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Blackpill The incel-normie alliance is essential.



May 18, 2023
First of all, I would like to enlighten you on the common situation of many married normies who end up losing their minds when they see their world destroyed:


We live in a time when most men have not fucked, nor will they fuck. In the most advanced countries, up to a rate of 60% of men without sex is reported. Authentic virgins and statistically, a good part of them normies or failed normies who in most cases do not differ from you in sexual access; not only intrasexual competition has become fierce, but also, those who access the sexual market only have the objective of being cuck providers that, statistically, they will end up being cucked, or divorced. In countries like Spain, Portugal or even the United States, as you know, the marriage-divorce rate is around 50 to 90%; that is, 1/2 marriages will end in divorce and in the most extreme cases, 9/10 marriages will end in divorce, and as you well know, The majority of divorces are requested by women, a constant that remains in every advanced country, no matter which one: women benefit from divorce and it is the ultimate form of cuckdom.

Lots of fags here, to no one's surprise, They are zoomers who love the larp of being incels: normie teenagers and university students who enjoy the knowledge of the blackpill while waiting to access the job market to become the cucks that they criticize so much here constantly. They come here to release the most inflamed and empty speeches and then be banned from the forum or they abandon it because they have found a whole to fuck. Many of these normie larpers are just looksfags infiltrators, that is what they are and will be. Thus, the incelosphere It's generally a vicious cycle of larpers and fags who are on standby while they get a pussy.

The alliance between truly incels and normies is the best long-term strategy. Unlike many normies following WheatWaffles and understanding the blackpill only as a route of what they should or can do to improve their chances in the sexual market, These are not really blackpilled, and only focus on the scientific blackpill: a compilation of foids wishlists, but they are not fully blackpilled, because they do not understand the diabolical and antisocial nature of the foids. They don't understand that the ultimate blackpill is the domination of foids over society and men. They don't understand that if tomorrow chads or tyrones gets them pregnant, day after tomorrow will be supported by the State, that is, the majority of normie taxpayers and the foids, apart from getting the genes from Chad or Tyrone, will also receive financial compensation.

The incel-normie alliance is the best long-term objective because in the hierarchy made by the foids, Both are based on the scale of interests that foids have in men: or unfuckable labor that will be the ones that sustain the NEETmaxxing of many women, those who join armies, police, and industrial and highly exploitable labor, and then, the normies who agree to marriage and are exploited and their property and much of their work stolen. Both the incel and the normie agree in their condition of not being genuinely attractive to a woman, that is to say, If the incel is of no value to a foid and considered a subhuman, the normie is only considered an ATM which sooner or later will be replaced by a divorcerape or, it will be used in the long term to support Chad's/Tyrone's children.

Some of you will say: "well, screw the normies, they knew what they were doing"; delayed and retarded thinking, because unlike you autistic normielarpers and incels who have suffered a lot, You did not understand your suffering until time had passed, and blackpill, despite being a knowledge that has been perceived since early childhood, It is not fully understood knowledge until studies and research are carried out and the data are related to what is observable.

Therefore, the alliance, I repeat, between incels and normies must occur under the honesty of its components and under an authentic blackpill evangelization, instead of separating the common struggle into authentic fratricidal wars, because deep down, the problem with normies is not so much the normie who requires time to understand, but rather the larper who calls himself an incel or trucel and then is just a lying normie who laughs everyone of us.

If the redpill is a cope - and it is - in its solutions, so is the scientific blackpill if it is not ultimately understood that the ultimate reason for man's oppression will end at the same moment in which the foids lose their freedom and are domesticated and enslaved; easily accessible under the sale and strict monogamy for the distribution of pussies.

The alliance between normie and incels is the only way and the inevitable in the medium term, when Western societies collapse due to their importation of immigrants, their lack of children and a lack of sociosexual morality.

Spread the blackpill among normies; purge larpers faggots
Dnr, death to normies.
No alliance between sex havers and incels, sex havers deserve to be killed like foids.
Hopefully all of them died
No alliance between sex havers and incels, sex havers deserve to be killed like foids.
The moment a normie gets sex he becomes a foid worshipping whiteknight and will blame himself for all of his previous years of sexlessness because of some kind of stockholm syndrome
Dnr, death to normies.
No, fool. That's impossible. The normiedome and the desperation of the normies along with spreading the blackpill among them is what has caused and will cause the awakening of more forceful ideologies of male domination.
The moment a normie gets sex he becomes a foid worshipping whiteknight and will blame himself for all of his previous years of sexlessness because of some kind of stockholm syndrome
The normie does not understand beyond what his parents and his immediate environment have taught him based on social control platitudes. Every man has lived under the same false premises: work, be a good person, and you will have a foid who will love you and support you like a mother in a kind of Oedipus complex.

Man has been deceived by a discourse forged by foids to enslave men and give them false hopes while they do not understand the bars that lock him in his misery.
An ideology needs only three to five percent of the population to upstage the standing social order. It can easily accrue that many men from among the sexless. Therefore, you don't need to accommodate for normies, unless you're gay for them, in which case you're not an incel.
Yes. The purity spiral and gatekeeping are the ultimate tools of feds
Death to all sentient beings that are not me
The moment a normie gets sex he becomes a foid worshipping whiteknight and will blame himself for all of his previous years of sexlessness because of some kind of stockholm syndrome
Those memes where they say "All my hatred leaving my body after being hugged by a girl" are true. All these years of beliefs will disappear when you ascend. Everyone thinks they'll be different, that they'll still fully believe the blackpill, but they won't, because they can't.
You can't be blackpilled without being an incel
An ideology needs only three to five percent of the population to upstage the standing social order. It can easily accrue that many men from among the sexless. Therefore, you don't need to accommodate for normies, unless you're gay for them, in which case you're not an incel.
I absolutely do not agree. No revolution has had its successes without the alliance of the most popular and suffering strata.

Of course you need to accommodate the normie, because for practical purposes, the normie is still a sexless man who will only be able to access the sexual market deceived by his economic possibilities.

Even more so, when a good majority of men (statistically, the majority of them, normies and failed normies) They remain virgins until they are 30 years old.

Those memes where they say "All my hatred leaving my body after being hugged by a girl" are true. All these years of beliefs will disappear when you ascend. Everyone thinks they'll be different, that they'll still fully believe the blackpill, but they won't, because they can't.
You can't be blackpilled without being an incel
No, that's false. Do you think you will have your ascension and then be part of the vast majority of divorced men? If you really could rise, you were never an incel, just a failed normie, just a teen larpers or a college student waiting for his chance, that's what you are.

The ultimate blackpill is to understand that your inceldom is subject to the freedom that men grant foids to have autonomy and make decisions; and that it is women who surreptitiously control society and the sexual market.
I read it all and none of it could apply in the real world because "incels" isn't a centralised group, even if you spread the blackpill it will not form a centralised group because the blackpill was always there unconsciously just interpreted differently, normies won't suddenly change their mind because they are conscious about it. Furthermore there can't be any alliance forming between "incels" and "normies" when you yourself admitted that there is a huge grey area in between them (aka the larpers, the dry spellers, the divorcees etc)

Besides EVEN IF theoretically it was a centralised group and alliances were able to be formed I would have zero net gain at the end. I don't give a fuck about all that shit. We need gene therapy and gene editing so future populations don't have to be cockroaches anymore (mainly curries).
@Moroccancel2- Pains me to say so but you think too good and too seriously for this world. Nothing will ever change and this will just remain an edgy cyber space :feelsUgh:
Those memes where they say "All my hatred leaving my body after being hugged by a girl" are true. All these years of beliefs will disappear when you ascend. Everyone thinks they'll be different, that they'll still fully believe the blackpill, but they won't, because they can't.
You can't be blackpilled without being an incel
Nature has set the bar for being satisfied by female attention in male's brain EXTREMELY low and foid's inhibition towards sub5 men very very high, this is why I believe if you have female "friends" or a non-family pre-menopause female even SPEAKS to you about anything that's not part of her/your job, you can't be a real incel (while knowing how you look like, anonymous online conversations don't count), you think a foid will EVER say "nice weather today" to a sub5 man?
normies won't suddenly change their mind because they are conscious about it
The TikTok-ification of blackpill showed that all it leads to is even more lookism and even more blatant hatred towards ugly men and even more simping and chad worship, normies don't react to blackpill the same way we do, they have a Nietzschean spirit (optimistic acceptance towards brutality) because of lack of enough trauma, they will not hate women even if blackpilled
I read it all and none of it could apply in the real world because "incels" isn't a centralised group, even if you spread the blackpill it will not form a centralised group because the blackpill was always there unconsciously just interpreted differently, normies won't suddenly change their mind because they are conscious about it. Furthermore there can't be any alliance forming between "incels" and "normies" when you yourself admitted that there is a huge grey area in between them (aka the larpers, the dry spellers, the divorcees etc)

Besides EVEN IF theoretically it was a centralised group and alliances were able to be formed I would have zero net gain at the end. I don't give a fuck about all that shit. We need gene therapy and gene editing so future populations don't have to be cockroaches anymore (mainly curries).
Thank you for reading. This way we can have a good debate to differentiate ourselves from the retarded ones here.

Correct. Incels are not a centralized group, because logically, what kind of person would want to associate themselves under such a shameful title? Even more so in countries where calling yourself an incel is synonymous with genocidal-babyeater-satan.However, this does not stop the big problem of Internet anonymity: It seems that the majority of self-proclaimed incels are just larpers. In the case of many low-tier normies who do not want to be enslaved by the consequences of social female dominance, We find the MGTOW, which is still the centrality where the analytical redpill converges (the behavior of the foids, and not the cope) and the blackpill. Therefore, the blackpill as an analytical element must be extended as far as possible.

Regarding eugenics, I consider it just another step to cuckdom and to the definitive submission of man to what is expected of him by the foids:

@Moroccancel2- Pains me to say so but you think too good and too seriously for this world. Nothing will ever change and this will just remain an edgy cyber space :feelsUgh:
Yes I know. But many times creating these posts helps me to organize my thoughts and leave them saved in this forum, more than convincing a majority of infiltrated larpers and ITfags.
I agree. We may not like normies, but those who are not outright hostile to us, like the bragging zoomers, and had bad experience with foids, could be useful allies in accelerating the gender war
I step over what exists
The TikTok-ification of blackpill showed that all it leads to is even more lookism and even more blatant hatred towards ugly men and even more simping and chad worship, normies don't react to blackpill the same way we do, they have a Nietzschean spirit (optimistic acceptance towards brutality) because of lack of enough trauma, they will not hate women even if blackpilled
Social networks have had this component of lookism before the expansion of blackpill itself on social networks. Intra and intersexual competition has been there and there has been no difference in the behavior of the foids in benefiting from their looks nor that of men competing to show who is the most Chad of them all.

What you forget, either because of your age, or because you haven't been inside the manosphere enough, from those who defend mensrights to pure analytical redpill (which is practically a part of blackpill scientific analysis) is that the expansion of the blackpill or the analytical redpill among normies has created, precisely, That fewer men even attempt to follow the traditional path of marriage and children. The normie understands that it is dangerous to get married, the normie understands that there is great risk in getting married, and the normie understands the danger of having children in a gynocentric society.

The difference lies in the time of expansion, consolidation and ideological solidity, rather than the fact of saying that there have been no changes at all and that the normie is an NPC without criteria.

When it is said that one hates women, the truth is that one hates her freedom of action and thought, because logically, hating her is hating that she does not choose you, me, us, incels. And if it chooses you, it will choose you to extract your life, becoming a disease that takes life from you.
I agree. We may not like normies, but those who are not outright hostile to us, like the bragging zoomers, and had bad experience with foids, could be useful allies in accelerating the gender war
Dnr, Total Normie Death
you forget, either because of your age, or because you haven't been inside the manosphere enough
And you haven't been around irl normies enough to realize they don't give a fuck about any of this autistic shit, most men know deep down they're ugly af and have 0 real smv but biological desperation still makes them optimistic, if they think they have the tiniest chance of getting pussy they'll work towards it
And you haven't been around irl normies enough to realize they don't give a fuck about any of this autistic shit, most men know deep down they're ugly af and have 0 real smv but biological desperation still makes them optimistic, if they think they have the tiniest chance of getting pussy they'll work towards it
Honestly, I still don't agree, apart from assuming facts that you haven't delved into enough.

Most men, that is, normies, of course they understand that there are men more handsome than them, the difference is that normies believe, under an early ideological influence, usually instilled by their mothers and other foids in gaslight, is that they must work, save money, have a home and be good people to get a foid. This attitude of courtly love had its impact in times past.domof female freedom was restricted, but what remains to this day because the foids seek to instill and instill in the normies is that what is not sexual attraction is consensual prostitution.
d Within the normiedom, and among the MGTOW and redpill analysts, what has been understood is that despite this, either the man goes monkmaxx either avoids the legal process of marriage and other characteristics why the normie should not be tamed by a foid and not lose your resources.

The difference between the analysis you do and the one I do is not understanding the social drift by which Western countries are getting closer to the Japanese model of isolation and not so much the fact that normies access the sexual market but to the fact that more and more men cannot even access it, precisely because of a common problem between incels and normies: women's freedom.
transhumanism is the only solution. It's male nature to be foid worshipping cucks.
I don't give a single fuck, let it all burn
Based vid but i disagree on our alliance it wont be possible theyre all pussy wiped cucks
No. Fuck normies. Total normiedeath.

Normies, even when they know the truth, side against it. They always do this when they have a choice. You'll never see a normie drop his gf after learning that she's just a divorce egg that hasn't hatched yet. He'll chase the bluepill dream in spite of it, and he'll stab every blackpilled back he sees along the way.

You can't forgive the unrepentant. It's like taking back a gf who cheated on you. She'll just do it again. The future doesn't seem to be one where numbers beat excellence anyway. The few have always ruled over the many, we don't need to ally with normiescum, we need to rule over them with an iron fist. In Super Mario Galaxy.
The number of truecels (as in people who are hopeless and can't ascend no matter what) is relatively small. That's who this forum is for. Most men aren't truecels and will betabuxx for some used up post wall toilet in their lives. I've seen charts showcasing male virginity rising but they're also having sex for the first times at a later age in other data I've seen. So past a certain point, male virginity still remains a minority and true KHHV status permavirgins are an exception to the norm.
Normie created this system thier suffering is there fault
did read, agreed with most of it, high iq post

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