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Serious The "just share an interest with women bro" meme feels like a punch in the gut

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
Seriously, of all the memes that give false hope to retards, I think this is the worst one. When people shower, gymcel, brush their teeth, whatever, they generally aren't doing it because they enjoy it. I don't spend hours upon hours of my life showering because I love standing on tiles and having water fall on me, I do it so nobody can smell my ball sweat. I don't brush my teeth because I want to get good at it and make my teeth as satisfyingly white as possible, I do it so they don't fall out. When I go on walks and runs and occasionally force myself to so calisthenics it's not because I want to do it at all, physical exertion makes me want to lie down and rot, I do it so I don't become a total lardass.

When the bluepill comes to copes, however, it's really really painful. Imagine you're reading cucktears to laugh at the comments just after tabbing out of a video game that takes a few hundred hours to master and has a dedicated modding community that you could discuss and joke about with another person for hours. You've spent thousands of hours on it. It's the only thing that keeps you sane in between wagecucking with no positive reinforcement whatsoever and rotting with no positive reinforcement forever.

I've been on reddit before and asked the cucks for advice on my situation while I was wagecucking just to see their responses, when I told them that I lied about my interests at work because I would have defaulted to what they really were the cucks went "wow you should talk about that people love when you're extra knowledgeable and passionate on that shit" JFL. Now I'm not saying I am defined by it because that is degenerate and bugmannish (although I'm arguably just a failed bugman), but it is basically one of the only things that brings me joy and pretty much all of my fondest memories since puberty have been me playing it. I don't think it's eaten my time because I literally have autism and my peers left me to rot from an early age, there is nothing else I could have done.

Sometimes I look at the social media of foids whose amateur pornography I masturbate to and they play shitty casualised sims-esque renditions of what I enjoy (same genre, same company that has a monopoly on the genre and milks retards) so I don't doubt there are femorrhoids who would spend some of their time like I do.

There should be a non negligible amount of women out there who would want to spend time around me and maybe develop attraction to me doing things we enjoyed together, IF the bluepill was true. Just imagining that I could get a partner who enjoys the same shitty copes as me is a nice thought because I already have the cope half to imagine it with, but it's instantly revealed to be a fantasy once the curtains of just world brainlet bluepill faggotry are pulled back and the glaring reality that this would never happen because I look like shit because of my bones is revealed. It's not a matter of hygiene and showering cucktears, the shape of my face is fucked, my eyes look like they have bags under them no matter what I do, my cheekbones are weak, I'm 5'7 (which according to studies, if you actually read them smegma you lazy brown sack of fetid monkey shit, limits your dating pool to about half of all women right off the bat).

FUUUUUUCK holy shit seriously I wish to god every bluepill cuck who pollutes the internet with painful memes and fantasies like this (guaranteed it literally never happens to them and they get pussy through paying single mothers who don't give a shit about anything they do or say) loses his fingers in a freak accident so he can't lie through his keyboard anymore. I want to see them tell me to find a woman I have something in common with to have her establish a bond with me using their fucking cuck knuckle stumps. I can understand someone who yells at me, who pushes me into the ground, who insults me and who exploits me far better than I can understand the behaviour of someone who lies to me over the internet for upvotes, and people naturally have a tendency to hate what they can't understand a whole lot more than they would otherwise. I want to see virtue signalling faggot bluepiller soys, trannies and landwhales wasting their time on reddit hung upside down from the rafters of CBD buildings while the public flings rocks at their fucking heads.

Furthermore, reality is actually the opposite of this bluepill. Foids will spend a great deal of effort pretending to be interested in what Chad likes and even take up his autistic hobbies in a half-hearted, womanish sort of way so he ravages her pussy. I was at the periphery of the "nerdy" group in high school and saw this happen all the time with this tall prettyboy, the resident femorrhoids clamouring for his attention could not resist aping his behaviour and interests in an attempt to get attention from him. Life is a fucking scam if you aren't Chad.
You wouldn’t be a nerd that plays video games if you had genetically gifted talents and had positive social interactions. I was dog shit at every sport I tried and failed to learn guitar. I was always the social outcast and then half way through middle school I developed chronic illness.

Do normies really think I’d be laying in bed watching old movies and playing video games if I had any other option? Society made me into a loner, I didn’t choose to be one.
Seriously, of all the memes that give false hope to retards, I think this is the worst one. When people shower, gymcel, brush their teeth, whatever, they generally aren't doing it because they enjoy it. I don't spend hours upon hours of my life showering because I love standing on tiles and having water fall on me, I do it so nobody can smell my ball sweat. I don't brush my teeth because I want to get good at it and make my teeth as satisfyingly white as possible, I do it so they don't fall out. When I go on walks and runs and occasionally force myself to so calisthenics it's not because I want to do it at all, physical exertion makes me want to lie down and rot, I do it so I don't become a total lardass.

When the bluepill comes to copes, however, it's really really painful. Imagine you're reading cucktears to laugh at the comments just after tabbing out of a video game that takes a few hundred hours to master and has a dedicated modding community that you could discuss and joke about with another person for hours. You've spent thousands of hours on it. It's the only thing that keeps you sane in between wagecucking with no positive reinforcement whatsoever and rotting with no positive reinforcement forever.

I've been on reddit before and asked the cucks for advice on my situation while I was wagecucking just to see their responses, when I told them that I lied about my interests at work because I would have defaulted to what they really were the cucks went "wow you should talk about that people love when you're extra knowledgeable and passionate on that shit" JFL. Now I'm not saying I am defined by it because that is degenerate and bugmannish (although I'm arguably just a failed bugman), but it is basically one of the only things that brings me joy and pretty much all of my fondest memories since puberty have been me playing it. I don't think it's eaten my time because I literally have autism and my peers left me to rot from an early age, there is nothing else I could have done.

Sometimes I look at the social media of foids whose amateur pornography I masturbate to and they play shitty casualised sims-esque renditions of what I enjoy (same genre, same company that has a monopoly on the genre and milks retards) so I don't doubt there are femorrhoids who would spend some of their time like I do.

There should be a non negligible amount of women out there who would want to spend time around me and maybe develop attraction to me doing things we enjoyed together, IF the bluepill was true. Just imagining that I could get a partner who enjoys the same shitty copes as me is a nice thought because I already have the cope half to imagine it with, but it's instantly revealed to be a fantasy once the curtains of just world brainlet bluepill faggotry are pulled back and the glaring reality that this would never happen because I look like shit because of my bones is revealed. It's not a matter of hygiene and showering cucktears, the shape of my face is fucked, my eyes look like they have bags under them no matter what I do, my cheekbones are weak, I'm 5'7 (which according to studies, if you actually read them smegma you lazy brown sack of fetid monkey shit, limits your dating pool to about half of all women right off the bat).

FUUUUUUCK holy shit seriously I wish to god every bluepill cuck who pollutes the internet with painful memes and fantasies like this (guaranteed it literally never happens to them and they get pussy through paying single mothers who don't give a shit about anything they do or say) loses his fingers in a freak accident so he can't lie through his keyboard anymore. I want to see them tell me to find a woman I have something in common with to have her establish a bond with me using their fucking cuck knuckle stumps. I can understand someone who yells at me, who pushes me into the ground, who insults me and who exploits me far better than I can understand the behaviour of someone who lies to me over the internet for upvotes, and people naturally have a tendency to hate what they can't understand a whole lot more than they would otherwise. I want to see virtue signalling faggot bluepiller soys, trannies and landwhales wasting their time on reddit hung upside down from the rafters of CBD buildings while the public flings rocks at their fucking heads.

Furthermore, reality is actually the opposite of this bluepill. Foids will spend a great deal of effort pretending to be interested in what Chad likes and even take up his autistic hobbies in a half-hearted, womanish sort of way so he ravages her pussy. I was at the periphery of the "nerdy" group in high school and saw this happen all the time with this tall prettyboy, the resident femorrhoids clamouring for his attention could not resist aping his behaviour and interests in an attempt to get attention from him. Life is a fucking scam if you aren't Chad.

Women seeing chads don't even do hobbies. They just go to his place and fuck.

Hobbies are how they cope for not being with chad.
They just go to his place and fuck.
Women don't actually do the dirty work and approach a man themselves, they give IOIs such laughing to his jokes, touching him but they don't approach.
I always enjoy reading your threads bro, keep it up
Women have no hobbies
It's pretty fucking gay though, women are interested in retarded shows like paradise hotel, makeup and gossiping about each other as they sip wine with their other friends while not each other's immediate company. Cucks might as well be suggesting to inject estrogen into your bloodstream if that's what they want you to integrate into. Even if you do find the far and few between ebin tradthot that's not like those other girls that shares your autistic interests and likes you, she wont like you because she has those interests in common with you but rather because she finds you attractive and happened to have used that platform to bond with you. And since that's the standard, consider how many males that also have that same autistic interest as you that mog you where the male to female ratio is higher than 10:1 assuming she only dates within that pool of autistic retards for god knows what reason. I've seen foids go for males that are completely unskilled at whatever hobby they have in common because they're good looking many times
Having things in common is one of the things that matter the least when it comes to sexual attraction. If sex was about having things in common most people would be gay.

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