at you Anglo . Your grandfathers bled and fought for this Jewdified world. So please fuck off
You are right. And we immediately voted (((Churchill))) out. We don't want it but our overlords are masters of emotional blackmail.
All Europe needs is war, especially Western Europe. But unfortunately for her, no one will fight with her, because Putin's army is a joke, and no one else could fight in Europe. So that there will be a slow rot.
Europe is basically doomed
It is necessary to tax corporations at 90% on profits and bring back state regulation of the economy, as it was in the 1940s-1960s.
Then fight for it with all you might
You are right. And we immediately voted (((Churchill))) out. We don't want it but our overlords are masters of emotional blackmail.
Thats why you are getting replaced with niggers and sandniggers.

Either you exterminate the Jews and your Norman overlords or you Anglos get exterminated and replaced. No other way. Bitch ass white nigga , fuck ur grandfathers, look what problems they caused you, may Allah curse them
Yup, seems to be happening.
The point was about the countries being rich, which would be the case, as you can see with Saudi arabia

>gif reactions

Female trait.
The only reason why saudi arabia has money is because they sell the oil that comes out of the ground. They have zero industry, research, tech, anything.
Even in Poland?
One of the Polishcels here would probably be better suited to answer that:feelshaha:, but it will be interesting to watch if the same pattern shows up in EE as well as the number of low-income migrants here rises:feelsthink:, since so far we've had the opposite situation to WE, with immigrants mostly being richer than locals.
This will become impossible eventually, because mutts who are becoming more and more every year, will vote left, turning the country into a shithole like their home country.

Remember kids:
Europe is wealthy because of Europeans.
Shitholes are shitholes because of Ethnics.
If you put Ethnics into Europe, Europe will turn into a shithole.
Normie retards can't comprehend this simple logic.
They bring the desert with them to green lands.

Road Trip Desert GIF by Jess

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This will become impossible eventually, because mutts who are becoming more and more every year, will vote left, turning the country into a shithole like their home country.

Remember kids:
Europe is wealthy because of Europeans.
Shitholes are shitholes because of Ethnics.
If you put Ethnics into Europe, Europe will turn into a shithole.
Normie retards can't comprehend this simple logic.
Nonsence :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: this is just nonsence and why you may ask? Because its those very same lower class whites that voted for the leftist parties and also policies that cause low birth rates amongst the natives and mass immigration.:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Before the mutts were born there were only whites and somebody had to push for the policies Europe has today, so exactly who was? Who voted for it? Who never resisted when the policies were been implemented?

Working class whites are already leftists through and through except the white men who end up with no partners.
Before the mutts were born there were only whites and somebody had to push for the policies Europe has today, so exactly who was? Who voted for it? Who never resisted when the policies were been implemented?
the jews duh.. without interference the working class would vote for right-wing populist movements or third positionist movements
the jews duh.. without interference the working class would vote for right-wing populist movements or third positionist movements
smh, my friend you are dreaming. White women and soys vote left ALWAYS. White women = 50% of the voter base and add in soys and simps and over 70% are voting left. Those days they called the left "labour". teh jews the jews thejews, what are you talking about? It was whites.This is the result when you allow white trash to vote and decide the future of the country
Nonsence :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: this is just nonsence and why you may ask? Because its those very same lower class whites that voted for the leftist parties and also policies that cause low birth rates amongst the natives and mass immigration.:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Before the mutts were born there were only whites and somebody had to push for the policies Europe has today, so exactly who was? Who voted for it? Who never resisted when the policies were been implemented?

Working class whites are already leftists through and through except the white men who end up with no partners.
Do you even live in the West? You seem to have no clue what's actually going on here ...
It's the rich who vote for leftist parties and pro-immigration, not the lower working class whites.
Take Munich for example, the richest city in Germany. It's also the city in which the leftist party Bündnis90/Die Grünen got the most votes.
The right wing party AfD gets more votes in the eastern states, because people there have less money.
Lower class whites tend to vote right wing, the rich tend to vote left wing and pro immirgration. That's how it is.
Do you even live in the West? You seem to have no clue what's actually going on here ...
It's the rich who vote for leftist parties and pro-immigration, not the lower working class whites.
Take Munich for example, the richest city in Germany. It's also the city in which the leftist party Bündnis90/Die Grünen got the most votes.
The right wing party AfD gets more votes in the eastern states, because people there have less money.
Lower class whites tend to vote right wing, the rich tend to vote left wing and pro immirgration. That's how it is.
Nonsence. The rich are few and the working class are many. If what you claim is true then the right should win every single election.

By the way the leftist greens win in nearly every big city so why is Münich any different? Bayern vote CSU not green
Nonsence. The rich are few and the working class are many. If what you claim is true then the right should win every single election.

By the way the leftist greens win in nearly every big city so why is Münich any different? Bayern vote CSU not green
You're talking in absolutes, which is absurd.
You cannot say "every single poor votes this and every single rich votes that". There are trends, and the trends are that the more money someone has the more he tends to vote left wing. (I consider the CDU/CSU as left wing)
You're talking in absolutes, which is absurd.
You cannot say "every single poor votes this and every single rich votes that". There are trends, and the trends are that the more money someone has the more he tends to vote left wing. (I consider the CDU/CSU as left wing)
In that case then so be it, the rich whites want the lower class to be mutts then. Eventually it will also reach them :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: All whites will become mutts
You're talking in absolutes, which is absurd.
You cannot say "every single poor votes this and every single rich votes that". There are trends, and the trends are that the more money someone has the more he tends to vote left wing. (I consider the CDU/CSU as left wing)
The new European :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: @DarkStar

smh, my friend you are dreaming. White women and soys vote left ALWAYS. White women = 50% of the voter base and add in soys and simps and over 70% are voting left. Those days they called the left "labour". teh jews the jews thejews, what are you talking about? It was whites.This is the result when you allow white trash to vote and decide the future of the country
it's the race traitors too, yeah, but it isn't necessarily the working class
Remember kids:
Europe is wealthy because of Europeans.
Shitholes are shitholes because of Ethnics.
If you put Ethnics into Europe, Europe will turn into a shithole.
Normie retards can't comprehend this simple logic.

I am a socialist and I agree with this

Even labor rights were created by whites, so
It's not because I'm South American, but I imagine a wave of European immigration like at the beginning of the last century due to Europeans escaping their countries turned into shitholes, that would be very good for me, for them to come to my country because there is space and it has a good number of whites already
It's not because I'm South American, but I imagine a wave of European immigration like at the beginning of the last century due to Europeans escaping their countries turned into shitholes, that would be very good for me, for them to come to my country because there is space and it has a good number of whites already
Europeans dont exist anymore they not breeding. In the most populous country of Germany there are only 200K white births a year the rest are all ethnic births
Europeans dont exist anymore they not breeding. In the most populous country of Germany there are only 200K white births a year the rest are all ethnic births
Let the few white people who survive come to South America.

Let's whitewash the continent

We have Amerindians but at least we have very few niggers (also amerindians are better)

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