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Based "The Lion King" : A Based & Blackpilled Analysis

BabyFuck McGirlsex

BabyFuck McGirlsex

Sep 23, 2019
MUFASA : he represents the male sex - the epitome of power, order and leadership. He is high IQ and high Test.

SCAR : he represents the foid roastie sex. The brood of poisonous vipers who are lowlives living on tutorial mode. Scar(foids) cannot out muscle Mufasa (Men) but just like a weasel, scar (foids) uses guile("equal rights") and treachery(suffrage) to usurp Mufasa's (mens) God given right to exclusively rule civilization

Hyenas : these represent the various social ills (feminists, trannys, soyboys, cucks, pronoun obsessed whores, landwhales, e.t.c ) that were introduced by Scar (foids) after they tricked & killed Mufasa (Men) such that he relinquished his social, political & economic power. After the death of Mufasa(symbolizing the death of a sane, rational MALE system of governance) these hyenas(feminists, trannys, soyboys, cucks, pronoun obsessed whores, landwhales, e.t.c ) run amok and destroy the PrideLands (Modern civilization) .

Nala : she represents the NAWALT unicorn. Nala is a virgin teen loli jb waifu who hasnt been brainwashed by Scar (foids) to have the Hyena mindset (whoredom, cock carousel riding, chad cum guzzling e.t.c). Nala(NAWALT unicorn) is Simbas (Modern men's) looksmatch.

Simba : he represents the new generation of men. Initially Simba(current generation men) is bluepilled as FUCK and is deceived by Scar (foids) that he must runaway from his responsibility. He foolishly listens to Scar(foids) & goes and dabbles in various copes (Hakuna Matata, eating snails & slugs instead of hunting big game). A great epiphany hits Simba (Current gen men) after he gets a vision of Mufasa(ancient men living in a male led civilization) and he realizes that Scar(foids) is the Devil incarnate and has been lying all this time. He then becomes based and blackpilled and kills Scar(foid rule) and gets rid of the nefarious Hyenas (feminists, trannys, soyboys, cucks, pronoun obsessed whores, landwhales, e.t.c ) and reinstates the rightful rulership of PrideRock (PATRIARCHY)

  • Why this Story is Important in the INCELDOM discourse

Why has disney rehashed this story again? After making it in 1994, why did they remake it again in 2019? Its because this story sells. Its because its an esoteric story of a just, god ordained rulership (PATRIARCHY as exemplified by Simba) triumphing over a unnatural rulership(Female rule as exemplified by Scar). A return to a full blown PATRIARCHY effectively ends most if not all of inceldom.

  • Core Lessons from the story for Inceldom grand wizards

Men should stop being bluepilled & rise up & cut out that feminine cancerous rot that is threatening to sink this civilization to oblivion.
What the fuck?
And what does Rafikki represent?
Based All hail the man who shall not be named !

Sigma, include me in the screencap
Hot and original take, I like it.
Based All hail the man who shall not be named !

Sigma, include me in the screencap
Fuck sigma - i hate how people cant enjoy themselves in here without looking over their shoulders for Brazilian Cuckma smh jfl
Hot and original take, I like it.
Its the magic of no nut november - things are looking clearer and clearer now that i dont jerkoff - if i spend 2 more weeks on no nut im afraid i might develop clairvoyance or mental telepathy tbh
Fuck sigma - i hate how people cant enjoy themselves in here without looking over their shoulders for Brazilian Cuckma smh jfl

Eh, why would you be concerned about CuckTears?

I don't know why, I still haven't been featured on CuckTears after over a year here.
Eh, why would you be concerned about CuckTears?

I don't know why, I still haven't been featured on CuckTears after over a year here.
I think being featured on IT just means youve posted some low IQ stuff that those cucks can make fun of
I think being featured on IT just means youve posted some low IQ stuff that those cucks can make fun of

I think the Pareto principle applies to IT posts as well, pretty sure that 20% of all incels.co posters account for 80% of all incels.co posts appearing on IT.

They have it out for @wizardcel and @Napoleon de Geso
I think I never watched that movie but I don't know
I think the Pareto principle applies to IT posts as well, pretty sure that 20% of all incels.co posters account for 80% of all incels.co posts appearing on IT.

They have it out for @wizardcel and @Napoleon de Geso
Based and 80/20pilled
Maybe @Napoleon de Geso or @wizardcel is Bazilian Cuckma? Think about it. Its 100 % obvious that BrazilianCuck is a truecel who copes by posting on IT. Maybe he is here among us?
I think I never watched that movie but I don't know
The 1994 adaptation is better than the 2019 one tbh. Watch that one instead.
Based and 80/20pilled
Maybe @Napoleon de Geso or @wizardcel is Bazilian Cuckma? Think about it. Its 100 % obvious that BrazilianCuck is a truecel who copes by posting on IT. Maybe he is here among us?

The 1994 adaptation is better than the 2019 one tbh. Watch that one instead.
IT degenerates serve roasties, and hate lolipilled men of culture
IT degenerates serve roasties, and hate lolipilled men of culture
Based and LolitaPilled

IT wants all sub8 men to date
  • 35+ year old used up roastie cum dumpsters
  • Mentally ill tranny's
  • Prostitutes
  • Mobidly obese Landwhales
Fuck IT. Napoleon de Geso keep posting based and blackpilled posts until all males become cultured Suave Supreme Gentlemen who are lolipilled
Based and LolitaPilled

IT wants all sub8 men to date
  • 35+ year old used up roastie cum dumpsters
  • Mentally ill tranny's
  • Prostitutes
  • Mobidly obese Landwhales
Fuck IT. Napoleon de Geso keep posting based and blackpilled posts until all males become cultured Suave Supreme Gentlemen who are lolipilled
Cute mentally ill non-tranny virgin loli I could try. But majority of them just crazy sluts
Cute mentally ill non-tranny virgin loli I could try. But majority of them just crazy sluts

I cant wait for geneticist sciencecels to be able to clone foids and sell them to men as mindless fuckdolls.

Imagine buying a virgin loli 10/10 stacy clone for $20 and fucking her. After youre done you can discard it and buy another virgin loli fuckdoll clone and fuck her again. Every time you fuck you will be fucking a virgin.

Pure lolimaxxed utopia tbh

I cant wait for geneticist sciencecels to be able to clone foids and sell them to men as mindless fuckdolls.

Imagine buying a virgin loli 10/10 stacy clone for $20 and fucking her. After youre done you can discard it and buy another virgin loli fuckdoll clone and fuck her again. Every time you fuck you will be fucking a virgin.

Pure lolimaxxed utopia tbh
I want more advanced, with good personalities. To be supreme friends-cute, always young, faithfull, loyal, loving, and devoted to master senpai
There are so many high IQ people in this group. Lets all band together and use our Chess Grandmaster teir IQ's collectively to develop a genetic biotechnology based solution to inceldom.

We should develop a method of taking a cute jb loli virgin and making 1000's of replica anatomically correct flesh and blood copies of her and giving a copy (or two) to every incel in the world. Inceldom solved - by science.
I want more advanced, with good personalities. To be supreme friends-cute, always young, faithfull, loyal, loving, and devoted to master senpai
There are so many high IQ people in this group. Lets all band together and use our Chess Grandmaster teir IQ's collectively to develop a genetic biotechnology based solution to inceldom.

We should develop a method of taking a cute jb loli virgin and making 1000's of replica anatomically correct flesh and blood copies of her and giving a copy (or two) to every incel in the world. Inceldom solved - by science.

We (as in humans, not just us) don't have the tech nor the resources

It would be crazy expensive to just make one
If you are a feminist, you are part of the problem
It would be crazy expensive to just make one

IIRC, it cost science over $300,000 dollars just to make a hamburger patty from cloned meat grown in a lab. A test tube Stacy would cost billions.
We (as in humans, not just us) don't have the tech nor the resources

It would be crazy expensive to just make one
I would like to agree to disagree with you my based and blackpilled brother

If normies can put a man on the moon and clone a sheep - they can surely clone a foid! Just look at the simple requirements
  • DNA fragment containing desired genes
  • Restriction enzymes & ligase enzymes
  • Vectors
  • Host cell where recombinant DNA can replicate
Human cloning is possible and has been secretly done by the government in Area 51 e.t.c The biggest thing holding back human clones is cucks and their anti-cloning legislation that prevents Supreme Gentlemen from making their own cultured loli clones
Wait so who is the bird that guides young Simba in life (mufasas right hand man), and what about timon and pumba??
IIRC, it cost science over $300,000 dollars just to make a hamburger patty from cloned meat grown in a lab. A test tube Stacy would cost billions.
If we setup a "gofund me" account and ask everyone in inceldom, mgtow and the manosphere to donate at least $10 - we could offset a large chunk of the costs
Ngl, this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read on this forum. Hollywood would not dare to publish any criticism of rampant feminism and degeneracy, obfuscated/dogwhilsted or otherwise.
Wait so who is the bird that guides young Simba in life (mufasas right hand man), and what about timon and pumba??
You raise some very pertinent questions

  • Zazu (Mufasa's winged advisor)
This character is the personification of the Blackpilled community - the antithesis of the bluepilled doctrine. Zazu drops some massive Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpilled facts to Simba (modern man) and helps him extricate himself from the bluepilled delusion. He also gave Mufasa some choice blackpilled advice and prevented him from being a cucked ruler

  • Timon & Pumba(generic soy bluepillers)
The most frustrating and incredulous morons. Timon and Pumba represent the bluepillers. They have the bluepilled doctrine of "Hakuna Matata" (no worries! Everything will be alright!). That is folly! Its an emasculated motto tbh ngl.

If femoids push feminism which threatens to collapse civilization - they take no action and say "Hakuna Matata"

If femoids start teaching "the joys of anal sex" to 5year old kids in school - they take no action and say "Hakuna Matata"

Timon and pumba are also a representation of jestermaxxed low tier normies who actively spread bluepilled rhetoric. They bluepilled Simba(modern men) and almost prevented him from his destiny of ruling PrideRock(civilization)
Ngl, this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read on this forum.
When a low IQ cretin reads the works of Nietzsche - he will declare them to be "dumb", will he not?
@SchrodingersDick made a great thread about Scar being a GigaChad - i wonder what he thinks about this thread

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Scar is technically a lion Chad due to his dark mane
Irl he'd be getting prime lion pussy
Came here to read about The Lion King's Archetypes-in-action-literature-movies for the millionth time, instead got a well worded shitpost.

Juden Peterson is the go-to-guy if you care about Archetype theory. Imo Disney just makes all the heroes good looking Chads and the villains ugly people.

Disney's Aladdin's* (*Not the Will Smith abortion) Jaffar- Sensedep (especially when that narrow skull wore that head weight on his head)


Abis Mal from Aladdin = Bagel Guy

Scar is technically a lion Chad due to his dark mane
Irl he'd be getting prime lion pussy
Nope. I just googled the pics for both representations of Scar in the 1994 original and 2019 remake - he is definitely an incel. He has no wife - no kids, no roastie lioness whores to fuck.

You shouldnt look at his appearance in a vacuum- look at him in comparison to the protagonist's . Incomparison to Mufasa and Simba : scar looks subhuman. Mufasa is gigachad, simba is chad
He had a stroke and can't move one side of his body.
Fuck man, I saw the thread and knew he was in care, but didn't know it was that bad.
Someone should post on his YT and tell him our prayers are with the little guy
Fuck man, I saw the thread and knew he was in care, but didn't know it was that bad.
Someone should post on his YT and tell him our prayers are with the little guy
St. Bagelcel is a real hero - he stood up to the feminist garbage and told the whores in their face that they are a bunch of eugenics obsessed cunts only caring about facial bone structure.

Hope Bagelcel gets well soon and someone should send him a box of chocolate bagels in hospital
Top fucking KEK.
FaceAndLms would make a good Rafiki - a blackpilled oracle

St. Bagelcel is a real hero - he stood up to the feminist garbage and told the whores in their face that they are a bunch of eugenics obsessed cunts only caring about facial bone structure.

Hope Bagelcel gets well soon and someone should send him a box of chocolate bagels in hospital
Any longislandcels here?
Lold hard quality thread
Yeah! incels.co is full of High IQ Supreme Gentlemen and its important to always create quality content :feelsgah: :feelsgah: :feelsgah:
Any longislandcels here?
Im sure there are - maybe some have even anonymously visited him. Maybe there is even a medicalcel who works in the hospital where bagelcel is

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