RealestFakecel said:
20$ an hour, in a full time job would be almost 50K $, in saigon, a first world salary, in saigon.
also i dont know where you get that i paid the third part of my patcheck and where you get that i work 40 hours a week honestly, if the only work you can get here in western is mcdonalds i just lol at you.
and actually here in spain a good meal and a movie ticket cost arround 15-20 euros so......
yes honestly, if you can get girls by your looks you are the opposite of an incel.
and also spain 3rd most visited country in the world but HEY, no one wants to go there.
$20 an hour easy to get anywhere in Thailand/Vietnam just teaching English. No one's earning $50k though because no one works 40 hours a week there as no one wants to be stood in a classroom 8 hours a frickin day when the sun is shining outside. Plus there's holidays etc. The calculation I gave you (i.e. $1600 a month) would be accurate enough for a guy taking it easy.
I 'get' that you paid part of your paycheck in taxes because every western wagecuck has to pay taxes. These taxes primarily go on supporting roasties and children. You have this irrational obsession with girls in Asia using you for betabux (which aint true), but yet you're actually being a betabux yourself by paying taxes, and aren't even getting the typical benefits of sex out of it.
I don't care about your muh nationalism bullshit. OK sure buddy, Spain is the greatest country on the planet, whatever you say. Don't know why you're shilling it so hard. I'll just repeat again - very few girls in Asia will care about your passport anyway, let alone a Spanish one. Just because there's a lot of (mainly western) people go for a 2 week holiday to Ibiza doesn't mean every Asian girl wants to live there. Honestly, I've never heard anyone in Asia say they want to live in Spain. Not fricking one.