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Brutal The “I see women with ugly men all the time!” Anecdote is actually proof of the blackpill, not the other way around



Hard being a truecel in a fakecel nigger’s world
Jan 7, 2024
You’ll notice that it’s almost always a foid making this argument, even normie men (who say some pretty stupid shit) tend to stray away from this one.

That’s because, as it has been proven in the past, foids rate around 80% of all men as ugly or below average, whereas men see no more than 20-30% of women as below average or ugly, which is a much more realistic/expected number.

When a foid tells you that she sees ugly men with gfs all the time, keep in mind that anything below an 8/10 is ugly to her. This “ugly man” in question is likely a 5-7/10, which means that he’s at the very least just average looking, and without a doubt easily mogs everyone on this forum (or at least everyone who deserves to be here)

When a foid talks to you about an ugly man, the “ugly” man in question is definitely at least 50% better looking than you in every single way. If she’s amazed that a man so much better than you could get laid, then there’s no hope for you.
Water is wet I guess.
Got told my post is water. Killing myself as we speak:feelsbadman:
It's water, but you have found the words to clearly define this phenomenon, It is something that many of us perceive but can hardly express. So I thank you for the effort for the brocel post.

The foids really, as they always say, do not consider most men to be men but only those they consider sexually attractive.

That's why mothers treat their children like malleable stuffed animals and treat men outside of their social environment with a hypocritical respect that they will never give you.
There is also a semantic issue, when you say "I know ugly men with women" what you imply is the eccentricity, exception, absurdity of this couple.
Implying that the normal thing would be for ugly men not to have a chance
You’ll notice that it’s almost always a foid making this argument, even normie men (who say some pretty stupid shit) tend to stray away from this one.

That’s because, as it has been proven in the past, foids rate around 80% of all men as ugly or below average, whereas men see no more than 20-30% of women as below average or ugly, which is a much more realistic/expected number.

When a foid tells you that she sees ugly men with gfs all the time, keep in mind that anything below an 8/10 is ugly to her. This “ugly man” in question is likely a 5-7/10, which means that he’s at the very least just average looking, and without a doubt easily mogs everyone on this forum (or at least everyone who deserves to be here)

When a foid talks to you about an ugly man, the “ugly” man in question is definitely at least 50% better looking than you in every single way. If she’s amazed that a man so much better than you could get laid, then there’s no hope for you.
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Its true. Also you constantly see couples in which its 100% clear without a doubt, that the woman is with the man because of his status and his wealth. Saying that women "don't care about looks" is bullshit, what the sentence is missing is "as long as the guy compensates with money and/or status"

And its actually very dehumanizing to be chosen only because you have money and wealth, so it doesn't disprove anything. If anything it proves that LOOKS have a value, and the said value can even be measured in money. If a woman is only willing to associate with you because you make 5k a month as a betabuxxer, but she'd fuck a Chad for free, it essentially means that the Chad's looks alone are worth over 5k a month.
There is also a semantic issue, when you say "I know ugly men with women" what you imply is the eccentricity, exception, absurdity of this couple.
Implying that the normal thing would be for ugly men not to have a chance
strong post. so many people fail to understand this logic

what foids call "ugly" is really just average
Also ambiguity is womank and goyciety bread and butter, unquantifiable things like "vibes", "ick factor", "personality" and even looks and the steps to improooove it are much easier to use as ammunition then saying "Yes inkwell you are unattractive, no inkwell I doubt your quality of life will ever be on par with an average man now or in your 40s now go wageslave and shut up"

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