* Signed up for pretty much every dating website possible including christian mingle (despite being an atheist) and a dating site for asexuals. I message all girls regardless of how horrible they look, and pursue them until they reject me... putting in decent work to write good messages tailored to them. I've been rejected by the most horrific looking women imaginable, girls that I literally get nauseous thinking about. Some of them (back in the day) did meet me for a date but after seeing how awkward and socially retarded I was, ghosted me.
* Approached 120 girls in real life, on the street, mall, beach, clubs, and bars. Rejected by all. No numbers, pretty much no conversation ever, almost all complete ignores of me... even if I'm standing right next to them obviously talking directly to them.
* Working out 4-9 hrs a week for 6+ years
* Sunscreen + Moisturizer + Cleanser every day to keep my ugly face looking... maybe slightly less ugly
* Programmed image recognition based tinder automator, that would close pop-ups and auto-swipe forever and would send the first message. The 1 in a 5,000 girls that matched me would ghost me immediately despite being completely atrocious land whale. What I really automated was rejection... so now after all my hard work, I could feel the sting of thousands of rejections rather than hundreds... yay for me.
* Pursued girls sometimes for years, who showed the slightest interest in me at work. Never got date, rejected always.
* Photoshoped photos used for tinder, no results... still too ugly
* Built fake profile of girl back when myspace was big too understand how an average girl felt... they all get spammed by hundreds of dudes constantly... as you all already know. Carried on a conversation with guys for months to get in the mindset to understand how foids feel...
* Went to church for years and years, even though I'm an atheist to try to meet a nice christian girl... no results... only the most ugly weird creepy guys at those churches would ever talk to me. Even got some good looking people, to pray that I could find a girlfriend... if god is real, he doesn't give a .... about me.
* Did Mewing for years, bone smashing, no-fap for years, meditation for years, switched to raw meat to help build muscle faster, chewing on dog toy for years to build jaw muscles and muscles on my face... literally reduced to dog status... no foids gained.
* Back when I was teenager, I had acne, so I would cut out my pimples with a knife to get rid of them... obviously stupid... but had no friends to tell me otherwise.
* Lived in Japan for several years... no results.
* Spent approximately 500 hours completing a police interrogation micro-expression training course online, to spot micro-expressions to help cure my lack of social skills, still considered awkward AF... but now can notice the signs of disgust on foids in extreme clarity and detail.
* Spend thousands of hours consuming pretty much all dating advice, and pickup advice, Ross-Jeffries, RSD, David-D, Gun-Witch, etc.
* Listen to self made affirmations while at the gym, about how I'm good with women... but it's a lie...